Episode 10: Islam in Liberalism
Episode 7: The Racial Muslim
@asimalkhawaja Ай бұрын
What I understood from the professor is that Rashid Khalidi denounced attacking settlers who settle on occupied lands. If this is true, then this is unacceptable. There cannot be immunity for an occupier, whether civilian or military
@gopher7691 Ай бұрын
@@asimalkhawaja Arabs are indigenous to Arabia. What gives them the right to occupy Judea? Or Northern Africa for that matter? Why don’t you call all those Arab occupiers to go back to Arabia?
@asimalkhawaja Ай бұрын
Always when Zionists respond to any content that talks about facts and evidence about the ugliness of the Zionist occupation for nearly 80 years, their responses are limited to either superficial accusations such as anti-Semitism or distorting the facts to appear negative, such as describing the resistance as violence and terrorism. You are fools and have no excuse
@asimalkhawaja Ай бұрын
thank you prof. Massad
@republitarian484 3 ай бұрын
The United States was founded and built by white men for white people. Never again will we make the mistake of inviting the entire world into our countries.
@Atwoodphoto 4 ай бұрын
One last comment, the innocent always suffer the most in war, war will continue until humanity learns to love those who disagree. Innocent children, women and men dying in this conflict in Gaza is something we should never be complacent about or forget, but we must also study the events that lead Israel to defend itself. Every country involved in war throughout history has killed innocents, it’s an inevitable occurrence that happens in every war, this is why war should be the last resort. Israel didn’t start this war, and Hamas can end the bloodshed today by releasing the hostages. Hamas conducted unthinkable acts on October the 7th, video footage of Hamas’s barbarism is easily accessible and provides evidence that justifies Israel’s response to Hamas. Many disagree with my views of this conflict, the humane response to disagreement is conversation and debate. Protesters on college campuses like Columbia aren’t willing to debate, most of these protesters know very little about the events that brought us here. I’m a Marine Corps veteran who served in a recon unit, I’m trained to run towards danger, fight and win, but I’m also sympathetic to those opposing me and my fellow soldiers. War isn’t something anyone should want, but it is necessary as a last resort. Hamas beheaded Jewish babies on October the 7th, and many others are currently Hamas’s hostages. Israel’s response to Hamas is a last resort, and this war will continue until the hostages are released. The plight of innocent Palestinians is on Hamas’s shoulders, Hamas’s actions are reminiscent of Nazi aggression against the Jews during World War Two, many innocents died in WWII and as horrific as it was, the fight against the Nazis was justified even when children were on the front lines of the Nazi force. War is always ugly, this war against Hamas is ugly, but it can end today with the release of hostages. God bless all innocents caught in the middle of this conflict, and God forgive all who’ve sinned throughout this war and all other wars, for we know not what we do. I pray for peace between Israel and Palestine, I pray for peace across the world, but I’m not so naive to understand hatred and war will continue until we learn to love our enemy. If there was ever a time for God to step in, that time is now, this conflict between Israel and Hamas is only the beginning and I fear this war will be the crux of WWIII. God bless and forgive us all.
@Atwoodphoto 4 ай бұрын
This comment is intended for all Jews, God bless you and may he protect you as antisemitism grows across every nation. KZbin and other social media platforms give a microphone to anyone willing to speak, America’s freedom of speech comes at a cost, Massad has no fear of spreading his propaganda because he lives in a country that protects free speech whether it’s true or not. Videos like this are deplorable and packed with disinformation, the real danger comes from those who believe every word Massad said and are willing to respond with violence. The radical terrorist protests at Columbia College is a growing symptom of ignorance and “group think” that’s prevalent in most universities across the US and the world. The good news is everything we’re witnessing is predicted in the Bible, Massad will eventually have to answer for his words. Our greatest weapon against ignorance, power and narcissism is prayer, justice comes to all who spread evil. God is on your side, don’t be discouraged.
@Atwoodphoto 4 ай бұрын
Do you believe the attack on Israelites by Hamas on October the 7th 2023 was a terrorist act? You mentioned Israel’s response to the October 7th attack is barbaric, is the beheading of children and rape considered barbaric in your opinion? Do you believe Israel has no right to responded to Hamas aggression? Also, Hamas uses innocent civilians as shields in war and conflict, do you believe Israel is to blame for this behavior?
