here's my response to your diss
tip for cecil
2 жыл бұрын
we run highstreet paranormal
2 жыл бұрын
2 жыл бұрын
Cecil has no shame
2 жыл бұрын
Cecil you Crack me up
2 жыл бұрын
c love
2 жыл бұрын
cecils music
2 жыл бұрын
not buying it
2 жыл бұрын
you owe this to the people
2 жыл бұрын
disturbing hs paranoid tv
2 жыл бұрын
canoeing this day
2 жыл бұрын
arm the homeless
2 жыл бұрын
let's erect a billboard
2 жыл бұрын
I'm moving to covington
2 жыл бұрын
@kurtsteven6228 24 минут бұрын
G3X is one of my EDCs and I personally think it’s a great one. Especially for the money.
He claimed the woman screen shot the private video they we on which is abit weird and adds more questions than answers. I cant understand how his partner had no problem with this which he claimed but Cecil isnt very good with the truth. Maybe his partner was heart broken with the situation. Her having no problem and telling him to go along with it doesnt make alot of sense.
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP Сағат бұрын
She was absolutely devastated.
@@orderofmagnitude-TPATP yea i would think so
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
He can't get good groups because of that 10ib trigger as you will shake due to squeezing it so hard. I know what this felt like as i had a cheap xbow that had that trigger weight. It's not fit for purpose. Dangerous really
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
Cecil tells everyone he is a recovered addict....
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
Cecil logic is something to behold
Cecil will only look at sccy cpx 2 review videos that talk positive on the product. I seen more video reviews calling out the problem than positive reviews. Some reviewers wont even cover a cpx 2 in a budget review because the competion in a simular price bracket or a little more money are much better and worth spending a little more. If frame cracking is to be added to the other problems, that doesnt seem a very attractive option. Yes the company doesnt have the history and a start up company can make mistakes. A company with history, knows at this point how to make a good product and it has to in order to survive. HK and Clock have history in law enforcement and military which means the have to be good I think with Cecil there is a certain amount of dishonesty because, he will praise it because he has it. if he gets rid of it and buys something else, there is a big chance further down the line he will say the cpx sucked and always did and he never said it was good and delete the videos he made that praised it and denigh he ever praised it
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
Cecils reality is far from his narratives
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 сағат бұрын
Correction Shredder the girl screen shot his one eyed Minion while in private chat, for what reason the Minion was out the basement, i don't know?....might have decided to go solo and seek fame elsewhere, another thing isn't Hedy married to someone else?, you can understand why Cyril calls lie's because he's put out 5 variations of every excuse and story he's told.
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
Yea she's married to a convicted predator that she paid or still pays 20bux a week for lawyer fees to get him off the hook. Seems she has a type
@MuninnTheRaven170 26 минут бұрын
@@orderofmagnitude-TPATP yes i remember Cyril saying that's enough information and Hedy didn't say anymore, he later said it was her relation the money was for....if you turned this saga in to a book it'd be thicker than War and Peace
@liveyourdreammedia 6 сағат бұрын
yeah man, the lust ya know. if the parents don't care, he might as well fall for the lust, right??? right????
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
This..... Watch him deny he ever said such things. "MuH eDiTeD!!" No Cecil You know exactly what is what
@hopesfall8079 7 сағат бұрын
Dude Cecil is honestly fucked up. He can’t keep his lies straight
@mastershredder8738 7 сағат бұрын
Tru dat
@Imokanurnot 8 сағат бұрын
Shredder - now, I'm not one to go bossin' people around, but that title!! This makes him my grandbaby by default. Please, for God's sake - the next time you get THAT mad at me (and you must've been AWFULLY mad) - take the time and drive down here to see me, walk up, then haul back & slap me square in the face (that would be a LOT less painful, and MUCH more humane) - I'd even pay for the fuel!! Just sayin'. 😢😭
@mastershredder8738 7 сағат бұрын
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 2 сағат бұрын
Damn!!! Revelations
@MuninnTheRaven170 Күн бұрын
🤣🤣 i just read the title, i think your exonerated Shredder, Cecil's goof of the day and Raxx similarity no10....he said he didn't send a picture of his meat acorn to a person...the person screen shot his bean instead, erm??? 😯😯🤣🤣 i'm lost for word's...he's actually made it sound worse...
