Why Biking in the Suburbs Sucks
Cities:Skylines - Prior County
4 жыл бұрын
@jamesfisher3505 18 күн бұрын
I don't know how you can talk about the situation in Killeen without acknowledging certain factors. The town is heavily influenced by Fort Hood (or Fort Cavasos), so there is a huge portion of the population that is transient, with substantial income. If they cannot get housing on post, they receive a Basic Allowance for housing. If they have families, they want a house, and if single (as I was) we want convenience and ideally inexpensive so we can pocket any remaining BAH after rent. Because of the irregular rate of Soldiers moving to and from the area (it can happen in any month). For many Soldiers, the Post amenities is de facto their "downtown"; the house off post is just to stash their stuff and go to sleep. The other factor is one that many don't want to acknowledge; there is a crime issue concentrated inordinately in the North Killeen. Call it "White flight" if you want, but most newcomers to the city avoid ling in North Killeen. Also, there is ONE main thoroughfare through the City, the Central Texas Expressway, along which most of the in-town amenities and services are located. To fix Killeen we need to tamp down the crime issue, look to attract the single Soldier receiving BAH by optimizing locations and amenities. A regular, and frequent bus line along the CTE from Nolanville to Copperas Cove with a route onto Post would help immensely. I don't think we can reduce the car culture though. EVERYONE has a car, especially Soldiers returning from a deployment stacked with cash. The fact that they have ready transportation is what drives the suburb sprawl, not the other way around
@bobsmith2815 24 күн бұрын
Something they don’t mention is tax breaks for a very high percentage of of veterans per Texas law . Many of us veterans are 100% property tax free
@Cyberrat629 28 күн бұрын
Leaving out Killeen’s relationship with FT. Hood/Cavazos really shows this video for the obvious purposeful under informed creator, or blatant propaganda that it is.
@CardinalNorth 28 күн бұрын
@paularocha3392 29 күн бұрын
Not everyone can afford a $500,000+ house with a manicured lawn. To blame poor people and convicts with no credit history and criminal records is absolutely uncalled for. Be careful with the stones you throw, and count the blessings that you have because someday you might find yourself struggling to pay the bills and losing the roof over your head because there isn't enough money. Poor people work hard for what they have. I was poor at one time, but God has blessed me with financial security, and I am forever grateful. The less fortunate are not to blame. Poor urban planning and design are at fault.
@CardinalNorth 28 күн бұрын
When do I ever mention in this video that the less fortunate are to blame? I literally just critique the planning.
@multitieredinvestor183 Ай бұрын
Killeen is a poor city. Too many people with out fully adequate services. Like myself, many households pay no property taxes. Many of us are disabled veterans having retired from Fort Hood/Cavazos and stayed here.
@ShagBackJack Ай бұрын
people talking about adding rails like there aren't peoples properties and livelihoods in the way. get real people, bulldozing half of the city to "make it walkable" aint gonna happen
@robertjazz3613 Ай бұрын
Killeen is Texas hemorrhoid.
@georginawhitby1320 Ай бұрын
Using one terrible , extreme and dsytopian town planning system as the pretext to impose a different terrible , extreme, and even more dystopian planning system.
@caseybowman5232 Ай бұрын
Killeen is mostly military families now as well because it's right next to Fort Hood which is the biggest base in the U.S.
@derrickbarnes8122 Ай бұрын
…so I hope the creator of these video walks everywhere since he seems not to understand cars. Dude STFU…Killeen is a military town and you drive to the store just like ALL OF US! America is built on the car and big homes. Go to Europe and live in some small flat with your washing machine in your bathroom if you don’t like it!
@hartsickdisciple Ай бұрын
Leander is an exurb of Austin. Cedar Park and Round Rock are suburbs. Killeen is a suburb of Fort Hood (Cavazos). The existence of that massive military base is what drives the growth of Killeen.
@voidfilan5055 Ай бұрын
I don’t CARE 🤪😝🤪😝‼️
@Peterkragger Ай бұрын
This place looks like my first ever city in Cities Skylines
@slickwillie97 Ай бұрын
Before you waste your time with this video, realize that this is just an anti automobile video. 1. Walkable in Texas is laughable (our state is huge) 2. There is little to know public transportation as well as no plan to tie existing jokes that have been implemented in Houston and Dallas 3. Killeen is a military suburb and it’s just like any other Texas town that has seen too much boom in a town that used to be bust. 4. If you think this is bad go look at how they are ruining Texas 10 acres at a time by cutting up the family farm for ranchettes.
@CardinalNorth Ай бұрын
I love cars. I think they are wonderful machines that can take you from point A to B well. I don't think they should be the only form of transportation within a city, though, due to the negative effects of car-centric infrastructure. 1. Yes, Texas is big but walkable is possible. 2. There is no public transportation because of what I mentioned, which is sprawling development as a result of car-oriented design. 3. Yes 4. The reason why the farms and ranches are being taken away is single-handedly due to new subdivisions being built. I think we should protect natural land and farms and that cities should have a boundary to where they can build. But new developments are being built so far out because they are running out of room to build. Solution? Don't invade the farmland. Build up from the center. And I'm not talking highrises. Just an appropriate amount of apartments, townhomes, condos, and single-family homes.
