I have a 2015 Infiniti q40 , car has 78k miles and has iridium denso spark plugs from factory...am i good till 100k miles before changing them? Im have a slight rough idle at times (not all the time) and car drives and pulls perfect
@Charlyy.gКүн бұрын
Customer drove car in the shop and said it’s shaking 😂
@emartinez6584Күн бұрын
Starter switch actuator pin . that the key cylinder slides into .
@Clevelandsteamer3243 күн бұрын
$40 for it on eBay with ball joints
@mezera7873 күн бұрын
I have a 2011 Crew Hemi AWD…Im looking to replace the shocks and struts all the way around and possibly do the springs as well. Can anyone provide part numbers and possibly where they purchased the parts from? Thanks.
@Tiobolo7134 күн бұрын
You have to put a special bolt on the side of the block and in front on the harmonic balancer is a hole that lines up with the timing cover which you can line up with a drill bit then you torque the bolt the bolt on the balancer like 180 foot lbs
@yourselfdotcomlol5 күн бұрын
Just as minty as a 2003 rav4 front control arm bolt. Captivated nut. Snap that need a new subframe. These guys are absolute morons
@FranklinMoostoos7 күн бұрын
Part number for shock mount ? Where did u get them ?
@FranklinMoostoos7 күн бұрын
Part number for shock mount ? Where did u get them ?
@stevenboyce413619 күн бұрын
definitely Canadian
@robertMSP1919 күн бұрын
I was surprised by that when I installed the B12 kit for my Corolla, that little ring there just feels like it won't support the load, but it's time tested so what can I say?????????
@stephenwest79821 күн бұрын
Hope you guys are greasing the new ones when you put them together, why they are not grease from the factory is beyond me! Mine is an 07 and there are o-ring seals to keep the moisture out and grease in, I changed stub shafts on both sides as well as new gear oil and cover gasket on the diff.
@skinnygreenpuppies24 күн бұрын
Bro I was just wondering where the washer goes. Thank you. That's funny this is exactly what I needed.😅😅😅 Subarus are so easy to work on this is my first and it's crazy
@2828222225 күн бұрын
lol i can’t work with my hands like that..got to stop and wash them every hour or so.
@FW-jq1ox26 күн бұрын
Suuuuuuuuper helpful video. Same code, same problem. Why… why do Nissan engineers hate mechanics so much?!???!!?
@ericaddis741428 күн бұрын
The engine is a European design. 😂😂
@CaptainHuKTv28 күн бұрын
Good looking out bro👏
@zoeynewhouse3868Ай бұрын
Having issue with my 05 matrix automatic starts but no lights won't go into gear. Sometimes we'll drive then lights go crazy turn off and no heater headlight turn signals. I have a compustar auto start and it won't unlock my doors will crank several times but won't start.
@marrutapa5304Ай бұрын
@andrewrussell3679Ай бұрын
10 hours is just enough to rob the customer remember? 😂
@chrissego7954Ай бұрын
You just save me alot of money
@MrHollywoodboy954Ай бұрын
Thank you bro your a real one
@luao9933Ай бұрын
Did a new computer ever fixed it??
@Zlambert99Ай бұрын
What is the size of the plastc blow molded case it comes in?
@thornunia5057Ай бұрын
Can the injector operate faulty, by operating occasionally and not operating other times?
@leonoza7Ай бұрын
great video .. might not see much .. but i got the aligator clip "in there might not see much but" most useless crap video ... the reason for a "how to " is to show exactly the procedure .. .. this video sucks
@paulerictimonera5422Ай бұрын
Sir my Ford escape 2009 gasoline Automatic Transmission & 98,000kms si far I changed the belt & 2-small bearings. When will I change timing chain ? More than 109kms?
@jgwalli2421Ай бұрын
The new starter could be bad that's what happened to mine I put a new starter in and it only lasted a few months
@Tootnscoot2 ай бұрын
Im an industrial mechanic, my ex wife made candles and soap. She once made bars from melting 3 ivory soap bars with 1 zote bar ( laundry soap), and added i think 1.5 cups of Epsom salt after removing from heat ( for grit). Best shit ever. Idc what kind of grease or oil you got on you itll take it off
@MarzNet2562 ай бұрын
Great diagnostic walk through. I have a 2006 Matrix 4WD with 226,000 miles. No electrical problems so far (OK, the horn wire broke but it was my fault).
