What’s REALLY Happening to Mage in 11.1
@marusaiscool 23 сағат бұрын
Very informative i like it keep it going 💜
@IMTRUBUM 4 күн бұрын
The game just ain't fun no more this expansion really lame
@brugqueiroz 5 күн бұрын
Hey, Yeti! How you doing? Been watching in your videos and trying to follow some steps. I cant seem too make OmniCC to work, though. Care to share your profile, so I can use it with your SFU? Your UI is really clean and holds all the information we need.
@yetiwow 5 күн бұрын
@@brugqueiroz thanks a lot!! I'll have to check if i still have a profile when I'm back on PC! I made sure it was using the horizontal style, growing towards the left. Then i scaled the icons accordingly!
@brugqueiroz 4 күн бұрын
@@yetiwow TY, man! I simply cannot get mine to "fit" in my UI. Will try your tips
@brugqueiroz 4 күн бұрын
@@yetiwow your castbar is not loading. Is there anything missing from the string?
@yetiwow 4 күн бұрын
@@brugqueiroz Hey! I just checked so you need the WeakAura in the description too for the cast bars! :) And as of OmniCD I made a profile that fits very quickly here - test it out! rentry.co/gwovd9va
@Rykeen_sargeras 6 күн бұрын
W yeti
@snupy 6 күн бұрын
Liked and subscribed
@kil33r4eva 6 күн бұрын
10 man raids would be insane, also i agree with the raid buff take, dmg and hps buffs are a meme, bosses maybe die slightly faster but everything still kills u anyways so whats the point
@yetiwow 6 күн бұрын
10 man raiding with a friend group would go super hard!! 🙏
@lyreleaf 8 күн бұрын
Does this still work? I followed the instructions (and the newest link), but my chat bubbles are still unchanged. The only difference I can see is that my files are .tga and not .blp but I have no idea if that matters or how to fix it.
@yetiwow 8 күн бұрын
@@lyreleaf yes it still works, just gotta make sure the 2 files of the variant you want are inside the tooltips folder which is inside interface! :)
@Leeroyboopin 11 күн бұрын
They started to remove a LOT of the sound "serotonin hits" as i call them in cata and started moving more towards visuals, and there are tons of examples of this...rogue blade flurry sound was muted *blade flurry became toggleable* warrior crits lost the oomph sound as well. The sound design in classic was WAYYY ahead of its time
@yetiwow 11 күн бұрын
@@Leeroyboopin as a hunter main i can't express how powerful the sound of auto attacks were back in vanilla/tbc!! And yes, i fully agree
@expOsiris 12 күн бұрын
You said alot of stuff but I didn't get anything.
@andreas89824 12 күн бұрын
Its opposity, retail is snappy
@heinrichcb 12 күн бұрын
@jxy001 12 күн бұрын
Bro is coping
@Vyneth 13 күн бұрын
Its not even close to snappy compared to retail xD
@groslait7814 13 күн бұрын
@Ludeo 14 күн бұрын
Who cares? This was old after day one. Bunch of children throwing tantrums over a video game. Grow up.
@juanbenitez3588 14 күн бұрын
what addons do you use for the damage numbers like that and your health plates
@yetiwow 14 күн бұрын
@@juanbenitez3588 damage numbers are just default with a changed font - GilroyBold. The nameplates are Plater
@Philip_was_here 15 күн бұрын
What a lot of people leave out, is that this is 'Hardcore'/perma-death. You don't just respawn if you die and everyone, including PS, had more on the line than just that character and the time put in to building it.
@simeon8999able 15 күн бұрын
Stop milking this story. Everyone knows what happend. He may have roached but you are a damn leech.
@aidenvanstry3326 13 күн бұрын
Exactly dudes a week late. Thinking he's going to be able to leach off a story that's already been talked about too much already. Lol
@raz_dva_ 16 күн бұрын
"Explanation" is definitely not yours...
