31:00 Vi does use two of those, which are called Atlas Gauntlets (very cool name)
@Kris_Huff-n-Puff18 сағат бұрын
Love these videos, so glad you’re posting the last book! Definitely brings me comfort and love the critiques of Jo, love the wizarding world but not the author lol. Sending lumos and can’t wait to listen to your thoughts on the final chapters and the final movies! Would love to see yall do a twilight podcast next. Would be soooo funny 😂🥲
@switypie20 сағат бұрын
U shld watch their dance practice video...they look soo wow...
@ATEEZvideo22 сағат бұрын
Hello, I'm a Japanese ATINY. I like your reaction because it's funny. Please react to AYEEZ's Cyberpunk. kzbin.info/www/bejne/sKLTdJulaNKLY5Isi=Hb1VnHVNzDZm4kZR The outfit is the best. I watched it with my friend crazy. I hope ATEEZ will continue to react. Thank you.
@lilgfbinКүн бұрын
16:11 HELP YOU JUST DESCRIBED EXACTLY WHAT I WAS DOING 😭😭✋🏻✋🏻 my mum's also not home and i'm jumping up and down around the house as i blast this video on the speakers why did u clock me like that.... except you said teenager and i'm 23 scratches head
@moreta505Күн бұрын
I totally get your comments about blacks character and I actually agree, but when I watched this I didn’t have any issues filling in his backstory (granted entirely from my own imagination). People react really strongly to neglect and I feel like I’ve seen enough similar stories to extrapolate his anger. From kids we saw that he was kinda an extreme person struggling in a constrained family. Seems he only found release through his relationship with white then that was taken away too. We know he was neglected by his mom, not only in a not paying an attention to him way but in a rejecting who he is kinda way. I assume he immersed himself in other angry environments and expressed through extreme violence that clearly got out of control. Now hearing your comments I’m rethinking the ease of my acceptance of his character but that’s what I filled in the first time I watched.
@Cooper20077Күн бұрын
I'm still a bit obsessed with Devil Game (i wish there was a proper MV). It could be in my top 5 K-pop songs of all time (however it's not allowed in for at least a year to prevent novelty bias).
@paulykings22762 күн бұрын
I need with all my heart an MV and choreo of Step Back.
@ctrl.f2 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure the song Jinx is listening to in that scene is actually her theme song from Lol called Get jinxed!
@ashleydillon29102 күн бұрын
That should be a selling point for all manors. ‘And the tortu- pardon - basement chambers are equipped with our very own ring cams so home owners can keep an eye on their …. Guests. ‘
@Lilayzerif2 күн бұрын
U should see devil game stage
@AsHiFa-25213 күн бұрын
Dont take the bullet out.. NEVER pull out any penetrating object (bullet, knife, glass..).. just keep it, put pressure, go to a hospital in real life from a med student😅
@d8hyn3 күн бұрын
please react to LUN8’s latest song butterfly!!
@SpookyDarling3 күн бұрын
That’s what also happened to me the first time I saw Chrome Arts, toooooo……
@TheMattSturgeon3 күн бұрын
Mia Sinclair Jenness did an amazing job as Powder. Cast at 10, recording most of her lines ~11-12 and wrapped on Season 1 when she was ~16. There's an excellent feature on the voice actors in Part 3 of Bridging the Rift. I found Mia's brief spotlight quite impactful.
@sniggledee3 күн бұрын
RJ is right, the people love the bitterant gag, please do it forever
@jodez87173 күн бұрын
Yes. It’s me I’m the people.
@mullworm4 күн бұрын
you guys are good! A lot of people don't realize that what Heimerdinger says about Stanwick Padidly is important to understanding his development in season 2.
@lottieisfashion4 күн бұрын
Listening to this now bc I too am a hater for this movie
@yrynoy4 күн бұрын
"A shoulder to cry on" is so much better than this and almost no one is talking about it 😭
@TheAmpliverse4 күн бұрын
HUGE defender of shoulder
@tharikhalakshmi13744 күн бұрын
The first half of this recap, when you said Dan, I thought you meant Daddy Dan aka Gumpa. Then I got to Dan shack and realised I was very wrong.