@rubenflores28702 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, sir. I have a 2004 pt cruiser touring 2.4 automatic, and I've been in limp mode for a couple of weeks already. And all the videos I've been watching this video is by far the best of explaining the wiring on the pcm and transmission module. Thanks again 🙏🙏🙏 I'm going to try this first thing in the morning. God bless
@ramone.10212 ай бұрын
Great information. Question , my 08 f150 hesitate to star then I drive four hours and it gave me engine light , put computer and gave me code p0354 ignition number 4. I parked it for a week and it won’t crank or turn on. Will it turn on once I change the coil ?
@joepearlzz85042 ай бұрын
Is that part of the shock assembly? Doesn’t look like part of the rear subframe?
@horsesmylife2 ай бұрын
Wow! I have 93,000 on my 21 f350 diesel and are still running the original pads. I think your just wanting clicks. Phh
@marv42422 ай бұрын
I have a 2004 crew cab Silverado 1500 and trying to replace the upper control arm on the passenger front side after unfortunately heating up the rusty bolt the nut ripper right off with part of the screw still stuck in the broke off nut. Any expertise on how to finish the replacement because I'm done heating it up and on the other side of the bolt is the head, but because of the rust it will not budge?
@roscomcfarland2042 ай бұрын
Love all tool brand trucks to support local business. But I have to say, can’t stand non locking flex heads. Oh and in other news. Few people got some gearwrench sockets that were accidentally double stamped…….by Pittsburgh. So yeah. Gearwrench sockets/pittsburgh=SAME
@rcgreaves2 ай бұрын
I read through these comments about how people posted through this job in a couple hours and I say well I call bullshit. I'm confident that the next time I do it I can do it in 2 to 4 hours but the first time through I think the left side is a pretty challenging job, sure you don't need to remove the engine like Toyota talk about, but you certainly have some very high on those body mounts and getting that transmission mount clear is the ticket I've done a lot of shade tree wrenching but this job was challenging left side took me 10 hours
@eclips85102 ай бұрын
Great tip using the ball joint press!! Unfortunately it wouldn't work on the right side bolt for the driver side. I ended up having to use PB blaster and taking a 21mm socket with a breaker bar and working the bolt up and down trying to let the blaster seep in. 2 days, some blood, a lot of grease, and tons of swearing, and they're finally out. It's a New England truck, so I'm gonna put anti-seize on the new bolts to hopefully prevent this in the future.
@Youtubsucks52 ай бұрын
You are driving like NASCAR I got 78,000 on my first set
@garydelr57572 ай бұрын
Great tips on diagnosing to confirm compressor is bad 🤙🏼
@trcrissinger47212 ай бұрын
terrific! excellent, clear, concise diagnosis and explanation. thank you sooo much!
@markbro44272 ай бұрын
Did a spring on one last week, stripped everything off and just removed the whole shock and knuckle, never touched the pinch bolt. The only problems were the drop link needed cut off, the tie rod nut needed worked on and off (rusty threads but it eventually came off) and the three stupid wrong way round top bolts needed worked in and out due to rust (stupid idea), they eventually came out. Not too bad a job but time wasted freeing rusty nuts and bolts. You'd expect better from and Audi.
@99ipetrie2 ай бұрын
That was one of the best trouble shooting videos I've watched on here. I was getting deja vu watching it for everything I was going through and led me to the exact same probably. Thanks so much it saved me a ton of headaches
@emanueldiaz12312 ай бұрын
What brand is the ball joint press kit??
@anthonymagana23762 ай бұрын
Great video, i appreciate u showing us the bolts , i got a 2006 just put a new motor in, i see 4 mounting holes on the pump , the studed bolt is bottom right, the top 2 are the 3 1/4" , now my question is is there 3 or 4 bolts , i lost track after pulling my old motor out and im bagging and tagging all my bolts . Thank you
@DS-oq5dq2 ай бұрын
so what’s the conclusion at the end boss? What’s the most likely going to be? I got the 2011 Q5 with warning it say shut down engine ,oil pressure too low but my oil level is good.
@deibyarenas68712 ай бұрын
I Got the same issue while I was at the highway. Still don't know what to fix
@351cleavland2 ай бұрын
Take your hose going to the intake and get a smaller hose that will tightly fit IN the intake hose THEN take a small vacuum hose and fit it in that hose. It will create a really small opening That small opening will limit the amount of seafoam that sucks in AND the small opening will make the vacuum leak much less noticeable. Also if you have enough hose it can be snaked through to the driver's seat when 1 person can slowly dispense seafoam into the hose and Rev the engine.