@chilltrolig 16 күн бұрын
Its the attitude
@zoey8977 16 күн бұрын
I don’t know why you would constantly argue to skip over stuff because we have probably seen it already when the title of the video suggests you’d be explaining what happened lol
@Scema12 16 күн бұрын
Yah not watching this Garbo, Druid sucked, tank sucked, rogue sucked, mage sucked, priest was good. Yamamto made the call to run so is at the most to blame , also sounds like a whiny child too
@imawsomecheese 17 күн бұрын
Far out, honestly i think people take this stuff way too far. Bunch of grown people acting like children. I get that some people really take it seriously but when it gets to this point, they really need to calm down. Hopefully everyone involved is doing alright and can make ammends.
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
Riddle me this, if the call to run is made, and that just means run out all hope is lost. Why does the mage even bother to use a max rank spell and wait around at just the edge of the encounter and not just bee line to the zone or hearth? Also answer that if he was just being a good boy and running out like told, why did he also not come back to help when called to? It almost seems like calls can be made hastily, and the situation can change. Crazy, how dynamic the game is.
@yetiwow 17 күн бұрын
@@zaatas exactly and if healer just runs - everyone dies 🤣 people are intentionally ignoring the fact that in hardcore 100s of "run" calls were made and it always means you escort each other outside
@raymondmatthee8779 17 күн бұрын
Who made bad calls in the first place, hasty calls were made reverted because he didnt know whay he really wants or have to do, also the person who calls run x 3 waits but thats about all he does, i think he tried to blind at most, but if you pay attention he tried to blind a boss who is immune..... call a spade a spade, run was called by a complete incompetent person, pirate saw there was no hope, pulls were bad, even if you check them running the yamato guy also runs wide and pulls some more for giggles i guess, after he says its salvagable.... getting more people killed instead of sticking to his call. Yamato called run and botched up the end, imagine telling people to run then cry when a mage used his mana to get away and then decide oh no wait.... Dude is an idiot the end sorry, i dont like pirate either but sorry yamato should take his responsibility, the majority or cause of the deaths is on him and even if pirate he used mana gem at that point he would only be able to cc mobs and people wouldve died regardless, the run was scuffed, regardless if he is rude or not liked, yamato scuffed up on pulling x2 made bad calls no idea what he can cc (game knowledge) and tried to salvage and got people killed. Oh and while on the subject of rude, even tyler told yamato he cant just talk to people the way he talks to him because yamato was also being rude and a total toxic excuse for a person so that ship also sailed
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
@@raymondmatthee8779 Can you explain to me what a frost mage is, what their toolkit is, and what is generally expected of them in a run out scenario? Rogue kills a dog that could have hamstringed the tank and got him killed, as he barely zones out.
@raymondmatthee8779 17 күн бұрын
@zaatas right he could turn back and risk himself after a botched run he had a man gem, but why, run was called he turned to blizzard to give em a chance then they decide to dump that chance and try salvage, all the while yamato doing massive dps to do "his" part right, no he hangs around unsure if he should run after calling for heal getting that guy killed too, not to mention after blizzard gave em a chance he stops in a path, with a boss and very bad pulls, of patrols that they knowingly skipped making it worse, yeah no, why would you sacrifice your mage for repeated bad decisions and bad gameplay.... no sorry no one would but because its someone we like its easy to say "he couldve" "i wouldve" instead of yamato shouldnt have
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
@ But why? Why press your buttons to help and stop other people from dying easily? I dont know man. Who could possibly know that. And what risk? This is why i asked you that question because you are clueless.
@batmanjokerchildhey5031 17 күн бұрын
Cant believe this got to where it is. I have never seen a group of lvl 60s play so poorly and be so childish. Who demands that a fully grown man admits fault after a failed raid in WOW? its even crazier that they kicked him outta the guild for that. straight up a buncha bitches.
