@marcokrautwald1886 27 күн бұрын
all i see is uneducated comments. mang0 doesnt mix well with sensitive people but i dont think he is evil or even just annoying
@eayllon1 Ай бұрын
@MartialWeapon Ай бұрын
That twitlonger was just - Meh. Not very convincing. I don't think the melee community, Mango included, has ever put Armada through some intense suffering. I think he's a sensitive guy and I think he did a great job crying wolf when his emotions were flared. I've still yet to see any out of pocket interactions from Mango towards Armada, just regular bro trash talk that happens in literally any circle with mostly males. Armada being a friend of Mango personally, even holding his baby, I think is very indicative of something. It's indicative of the fact Armada doesn't really see Mango as a bad person. Why would you be so heavily invested in a person who's an "asshole" and has been "bullying" you all these years. Lol doesn't add up.
@CraftyChicken91 2 ай бұрын
Coming back to watch this now. And after all the shit with leffen. I'm staaaaarting to think the swedes are just pussies. :/
@likeshaggygamingman2158 2 ай бұрын
why cant we all just be nice :( melee is supposed to be a video game
@breadbaskets2772 2 ай бұрын
@epicgamer-ur1wg 5 ай бұрын
It’s a little late but this thumbnail kinda goes against what mango’s saying. Unless you’re trying to make this a masterpiece which subverts people’s expectations after reeling them in
@Landmasters 5 ай бұрын
It really comes down to how you view things. Mango believes longterm play is enough for him and Hbox to surpass Armada and I disagree, instead believing one should know when to hang it up versus a visible decline or worse a collapse -Imagine if Jordan officially retires after Ring 6, he not only threepeated in the 90s, but retired for two years to play baseball, then returned and after one season to remove the rust he threepeated again, 6 championships in 7 seasons even despite that little detour. He retires after that I don't think there's a conversation between him and Lebron, who has been excelling late into his career where Jordan floundered -Imagine if Tom Brady retired after 2021. Puts up the highest numbers of his entire career, proved he didn't need Belichick for a championship, and had another Brady-esque comeback that fell just short due to a late field goal to cap off his career at the young age of 44. Instead he came back to hit Mr. 100,000 passing yards and proceeded to have arguably his worst season and sacrificed his perfect streak of positive seasons Stats like Adam's are friggin' mythical and it's not as though he got big results and dipped, he kept that consistency for a decade. There are videos chronicling players who merely took a single *GAME* off Armada in his career, it was an event if someone got a game while even during Mango/Hbox's reigns it was routine for them to lose sets to far lower ranked players and in some cases they were unranked
@RayZL90 3 ай бұрын
I’m new to the smash scene but I do know ball, and how it is different compared to esports. In nba championship isn’t the only metric for debating who is the best, and Jordan coming back after retiring was adding on to his legacy instead of decreasing it. (After all he did cross the 30k threshold after he came back) people like to say statistics don’t matter and winning is the only thing, but it’s complicated in a team sport
@deathangeleas2401 5 ай бұрын
I swear I commented on this video. Is this a reupload because he deleted it on his channel? Regardless of anything my thoughts are still the same and Ima bout to go crazy for the next few paragraphs so I'll give people the short version here. Mango is one of "those" dudes who loves the trash talking to the point where he enjoys the back and forth of pissing people off and that has always been my problem and maybe other peoples problem with him in the community. He's not malicious or abusive. but like he's just a really annoying douchebag of a person and he's very different from leffen who is just a bad guy, but somehow close to the same level of being like a bad influence on the community. The only reason he has chilled in the past few years is because of how the internet has changed and comments like what armada has said made about him because he knows that if he acted that way now he would be hated and rightfully so. Its not that trashtalking is wrong and that brotherly shit is not okay but the following has to be respected at all times when doing it 1) only with people you know 2) be respectful regardless of anyone you do it and make it clear it is a joke and 3) Don't justify doing it knowing it is a joke that can piss people off and it does because you literally look like more of an ass defending it ever. No one is soft, no one does not have to have tougher skin for your