Can we start sending email before we got admission or before we started applying for colleges?
@saifatique22 сағат бұрын
@@shaikabdulhafeez5584 yes
@shameermunir67982 күн бұрын
Sir which type of courses you means? And what type of companies prefer these courses. And i am from Pakistan. So please guide me how can I get education in aerospace engineering
@saifatiqueКүн бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 please see my few others videos you will get idea! Then any specific question you have you can ask here!
@shameermunir67982 күн бұрын
Sir plz upload a video about complete education of aerospace engineering from A to Z. Means there's need some other courses to find a good job
@saifatique2 күн бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 can you be a little more specific! You can see other videos in my channel as well!
@DhakacollegeBangladesh4 күн бұрын
Sorry bhaiya going personal, Novoair e apnar salary koto chilo?
@saifatique4 күн бұрын
@@DhakacollegeBangladesh Now a days starting salary is 26000 BDT
@nafi2476 күн бұрын
@anantaghimirey815610 күн бұрын
Love from 🇳🇵
@saifatique8 күн бұрын
@@anantaghimirey8156 Thank you 🙏
@protimsaha735011 күн бұрын
I am a current student of College Of Aviation Technology. I feel died when think about my career. I can't find any insights. I am looking for serious career suggestions 😔
@saifatique11 күн бұрын
@@protimsaha7350 asked me here! I will try to answer or make video in future!
@nafi24711 күн бұрын
Thanks. reminder for the podcast.
@saifatique11 күн бұрын
@@nafi247 I kept it in my list! Now uploading the previously recorded videos!
@nafi24711 күн бұрын
@@saifatique Your dedication is another level. Thanks...................
@nafi24713 күн бұрын
@syedafatima333220 күн бұрын
Hello sir I appreciate your efforts, very useful to those who want to mail professors dor PhD. I want to know what is the difference between warm email and cold emails to professor.??
@NaveenKumar-b9p4i22 күн бұрын
best part is pursue a pilot license and it will open a pathway in the airline industry
@saifatique22 күн бұрын
@@NaveenKumar-b9p4i It’s a bit complicated than engineering though
@NaveenKumar-b9p4i22 күн бұрын
@@saifatique i am pursuing aerospace engg at Iowa state university, I came for bachelors this fall and got 70 percent scholarship on tuition fees, rest i cover by working on campus 20 hrs per week and it was a good decision for me. Thinking to either go in Airline industry or in academia.
@saifatique22 күн бұрын
@ Very good to got for graduate degree. And most of the cases it’s fully tuition waived for great student like you! Good luck
@saad.m.16669 күн бұрын
Are you suggesting that u do it with the engineering degree? If so then how?
@NaveenKumar-b9p4i9 күн бұрын
@@saad.m.1666 I am preparing for DGCA written exams alongwith bachelor degree whenever I have leisure time , also works at university library, while working also read books by oxford CAE aviation academy and will go back home in India next summer and pass the written tests. The tests after passing are valid for 5 years and i will either take a loan or work additional hours through other ways to sponsor my pilot license. I am also thinking to pursue concurrent masters degree from junior year if possible.
@rabiabasri464223 күн бұрын
sir i have gap of two year . am i eligible to apply for phd .. and if iam what should i do to cover that space
@saifatique23 күн бұрын
@@rabiabasri4642 gap is not a problem
@fsgamerz490625 күн бұрын
Sir plz share your contact details...I want to talk to you..plz sir
@nafi24727 күн бұрын
Thanks vaiya. Just a reminder for the podcast series. Waiting eagerly!
@nafi247Ай бұрын
Consider doing podcast. Thanks.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@nafi247 I will work on it after managing some stuffs in my life now! Thank you.
@nafi247Ай бұрын
@@saifatique Nice to hear. Really a down to earth person. Salute...........
@smayon2Ай бұрын
@smayon2Ай бұрын
@nafi247Ай бұрын
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@nafi247 Good luck!
@nafi247Ай бұрын
you are a gem man!!
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
Thanks buddy
@nafi247Ай бұрын
@@saifatique হঠাৎ করেই আপনার চ্যানেলটা খুঁজে পেলাম। বাংলাদেশের অনেকে আজকে বিশ্বের অনেক বড় বড় কোম্পানিতে অনেক উচ্চ পদে আছে। কিন্তু বাংলাদেশী ছাত্রদের আজকে দুর্দশার কারণ হলো সঠিক গাইডলাইনের অভাব।অন্যদিকে ইন্ডিয়ানরা শুধু মাত্রই সঠিক গাইডলাইনের জন্যই মাল্টিন্যাশনাল অনেক উচ্চ পদে রয়েছে। আপনার এই উদ্যোগ দেখে ভালো লাগলো আপনি এত ব্যস্ততার মাঝেও বাংলাদেশের ছাত্রদের কথা ভাবেন নিয়মিত ভিডিও তৈরি করেন। আল্লাহ আপনার মঙ্গল করুক ধন্যবাদ।
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@ I will continue that for sure!
@nafi247Ай бұрын
Please keep creating content. your quality and information is top notch but people don't value gem. very dissatisfying.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
I will thanks!!
