The Thing Society Steals From Men
Concentration Camp Roleplaying Game
I am Giving Up on my Mental Health
My Coming Out Journey
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The Emotional Objectification of Men
The Demon of Unit 731
2 жыл бұрын
Laying the Rumours to Rest
2 жыл бұрын
How To Be A Real Man (Full Guide)
The Worst Video Game Review (ever)
@arielperez797 21 сағат бұрын
It fks with your mind way more when other people start suspecting you have a demon or something. When the only reason you even consider having a daemon is because friends and family members say there is something dark in you. That penetrates the mind a little.
@narayantrex2226 Күн бұрын
So the Sternschutz are just... normal German cops these days is what I'm hearing
@SecretPurpleQ Күн бұрын
texas- hogmen, bugbears, hobgoblins, cougar-like patherine shapeshifters, nagas
@apex2000 Күн бұрын
Will you ever cover the broad topic of Bardic classes?!
@o8livion Күн бұрын
lol frankfurt with low poverty is so contrary to the actual state it is in now with all the ppl living on the streets and all the public drug consumption... well, they have some years to fullfill that prophecy don't they? =)
@apex2000 Күн бұрын
Cordyceps FTW
@evievarga 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for this lore intro, it's massively helpful as a noob to this universe. <3
@tostupidforname 2 күн бұрын
Im personally a sucker for this. Its just a matter of what you are looking for. I love perfectly crafted puzzle box mysteries and almost never feel like I want to live in the world.
@mikewinans5091 2 күн бұрын
Is the symbol for the Get of Fenris intentionally shaped like an old Hindu symbol that was misused by Germans in the 1940's? or am I reading too much into that?
@mikewinans5091 2 күн бұрын
Talks about World of Darkness, says this is not supposed to be a political video...
@chuckblaze5147 3 күн бұрын
Have you ever noticed that it's kinda weird that you're the one who views everything in First Person perspective? Like, you (and everyone else) just suspect that everyone views everything in First Person perspective, because that's what keeps the social contract up, duh. But really, the only thing you KNOW is that YOU are the First Person. But that's weird. I don't mean it like "yeah that's weird, I could have a different skin tone or I could well live in another historical era", which is also true, but unrelated to my point. My point is, well, what if it is significant that YOU are the First Person? Also not in the ego sense, I don't mean it like "oh you're meant to do great things, you're different, don't believe the lie that everyone is assumed to be like you". No, my point is wholly unrelated to your being either the only person in existance to view everything in First Person or being literally just one among every one who was ever alive and every single one of them also were First Person but you just didn't happen to be them because you happened to be you. Regardless, isn't it weird that you are the one viewing everything in First Person...?
@chuckblaze5147 3 күн бұрын
I of course don't mean literally just viewing everything in First Person, I mean the whole package: consciousness. As a gamer boy I just find it particularly intuitive to say "First Person Perspective" to mean a very specific, immersive type of agency in the reality that you "play" in.
@chuckblaze5147 3 күн бұрын
I'd read some more on this but I'm not sure what to google lol
@contayoutube5974 3 күн бұрын
"To steal that gradient from people is bad because you rob the victims of their personality and their truth; and you turn perpetrators into an alien caricature that people cannot see themselves reflected in even though they should" ✍🔥
@user-sy9nd2ew1v 3 күн бұрын
Any one else convinced their dominant woman interest is born explicitly from the fear of overpowering a timid woman. Like I'm not a monster I am powerless here and now I can be relaxed because I cannot inflict anything.
@John_Weiss 3 күн бұрын
9:30 There's also an age-thing here. I'm from the US and majored in German. When I was studying in 1989 in Mainz, I'd been told, before heading over, that it was considered rude in Germany to refer to someone by skin color, and that Germans, instead, used their word for, "Negro", which unfortunately sounded like, "The N-Word," to English-speakers. So, yeah, back in the 1980s, it hadn't adopted the negative connotations it now has.   I don't know when it flipped, buy my hypothesis is that we Americans are to blame. You see, whenever we [white Americans] are faced wtih _anything_ that reminds us of our own racism [especially if it reminds us that our racist past isn't still in the past], we *_freak the fsck out_* and attack whatever is reminding us. As if smashing that reminder like an archacnophobe going after a spider will somehow make all of the racist things we've said behind closed doors go away. [Hip-Hop and US gang-culture probably didn't help, either, since Germans aren't going to know the unspoken context behind the use of "The N-word" in those two millieus.]
@AngelSaintCloud 4 күн бұрын
not an IT worker but when it comes to working with my linux systems I have zero knowledge but I know magic and work to form it. its like building out and building in or starting with he roof and then the frame
@christopherclayton5500 4 күн бұрын
Kroak: Call an ambulance (dies) but not for me.
@AngelSaintCloud 4 күн бұрын
As always i fucking learned something new
@user-js2zt5lk7m 6 күн бұрын
Who says men are not in touch with their emotions? You're upholding the same toxic view that only women are capable of empathy and emotions. Its extremely patronizing to talk about men like troglodytes banging on sticks that don't understand the different between "shame" and "neglect" and need to be guided through it with colorful diagrams. Its like saying dealing with a child that needs to work through a wheel of emotions to understand why its crying. Holy shit what an incredible waste of time this video was.