@mastershredder8738 23 сағат бұрын
Yes! So many coincidences it's crazy
@MuninnTheRaven170 Күн бұрын
There's alot of similarities, both convinced they are a over looked musical star, both have tried to get into communities like Creek Squad and Jugalo's, both change their identities in tandem with their music preference,...both have made threats with pew pews on platform's, both convinced their life is in danger, both think the height of honesty is in the number of subs...both go on false flagging missions, there are more and more but Raxx out the two has had it far tougher, but his rant's from what i've seen have come to haunt him.
That was a prime example of Cecil not doing any research before he opens his mouth and ends up slandering people, then delete a video to prevent him having to set the record straight and hope we wont notice. He has to talk before he prepares what he wants to say and then get salty when we point it out.
@MuninnTheRaven170 Күн бұрын
Now and again i watch a You tuber who covers Raxx and others and i didn't see this video raxxology
@mastershredder8738 Күн бұрын
Exactly 💯 💯 💯
I mean he calls us all stupid and then does a video on his cheap cctv telling us all how it works that most of us already know and then doxes his address at least twice in two days. If Cecil is smart, i would prefer to stay stupid, what can i say, it works for me lol
@stateofdisorder1 2 күн бұрын
His gun range etiquette makes me cringe. He always lays his weapon facing the left. You ALWAYS face it down range 🤦‍♀️ . Cecil, my niece groups better than that. Just because you hit the paper it doesn’t count 😂 you want all those shots to go in a tight grouping, preferably in the main body mass.
@stateofdisorder1 2 күн бұрын
Oh, his last one is even better. According to his ghost box session, 2Pac didn’t die from being shot…… I guess it was just all those phantom holes that popped out of nowhere 🙄🙄
@IrishBev 2 күн бұрын
But don't you know Cecil is gonna make it big someday 😂😅😂😅
Thats a very good point actually about protecting your family. Cecil does the opposite to that by doxing him address and talking so much about his family who clearly dont want to have anything to do with his youtube channel. His own hate speach on line put is family at risk. Hs daughters friends most likely seen Cecils activity on line which has a negiive effect on his daughter. If my youtube channel was causing this amount of stress, i wouldnt feed it more, i would prefer to walk away from it.
Great message. I think when we make mistakes in life, its not a waste as there is things to learn, especally mistakes. We need a balanced life where we take time to do the thing that make us happy. My best friend died in 2015 from a Drink habit that i wasnt even aware of the full extent as she was fully funtional until early even when she got tired. Even though she passed in 2015, it still hurts like it happened yesterday. She was 31. She gave a few hints towards the end that its time but she didnt appear to be scared and came close to god in the final weeks. I dont know if i can be this strong. She wore a rosery with a wooden cross around her neck when she would hold in her hand and she had rubbed a ware mark in the middle of the cross. It was the last thing she gave me which i store in a special box. Life can change or be over in a split second. Cecil has been really active these last few days. I have no idea why he suddenly turned on Daisy Benning or Random News but Cecil wont address The serous video of Random, just parodies. If he really thinks these parodies are serous or not, im not sure but he really seems to know how to make a fool of himself. Yes i dont know alot about rebel but he did mention a troubled past but i think he turned his life around and from what i seen from the few videos he watched, he seems very respectful to his viewers. I think Cecil threw away every friendship hes ever had. This is why, apart from his partner and child, Cecil stands alone because nobody want to be around him. When i covered the Rebel guy from six years ago, Cecil looked completely different, such a change in six years but the personality stayed the same, a bitter twisted person with an extra hate from women. I have a few more Rebel videos i want to go through but i dot want to do two much as i dont want to drag Rebel back into this but i still want to document the history that others hasnt really covered before.
