@andyreynolds6473 10 сағат бұрын
@MichaelHenry17 6 күн бұрын
Super gross, surprised you didn't put Maz Kanata in there with all your sentinel, she can just sit there and grow to be massive, while being protected.
@SWUHarvest 5 күн бұрын
I spoke with "Legendary" Mike, and his thinking is that Maz would be such a big target that would not have any staying power that other units/cards work better there. I'm with you, though. Maz it up!
@GoyoToys 8 күн бұрын
Nice cards
@charlieeee486 9 күн бұрын
My favorite pack is the double legendary one with the hyper Rule With Respect and the Second Chance that you didn't even phase you :D <3
@MegaSilver 9 күн бұрын
He completely missed Second Chance was a Legendary lol
@SWUHarvest 8 күн бұрын
@@MegaSilver Haven't we all?
@Silverstreak33 17 күн бұрын
My sin would be complaining about control decks for weeks, then bringing control decks to two store showdowns.
@andyreynolds6473 16 күн бұрын
It’s only a problem when you’re the controllee, not the controller. 😂
@SWUHarvest 16 күн бұрын
Your Penance: play Double Aggression IG-88 and Kylo Ren at your next four Constructed events (two for each Showdown). Restore the balance within yourself, and your meta.
@Silverstreak33 16 күн бұрын
@@SWUHarvest lol
@SWUHarvest 20 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for the positive reception to this video. We are already making plans for the next episode. While nothing is Sealed, there are a galaxy of possibilities. Shadows (I couldn't think of a way to work that in). We know that we have a ways to go to make this series "perfect". If you enjoyed this, or what we do in general, please help us spread the word. The more eyes we get on our videos, articles, and podcasts, the more opportunities we have to do fun and cool stuff. I promise we'll work to make the kind of stuff that we would want to see (both in contents and quality... and sense of humor). We could just use some help getting the word out. Thank you again everyone, and keep on getting ready for Shadows of the Galaxy!
@Jtatumlover0 21 күн бұрын
Why didn’t mike play palpatine at 10:42 ? He would have killed cassian and he could then kill leia with vader since cassian doesn’t really have anything to stop vader except exhausting him. I don’t play a lot of vader so I don’t really know how to play him properly but that seemed like the obvious choice. Btw great video, love all the edits and the display of each players hand. Please make more videos like this, id love to watch them
@SWUHarvest 21 күн бұрын
Jon here: My guess is that without knowing what was coming, Mike wanted to attack with Vader first to make sure that damage went in. Leia had just exhausted him on the previous round after all. Also, remember that we have perfect info watching the game, but at the time Mike didn't. Again, this is my guess. Glad you are enjoying this! I truly appreciate the comment!
@blakepuente6278 22 күн бұрын
Dang, from three OBs to zero OBs in thirty seconds 😂
@SWUHarvest 21 күн бұрын
Well, he did save "one" for the end of the video I suppose. 😄
@Oneidos_Gaming 22 күн бұрын
Amazing! Can't even imagine how many hours of editing went into this. Keep it up guys!
@SWUHarvest 21 күн бұрын
The answer: A lot. A lot of hours. :) I'm glad that it turned out, and have several improvements in mind already. Really happy you enjoyed it!
@TSDreamCreative Ай бұрын
Also, nothing wrong with talking about how degenerate a deck Villain Mill Control is. Yes, it is perfectly legal to play and there is nothing wrong with playing it. But that style of play creates a lot of low interaction and very high negative play experience. Game designers should know better than to create cards or archetypes that can create such game experiences.
@TSDreamCreative Ай бұрын
Two reasons to not use FFG software: 1) it ranks people with Byes above people with actual wins. Jon should have been above me in the last Showdown with his 2-2 record over my 2 BYES. 2) You shouldn't be able to get two BYEs at an event. I was 2-2 with 2 BYEs :P
@charlieeee486 Ай бұрын
Great show! RIP X-wing and Armada.
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
That Sabine looks so... Sparkly? 😂
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
It does seem more sparklier than normal.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
"pretty sneaky, sis!" well played.
@MrMalchore Ай бұрын
Wow, pack three and she pulls a Command and foil Galactic Ambition! I don't know if she has beginners luck or lady's luck. Or both. EDIT: WHAT!!! She pulled a f'kin Luke Skywalker!!!! This is nuts. EDIT: And of course she pulls a Darth Vader, and a vigalence and cunning.