@cass_ouuu4 күн бұрын
It’s interesting you guys said that between plot or character driven, this show is more idea driven. It reminds me of the scene this ep where Black is talking to Todd in the flashback and he says ideas are what have the power to transform society. That makes me put all this together for the first time that these ideas woven through the show are the main thesis (similar to what you’ve said in other recaps eps). It makes it even more likely that conclusions drawn from the show and/or observations from what is represented in the show is a mirror that the show is holding up to society. I just thought that the connection between what you said here and what is said in the show was interesting lol
@gaiza93244 күн бұрын
out of love is so good i genuinely was tearing up the first time i've heard it
@jeumini4 күн бұрын
cruel was the unit that the members have the least confidence with, but i applaud them for trying out of their comfort genre and they did it amazingly! this unit is so underrated since they're given the most experimented song but nevertheless hanbin taerae matthew being the among the top vocalist in the group proved their versatility! i will forever be cruel supporter & defender <3 i feel like if they perform this song live with a band it will be FIRE
@asjchy1234 күн бұрын
They said in the show that Gram went to buy food though 😂
@zero_emi4 күн бұрын
I'm a teenager and don't worry I do it
@yrynoy4 күн бұрын
I ship Todd and Black SO much, they're both so dark and broken but in different ways, I love it! I wish they would give Sing more dramatic roles cause I really think he can pull it off
@shauni84784 күн бұрын
You also both missed in your reaction that Sean teases Yok for “moving quick” with Dan because he’s shirtless so he does know about them.
@shauni84784 күн бұрын
From context we know that Sean and Yok are best friends, Gram and Black are best friends and Gram and Yok are close friends which is how they’re entangled.
@SMH574 күн бұрын
Rewatching this and hearing adam saying phanbin is a HETERO is killing me
@0101sky4 күн бұрын
my rankings are 1. cruel 2. devil game 3. out of love 4. step back 5. blue and dr dr im obsessed with zb1 in darker concepts incase its not obvious
@tabea92544 күн бұрын
that drag brunch bit with black as noir might be one of my favorite bits ever
@tabea92544 күн бұрын
I understand your reaction a lot. I didn't watch not me while it came out but later, so I went in watching it for the first time knowing how loved it was and thus with very high expectations. I did enjoy it but I couldn't help but notice all its flaws, not because it's bad show but because there are some aspects like sean's arch that are so incredibly well done and that I loved, that I was then even more upset about the flaws because I knew the show had the potential to be better. Like its easier to accept a show for what it is that is just straight up bad, versus accepting that a show that has a lot of potential and really did amazing at some parts but didn't go as far as you would have wished it to. In comparison to the great the bad seems even more obvious. That being said, all the things that bothered me on my first watch don't bother me anymore as after finishing it I knew what the show had to offer me and what it didn't, and I have since rewatched it many times and have enjoyed it more with every watch and its definitely one of my favorite shows.
@mads70454 күн бұрын
You know what we need? A ToddBlack spin-off that fleshes out both characters and gives the friends to enimies to lovers arc we all deserve .
@NamiHeartilly4 күн бұрын
My order: 1. Devil Game 2. Blue 3. Doctor Doctor 4. Step Back 5. Cruel 6. Out of Love
@moreta5054 күн бұрын
I complete agree with you guys! This show is really not that bad. I watched it randomly before I even knew who onlyoneof was and had no idea the leads were idols. I thought it was a nice way to spend my weekend afternoon. It certainly wasn’t as bad as others I’ve watched by randomly clicking. I had no idea there was so much negativity about it until I watched your reaction. Anyway, as always, thanks for the recap!
