7 Days 1.0 Heat Guide: Base Heat
@Grimmjow54956 12 сағат бұрын
It's about shaping the whole multiverse, not just 1 version of it
@TellYouSomethinMan 3 күн бұрын
I have went through the unity like 5-6 times and feel empty, i hate games where they make every choice you do essentially meaningless in the endgame, they really do need to add an option to just destroy the armillary.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Күн бұрын
Agreed, or ruin the universe. I sided with the Crimson fleet, and other than some space battles and news reports, almost nothing changed. I'd love if they let you do so much damage to the universe that New Atlantis became crime ridden, or something drastic like that.
@slimdarcy9503 9 күн бұрын
Can't see your screen. Who the heck playa with that level of brightness. What's the point of using a mic if you don't actually tell us what you are doing? Just assume everyone can see you screen. Useless!
@digitalsurvivalgaming 8 күн бұрын
Was it too dark or so bright it was washed out? Sorry you couldn't see anything.
@slimdarcy9503 8 күн бұрын
@digitalsurvivalgaming it was dark. I was able to work it out though after remembering I can slow down the video speed so thank you
@digitalsurvivalgaming 7 күн бұрын
@slimdarcy9503 It was one of my earliest videos, so I'm not surprised it was sub-par. Glad you were able to get something out of it, with some extra work.
@topcatwarliss170 11 күн бұрын
I was going this route then after10 trader jobs, he gave me a bike, so I have all the parts for a second bike lol
@digitalsurvivalgaming 11 күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm not sure what the drop chance is on the bike. I thought it was 100% until the time I didn't get offered one. Thanks for the comment.
@topcatwarliss170 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for your effort, I tried to figure this out, but I just cook, forge, workbench when needed, and not run forge all day when I'm out. I also set up cooking stations by the Traders, so when I'm dealing with them I 'm cooking all my water and food before go I home for the night. Now with this new heat check off campus-under ground factories will be important it seems.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 11 күн бұрын
I'm guessing the new heat mechanics are more designed to generate screamers when you're fighting in a POI and less about base heat. I suspect there will be a rework in the future to make it less dangerous to cook iron and mix cement at the same time, but we'll see. Thanks for commenting!
@curlzncrush 16 күн бұрын
Super confusing level design. Appreciate the assist.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 16 күн бұрын
Agreed! Glad to help.
@PolishBerserker 22 күн бұрын
All reasonable arguments. Thank you very much for making this video.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 18 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for watching and commenting!
@madamim4279 Ай бұрын
Fun watch, tempted to rope my brother into a no kill challenge now lol
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
Thanks. Good luck!
@evilspyke5760 Ай бұрын
why dont you just go and play minecraft? geez
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
😁 I do play Minecraft! And I have playthroughs in 7 Days where zombie murder is the priority (I'm pondering posting a Horde night from a 3 player Darkness Falls run where we're up over game-stage 700. That's nuts!) This series is to try playing the game in a way other than the intended way. (some would say the wrong way) Thanks for commenting!
@tommo010 Ай бұрын
There is a lot of subjective RP here and I get what you are saying, but as a completionist I am glad I rushed the story first time round before pumping time into other aspects of the game. I planned to rush storylines and factions then do the exploring and building now I know I can explore multiple variations of the factions stories choose different ways to enter the Unity and figure the best thing for me so when I can get to NG+10 I can plan out my ideal universe before settling in that final universe after NG+10 and go full in on the exploration and building. My character lost Sarah on that first play through and then settled for Andreja just to not feel lonely but never loved her they could never embrace her religous beliefs so the character had no real ties to the universe, now My characters motivations are now striving for that perfect universe due to mourning Sarah but every Sarah she meets is not her Sarah.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
I've got a bit of completionist in me, too, and have another character that will power up to NG+10, other than my main. It's been hard for me to stick with, though, because it feels more grindy and less fun. Did all the big faction quests, and enjoyed Crimson Fleet the most and Ryujin the least. Thanks for the comment!
@rnick3665 Ай бұрын
I hadn't really thought about skipping the merchant for the first couple of days. It would let you get supplies for your hoard base early and not be scrambling on day 6.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
A wise friend of mine once said (in relation to Warcraft (the single player game, not the MMO) be a governor before a general, meaning get a solid foundation before doing a bunch of fighting. I think 7 Days is the same. I don't want to have to worry about food or safety, and once you have those you can do anything else you want.
@MrSurvivalHarry Ай бұрын
Thanks for the helpful tips😊
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
You are very welcome.
