@markaguilera493 Күн бұрын
You weren't skinny fat, you were fluffy.
@smetljesm2276 2 күн бұрын
The easiest path in one year is skinny fat to fat😎
@ClarkIsraeli 4 күн бұрын
Your method doesn't work, plus looking at your eyes you are a lier.
@GreenNastyRabbit 4 күн бұрын
I personally never had problems eating my portions or feeling stretching my stomach, my main issue is staying full or not hungry at all for very long time in a day… 🫤 after working out I’m always hungry so I devour my breakfast (around 8am), and remain full, up to very late afternoon (6-9pm)…
@JN003 5 күн бұрын
..with reference to the why protein & creatine mentioned. Do you have a preferred brand? ( I recently read an article somewhere about lead, arsenic, and cadmium found in certain brands )... kind of puts you , guessing plenty of scam products around.
@suzukigsxfa9683 6 күн бұрын
beautifully explained
@aladin0095 6 күн бұрын
Heti 3 edzés nem elég. 4-szer kell menni edzeni egy héten, hogy ugyanazokat az izmokat 3 naponta megdolgoztassuk.
@gregoryneedsaname 7 күн бұрын
You dont need to do heavy compound barbell exercises to get a great physique.
@Perfect_Pizza 8 күн бұрын
This is all the REAL, non-gimmick information for getting in shape. Literally perfect.
@dr.hero18 9 күн бұрын
But who has all this time for workouts! I can barely get to the gym twice a week
@kakarotdragonball265 9 күн бұрын
I did a dead lift last Friday and injured myself badly. No more dead lifting for me. Sam Sulek doesn't dead lift.
@tryhardjacko 11 күн бұрын
This video was targeted at me for sure haha. Great video it’s nice knowing you were once in the same position as well. Very inspiring :)
@an0therdimensi0n99 12 күн бұрын
A+ content, presentation. i am very tough to give compliments about youtube vids so congrats
@raditz4583 12 күн бұрын
Recomp is the wsy to get rid of skinny fat
@mangowizard 12 күн бұрын
Please tell me how burning calories on a treadmill is a mistake ?
@LicenseToTill 13 күн бұрын
I literally do 90 lbs 7:12 deadlifts, 4 times 12 reps. But I want to get to 60 kg / 130 lbs, 200 lbs etc
@Pnug93 16 күн бұрын
7 on, 7 off? On your nights off, did you sleep at night?
@AverageCanadianStinky 17 күн бұрын
this guy wasn't skinny he seemed normal before
@amanbhargava7332 18 күн бұрын
You kept talking about pull and push but there is no link below cmon man
@BradNewtonFitness 17 күн бұрын
it's in the description of the video.
@BradNainiti27 19 күн бұрын
Hei Brad, Thanks for the great video❤
@ניצןבוהדנה 20 күн бұрын
in the video “how to bulk for skinny guys” you said the goal is to gain 1% of the body weight per month and here you said gain 0.5-1 lb per week, can you explain please?
@ניצןבוהדנה 20 күн бұрын
thank you brad! what about abs workout? Have you included it in your training while bulking?
@ravleenkaire7380 20 күн бұрын
How much reps and sets ????
@Iz0pen 21 күн бұрын
I heard he OD’d on Tren n died!
@MFV86 21 күн бұрын
Topman respect 🙏
@GodKing804 22 күн бұрын
>get someone to spot you Yep social anxiety will keep me fat
@wallygrandpa 22 күн бұрын
I'm just a fat fat
@heatherkulak8633 22 күн бұрын
Hi. Brad I was bodybuilding at 40 and now at 55 I’m 40 lbs heavier and fat I have done shift work as a registered nurse since 36 Always thin slim and fit at times Until shift work now after a pandemic and chronic nursing shortage I work 4 weeks nights then 2 weeks day eve split a few days forfeit at a time never more than 3 off I need to get back my ips but I find eating before bed a habit and other things thank you for your support
@leolundgren3989 24 күн бұрын
Really liked this video since it doesn't get overly scientific, which is one of the reasons people don't have the patience to get into weight lifting. I've gone from super-skinny to skinny-fat and it's not until now, when I'm 38, that I have the patience and knowledge to make this change. Over time I've discovered how fun it is to just experiment with your body and transform it into something stronger and more capable. You feel more confident as feel more in control of yourself and your personal progress. And it's a win/win for everything else you do in life because not only do you get stronger physically but mentally as well. I started skiing just 3 years ago and being able to grow my will to conquer a new challenge and to have a stronger body to get me through it really made it so much more fun.
@Andrew-tl9gk 25 күн бұрын
Step 1: Testosterone
@alexk1219 26 күн бұрын
You use grams, but why do you use pounds? I need to open calculator every time when americans mention some ancient measures!
@i.eduard4098 28 күн бұрын
Cut&Bulk from my personal experience, is just build muscles and eat only cooked healthy food and lots of greens. In my opinion skinny fats need to go bulk, if you eat healthy filling food you can't exceed a stupid amount of calories. If you lift weights and in 2 3 months your weight doesn't increase then it means you build muscles. I doubt you can get fat if you cut the fast food, sodas, beer, white bread or other pastries and only eat normal food. For me was easier to cut after 2 months of bulk, and the exercises became easier. But in my case I was 15kg underweight, there was no point for me to cut but I think is easier to cut after you have enough muscles, building muscles is harder than reaching 13-15% body fat but everyone with their struggles.. I think thought skinny fats shoud bulk for a while, just be consistent with weight lifting a few months and then look in the mirror how much to cut.