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
Pretty wild, right? I am happy to announce that she has started playing SWU since this video was recorded. Her luck with packs is holding strong.
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
World Guinness record for how many weekly boosters one can open in 1min is probably... 2 :p
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
The paper packs spoiled us all.
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
This felt like just 5mins passed. Great interview, looking forward to the next!
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
I appreciate it. I was worried about my interview skills, but Paul is a fantastic guest. I suppose that's really all it takes to look/sound good: bring on interesting people :)
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
So there's still kids out there, saving their lunch money in order to buy booster packs? There's still hope for humanity!
@TSDreamCreative Ай бұрын
Great interview. I look forward to hearing more interviews. Maybe even talking with people after tournaments and give their reports of the events.
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
Thanks! I'm charging up the ol' tiny mics now in hopes to get an interview at the next Showdown I attend. We'll see if that works out.
@charlieeee486 Ай бұрын
Hey, this SWU Harvest podcast, it's.. really something. It may not be the most informative podcast, but by golly it's pretty silly!
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
Truth in advertising.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
so. let me get this straight... you're NOT addicted to cracking packs AND you win a lot off tournaments? ... ... GET HIM!!!
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't understand it either. Although I wear my pack cracking addiction as a badge of honor. 🤣
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
Thank you again to Paul Heaver for joining me for this interview! If you have something you'd like to see, hear, touch, smell, or taste (or just the first two senses, really), please let us know. We'll do our best to provide useful, entertaining, or just weirdly captivating Star Wars: Unlimited content.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
you wanna know what i need? all the lore about the characters and vehicles on the cards that... 1. i may have forgotten. 2. i may have missed. 3. i'm too lazy to loook up on wookiepedia, myself. ... for both the current canon AND the real canon. dont ask for much, do i?
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
Loving the layout of your studio as well as analysis of the cards. I wish all the guys on our channel lived close enough together to record like this!!
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
I appreciate it. It's been a lot of fun putting the studio together. I'm reworking our camera setup now. As you know, always something to adjust. And I know how lucky we are to be in the same city. Even if one of us is always getting destroyed by the others at local events. :)
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
@@SWUHarvest Yeah, there’s always something to learn from lighting to camera or microphones. Your camera looks sweet enough, what do need to change? Yes, that’s an odd one when people know you have a Star Wars channel, they instantly want to beat you in tournaments 😂
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys I just meant more that Andy and Mike are always beating up on me (this is Jon). For the most part, I escape being a "target" by not being good at the game. 🤣
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys well yeah, of course. i also wood enjoy beating any or all of you, at cards, in a tournament. to be fair, it's nothing personal... i just wanna win a second game.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@SWUHarvest ah-HA! A CHALLENGER APPEARS!!! i "see" your "not being good at the game." and i "RAISE" you a "also being incredibly unlucky at games of chance!" HAVE AT THEE, MY GOOD SIR!
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
SO MANY "MA KLOUNKEES!!!" i fear i may have the vapors!
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
my wife asked why her name is hobgoblin. my guess was "someone is a spiderman fan?"
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
We call her "Hobby", but it's mostly because she is a ramped up psychopath of a cat... in the best of ways. Also, we wanted a Halloween vibe for her. Her sister's name is Persimmon, btw. Another autumn name. :)
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@SWUHarvest we have an animal rescue/ rehabilitaion shelter in the basement. mainly do cats, but we have a few dogs. most of the dogs go through othr people in the local humane society. we had a long haired grey stray cat with striking orange eyes show up, almost named it autumn. when she turned out to be a he, we went with "augustus." after you've adopted out a few dozen animals, names start getting harder and harder to come up with. gonna tell the wife about "persimmon.." bet she'll like that one.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
sometimes i can be a touch dense. it was 25:05 before the ma klounkee made sense to me. 25:10 "i will not curse again." the next pack... the very next pack! ten seconds! ten whole seconds later... taking the lord's name in vain. followed immediately by dead silence... did my cat step on the keyboard? no. she got a third foil mission briefing and lost her ma klounkee!
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
BRANDON!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ... who is brandon again?
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
He's one of our locals. A friend of the channel, if you will.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
has anyone cracked the lot codes?
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
hello shopkeep? can i get six boxes of pack threes, please.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
two traitoresseseseses in one pack. wow. nice. i bought a whole box and didnt even get one.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
this gives me an idea for a podcast title... "holo-foil snapshot reeseflexes."