@jeffreylight8360 Ай бұрын
In the kitchen playing “The floor is lava” 🤣😂
@Kashmere34 Ай бұрын
You can turn the green lines off bro !
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
I love the green lines! It makes it easier to find the base from farther away.
@Rufus_West Ай бұрын
Thanks. I played legacy console action skills so this is all new and a bit confusing.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
Hope it helped. Any questions, or suggestions for future content, are welcome.
@brandonadams5313 Ай бұрын
Good start. Keep them up I'll follow along
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
Thanks! 2-4 are out now, and 5 will drop July 25.
@josesaldanha2683 Ай бұрын
@MrShamusO Ай бұрын
I think the dew collectors cause heat. Not 100% sure tho. Heard it on another vid.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
I will check on that. Thanks!
@BunE22 Ай бұрын
They do, but 1 isn't much heat. 6 is going to be a lot. I get by with 1 and the 3 mods.
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
Thanks for the data. I usually build a hot room away from my main base where I do all my forging and cement mixing. I might have to add water collection to that. I'm hoping FunPimps will scale the heat requirement back up some...
@rainbowzebra7454 Ай бұрын
Keep them coming man 😃
@digitalsurvivalgaming Ай бұрын
Thanks, will do!
@BFDanning Ай бұрын
@brmbltbr4 2 ай бұрын
The major questlines in starfield are some of the most ridiculously written nonsense I've ever had to play through and makes me seriously worry about their writers state of mind.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
I can't disagree with you. I wonder what kind of constraints they were working under, both personally, and within the corporate structure.
@brmbltbr4 Ай бұрын
@@digitalsurvivalgaming Sidequests are mostly fun though.
@fabricecarpenter4472 2 ай бұрын
From a roleplaying point of view you would be the worst starborn though like me couldn't be fucked haha ima go mine moons instead
@techwizard3234 2 ай бұрын
How do I get into the area in front of the body holding the second data.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
@techwizard3234 Are you talking about a) getting to the body, or b) to the space on the other side of the window across from the body? a) To get to the body, start at just after the 10:00 mark in the video, through the cuttable wall at the bottom of the central staircase. b) The window opposite the body is actually right at the start of the interior area on the level. If you go to the 1:53 mark in the video, you can see a window on the left. That window looks into the area where the body with the second Project Marzana data is.
@davidcole6716 2 ай бұрын
vladimir wont give me any missions so someone lied to me again this was not helpful
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
There are some pre-requisites before you can get missions from Vlad for temples. First you have to find some artifacts, and you also have to progress a certain amount through the main story. You can only get temple missions for artifacts you've already secured, though you can find temples for other artifacts through exploration. Also, the survey mission set is hidden behind some social looking conversation options. Probably not what you were talking about, but related.
@SheevPalpatine 2 ай бұрын
Why wouldn't someone want to pursue the option to become a god? "I married Sarah." Ohhhh. . .
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
If Godhood was really an option, I think I'd jump at it. Starborn powers are a far cry from that, though. I'd also consider it more if you could keep together with some of the people you've come to know. The idea that either Sam would be okay with leaving Cora behind, or having her flung to some random universe is more ludicrous than me abandoning my parents (who would get evicted from New Atlantis without my income) and the Mantis, which is just righteous fun.
@notpc48 2 ай бұрын
After jumping down from the vent into the first room, look just to the right of the refrigerators and you will see a little SNOWMAN on the floor. ⛄😆
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
Cool. Nice call out.
@TheParagonIsDead 2 ай бұрын
Wooo hooo
@DreamState71822 2 ай бұрын
Nivc video 😅. Just got a new fub here.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thank you so much!