@i.eduard4098 28 күн бұрын
Lmao I did all his mistakes when I ever started working out, except that I was doing caedio daily for 40 min...... Once I switched to the dumbbells I inherited from my grandpa, I couldn't lift shit and my triceps were basically 2 or 3 tendons which I could poke the bone. So I went for bulking and I was eating more than enough protein.. I really didn't care how much I eat as long as it was healthy also I was 15kg underweight. I started to have 4 pack abs, I was close to shed love handles and the fat on the belly but shit happened in life and now after 2 years I think I wanna push it to a great natural psyhique. Your video is really motivating! Skinny fats need to put muscles, there is no other way, I think diet can be loose a few months as long as is cooked healthy food only
@lifeisgood070 28 күн бұрын
What is it like to be a slave to the Australian government? You guys need to clean house down there and get a 2nd amendment
@coasterdrive7640 29 күн бұрын
Great video! I‘m just wondering how this video is from 2021 and the book in the description launches on October 6th 2024 🤔
@thierrygiunta1093 Ай бұрын
very good video and some very good points made thank you dude
@ZenithQuinn Ай бұрын
shouldn't it be 0.8-1g of protein per KILO? Not lbs?
@MrAllUpInYaFace Ай бұрын
Followed this 8 weeks ago. Thankyou thankyou thankyou. I cut first and it has given me mad confidence now and im already on a bulk and loving the results
@abdulrahmanalghamdi2307 Ай бұрын
Could explain why exactly compound lifting is better than isolation exercises? I'm confused, nipperd guy is promoting isolation, old schoolers are saying compounds
@BMW323ciDriver 7 күн бұрын
Compound exercises work multiple muscle groups at once, as opposed to just working one muscle group with isolation type. Compound gives better bang for the buck time wise. You can build a bigger stronger solid well balanced figure with compound lifting alone. And Not to say isolated type isn’t needed, cause it definitely has its place, but IMO it should be an additional added type exercise maybe at the end of your workout, instead of your main go to. Like they say Compound should include Deadlifts, squats, bench, shoulder press, pull ups ect ect. Try it out
@ionkon Ай бұрын
If you eat healthy (not too fatty or sweet foods) and do basic training 4-5 times a week at home, basic exercises like push-ups and abs and legs, you won't be skinny fat. Simple like that.
@flickedd1111 Ай бұрын
Brad, you are literally the man I have been looking for. Straight to the point with realistic goals as well. Thank you so much.
@mcnell311 Ай бұрын
Swapped out my starbucks frappicino for Oikos pro 20g protein yogurt. Started lifting. Amazing difference starting with small changes, one by one. Go slow
@--FootballEdits-- Ай бұрын
I've tried cutting about three times, but I'd been doing it all wrong. I'm mid-growth, but I don't wanna end up skinny fat when I'm done growing... How do I fix this mid-growth without access to a proper gym? @BradNewtonFitness
@murhafsousli7191 Ай бұрын
Did mention that you took steroids? why do you all hide this! you are deceiving. this transformation would never happen without steroids.
@BradNewtonFitness Ай бұрын
you're very mistaken mate. I'm curious - do you believe it's impossible to get very lean without steroids?
@obscuremusictabs5927 Ай бұрын
If it's true that you need 1g protein per lb then how does one explain peasants who are lean and cut. Eating that much protein everyday is expensive. 150g of protein, for instance, is the equivalent of roughly two dozen eggs. Alex Honnold, the free climber is ripped and claims that he doesn't worry that much about protein. He weighs 165 and is a vegetarian. No way is he consuming 165g of protein a day. There are videos that show what he eats and it is not a ton of protein.
@XvitruvX 27 күн бұрын
His math is plain bullshit and I'd even say dangerous misinformation.
@immy138 Ай бұрын
I watched so many videos and finally this is the one that makes sense!
@Abc-cu9db Ай бұрын
Never seen someone talk so much sense, why didn’t I find you sooner?!
@mr7911 Ай бұрын
70 to 80gs of protein isn't enough 😳.... im really going to struggle then
@froggin-zp4nr Ай бұрын
Protein bar and a protein shake and you're 1/3 of the way there. Just eat 200g of chicken in your main meal and the rest in breakfast/lunch.
@mr7911 Ай бұрын
@froggin-zp4nr Hey man, thanks for the advice. But I just can't explain how monotonous eating is for me, I have to be really hungry to crave food, and when I do eat say a decent size breakfast, I'm pretty much set for the rest of the day. I can consistently get like 60 grams in, and that's me trying. So to hear 70 to 80 isn't enough even though I'm eating a lesser amount that already takes effort is really disheartening. Honestly, if I didn't try, I'd get like 30 or 40gs. Maybe an eating disorder¿ I'm not sure because I'm a healthy weight, but I just absolutely dispise my body composition, i don't want to be arnie, c-bum, Ronnie Coleman, or your typical roided or even natural gym rat, I just want to be lean with abs again, like 70/75kg cut. If that. But I seem to be stuck at 69/70 kg skinny fat, although I have only been trying for 3 weeks, 3 days a week full body, and people have said already that I look better, but I find that hard to believe and think they're just extending words of encouragement and motive to keep me going (which I will of course) but am just worried my 60g a day will lead it to all being in vain like 3 months down the line, when at that point most people who eat and train well notice significant progress. But I have come across some new food items I'm going to try, that will hopefully aid me getting 90gs within two meals, which I think/hope for me is manageable. Soy crispies which are 77% protein, so 77g of protein per 100g (asif you can't do the math lol), doubt ill eat a 100g of them though so maybe 60 to 80 g of them, then a 20 to 30g of protein meal in the evening, and possibly something inbetween the two, protien bar maybe, peanuts, or if I'm really peckish, a wrap of sorts..
@sherifkamalsayed3048 Ай бұрын
Good job bro 💪🏻
@LaceyMae-c5k Ай бұрын
Could you do 4 x a week cardio for 30-40m after ur strength training on like really low intensity incline walking