@dereklaur2154 17 күн бұрын
I think this wipe was now manufactured by streamers to increase views and generate drama. The list of issues are a mile long but everyone is ignoring them. First pull was terrible and should have been pulled back back by the tank. The mob is even interrupted from casting with a shield slam. This would have been extremely simple to pull the group back. The boss patrols through this area. A kill order is established with Skull and X. The rogue is attacking the mastiffs, marked X, and not following the kill order and is taking aggro off of the tank. The rogue has extremely low dps throughout this encounter. Druid uses his sprint for no reason to run behind the ogre mage. There is no reason for him to use sprint. It creates the situation later on that he cannot use it to either save himself or the group. Druid ends up pulling the other group nearby. Druid and rogue stop attacking and just start chaotically moving. Mage starts AoEing. Tank is not maintaining threat on the mobs. Pretty sure tanks have an AoE taunt that would have allowed them to burn everything down quickly. Run is called. With the all the adds slowed, everyone is able to get a safe distance way. At this point everyone is safe. At this point the tank is jumping he stops, turns around and runs back into the mastiffs, then turns around again, forcing a daze debuff and a 8 second slow debuff. Why no one talks about this is actually odd. Shortly after the mage turns around and if I was the mage player I would have been confused. The tank and trash mobs are not in position. Had the tank not stopped, the mobs would have been range of that blizzard the slow debuff would have been reapplied. The boss has a shield slam and a knock back mechanic. The boss is running towards 3 players. Who has threat/aggro? Did the blizzard from earlier pick up threat from the boss? Did the current blizzard cause the mage to get aggro? Did the mage not have aggro and since he is casting going to be charged/ shield slammed into other adds? It is extremely dangerous for the mage to run through the boss. If he blinks through the boss there is a high chance he will be charged and knocked back into other groups of mobs. This is a tribute run, there are mobs everywhere. Why are players not strafing as they are running away to avoid the daze debuff? We can see the druid and rogue doing very little. The rogue doing less. The tank even gets stuck running into a corner as he is running away. Druid gets aggro and using cat form? and not bear form. Druid can shapeshift to remove movement debuffs. Rogue is using blind on the boss instead of stun. I am not sure, but it looked like the rogue was trying to be knocked back into another group using blind which would have caused a complete wipe right at the entrance of Dire Maul. Which did nearly happen. So what is more likely? Streamers are ignoring most of the facts, and creating drama, or that streamers are extremely bad at a video games.
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
Everyone else actually pressed a button during that escape that helped another group member. The mage did not have aggro on the pack when the order is called to run, they were never in any danger, they cancel their blizzard as they see the boss pulling up and are ready to run before the call to run is even made. You can see him cancel it, run off a bit, then that is when the rogue says run. The mage did not press one button correctly that entire time, after the call to run is made, to help their group. They did not peel one mob effectively, wasted all their mana on a max rank blizzard for one tick panicked and roached out. When asked to come back by the rogue, he argues he doesn't have enough mana as he casts blink and ice barrier and hovers over his mana gem and robe clicky. Even without the mana gem and robe clicky r1 blizzard and nova are very mana efficient spells, and blizzard is extremely safe to use at max range. He knows this, he spec`d for this. Imagine if the tank or healer played their role as efficiently as the mage did on their job of peeling. Not pressing a single button correctly after the call to run is made, and arguing about it when asked to do.. literally anything to help. Bad pulls spots happen, people panic all the time and make the wrong calls, tab target misfires, mistarget heals or taunts, any little thing can happen, you roll with it and help your buddies make it out, and he caused most of the issues they had from the get go by not PEELING. Put yourself in the tank's shoes, you know you have a mage, and everyone wants the good loot from the tribute chest, he's probably thinking yes, we can handle this pull easily, but we can also run out easy too and reset the boss, we have a mage, literally one spell from him and a dummy and we are good. Whoops turned out he only had a 4/5 group.
@dereklaur2154 17 күн бұрын
@@zaatas If I was the tank, during the run call I wouldnt stop and run back into the mobs, which he does... nearly all of the mobs at the beginning of the run was stunned and slowed. Tank uses the boss to run forward, target dummy was dropped, but he literally stops, turns around, and runs back into the mobs... You cant make this stuff up...
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
@@dereklaur2154 The beginning mobs clearly daze him out, and he never runs back? Time stamp it please.