@HarperSkylark Ай бұрын
Do you believe "israel" as apartheid ethno-state has any "rights" to begin with? States nor their governments do not have rights, as rights belong only to people. All people, everywhere, no matter which part of the world they live in. Do you think "israel" respects the concept of human rights or is even able to acknowledge such a thing? Apartheid, racist, delusional, murderous regimes do not have any "rights" at all and never has. It has sown the seeds of its own inevitable demise and delegitimized itself by its own sickening behavior starting with its illegal invasion and occupation of Palestine 75 years ago. If it followed the rules and didn't act like a spoiled, tyrannical brat who can do whatever it wants while exploiting the holocaust for its own benefit and as justification for everything and didn't slaughter people every single day since it came about, it might have been more tolerable and agreeable to the rest of humanity. Stop blaming Hamas for Israel's horrible reputation and failures. It's just ridiculous and I assure you it does nothing to bolster any support or sympathy from the rest of us.
@MariaZerihoun Ай бұрын
What beheading? What systematic rape? Just lies lies… How about the Hannibal directive which killed many Israelis th 7 oct?! How about the rape of palestinan hostages in Israeli prison for decades? How about the GENOCIDE in Gaza!!! Remember NEVER AGAIN?!?
@user-xw6pp5lq2d 22 күн бұрын
Israel never beheaded anyone or raped anyone. It is gaslighting to blame Israel for what Hamas dud.
@gudrunassmann6705 4 ай бұрын
Right of Resistance 🇵🇸 UNGA Resolution 37/43
@gopher7691 Ай бұрын
@@gudrunassmann6705 yes I think Christians in Egypt have the right to resist Arab occupiers until they all go back to Arabia
@isaacbenharush8027 4 ай бұрын
She delete comments from Linkdin - she a blaha, blaha
@saulgolan6000 4 ай бұрын
get the Hamas out of Gaza
@saulgolan6000 4 ай бұрын
shut down this propaganda channel
@ahmadurrani 4 ай бұрын
Great lecture. Always a pleasure listening to Zach. Are these slides available somewhere?
@SOT233 4 ай бұрын
Why are these Arabic academics always so lenient towards terrorism and terrorist groups?
@wg99er 4 ай бұрын
Joseph massad support hamas attacks on innocent civilians. He is a terrorist sympathizer if not a terrorist himself.
@SolHersh 5 ай бұрын
Settler colonization of palestine? lol Islam are the biggest colonizers worldwide. Literally funded on a crazed colonizing conquest. Arabs as the name would suggest are indigenous only to the Arabian peninsula, and have colonized Egypt and all of northern Africa. Syria was never Arab, nor was Lebanon nor was ancient Israel. The only settlers there are Mohammad's colonizers who came in his conquest. the 3.8B dollars have not been for 50 years. Obama set that amount. Aid perhaps, not in that amount. Quit making shit up, its egregious as you are supposed to be an intellectual. The 3.8B brings more to the states then it does to Israel, in job creation, ROI, R&D, export control, and mass political influence. The military aid money which doesn't even amount to 1 percent of Israels GDP is pennies on the dollar for what it gets in return, and ensuring it will never stop. Intel just invested 25b$ making chips in Israel. While all manufacturing has moved to Asia, specialist fields like computer chips and defense manufacturing is all the US has left in order to remain the spearhead of the world economy. Israel being one of the most established allies in those fields, delivers more then any other country. The Chinese are dying to get Israeli tech and their hands deeper in Israel. Imagine the US let that happen lol. The wings, helmet, & display of the F35 is made in Israel. The last two anti air systems fielded by the marines are based off of Israels Iron dome. Israeli Mercava tank hulls are made in the US. The southern US border is protected with Israeli sensors and drones. The most advanced AWACS Jet of the US is a modified g550 made in Israel. Latest block F16 wings; made in Israel. Drones in use by the marines; made in Israel, US Abrams tanks would be useless without the Israeli Trophy active protection system. Every major US MWRAP including the JLTV protecting our forces against Islamist fundamentalist across the globe are manufactured by palsan in Israel. The Arrow 3 missile capable of taking out hypersonic cruise missiles and shooting down orbiting satellites is made with Israel and is said by the US to be far more advanced then anything it has attempted on its own. Smart shooter anti drone capabilities used by US forces made in Israel. Styker armored vehicles have turrets and systems made in Israel, US mortars k6 and Cardom made in Israel. The Lavi program was a jet that was supposed to pose threats to the US marketshare so the US makes them use the aid and buy American Jets instead which are then stripped and fitted with Israeli systems. All this so yall could boycott Starbucks, garbage coffee which we don't even have in Israel lol. We would boycott ya'll too, but you make nothing other than chaos and majdul dates. 2b Muslims 0.5 percent of Nobel prizes in the sciences, vs 15m Jews; 22 percent of all prizes. We Israelis don't want peace with the Arabs, since they don't have it between themselves to offer us. Americans don't forget the "Palestinians" celebrating 9/11 and giving out sweets in the streets, the fact that Israel is the only place outside of the US to have a memorial for it and the first person who died trying to take down the crazed terrorists that day was an Israeli commando. All while the PA and its "pay for slay program" kills Americans leading to the Taylor force act set forth by congress, not to mention the American Hostages currently held in Gaza.