@charlesbryant5897 6 күн бұрын
good video... also, can i have your shadowrun mug?
@BurningTNT 6 күн бұрын
I’ve got way more experience with Vampire the Requiem and there are so many differences even in clans/covenants that it’s interesting to see I lament that there isn’t a group akin to the Ordo Dracul, a fiercly hierarchical cult of science/magic/alchemy wholly dedicated to forcing permanent changes to the static vampiric form/condition to subvert some of the weaknesses of vampirism. Coils being a passive ability that require immense effort make them really interesting and distinct from disciplines. Also the idea of “Following the Dragons tail” where you kill someone and then observe the chain of consequences and effects just to teach yourself about how Change works
@mikewinans5091 6 күн бұрын
clicking on the video and seeing a 3 hour lore deep dive was a surprise, but a welcome one to be sure!
@rubensnderstrup-granquist2995 7 күн бұрын
So what you're telling me is that lasombras are just the people who comment on patrick bateman edits
@mikewinans5091 7 күн бұрын
I'm more a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer than Supernatural, but I do appreciate the analogy.
@ChaosReacon137 7 күн бұрын
49:21 - When you already thought the Smiling Lord was a big enough cunt. The other Deathlords must have been pissed when the Ferrymen came knocking on their door over all of this with a, "Fix this, or we will fuck you all up!" And now that makes a lot more sense why the Dark Kingdom of Wire was made. At least that Kingdom faired better during the Sixth Great Maelstrom (poor Aussies)
@AngelSaintCloud 7 күн бұрын
Jesus necropolitics is everywhere. Im so lucky to have your video's available
@adamrandaustin 8 күн бұрын
Excellent video! I played WOD for 35 + years and never once tried changeling only owning the books as a collector. From what I had heard it wasn't probably going to be my cup of tea but after watching this video and you explaining I realize it sounds horrible and I'm glad I didn't play 😂. It sounds so pointless like it was made as a joke LOL
@mikewinans5091 9 күн бұрын
The Technocracy seems like a very valid reason for the Camarilla to see modern technology as a threat in the Vampire society.
@suddensilence9736 9 күн бұрын
wow, didn't expect this to be so insightful. thank you for making this video
@mikewinans5091 9 күн бұрын
I feel like a lot of queer folks joined the Skeletal legion in the '80s...
@KairoStark 9 күн бұрын
OK, I'm gonna level with everyone. To me, the whole "man or bear" affair sounds like terminally online drama spurred on by people who benefit from men and women never ever finding common ground as humans and citizens so that they can profit from the status quo. These can be your classic capitalists wanting to keep the lower classes down, redpill con artists or deranged pseudo-feminists who make a living screaming about how much men hurt them. (Yes. The side you consider as "good" has crazies too. We all have ours. Either own it or we're not going to fix anything.) 90% of people I work with are young women. If I were to ask them the bear question they would look at me as if I were stupid or speaking in tongues, and then say something along the lines of "I'd pick the man unless he literally looked like a raving lunatic" because, first, we live in a nick of the woods where finding a bear is POSSIBLE, although unlikely, and almost nobody has guns (bless Europe for that honestly) and second, they have spent their whole lives living with men and while they've all had their bad experiences (group of women WILL talk about that, I can promise) chances of them dying are much much higher with the bear than they are with the man. So dont make too much of what you see and hear on the Internet. We used to say to our parents "do not believe everything you see on Facebook" and now we should say "dont take TikTok as reality". The best way to know what people think is going outside, socialising and learning that we're mostly on the same boat and working through our differences. Yes, there are monsters wearing the skin of people out there. Men and women. And women know that too. But most people absolutely dislike the monsters and would rather get rid of them completely so that we all could have a pleasant day.
@NeilTouchGrassTyson 7 күн бұрын
@@KairoStark I hope you're not anti feminis since this channel is left wing
@NeilTouchGrassTyson 7 күн бұрын
@@KairoStark Are you dismissing womens issues
@KairoStark 7 күн бұрын
@@NeilTouchGrassTyson You are either a troll or someone openly interested in keeping the left down by seeking conflict where there is none, thus creating dissension amongst the working classes in order to signal-boost reactionary ideologies.
@CD-zd6zr 9 күн бұрын
As far as the compliment thing, the best advice I've heard is "Compliment something that they chose to do, not something they have no choice over". This goes for both men and women. So compliment their clothes, hairstyle, eye makeup, or that they did something well. Don't compliment their eyes, legs, face, height, etc.