@dereklaur2154 17 күн бұрын
@@zaatas Ok then, around 6:15 time stamp, use swaps stances and uses intercept. Ozyfell is ahead of trash mobs.... 6:16 he turns around and runs backwards... Also, he uses W to run backwards during part of this, mostly on the ramps. You run about 50 percent slower running backwards. After slowing down the one vod, it appears he was trying to jump and 180 attacks then go 180 again. It messes it up. He should just strafe to avoid the daze debuff... The question is does he swap stances back again. I am trying to slow it down to 25 percent speed on the vods, but I am not sure if he does or not. Confirmed: At 6:15 he does not have any debuffs other than the bleed. Look at the party bar, he does not get dazed until 6:18... How is that possible that he intercepted and ran past at 6:15 and is ahead, but 3 seconds later, he is getting dazed? At 6:54 Ozy is knocked back, and if he had better positioning, would have been knocked back much further to safety. At this point Ozy does not have any speed debuffs and is ahead, He could have easily gotten away. At this point, he starts running to the right and loses all of his distance gained. He starts running backwards, which is at 50 percent speed, jesus christ, this is worse and worse each time I watch this. OMG WHY NOT JUST RUN OUT!?!?!? There were so many times they could have just escaped. OMG he runs into the corner, I missed this first one at around 7:00 , he does it a second time later on. Sara stood there during the war stomp to heal and was in a bad position the tank was ahead of you don't stop and spam heal on them. Everything is stunned. People just need to use simple logic at this point, how do you go from being ahead of the mobs multiple times, with no debuffs, to having the mobs catch up to you every single time.
@zaatas 17 күн бұрын
@@dereklaur2154 You can play it frame by frame by pressing period, thats my shortcut anyways for my browser. I'm not seeing him run back in that time frame at all, every freeze frame he is moving out, and he gets dazed because hes still by a dog and the boss, one of them dazes him. He never is ahead of the mobs at that point. Lets just assume you are correct on your assumptions anyways, what case are you trying to make? The warrior is supposed to play perfectly but the mage can just not press a single button to help on the run out? If you know the game you already know that stance swap and intercept is already infinitely more complex then hitting one nova at the start to prevent the daze that slows down the rest of the run. Everyone else in the group could have made 2 more tiny mistakes and it would not have mattered if the mage was capable of doing his job at all, was completely useless and gave the group the confidence to retreat but he sure showed them how stupid that was. That was actually their biggest mistake. Was relying on a roach.
@BearFreeZone 17 күн бұрын
Shut up and get out of my recommends. Nobody cares about this anymore. It's done. Leave it.
@Sapnoodles 17 күн бұрын
You forgot to list his archmage robes that restores mana as well,
@anthonyontv 17 күн бұрын
Bro is yappin in this one
@freakklomp 17 күн бұрын
yamato called 3 times run, so pirate ran. he was already halfway out when yamato all of a sudden changes his mind. whats he supposed to do? multiple mobs were pulled by the tank, as he ran the wrong way. even the boss was pulled as the tank ran straight in the middle. then blaming it on one person that followed the call to run? come on now. sure he made a mistake but the run was choas and lost already. yamato is known to be a toxic player in LoL to begin with, and he made the call to kick without even talking to soda. soda said he would have cancelled the kick straight away even if he was told about it. yamato made seriously bad calls, the tank was doing stupid things too. but putting blame on pirate just because he followed the call? get out of here. he was getting death threats because of everyone dogpiling him for no good reason, sure he should have said sorry or my bad at some point. but i get him too, you wouldnt want to be in that call either while yamato was being a toxic lol player again.
@yetiwow 17 күн бұрын
@@freakklomp you never run this far even when run is called, you're still a team! Yamato being toxic doesn't make Pirate being toxic here right, it's more a matter of owning your mistakes - while Snupy and Sara were the only ones punished 💁 Death threats are never appropriate, absolutely insane that people went that far - it's just internet drama
@lukehenry5987 16 күн бұрын
@@yetiwow Keeping your HP above 0 is your own responsibility in any and every circumstance in any and every game. Skill issue, outright.
@yetiwow 16 күн бұрын
@@lukehenry5987 what does a healer do then? What does a tank do? Why do dungeons not get solo-ed? Probably because it's group content and it's not nearly as simple as you're explaining it.
@lukehenry5987 16 күн бұрын
@ All of the roles mentioned keep their HP above 0 very consistently if they're decent at the game. Cope how you like.