@kingfillins4117 5 ай бұрын
Nowhere, have you mentioned the fact that Hamas have a military strategy using civilians as human shield. Nowhere have you mentioned that I must have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on armaments and building military bases and underground tunnels. No way of you mentioned that MS have not built aid shelters for civilians. A little bit odd don’t you think? If Hamas were embedded within Israel, civilian, casualties would be low, because Israeli would not hang around above them, or next To them as human shields. Hamas Children’s TV Teaches children to be martyrs. That is atrocious .But even with civilians acting as human shields, civilian casualties have been very low, compared to other similar conflicts in urban environments. Please stop supporting terrorism.
@wg99er 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!! I have family from Israel.
@timmcdraw7568 5 ай бұрын
You are right that holocaust survivors were handed weapons to do unthinkable things to palestinians and i am commenting here not to counter that NOR to justify it. It is absolutely unjustifiable. I am just adding a little more context, its a context i just learned about myself, which, as a jewish person filled me with rage. Which is that , after thousands of recently freed jewish survivors (dubbed to be useless human waste material by the zionists) were shipped to israel after being blocked from going anywhere else, the men were offered a choice. These were bone thin highly highly traumatized people, recently reunited with their families if any family survived, and before even being allowed off the ships that carried them, they were given the choice to pick up a gun and fight or go to prison where you can stay until you decide to pick up a gun and fight. All but 10% of the jewish population of europe were not zionists, and most of them were in fact anti-zionist before the war. Useless human waste. Many of them chose prison but all of the (as far as i know) eventually chose to fight. And any of them did horrific things. And any of them died. Somewhere in israel there is a mass grave filled with thousands of jewish men who hadn’t been in Palestine long enough to even be known. They had no papers having just left the camps, and are buried together anonymously. Useless human waste. The indignity of that. Having survived, who knows their stories of survival. And then to be forced to carry out a genocide and then be killed and so dying a villain and thats that. Zionism IS antisemitism embodied. But more importantly - Free Palestine. Free the world. Reference: An Army Like No Other, How the Defence Force Made a Nation, by Haim Bresheeth-zabner
@SolHersh 5 ай бұрын
lol whole bunch of BS my family was there, came from exile in Europe on the exodus ship after surviving the death camps and you probably came from an entire line of coward Kapos, we are fulfilling your request on freeing palestine (by the way thats a zionist term from the 20s) and were currently fulfilling it, sit back and watch.
@mauricehalfhide3982 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this information and for sharing the source! Very sad.
@gopher7691 4 ай бұрын
Unthinkable things? Do you think that orgy of rape murder torture and kidnapping in October 7 was unthinkable? What was Israel supposed to do after that? Ask Hamas to please not do it again? I’m sorry Hamas hides behind Arab civilians but Israel had to go after Hamas and destroy it
@timmcdraw7568 4 ай бұрын
@@mauricehalfhide3982 thank you for reading my comment. I just reread it and if you noticed, my M button is stuck haha. A lot of the “any’s” should be “many’s” for example. I’m annoyed i didn’t catch it before posting. I hope it was clear and made sense.