@nafi247Ай бұрын
@nafi247Ай бұрын
Keep up
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@nafi247 Thanks
@nafi247Ай бұрын
very underrated content creator. keep up the work and help bangladeshi students. Thanks. Hope one day your hard work will paid off.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@nafi247 Bless be your tongue!
@shameermunir6798Ай бұрын
Can we get job in nasa or other best companies after doing master of aerospace engineering
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 You need to meet other qualifications as well
@shameermunir6798Ай бұрын
Such as!
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 citizenship and exceptional skill setup! Because working for Boeing and Airbus it’s not your dream only, the people who are born and raised in the USA it is their dream job as well!
@shibdassarkar9357Ай бұрын
Sir how much do you get paid as a PhD stipend? Plz reply. Thanks a lot.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@shibdassarkar9357 $1600/month (total) in North Dakota
@davidtheopgamer7181Ай бұрын
some tips for aero maths
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@davidtheopgamer7181 I will soon
@rashbasahar1652Ай бұрын
and in China for csc scholarship?
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@rashbasahar1652 usually you need to apply through government education website so far I know when I applied 7 years back!
@IShowPatienceАй бұрын
Sir, please make your videos in Bangla!!🩷🩷
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@IShowPatience what topics?
@IShowPatienceАй бұрын
@@saifatique Aerospace Engr. Degree
@Santosh36996Ай бұрын
Aerospace industry
@anickkumar2678Ай бұрын
very informative video! Appreciate you effort for making such useful videos. Looking forward to your upcoming content.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@anickkumar2678 Thank you! 😊
@shameermunir6798Ай бұрын
Sir also tell about IT
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 will do sure
@shameermunir6798Ай бұрын
World's best video about aerospace engineering ❤😊😊
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@shameermunir6798 Thanks! Glad it helped!!
@explorthemulticulture5364Ай бұрын
very well explanation.
@saifatiqueАй бұрын
@@explorthemulticulture5364 Thanks
@Copenhagen6772 ай бұрын
Sir i cannot come to united states nor uk because of financial problems, can you please suggest any other European countries where i should go a purse masters in mechanical engineering with foucs on aerospace.
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@Copenhagen677 Germany
@shibdassarkar93572 ай бұрын
Sir do you earn 170k dollars a year in usa? Plz reply in yes or no. Thanks a lot.
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@shibdassarkar9357 yes
@shibdassarkar93572 ай бұрын
Sir how much do you earn now in usa? Plz reply. Thanks a lot.
@shibdassarkar93572 ай бұрын
How much do you get paid per month in PhD program in usa? Plz reply. Thanks a lot.
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@shibdassarkar9357 $1600
@davidtheopgamer71812 ай бұрын
how to learn system engg???
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@davidtheopgamer7181 You can take this course is college level or search NPTEL Systems engineering in KZbin or purchase from udemy!
@millenniumupadhyaya4402 ай бұрын
Sir can Diploma Students Apply Job Here ?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@millenniumupadhyaya440 yeah but May be in the production line mechanics position
@millenniumupadhyaya4402 ай бұрын
@@saifatique please sir make a video on that !! Please can elactrical students apply ?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@millenniumupadhyaya440 I will do so
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@millenniumupadhyaya440 Yes
@strawhats40172 ай бұрын
Bro, can an aerospace engineer read mechanical engineer in mechanical engineer?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@strawhats4017 Yes they do
@Manojkumarsingh-if7xq2 ай бұрын
Sad to see our bangla frnds got caught up in the trap setup by US.
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@Manojkumarsingh-if7xq Thanks for your concern buddy! We will manage it.
@chngma2 ай бұрын
and can i do MBA in airlines and airport management after mechanical engineering
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@chngma Yes you can
@chngma2 ай бұрын
sir I am from India now a days I am pursuing mechanical engineering in NIT so can I join Boeing or airbus in future and also may I become a flight engineer??
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@chngma Yes you can
@ratandhadake87592 ай бұрын
Currently i am in 12th standard , I want to do aeronautical engineering but I confused that from which country I have to do bachelor engineering from India or Usa ?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@ratandhadake8759 India is affordable
@trieudeptraitu1den102 ай бұрын
Im waiting for it ❤
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@trieudeptraitu1den10 Glad to know
@vibinahkash18772 ай бұрын
Which universities in usa is good for masters in aerospace and aeronautical?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@vibinahkash1877 any university in USA is good
@deeparavichandran91522 ай бұрын
Sir, How about doing Electronics or AI and specialising in aerospace for Bachelor’s degree
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@deeparavichandran9152 great choice
@strawhats40172 ай бұрын
Feels like big brothers advice ❤️
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@strawhats4017 Thanks bro 😎
@SubrataNayak-d2t2 ай бұрын
Sir i am subrat . Please i become an aerospace engineer . And i want work in usa company . Please i have more doubt about an aerospace engineering. So give your contact number .
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@SubrataNayak-d2t Ask me here please! My consultation is paid!
@elano81532 ай бұрын
Very helpful video brother. I had a question: when applying for MS, when should I talk about assistantships? When the conversation is all about research works, should I just simply chime in my question regarding funds?
@saifatique2 ай бұрын
@@elano8153 1. You should start the process one year before 2. Better ask fund after professor choose you