@glim3mer 17 күн бұрын
You are out of your mind for making a presentation about 2 people who died in HC after a bad pull. This is a VIDEO GAME. Hundreds of people die on HC every day. You sir are insane... move on with your life. I have no idea why this video came up on my feed. Hitting dislike button and moving on.
@marccartier1276 17 күн бұрын
i was about to comment . but yeah there ya go . its ridiculous
@Warthog2554 16 күн бұрын
The funny thing here is that the end of the PPP has the text "Don't be rude pls". One could argue that you are equally "out of your mind". Also 'It's a video game' is a hard L cope argument that holds no grounds and using it is intellectually dishonest.
@ManiacClear 16 күн бұрын
@@Warthog2554 no i think that “its just a video game” is bad in most cases. But here its perfectly fine, it genuinely is NOT worth all this and you saying it is, is disingenuous
@phreshsub5254 18 күн бұрын
Only real wow players know Yamato killed the two players and pirate held true wake to clip farm bs
@yetiwow 18 күн бұрын
Explain how Yamato killed anyone? He mad a panic-y call, but him and Sara did the least wrong from the technical standpoint.
@phreshsub5254 17 күн бұрын
@ u ask a question and then say He mad a panic call. Bro 3 camps and a boss u think lol stop lol play more wow lol
@Elmaffo2008 17 күн бұрын
From run run run to 15 seconds later we can fight, fight. (Pirate was already home by then) Into its salvagable into I coul'nd blind the boss... Snupy and the warrior made it even worse the aggro pull around the corner made it impossible to run. There is no real strafing and people fumble the bag on what to do.
@phreshsub5254 17 күн бұрын
@@Elmaffo2008 I just watched the internet clip farm and stream hate at a person who I don’t know or care about. About wow hc saying mage got two killed cause he roaches, which is completely false but never mind we go from that to ok it’s not how he played it’s how he acted when being told it’s his fault. So no it’s not his fault just cause Yamato said we can salvage this NO cause they are bs noobs and got rolled on. Not mages fault he was on his way back to box low mana for what a bunch of bad calls yeh idiots and more shame people who think they get wow lol
@Elmaffo2008 17 күн бұрын
​@@phreshsub5254 Exactly this. Its emotional manipulation. And Yamato is well known for this. Argueing about words and how people say things is peak toxic/gaslighting. The original fault is being coverd up by this...
@winedano 18 күн бұрын
Nice video! This is great for a returning or new player! I read on the Bartender4 website that it is actually broken and doesn't work on TWW, is this true?
@yetiwow 18 күн бұрын
They're both kept up to date as of right now! No issues at all
@86Corvus 20 күн бұрын
Remove all addons, ban all rmt, remove token, remove all "convenience" added since tbc. Make leveling ten times longer.
@happynukegaming 20 күн бұрын
It's just weird to have a second job just to get end game items. It shouldn't work like that...
@Terrific1v9 20 күн бұрын
i fully agree
@Madafakapieceofshit 22 күн бұрын
why are you gay
@roninkoans6065 23 күн бұрын
Since I play with a controller “console port” if blizzard banned all addons I would just have to find another game to play.
@yetiwow 23 күн бұрын
@@roninkoans6065 yeah, honestly console port is a must for those who enjoy the game this way. I have nothing negative to say about this scenario and I'm glad you're able to play the game your way!
@AIRoasteri 22 күн бұрын
what does console port have to do with addons ?
@roninkoans6065 21 күн бұрын
@ it’s an add on
@FifinatorKlon 23 күн бұрын
Not having addons turns PvP into PvSTPWTD Player vs. Software Telling Players What To Do
@SplatastictheRealOne 23 күн бұрын
i've enjoyed the game primarily on the classic/sod side without addons, aside form somethin like auctionator just for the ease of posting mats on the Auction House. Point being, addons take away a lot of the immersion and some extent player skill, kinda had that thought coming into this before a full watch, still will say the video is entertaining and your thoughts are justified.
@FifinatorKlon 23 күн бұрын
Although it is one of the least offensive AddOns, auctioneer also kinda becomes a must use. That is bad because most QoL Features it offers would be easy enough to implement by blizz without the database/price suggestion bullshit
@RandomHero374 23 күн бұрын
addons should be banned.