@rebelfriend5172 9 күн бұрын
12:00 fuck you mean, this was me after discovering aldi has cheaper takis
@christojolly5157 9 күн бұрын
26:55 i like your words funny man
@dreddy_g 9 күн бұрын
I do not have inherent value. My value comes from what other people can get from me. Once people no longer see me as useful, there is a considerable chance that I will be discarded, with no gratitude for my past services and/or contributions. Realizing this has made my life somewhat better
@ItsNT-D 10 күн бұрын
You’re honestly the goat for explaining the powers each time I don’t have the best memory and did not watch this vid in one sitting so the explanation were so super helpful and saved me from having to rewind hither and thither ‘preciate it boss
@EDFGEA 10 күн бұрын
When BK was talking about men being perceived as dangerous it reminded me of a time my dad, mom, sister and I were having dinner. Some how the conversation swung to talking about being in public cause my sister said sometimes strangers will make comments. I responded saying "oh that's kinda why if i'm walking behind a women on her own i'll cross the street, to make it clear i'm not gonna bother her" cause if i've gotten too close and if i caught up i've gotten glared at if she noticed and its not a nice feeling cause i don't want to bother her. Both my mom and sister responded with the "oh you don't have to do that, just don't be weird" those lines. After dinner my dad and I are doing dishes and he pulls me aside and whispers, "hey boyo, i do the same thing, they literally don't get what it's like being looked at as dangerous". Our gender paradigm is a cluster fuck
@RachaelTheFirboldDruid 11 күн бұрын
I'm on Season 2 Episode 4 and while I enjoy it I agree that if season 2 hadn't happened the show's cult following would be justified.
@thebadger4040 11 күн бұрын
Here for no particular reason
@morganeoghmanann9792 11 күн бұрын
Yes, rejection hurts like hell. Women face it every day as well, especially if they are not beauty queens with great figures. Guys only want the "best choice" chicks. There are so many women out there who are truly good people but guys always go for the prettiest, leggiest, hottest chicks. After a while, there is simply no point in trying. Even starvation diets and expensive makeovers don't help. Problem for men is, there aren't as many beauty queens as there are men who feel entitled to them.
@maxschreck9988 11 күн бұрын
I don't want to *under*stand women. I want to *equal*stand them.
@AlexisTheDragon 11 күн бұрын hopefully this gives you some perspective big b.
@supergub1 11 күн бұрын
inb4 the massive comment wave of rewatchers
@AlexisTheDragon 12 күн бұрын
Also as a woman, you'll never hear this from another women because they'll never tell it to a man. But women watch true crime because they think the scenarios are hot and it turns them on, if you've a woman you trust, a really close friend. Get her to take a hidden camera into a hair salon, one with no men, customers or workers, and talk about it for 2 days out of 3, and how they find it hot, then on the third, have her ask them if they like it too and what they think of it. Hell, if you know a woman that likes true crime, just ask her in a personal 1 on 1 and suggest it "is it because you think it's hot? Because that's ok! I've a lot of weird kinky fantasy, we are all us humans like that" -then share some weirder fantasies so she feels comfortable- Suggest you've spoken to other women that have said they think it's hot and you just wanted to be sure, see what answer you get.
@GypsyCat1 6 күн бұрын
This is untrue. Women are not a monolith. I, for one, absolutely do not think its "hot." I think it's tragic. Back when I consumed more true crime media it was because I like mysteries, and I like detective stories. And listening to those stories unfold is compelling. True Crime media takes many forms, some sensationalist and criminal-focus. Others are non-sensational and focused on victims. I prefer the latter.
@sovereign-of-scars4372 12 күн бұрын
I am an Andrew Tate fan, but I really do appreciate the more empathetic approach that's been presented here. Honestly, you've fulfilled a desire I had for an insight on women that went beyond "women are overly emotional and you just need to deal with it." You're doing great work here Burgerkrieg, we can only hope that someday you'll go mainstream too.
@AlexisTheDragon 12 күн бұрын
Someone that can TRULY understand multiple unique people.
@MemphiStig 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. I'll definitely be looking at this in depth as soon as I can. Looks very promising. I'm always interested in hearing ideas for game design and seeing different systems.
@mikewinans5091 12 күн бұрын
So you're telling me that Tremere blood magic isn't the same as what Mages do here? Even though Tremere came from mortal Mages? Or are the Tremere just immune to paradox for some reason?
@TheBurgerkrieg 12 күн бұрын
Tremere are vampires and thus permanently severed from their Avatar, they cannot perform dynamic magick. What they do is linear magic based on the hermetic philosophy their clan comes from.
@The_Real_Alex 13 күн бұрын
hard R at 2:48:05
@HennyESP 13 күн бұрын
10:54 THANK YOU!
@jeffersonwinslow8218 13 күн бұрын
Incredible video my guy. A fearless take on a subject so fraught with pigeon-holing ideological traps that must have taken some serious writing and speaking chops to navigate with such insight!
@markbenand 13 күн бұрын
One of my ex-girlfriends said something to me that made me confused but now after watching this video makes sense. She said one of the things she liked about me was she felt safe around me. I'm pretty certain that I am demi-sexual to a degree and can't find it in myself to be intimate unless I have a personal connection to my partner. I suppose that's why I never came across as threatening, because I never put out those, "I wanna screw you now vibes" and why women in general seem comfortable to talk to me. Never got that until now.