@cdarklock 2 ай бұрын
The game is pushing you to understand two things. First, all the stuff you collect is meaningless and worthless. Second, all the people you meet are meaningless and worthless. Hit the Unity and you will get to... do everything again. Nobody at Constellation will remember you. It's your decision whether to play dumb and do the quest like before, or just blow the whistle and speedrun collecting a half dozen artifacts. After you take all your powers to level X, you never even need to do the temples anymore, you just go straight to the buried temple and have the final battle. It takes maybe ninety minutes to casually wander your way through the quest. So now what? What do you want to do? Develop a relationship with someone that won't remember you later? Go do quests for money and gear you don't get to keep? Buy and furnish a house you won't have anymore? Build an outpost you'll ultimately abandon? A ship you can't take with you? Why? What even is the point of any of that? So you look at your stuff and your people and you say no, I'm not giving any of that up, I'm keeping it. And you put down the controller and turn off the console and... poof, all your stuff and your people are gone. Look around. You don't really have that stuff. You don't really know those people. They're not real. They're digital data on a chip in a machine. They're meaningless and worthless. What even was the point of any of that? Only you know the answer, but that answer is probably the same in both places.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
You use the phrase "meaningless and worthless" several times in your post. I find that interesting, because value (arguably a measure of worth) is at least partly subjective. Certainly, in the physical world goods are produced by effort, and the minimum marketable value of a good is an aggregation of the costs to make it, but what that really ends up meaning is, if people value the good at or above the cost of production, then producing it can be profitable. If not, it can't, and usually any attempts at production are short lived. The value of an individual's relationships is also very subjective. Some people value personal relationships highly, and will go to a lot of effort to build and maintain them. Others not so much. Some want relationships with a large number of people, others prefer to only keep a few people close, but each relationship has a value assigned to it by the people involved, and even then, it can be different between two parties. So something that you (or the developers of this game) assert is meaningless and worthless can only be your judgement of that thing, whether digital or physical or emotional or intellectual. Another person, another player, can find value that you might not see or comprehend, and that's fine. We're all different, and what we value determines what we do with our time and energy. And I think it's pretty clear that millions of people value relationships and emotional investment in fictional worlds and people. If that wasn't true, changes to things like Star Wars, Marvel, and Warhammer 40K wouldn't produce such visceral responses. Those fans have an emotional investment in those worlds and/or characters, and someone changing them is painful, in a very real way. So, I'm still going to value the experiences I've had in the game. It was an emotional journey for me, that I can carry with me for the rest of my life. It's not as rich or impactful as my relationships with my family members, or even some of the other games I've played, but it's part of me, and by thinking what I would decide in some of the fictional situations I've played through, I'm just a little bit more prepared for the real situations I face every day.
@cdarklock 2 ай бұрын
@@digitalsurvivalgaming Go back and read what I said again. Maybe pay less attention to the part that made you mad, and at least a little to like... all the rest of it
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
@cdarklock, I read it all, twice, before replying. There wasn't a part that made me mad, even a little. I see what you're saying there, and have a different perspective. I can understand you without agreeing with you. I should probably add that my first reaction to your comment was to shrug my shoulders. I almost didn't reply at all. I suspected you wouldn't listen to anything I wrote, but as this is a public forum, and others might read your post as well, and perhaps disagree without being able to articulate why, I figured I'd give it a shot. My reply was for them.
@cdarklock 2 ай бұрын
​@@digitalsurvivalgaming Then why did I say "only you know the answer" toward the end? You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. You may disagree with SOMETHING, but it's not what I said.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 2 ай бұрын
@cdarklock It sounds like that's when you jumped from applying your philosophy of everything and everyone is meaningless and worthless from the gaming world into the real world. Implying more than overtly stating that when we die, we lose everything we've ever worked for. The statement "only you know the answer" implies that we've delved into the realm of religious faith (or in this case, the absence of religion), and you seem to think that when we die, we disappear from the cosmos, much like turning off a video game. I disagree with that. At least, that's what I get from the continuation of that quote, "...that answer is probably the same in both places." But if I've misinterpreted, please, do clarify.
@GQVanGoe 3 ай бұрын
I like the challenge idea. I think I'll try it. Good luck on the challenge!
@digitalsurvivalgaming 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! Good luck to you, too.
@Kraluth 3 ай бұрын
My approach was, "I fixed all your problems and don't particularly care for any of you, now I'm going to go and do demi-god things because you all bore me."
@digitalsurvivalgaming 3 ай бұрын
That's some legit role-playing. Kudos.
@squiggly_lines 4 ай бұрын
I like how you used Fallout as an example of what point you were trying to make.....still my favorite bethesda franchise even with its flaws.
@tyashley8365 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the help.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
Sure thing. Thanks for commenting!
@MonteC41 5 ай бұрын
Thankyou !!!!!!!
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
You're quite welcome. :)
@revanamell1791 5 ай бұрын
I find it weird. Your entire life is in this universe. You can't come back. There's still plenty of universe to explore. In a hundred lifetimes you won't see everything.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
I honestly think their main goal was to implement some kind of new game plus mechanic, and thought this would be a cool way to do it, and honestly, it is an interesting idea. I'm certain if this were an option in reality, there would be a percent of the population that would be interested in abandoning everything they knew to go to a different universe, I just expect it would be more selfish people, which would be overall better for the universe, right? What if there was a universe where they built an armillary and used it get rid of their worst criminals? No powers (it's implied that anyone can go through, not just powered people) just thrown out of their universe. Holy cow, they're spreading their criminals to the rest of us!