@juniorminjoonhope80304 күн бұрын
I think the flashback kinda explains his motivations a bit, we heard a bit about this before from Sean but the university had a very corrupt chancellor and thats how the group first got together and black started thinking about how he could fight and make more changes outside of their school I guess the parent thing is also apart of it because we saw how with White his dad obviously pulling strings to get him ahead of more qualified candidates really put what the team is doing in perspective so I can assume that might be something that Black experienced with his mom, I do agree its very loose motivations for him right now. I also don't remember if the show goes in depth on this later so this might all we got.
@Sungshuling4 күн бұрын
You should check “evil game” performance vdo ❤
@the5lads4 күн бұрын
chai : yes mai : no 😅 1:53
@tinywhispers4 күн бұрын
I agree, bitterant does send me and does become my verbal tick sometimes. With the accent and everything. 😂
@LisaMT12184 күн бұрын
That is the longest outtake I've seen you do. 😊
@bluej.284 күн бұрын
The thing that I usually explain to friends before they watch this show is that the director is an award-winning indie film director who puts a lot of symbolism and subtext in her films, but she was put with a team of BL screenwriters who are just used to a very different style and medium. So their styles don't match. Sometimes the screenwriters' dialogue makes every single thing textual (like the trust fall bit), and sometimes the director's style asks the audience to draw conclusions from visual subtext, which leaves some things feeling like they're either unexplained or overexplained.
@zer0luv4 күн бұрын
My understanding is that they don't really say yes (chai) in Thai, instead they repeat the verb of the question. Did you eat? I ate Or they respond with the pronoun markers, kha & krap. Which I think is what I've heard the most in the dramas.
@kayleigh-jf2zo4 күн бұрын
i do love the bitterant bit
@kayleigh-jf2zo4 күн бұрын
my favorite bit of y’all’s tho is the stations of the cross i think about the tending of the wounddddddd every time
@mcallister..b88914 күн бұрын
The tending of the wooooound
@joanap13574 күн бұрын
These are both top notch bits imo 👌👌
@sondrarothermel14215 күн бұрын
I knew you would like BTOB's "Blue Moon" Cinema Version! The original song was actually Minhyuk's 2018 creation (with help from producers Yang Seung-wook and Yoon Gook-hyun): kzbin.info/www/bejne/gXSkYodjm9B_eaMsi=u1C768Wp2xMV3_bZ They performed it in their 2018 concert just before their 4-year hiatus for the military, while there were 7 members, so that's why Melody wanted to see it so badly. I have to say that I don't know which performance I like best but I definitely like them both. It ended up that MNET wouldn't let the band perform live so they were pre-recorded. Because BTOB are entertainers who are funny because they don't care about their image, vocal giants, talented rappers, great producers, play instruments well and passionate about music and Melody, we in the fanbase are very eclectic and loyal. I appreciate the time and energy you put into these recaps. Again, I hope you will sometime react to their Dingo Killing Voice (2023--with all 6 members). Thanks! 💙
@Mrceci125 күн бұрын
Daou? 👀 are we watching something with Daou in it?
@tag-e5b4 күн бұрын
join the bobs girl!
@Yamitia5 күн бұрын
‘No’ is usually ‘mai’ in Thai.
@tabea92545 күн бұрын
gramblack was canon in the novel, toddblack is just a fandom thing, but let me tell you I will never read two people trying to and failing at killing each other as not gay. ITS GAY
@formes.5 күн бұрын
literalllyyyy! like, hannigram? perfect example
@annabellejackson51154 күн бұрын
@@formes.so true
@Mistiny17915 күн бұрын
I just want to say thank you for giving ATEEZ a chance and fully becoming immersed with them as a group and individuals and just.... getting them. Y'all don't know how much that means to atiny ❤
@sofiaprokopchuk64085 күн бұрын
i love you g(a)uys im just putting that out there
@mslizzycole5 күн бұрын
Just catching up on episodes, but famously I had a chimp at my 9th birthday. I totally forgot until I was watching Chimp Crazy and it dawned on me that I 100% had one of the chimps from the documentary at my house for a birthday party. Not a great look, but it was the 90s I guess…whoops-a-daisy.