@beniluv3250 4 ай бұрын
Haim Bereshit got an agenda to sell, he have been criticised for that many times so I wouldn't bother much with him. I'll just correct a few details: 1. The survivors of the Nazis were not called human waste etc, they have been described as a burden for a young, poor nation, but they were taken in anyway. Because obviously. 2. Survivors were put in prison camps, but not by Israelis, as the nation was not formed yet and it was under british mandate still. They were put in camps in EY and Cyprus by the british as their quota immigration policy did not allow them to be refugees yet. My grandfather was one of those. It is probably the main fallacy here as the ww2 ended the IDF wasn't formed yet so the all survivor with a gun glued to its hand could not happen as there 3 years between one event and the next. 3. Most of the survivors did not fight in the 1948 war, there is plenty of data for that, but Bereshit ignores it. 4. Main problem with that book is that it wants to claim Israel is all those things, but ignores the fact Israel have a 20% muslim arab minority that lives within it with more equality than most other countries in the world, western or not. Out of 20% most young muslim and christian men serve in the IDF with pride.
@gopher7691 5 ай бұрын
Israel has every right to be in the West Bank as long as the Arabs are a threat according to international law.
@timmcdraw7568 5 ай бұрын
@gopher7691 5 ай бұрын
@@timmcdraw7568 you’re right. The Arabs aren’t a threat
@kingfillins4117 5 ай бұрын
Well, they have a point. Also, Jordan ethnically cleans Jews from the Westbank, who saw refuge within Israel. Jordan destroyed synagogues in gleefully, exclaimed that it was the first time ever that there were no Jews on the land. Do those Jews get a right of return?
@cooterhead_jones 4 ай бұрын
@gopher7691 4 ай бұрын
@@timmcdraw7568 jackass
@gopher7691 5 ай бұрын
Arabs have been trying to destroy Israel and murder all the Jews in it since 1948. Maybe Arabs should giv3 up some land for peace since they lost all their genocidal wars against Israel
@gopher7691 5 ай бұрын
Arabs have been colonizing the world since the eight century. That’s why Arabs are in power from Morocco to Syria. So it’s hilarious to hear Arabs complain about colonization. How does it feel?
@Simpog7 5 ай бұрын
We need we need we need blablablabla why don’t you do something useful send money to Palestine maybe talk to government officials
@hedvigforever 5 ай бұрын
That is the Truth and it has to be spoken out loud …. Since it goes on since 75 years… is there a Chance for Justice? Or is Justice an Illusion and only Arms and Economic power Are “the Truth”? The only Chance for the Palestinians Are we the people putting pressure on politicians.
@zdk1099 6 ай бұрын
Isr@elis have devolved into a savage medieval genocidal society!
@zdk1099 6 ай бұрын
Zionism is a curse on civilized society!
@liamoconlocha3264 6 ай бұрын
Zach, my man, a pleasure to listen to...'conquered' is an unusual choice of word Zach
@sf6199 8 ай бұрын
isra-hell is the n@zi 4th reich
@jameskellinger8314 9 ай бұрын
@idontlikesand1346 9 ай бұрын
Lone unhinged zionist in the comments lol.
@rachaelgoldman1656 9 ай бұрын
Also, why don’t you show the flag prior to Israel? Why not say the truth of the land? Or are you just an antisemite ?
@rachaelgoldman1656 9 ай бұрын
You’re a disgrace with the lies and misinformation you share
@gregg2696 10 ай бұрын
Islamophobia is like KKKphobia, but Islam is far worse. Read The Quran and learn about the life of the ideal Muslim, Muhammad, and you will realize that civilized people are not nearly Islamophobic enough. Just because an ideology is called a religion doesn't mean it is good or should be equated with all other religions. It is not a global war on Muslims, Muslims have waged war on non-Muslims, just as their god has told them to do.
@DavidMueller666 10 ай бұрын
NEW: A United States of Israel is conjoined with the State of Israel. Rivers of Blood are spilled to nourish this ravenous Beast. - Produced and Directed by Satan the Devil
@garrettcole2251 Жыл бұрын
Non black Latinos are racists and bigots
@humn_rights 2 жыл бұрын
The future of mankind is towards more equal rights and assimilation of peoples of different races, ethnicities and religions. The march towards equality can only be delayed but not stopped.