@Anomaly-uz9pr Ай бұрын
Im a soldier stationed at hood currently. Killeen is a terrible place but it only exists because our base is here if the base wasn’t here the town wouldn’t exist. End of story
@andrewlocke6103 Ай бұрын
This script is terrible.
@hippiechick73 Ай бұрын
There is “no character” to the neighborhoods because they are built for people who will for the most part live there for 2-4 years and then move on. I live in Temple-Belton area now and I really love this area. It’s way more relaxed than Austin area and has more character than Killeen.
@BeachCity Ай бұрын
Killeen Texas is a suburb of one of the largest military bases is the world, Fort Hood. As to Co2 and crap, nobody really cares. Co2 means there is active respiration on the planet.
@totot99 2 ай бұрын
@SLM-hf1cr 2 ай бұрын
People aren't objects to be stored efficiently in the smallest possible space. Not everyone wants to live on top of a thousand of their neighbors jammed into a tower. Maybe you should take a stroll in Killeen and see how far you get when it's 95 or 105 degrees. Appealing to city planners by telling them they can extract more money out of the citizens by building a certain way is highly suspect. The cities job is to serve its people, not fleece them more efficiently and to a greater extent. The reason that gentleman has travelled around and found cities broke is the same reason people are broke. We live under the control of a private central bank that can silently reach into your pocket any time they want and steal your money for whatever they want to spend it on. The other reason is that governments at all levels are inefficient and waste money because guess what? It's not their money and they can always get more. There is little transparency nor accountability on top of operating under a criminal cartel of money printers. City governments are like a schoolroom where the teacher has left and no one is paying attention to what all these kids are doing. That's on the us, the citizens. Big Box stores and the death of small local business is a result of the aforementioned criminal bankers. When money is constantly losing value, those that have it look to put it someplace that is going to preserve it's value or hopefully add value. This leads to a pathological pursuit of efficiency, which leads to globalism, effective international slavery and manipulation of markets. The ironic part of this story is that these big box stores are doing for themselves what you want to do to the people which is to jam them all up in a gigantic structure and have everything right there in that location. They are the density and efficiency you dream of. Not so pretty that way is it? Just drive over here to Walmart and you won't need to drive anywhere else. Isn't that what you want? Efficiency and less driving? I just shake my head when I see these 'New Urbanist' developments whose primary goal seems to be to put pedestrians and cars at odds with one another. They build incredibly poor designs that make mobility difficult, frustrating and dangerous. This disney like fantasy of lions and lambs living together in harmony is childlike at best. Keep people and car traffic away from each other. Putting the tortoises and the hares at odds with one another in traffic is foolhardy, or in this case it's more like tortoises and rhinoceroses. How about separating the two in 3 dimensions? Cars on ground, people one level up? Cars underground, people on ground level? Why must they be in conflict with one another? How about cars over here, people over there? Why the obsession with walking in traffic? CO2 is not even an argument. That is one of the biggest scams in world history and its only purpose is for theft and control. I'm still amazed at how many people fall for that after nearly 40 years of fearmongering and failed predictions.
@Sundanceband77 2 ай бұрын
Your backing track sounds like Hanger 18 by Megadeth
@redline1916 2 ай бұрын
For all you complaining that Killeen is hell because it's not "walkable" or "how it looks." You should really visit parts of central NJ, you cannot go anywhere here without taking a car or you'd be walking down miles of forest and farmland a lot of the time. Also, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT A CAR OR TRUCK IN TEXAS. You literally need the fucking AC, now it's not too hot for me on my end, but for many others that heat is felt. And even if you're "used to it" you'd still rather want to take a car. I don't know what you're on about for making Texas walkable, nobody would want to walk anywhere even if it was. Killeen's roads and infrastructure overall still look better and well taken care of compared to where I live, so y'all must've had it really cushy to be complaining so hard. It's also a military town, did you expect it to look magical? I can't believe I have to say this as some western canadian living outside of Texas currently in the US... Y'all should know your own states better, especially those that are so recognizable outside of your own country. Texas practically created most of your culture that is viewed outside of america.
@MisterMikeTexas 2 ай бұрын
Think of Killeen as a suburb of Fort Hood. Also, carbon dioxide is not a poison! Plants take it in and turn it back into oxygen. Living conditions are worse in other parts of the world.
@samuelschmidt5314 2 ай бұрын
The video is a bit disingenuous. Killeen exists because it is a military town. Ft Cavazos (formerly Ft Hood) was the largest military base in the world for the longest time until JBLM overtook them. So it is just one giant suberb, but it's a suberb of the second largest military base in the world. Also, as a resident of killeen, the number one complaint is the urban sprall to the city council. However, they have been openly hostile to anything but the status quo. Lastly, downtown is not being revitalized. If you have ever been to killeen you know nothing good happens after dark and nothing good happens on Rancier Ave.