dumbass and no one cares about how you were raised. If mango was actually mature he would know all of this already and armada would have never said anything. End of story. Now here's the longer part of what I think because I left this here for a reason so that you people who agree with mango would understand that your pussy boy over here was in the fucking wrong back in the early days, when this video came out and now. Because mango isn't mature is the reason why all you melee players think you can shit all over other games, including the other smash games for your game all day long. He pioneered being a cool falco yes, but he pioneered something that was way more influential in my opinion which is literally just stirring up the pot to piss people off and enjoy the "drama". Which talking about the internet? Bro Mango is like literally one of many individuals who has made the drama filled smash community that we have today. Do you see how he talks about "beef" like "oh if we're in the middle of it, I gotta get in there and talk about it" like bro this is what I mean. On top of that peep this dumbass shit about them tweets from Tafo, really? Its like I'm just sitting there thinking you really got upset over that? I get it you are a fucking competetor, but my guy you wouldn't even have to make this fucking video if you understood at that time at that moment that a motherfucker IS just better then you. Ain't no ones fault but yours that you in your crusade to show up everyone and get to sit up at the top of the mountain and say "Im better then all you fucks" and you never stopped to be fair and humble, thats why you got treated that way by your friend cause I would've. Your dumbass would've too, but instead of all the nerd shit you just woulda been like "Im the best" You know why anyone would say that about you? its not because "everyone has an ego when they're one of the best" or some shit its because you fucking get what you dish out to people when you behave this way. The feeling that Mango had I bet you 100s is the same fucking feeling other people have when he talks shit and it hurts their feeling. So he's a hypocrite on top of being petty and after that is when he goes as he put it "into the character full on" because he's a loser bro and anyone in sports who has ever been like this is the same way too. There comes a point as a competitor when your at your high point and you get humbled crazy where it hurts your feelings and above all else that I have already said too he is a huge egoist, He couln't handle himself so right like why do you do it boy? I god damn 24 years old and I know better then this guy. This worst part isn't even all that too, the community encourages sometimes the way that he is as a person. Not even just the melee community, the people in brawl, PM and smash 4 eras (I'm not counting Ultimate because its mostly new people or people who were not previously the best) Its like yeah ya'll really cosigning big egos, hypocricy, beefing, etc.? Its no wonder smash twitter is the shit hole that it is bro. You people have always wanted to one up each other since the days of the revival of melee, m2k used to do it too btw since you people love pretending like he is a saint who does no wrong. The twitlonger that bro was going to post would have revealed this side of him and I don't agree that armada would get the same hate like he said, but it would even it out because the melee community still, TO THIS DAY, has these kinds of people. The difference between now and back in like 2016 is that no one who is popular in melee really does it anymore or at least not publicly. But I've known melee players even at my local scene who are STILL like this bro, who still behave like this, and its just unfortunately easiest to throw it right back in their face and be nice to everyone else because ya'll are cornaballs bro. "its spicy, it gets people talking and it is fun" yeah bro if done with respect, your friends, not just anyone at the local or you kinda know them. I think thats it, but above everything I will point out lastly. Just notice how he blames Tafo for the tweet and not his own reaction and later behaviour from that reaction TODAY or whenever this was posted as a showing of his character. So ig its not that in that moment you felt personally slighted and took it out then after on everyone including him, okay. So ig its not that you have a near narcissictic ego that you were trying to protect, okay. So ig your not just an asshole in general "I'm malicious" even tho no one really said that not even armada himself, aight boy. You keep protecting that ego of a 3 year streak you had in like 2011 - 2014 bro cause smash was always like wrestling (no) and thats what matters in life is how much you win as a competitor (bitch-maid mentality lol).