@revanamell1791 5 ай бұрын
@@digitalsurvivalgaming sounds like the Phantom Zone from Superman.
@Mr1bigbaddaddy 5 ай бұрын
Excellent walk through. Helped out a ton and easy to follow. Thank you.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
Glad it helped!
@nikkiosborne1088 5 ай бұрын
I couldn't leave sam coe and cora. I also have houses and lots of money and ships. And sam doest come through with me. I couldn't leave him behind. I went through unity on one of my characters and I gave up everything and I didn't like it. So I started a new game and refuse coming through the unity. So I have decided to stay with sam and Cora. I have the parents trait as well. I agree with everything you said thank you for the video
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
You're very welcome. Glad you liked it.
@nikkiosborne1088 5 ай бұрын
I just have one regret is I didn't save my game before siding with the hunter. Because I want to side with the emissary
@henrycarlson7514 5 ай бұрын
Interesting , thank You
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it.
@lexdeobesean 5 ай бұрын
I was so annoyed that I couldn't destroy the artefacts, or just tell constellation to take a hike and just give the artefacts to the Starborn.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
So many possibilities. Drop them into a star. Just one artifact in a star or a black hole and no amillary, all the starborn trapped (until shattered space?)
@lexdeobesean 5 ай бұрын
@@digitalsurvivalgaming exactly! I guess we'll see eh?
@daveisnothere 5 ай бұрын
One thing, game mechanic wise, that turned me off of the NG+ was you cant sell exploration data to Vladimir anymore. I have one character that went through and figured if I am going to be redoing all the quests I might as well go with traits I learned I preferred during the first playthrough and also be able to feel like I was rewarded for exploring still.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
I never went far enough in the new universe to encounter this. Dang. I remember there was some funny dialog you had to do with Vlad before he'd offer to buy survey data. Makes me want to dig into that.
@randommusings3304 5 ай бұрын
Short version, Unity? Get there, see my current effect on this universe, .. Say “Thanks, but No Thanks” , then turn around and come back home to this universe. Longer version posted as a response to another below..
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
That's one of the few things I like about the Unity, is seeing the "game so far" summary. Got one where I sided with the Crimson Fleet that I'm looking forward to seeing how that looks. Need to leave Ron Hope alive one of these times and see what that looks like, too.
@dbbeilin 5 ай бұрын
hi I need your help. I found the Theta artifact in the cave on Indum III-D. I have tried to extract the artifact using the Heller Cutter, till the power in the cutter is exhausted, 10 times, I also used every weapon in my arsenal and I still can't remove the artifact. I have used this process to secure 4 other artifacts using the cutter after a maximum of two attempts. Bethesda support sent me the following which I tried and didn't work: Force the game to refresh or redraw the problem area using one of the following methods: Fast Travel out of the area where you are having an issue, such as to a nearby planet, and return. Enter an "instanced" area where you get a loading screen and return to the area you were experiencing an issue. Waiting 72 in-game hours by sitting down or resting can reset NPC related behavior. Sometimes exploring other areas or completing unrelated questlines may resolve issues. Load an earlier save from before you zoned into that area and try again. Completely exit out of the game and reboot your system. Completely disable and remove all mods you have installed, if applicable. Verify your game files. Select your platform below for further instructions: I am playing on an XBOX Series X. Thank you from Depoe Bay, Oregon.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
@dbbeilin - Dang, that's annoying. When I've had trouble getting an artifact out it's usually been from not hitting the Caleumite around it at the right angle. It's kind weird how you can have the Caleumite highlighted, but the cutter isn't cutting it. The only suggestion I can add to what Bethesda's already given you is to try changing your angle of attack on the nodes around the artifact and seeing if that helps break anything else off. It's annoying that you have to switch back and forth between scanner mode and regular mode to check and see if you can grab it, too. (dancing around, adjusting the angle on the artifact after clearing the nodes to pick it up might also make a difference). I'm a software engineer, and if you were a client of my company I'd want to do a screenshare to better see what's going on. If you can record a short video of what you're trying to do and post a link to it, I'll take a look and see if anything sticks out. (OBS is a great free software for video capture and compilation on PC, not sure what you could use on XBox) Good luck. If anyone else reads this thread and has helpful ideas, please post.