@novelvega2530 2 ай бұрын
Is it okay if you can list your mods or leave a link for the mods. Aslo you have great KZbin channel
@Spyrall643 2 ай бұрын
Unintentional ASMR
@Breaker95 2 ай бұрын
cry more
@jus3278 2 ай бұрын
Military town. That's why.
@adamcarrell 2 ай бұрын
How can you do a video about Killeen, TX and not mention that it's the world's largest military base??? That's why they built it. All of those "cookie cutter houses" are military housing. I went to school there during the Iraq War. Everyone there is in military uniforms. Walmart, Home Depot, Toys 'R' Us, the movie theater, all camo uniforms everywhere you look. It's a military base not a "suburb".
@slowlydistancing 2 ай бұрын
Is that SimCity 2013 background music ??? AWESOME
@Imperfect21stCenturyPioneer 2 ай бұрын
I follow a lady from Killeen on FB... this reminds me of Colorado Springs in many ways, similar layout, there's been rumors according to someone that lives in the city I live in north central Ohio (also car-dependent and want to leave but it's not as ugly as Kileen at least... hint: most of "The Shawshank Redemption" was filmed here) that Colorado Springs wants to abolish its' public transit... and both they and Killeen are military towns. One could make the argument too that Orlando is a suburb of their theme parks such as WDW and Las Vegas is a suburb of the Strip (most of which is not even IN Vegas). I was born and raised up around Portland, OR and their design and public transit, so I know what a walkable city is, by American standards anyway.
@SundayPancakeBreakfast 2 ай бұрын
Private ownership of cars is freedom incarnate. Anyone against private ownership of vehicles might be a communist.
@Minelaughter 2 ай бұрын
Don’t go to the Chick-Fil-A on south highway 183 in Leander Texas guys 0:36
@judoclawplays962 2 ай бұрын
Killeen got the baddest black chicks outside of Houston
@jameslovallo9603 2 ай бұрын
Killeen is A suburb of Ft Cavasos
@emmmaritchie3532 2 ай бұрын
Buddy 90% of your video was just rambling
@devilstrainee1687 2 ай бұрын
@Sleepy_driver_Boy 2 ай бұрын
I live in Waco a little north of killeen and killeen is crappy I hate everything about it such a ugly place for a city with more people than waco (Waco is still bigger, and better) I don't even know how people can even live there.
@Jnicks01 2 ай бұрын
Killeen is a town for military families it’s built exactly how the government wanted it to be
@Neuros_N3 2 ай бұрын
Leander actually has 80,000 plus people now.
@Ce13stialBunny 2 ай бұрын
Where is the footage from? The graphs and the man speaking? I’d like to see the whole thing.
@mailboxxy 2 ай бұрын
The flooding in Killeen/Harker Heights is abhorrent. At least in Copperas Cove, we have anti flood streets.
@gd_4saken827 2 ай бұрын
I notice the simcity 2013 music in the background
@NorCalGlobal 2 ай бұрын
YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE ROADS BEING TOO WIDE LMFAO you the type to complain that your steak dinner is too big
@elisabethkolling6697 2 ай бұрын
One reason cities are broke is that they spend 1/3 or more of their budgets complying with state and federal regulations.
@armandomeza3501 2 ай бұрын
Lol I was so thrown back my first time visiting Texas, the best buy was way bigger, yet the same inside. And the yuuuugeee parking lots, huge and empty lol
@hawkinzzz 2 ай бұрын
Horrible place with very few good people. It makes you depressed just driving through there.
@elvenrights2428 2 ай бұрын
I looked at google maps myself and noticed that Killeen is not just residential sprawl, there are commercial buildings (Walmart, etc), daycare, schools, service buildings (gym, car repair shop,...), emergency room, etc too.
@Potato_pigeon 2 ай бұрын
Killeen is like this because the fort. Not sure how this concept is complicated. And the vast majority of of us want large houses with nice large lawns and to be away from the busy city. You act like we don’t and you’re wrong. “Fixing”every instance of this will make people mad including myself. We like our cars and we like not having to walk miles when it’s 110 outside. And if you had braids to pay attention to the topography you’d realize that Killeen is far to hilly to make “biking” everywhere a viable option for most people
@Goldarlives 2 ай бұрын
Lmao Killeen is not hilly at all. It’s so flat.
@Potato_pigeon 2 ай бұрын
@@Goldarlives you’ve never been there then. Billy doesn’t mean 3000 foot elevation changes 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. I’ve got family there and am there all the time. You seem very miss informed
@bonesandbells 2 ай бұрын
I'm on a place next to Stillhouse Hollow in neighboring Harker Heights and it's hill country scenery there with 200'+ hills and 6-8% grades, but fun on a good e-bike. Though, most of the stores and shopping complexes don't even have bike racks and I'm not leaving my bike unlocked almost anywhere in the U.S.
@redline1916 2 ай бұрын
@@Goldarlives dude it has hills
@BornRaizingHell 2 ай бұрын
yeah right i aint riding no bike in killeen crime is insane there nobody is going to want to do that the city is huge also. this is what killeen texas really is like kzbin.info/www/bejne/l4jNn4NsaLmpgdU