@marcyc.3311 3 күн бұрын
Yes Rebelah is a respectful guy..he's had a past but he straightened out from it. It wasn't long for him to discover Cicel's hatred n jealousy, Rebelah dropped Cicel like a hot potato but Cicel always would make videos for attention. But you are right about Cicel giving out all his information n blames us for doing it. He needs his brain checked.
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 3 күн бұрын
Cecil just casually smashing words together and working on another level to us
@skilifavas4016 4 күн бұрын
yet here you are, leeching off of it
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Yea your correct. Feed ramp
When i seen that CPX2 jam, i was scared that this is the moment things could turn bad. i dont know the proper name for the part but inside there is a loading ramp for want of a better word which brings the bullet up into the chamber. In most other guns that loading ramp is smooth, but on the cpx 2, it looks like it was carved out with a pick axe. People say shooting a load of rounds will smoothen that surface abit, but to me its shows poor craftmanship. Gun reviewers, not the ones Cecil watches, usually never recomend a cpx2 and alot of them will never even talk about it, in the line of budget guns. Well Cecil did have a glock 19 to compare it with and hopefully he will stop backing up the cpx2. If only 1 shot fires out of four, im going to look at my gun and say, this is a liability because all trust is out the window. He has had that gun a long time now and i found it funny that he was sort of discovering his cpx2 at his recent gun range session. Makes me think that going to the range is not something Cecil does alot and the most use he has got out of it, is being a prop for his unhinged kitchen rants, and that is way he didnt seem to be very used to the habbits of the gun. You have been very honest in your video and its unfortunite at Cecil doesnt take some of the advice he is given, but if he does see this video, he will most likely have a kitchen rant about you and express that he knows more than you, because your a hateful ass troll, but if he wants to entertain us with some comedy, i have no probs taking the pi88 like i usually do. Hope you are doing well.
@Kos1067 4 күн бұрын
when I was a kid I would say borned like I was born in 82 but I was borned in 82 idk why but it sounded right to me 😂
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
I like that one
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
100% sound advice Shredder, i suggested to Cyril at the beginning going down the police used sidearm trade in's, Glock's..Wesson's..Beretta's that are sold used for the cost of a cheap make, added benefit's they're broken in...serviced and maintained with added extras,...but i was told to f...
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Thank you
@Cricket-up9nb 4 күн бұрын
Sorry i missed yeaah
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
No worries 👍
@stateofdisorder1 4 күн бұрын
Brass chewers will do nothing but get you or someone else killed. He’s such and idiot. And he takes no time at all to line up his aim 🤦‍♀️
@Real_Coparo 4 күн бұрын
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
he's smart, on the basis of announcing to everyone he's false flagging channels with the help of 4 employee's of the platform who are meant to be biased...neutral and objective, but from his statement helping at his bidding?
@White2pacytdc 4 күн бұрын
Cheers brotha I'm back
@liveyourdreammedia 4 күн бұрын
Biggie just sent me a message saying Tupac alived himself just to get back at Cecil 😂
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
3 to 4 feet?....i know he was lacking Rhythm, either taking a age to line up the target or squirting off rounds without being ready, timing would bring the grouping in and a dialled in sight,....i never bothered with the rings of a target i'd use a jam jar lid on a board to dial it in and a 2p coin to get it spot on....if you can hit a 2p at 30ft you can hit it at 50ft.
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Hes gonna hurt someone
@scooterbeggins 4 күн бұрын
I’m coming back to the CreepLOVErse haha. This weekend I’ll be dropping something. Stay tuned and massive love 💚
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Cecil been acting real goofy lately
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 4 күн бұрын
No attention....
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
Would i stand in the next stall to Cyril at the Range?...nooo...when the sucky jammed it was pointed left...right and palm slapping it, has he heard of slam fire?....but even though from his own mouth "Yeh it's a jammer" he's still trying to put lipstick on a pig, i think this was a failed "i'll prove em wrong" and that's why he hired a Austrian to show to everyone the sucky is best...that his smarts would rule out and big fail....BIG FAIL
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Big fail for sure. Cyril don't care about others safety
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 4 күн бұрын
He don't rate the Austrian because its not "mEtAl" and polymer instead
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
@@orderofmagnitude-TPATP when someone says "well they say the casing cracks for this reason but it actually cracks for that reason", you can understand why they make them multicoloured, because a sane person will say show me something that won't crack and dosen't look like a sneaker, i remember the SA80 had polymer failure in Iraq...and the pin kept bending...and ermmm the scopes kind of failed, but apart from that the mags would random eject but they were fine.