@dbbeilin 5 ай бұрын
the cutter is cutting and I removed all the caleumite but the cue "Take" never comes up so I can remove the artifact@@digitalsurvivalgaming
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
Sorry, I don't have any ideas, other than approaching the artifact from different angles, and/or posting a video.
@dbbeilin 5 ай бұрын
@@digitalsurvivalgaming where is the best place to post videos to resolve this issue
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
What I'd suggest is uploading a private video to your own youtube account and sharing the link. If you share it here, I'll do what I can, but you might get more feedback sharing it on a forum. Either way, I'd like to look. Not sure if anything will jump out, but I hate quitting. ;)
@TheMRNAILED 5 ай бұрын
Good video. Helped me out quite a bit.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
Glad to hear it! That POI's design was just...
@markbartlett3274 5 ай бұрын
Dude, get over it?! It’s a game.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
One of the selling points of a great RPG (not asserting this on is great...) is the RP, Roleplaying. The chance to make choices and have outcomes differ based on those choices. To experience consequences in a virtual space without having to experience those consequences for similar choices made in the real world. One of the reasons that has value is the same reason a good play or book or movie or TV show has value, the emotional journey. Of course it's a game (or a show, or a book) but my emotional investment has a similar impact on me as it would in real life, and that's what I'm talking about. You suggest getting over it, I'm just about there. I've got a video to put together on Sam's relationship story, and the aftermath of his death at the hands of the Hunter, and maybe one about Starfield being an amoral game (which you'll probably be equally upset by) and then I'll be done until Shattered Space.
@GeneralButtNake 5 ай бұрын
@digitalsurvivalgaming 5 ай бұрын
I don't even know how to respond to this. Thanks for commenting....?
@leonritchie3413 6 ай бұрын
@henrycarlson7514 6 ай бұрын
Interesting , Thank You . I hope I can do it that way, Now to find Barret
@digitalsurvivalgaming 6 ай бұрын
You're welcome. Good luck!
@user-jx5xq8hu9e 6 ай бұрын
I really really loved skyrim but This Game is a large Step back. I can not understand how they could put so less love in the Development of this game. You Pay 70 bucks for this Game and there are plenty of Games for only 20 Bucks who have done much better. I found it one of the most boring Games ever made . The story is so boring , the World is boring , every planet Looks basically the Same with the Same rocky wasteland ,the Space Travel is boring and uninspired , the exploration is boring and even the combat is boring as hell. I really tried hart to stay awake during playing this Game. Another Problem. Eben with very good Pc This Game Runs like dogshi even though the graphics is outdated and clearly not year 2023. I mean please open your eyes this Game Looks horrible. And i would not care if that Game would run with 120 Fps but no even my RTx 3080 is not able to run this games at stable 60 Fps and sorry but This is a shame. Bad Graphics together with one of the worst Performances i ever experiences . Metro Exodus and Red Dead Redemption 2 , Games with way better graphics run better a lot better then starfield. How can this be? Sorry for this Price i can’t except that and this Game is not playable for me. And everyone who says this Game is good and worth the Price , please open your eyes.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 6 ай бұрын
It's interesting, I've experienced my fair share of bugs, but I've never had performance issues. I can respect your disappointment and/or disgust with Starfield, because people have different opinions of things. I would like to suggest that people who disagree and like the game can do so with their eyes open and their brains engaged. Conversations about graphics issues can be technically broken down, but issues about how "boring" something is are very subjective. Some people find chess boring, some find it extremely engaging, and may mock people who don't like it. I prefer not to dismiss someone who doesn't agree with me, but rather listen to what they have to say, and maybe learn something. Thanks for commenting!
@philipgreen8227 6 ай бұрын
Good video sir Im enjoying it so far 😊 Will you be doing any more skills guide's
@digitalsurvivalgaming 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. New skill videos aren't high on my priority list, but that can be adjusted. Is there an area you'd like to see?
@madmotorcyclist 6 ай бұрын
I still enjoy the game. That last exiting ship build window bug was exacerbating until finding out that your Command cargo space must be empty to prevent the bug of crashing the game. Will eventually get to Cyperpunk but I'm a bit turned off of it being a leftie that they don't support using keyboard number pad for movement and you have to use the stupid arrow keys.
@digitalsurvivalgaming 6 ай бұрын
Also left handed! Though the first thing I thought of when you said "leftie" was not left-handedness...
@madmotorcyclist 6 ай бұрын
I sort of switch hands around for different things, but for video games I use my left hand for the mouse and right keyboard.