@TynrionTV 23 күн бұрын
Blizz ui have gotten a lot better now, but nameplate addon is still a must for any content really.
@yetiwow 23 күн бұрын
Plater is 100% something I can NOT live without.
@Zenthe_ 23 күн бұрын
lots of cope in these comments from people that enjoy using cheats in their game.
@yetiwow 23 күн бұрын
I think that because addons used to be just "some QoL stuff" and over time it became worse and worse people don't even realize how much they're relying on them.
@Zenthe_ 23 күн бұрын
@@yetiwow Yeah, they were great at first but I think they have had a hand in the decline of the game. A lot of things the QoL mods did just made blizzard lazy when they were things they should have been adding to the game themselves. (like customizable spell bars for example) I quit in MoP and by that point they were staring to get bad. Every gameplay video I have seen since just seems like add-ons just play the game for you. Made me sick to see some of the stuff people had in the classic release.
@EvlEgle 23 күн бұрын
takes one click to install addons now. If I didnt want addons I'd go play swtor, or ff14.
@AIRoasteri 22 күн бұрын
small brain addon addict
@EvlEgle 22 күн бұрын
@@AIRoasteri im sorry addons are too hard for you. Get better at the game.
@JasonMordis 23 күн бұрын
@cccgq 23 күн бұрын
Your argument that most raiders below Mythic don’t have weak auras…needs actual data not just belief.
@ObserverDoel 23 күн бұрын
At first glance, removing addons might seem like a good idea, but in reality, it’s unworkable for a live-service game like WoW. The time, effort, and money required would be astronomical, essentially requiring Blizzard to rebuild the game from the ground up-while still maintaining their regular development schedule. Pausing everything to overhaul the entire system just isn’t an option. The ripple effects of such an endeavor would be massive. Multiple expansions hampered by either subpar content quality or painfully slow release cycles. Even if they somehow pulled it off, the changes needed - altering combat pacing, rethinking animation and VFX looks / workflows, overhauling UI design, and recalibrating game complexity, would fundamentally alter the game. It wouldn’t feel like WoW anymore, alienating long-time players and splintering an already splintered and diminished community. Technically, the challenge is insane. Addons have been part of WoW’s ecosystem for nearly two decades. They're baked into how content is designed, from encounter mechanics to information delivery. Stripping them out means not only redesigning core systems but also ensuring they perform seamlessly across a sprawling, interconnected game world. Even if Blizzard could simplify certain aspects to reduce addon dependency, there’s no guarantee it wouldn’t backfire. Tweaks that seem small can cascade into game-breaking issues, destabilizing balance and frustrating players. And this is where people (not aimed at you, to be clear) often underestimate the complexity of these changes. Just because you can explain the idea in one sentence doesn’t mean the execution is simple. In reality, it’s extraordinarily complex with a significant risk of catastrophic failure. At best, Blizzard can only aim to reduce addon reliance incrementally-anything more is a logistical and creative nightmare.
@yetiwow 23 күн бұрын
I understand your argument and a lot of the points you mentioned are not something I can argue due to the technical-graphical expertise I lack. But on the other hand - Blizzard HAS done a lot of the groundwork to allow us to have a functional Addon-free experience. The balancing and fight design would have to "downgrade" back to Pre-Legion times and things would work. Check world first kill videos from Vanilla, TBC, WotLK - Addon usage (and the advantage they provided) vas very healthy for the most part.
@ObserverDoel 22 күн бұрын
​@@yetiwow What you're asking for is not an evolution of retail that has shed it's addon reliance, it's Classic+. Retail, just like any live-service product should evolve, not regress.
@sensmuse9339 23 күн бұрын
I stopped playing WoW a long time ago because you don't play the game itself anymore, you play the add-ons instead.
@Zenthe_ 23 күн бұрын
same. add-ons got to a point where they basically felt like cheating.
@Terrific1v9 25 күн бұрын
looking healthy broski keep it up
@DylanHaines-t2r 25 күн бұрын
Health and cast bars arent showing up for me over friendlies and enemies. How do I fix this?
@yetiwow 24 күн бұрын
Like the nameplates above enemies in the world? That's not this addon - you're talking about enemy name plates