@H0v0H 4 күн бұрын
He definitely saw this one! 😂
@MuninnTheRaven170 4 күн бұрын
Nice pair of Austrians 👍
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Thank you
@stateofdisorder1 4 күн бұрын
😂😂 went to the range too. Took my S&W 9mm, AR 15, Springfield 45. First time with a 9mm 😂😂
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Heck yea
@stateofdisorder1 2 күн бұрын
@@mastershredder8738 the way he was gripping it and handling the recoil was sad. I=e shot my 9mm about 5 times now and my hands barely move.
@stateofdisorder1 4 күн бұрын
2 PAC is rolling in his grave
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 4 күн бұрын
😂 Cecil not understanding what "strawman" was is hilarious. But yeah that cpx2 isnt fit for purpose, and its also even more scary for the exact reason you said.... As for his trigger fingerin... it's like that because of that 10ib trigger, guarantee you his groupin is so bad because as he pulls so hard it makes him "shake" therefore just awful all together. He hasn't trained with it a) because lack of money but b) mainly because ot isn't enjoyable to use because its blommin awful and painful on the fingers.
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
Fits it's purpose, gets pdf files cheddar bobbed.
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 4 күн бұрын
@orderofmagnitude-TPATP 4 күн бұрын
Snap on the red dot for my vlad
@ShAdoWVeRsE8 4 күн бұрын
3 to 4 feet groupings apart I CANT XD
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
@White2pacytdc 4 күн бұрын
​@@mastershredder8738cheers brotha I'm back
@mastershredder8738 4 күн бұрын
​@White2pacytdc bro!! Where u been buddy? Hope your well
@White2pacytdc 4 күн бұрын
@@mastershredder8738 I took a break but I'm back I subbed ya
@MuninnTheRaven170 5 күн бұрын
How long has everyone been telling Cecil his CPX is a jammer?
@stateofdisorder1 6 күн бұрын
She’s safe, she’s in London France remember, he even said it AGAIN 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@phonk4046 6 күн бұрын
@White2pacytdc 7 күн бұрын
Cheers bro im bk on yt
@lifeafterlifeproductions 7 күн бұрын
Cecil goes into Bobby Mackeys with an EMF METER and its going off the whole time and its not worth anything really if he hasnt done a number of base line EMF Tests. The audit isnt worth anything because he cant stop talking. His video isnt worth much because he shakes the camera to the point that all you see is motion blur. I did cover his latest so called investigation but i had to slow the footage down alot of the time because i was getting motion sickness, watching it. That hasnt improved from the last few times he has been there. If his Daughter was the camera person, there would be at least a steady video, but it still leaves Cecils need to talk all the time and talk about how much Ghost Adventures infulanced him. Once you mention Zak Bagans, i drop interest like a stone as far as reality goes. The track record isnt great to be honest, when he got freaked out by his own shadow in the mirror, thinking he gets visions and unfounded abilities. He know not alot about the equipment he is using, he is unprepared and has no patents to just sit quietly in a location to listen to the natural sounds around him. His main focus is making a youtube video like the videos he watches on tv and youtube. There are plenty of oppertunities in Kentucky as far as the paranormal goes but he is two lazy to research most of it but even if he did, he would need to have his daughter as a camera person because he cant do it. I do wish you could have the time to go back into some paranormal content as we need more honest and logical people.
@lifeafterlifeproductions 7 күн бұрын
Cecil is so stupid, he desides to target someone he scammed a number of years ago, which brings that incident back into present day. Hes never was the shapest tool in the shed, but hes very good at reopening past cans of worms.