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
big deal. i, also, almost always come in second... ...in a two player game.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
louweeville, huh? hey! alexa! how far is it from knoxville to looouivil? ... alexa? ALEXA? this stupid thing never works fer me. it's age descrimination, i'm tellin ya. oh wait... siri! hey siri! how far is it...
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
geez, description dude! spoilers much!?! gah! i had money riding on this match!!! the over/under odds were ten two one that it WASN'T going to matter! (can yall tell i aint know squat about gambling? well... cept for pack ripping, of course.)
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
if y'all think THAT'S a big threepio then you must not have seen his old school trading card number 207.
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
don't call me "shirley."
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
your reaction to the cat being on the table was very respectful. subscription earned.
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
She's a good girl. A bit... off, but aren't we all? Thanks for the sub! We are firmly pro-cat (and pro-animal in general).
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
Hi mate. Good to see you over here lapping up more content!!
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys lol. i need all the help i can get.
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
@@AgharGrin Is it helping?
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys i was gonna say "no" as a joke but that wood bee unfair to all yall's instructional abilities. to be honest, my records still stands at 1-12, but that's only because i just dont have the time to play. i get more enjoyment from opening, collecting, and building that i do losing, i mean.... playing, anyways.
@LanceBryantGrigg Ай бұрын
I can see the coruscant dissident getting played its just simple and easy to run with. Migs 'might' get played, honestly, It might be slightly to complex for the type of decks that tend to run discard, but perhaps.
@SWUHarvest Ай бұрын
I agree with the Dissident. I think we'll see a new type of deck with Kylo and cards like Migs in the new set. Remember that the Rare cards are meant to be built around typically. If you get him in a good deck with synergy, sky is the limit.
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
Miggs looks very interesting to me. I’m hoping this is the start of a discard deck
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys ded smexy twi'lek super babe or ginger dude that looks like a younger me... hmmm. whom, so ever, shall i pick? i wonder. ... who am i kidding? now i NEED both of these in hyperfoil autograph variant. i should stay off the internet till the ides of july passses.
@oldboysnewtoys Ай бұрын
@@AgharGrin It's only money dude, if you weren't buying cards, you'd only waste it on something else, like food or paying bills.....:P
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
@@oldboysnewtoys yall know what? i aint gonna dignify that with an answer here. besides these kind gentlemen are probably fed up with my unhinged approach to, well... just "to" i suppose. where's my new video? "i'm not gonna waiting for thursday patiently." i explained poorly and impatiently.
@jehn0 Ай бұрын
@Silverstreak33 Ай бұрын
Hey guys! I'd love if you all included a segment like, "What are you playing this week?" You could talk about your favorite deck for the week and why you like it. (I'm secretly gathering intel for Wednesday nights.)
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
Been following you guys for a while now, this was awesome (and on point). Keep it up!
@AgharGrin Ай бұрын
well, well, well. lookie at who we got us here, boys! y'all should have him as a guest on your channel, he's good luck! hi, chris! i still need more tips and rules videos. i shore wood like to win a second game sometime this year. magic 8 ball says "not likely." so i smashed his head open on a rock shaped like a sandcrawler... did y'all know them things got a d20 for a brain? ... and knowing is half the battle!
@Oneidos_Gaming Ай бұрын
@@AgharGrin it's a small world, right? 😂
@Silverstreak33 2 ай бұрын
You can randomly hear me open my IG-88 Showcase in the background lol. Didn't pass that one.
@Silverstreak33 2 ай бұрын
#teambinder boxes are boring 🙂
@SWUHarvest 2 ай бұрын
#teambox! :)
@TCGAllStars 2 ай бұрын
Nice one
@Calintares 2 ай бұрын
I bought the final three prerelease packs that my LGS had. I was super-lucky and got 4 legendaries (including Boba) a foil hyperspace legendary, and a showcase. annecdotal, but it was quite a bit better than either of the two boxes I've opened.
@SWUHarvest 2 ай бұрын
Wow, those were some good ones. I think the real test will be if Set 2 has some juiced packs again in their Pre Release boxes. Either way, I am not mad about pulling the good stuff. 😂
@charlieeee486 2 ай бұрын
Great show! My favorite of the new cards is IG-11!
@Oneidos_Gaming 2 ай бұрын
So many moments I was *almost* saying to the screen: "pick that man, pick it, pick..." Good picks overall!