@slickricky769 5 ай бұрын
Can we all agree that Hbox is the real goat…
@JackEriksson2 6 ай бұрын
this is literally the most unapologetic "apologize" i think i've seen, up there with the rest of the dumb youtube apology-videos
@epicgamer-ur1wg 5 ай бұрын
He apologizes but it’s not an apology video
@naudiatf2791 6 ай бұрын
like comment for every time mango says "like"
@foxelby108 8 ай бұрын
11:10 can you count for me the times he says "like"
@jebril 7 ай бұрын
90s kids things
@MrGetownedLP 9 ай бұрын
"Its been 4 years since hes retired, can i talk about it in 7 years?" I feel that, ovb this situation is long over but i can see that being mad frustrating. Plus the mang has respect
@spaghettiking7312 10 ай бұрын
This just makes me miss Armada playing even more. If they met in person, I think this argument wouldn't have happened.
@scapegoat079 11 ай бұрын
I’m not actually mad with him when I say “fuck Armada”, but srsly fuck that dude. He, by his own choice, left a scene that called him a God at his game, at the peak of his career and took up the title of “Mario 64 Speedrunner”. That alone isn’t upsetting. It’s the fact that 6 years after he quit he thinks he can walk back into the melee scene by writing a twitlonger shitting on the one player who’s been giving it his all for melee since 2014. And worse, this is right before the biggest tournaments to start the year, Genesis. it’s like if a Peele left Key n Peele to be cast in snl, only to come back before a season premiere and say he left the show because Key sucked and was a shitty person
@scapegoat079 11 ай бұрын
it’s wild i haven’t seen anyone call out the poor timing of that twitlonger just to make a casual appearance on commentary at 1 tournament. Cool. totally didn’t start that bs bc of a fragile ego and feel like a hero at genesis
@mr.b9613 7 ай бұрын
You are beyond stupid.
@M4sterJP 11 ай бұрын
Mang0 is toxic for Melee´s community
@LOUDESMID 11 ай бұрын
@schtitt 5 ай бұрын
@patrickhamning1734 11 ай бұрын
"I don't think I'm malicious" Yeah........ that's just not how innocent people word things. People who aren't malicious don't say "I don't think I am", they say "no I'm not malicious"
@somedudethatdoesthings8057 10 ай бұрын
"I don't think I'm gay." "No, I'm not gay!" 🤔
@slipknot95maggot Жыл бұрын
Sorry, you don't like that him specifically venting his frustrations paints you "just a bad guy"....? Isn't this all about the time you made some overstated comments which painted him to casual listeners as a bad guy...? A million people hate you now...? His whole thing is about how many people hate him because of what you said. ...is this a joke...? Are you trolling.........? [I know this isn't his channel, hush] Dude, what the actual f xDDDD How can this be any more transparent and laughably hypocritical....? It's okay because you said it in a stream [when, as you say, the entire world is supposed to just magically know with exactly what degree of sincerity to take the things you say XDDD okay bruv] but it's not okay because he said it in a longer and more serious format so that implies a more sincere attack on your character....? Duuuuh, the context in his case is he's venting frustrations. Of course the bad things he has to say will paint you poorly [if valid]. Anybody who takes that to mean more about the sum total of your character than it should is succumbing to EXACTLY the thing his whole comment is about you facilitating. It's literally the exact same thing. This is insane. HE did not GO OUT OF HIS WAY to paint you as "ooh, but you know, also a normal human sometimes" - Yea neither did you XDDDDD Holy effing ess kid. Listen to yourself for half a second. Or stop living in denial as a lazy coverup to avoid growth, or at least a more honest refusal of it, christ. Don't yank me around just because you don't want to acknowledge the issue. Either ignore the issue or face it You are LITERALLY calling him out for not doing the thing HE IS CALLING YOU OUT FOR NOT DOING, except in his case he was *in a context that implies frustrations being aired as opposed to your , "context where everybody is supposed to magically know exactly what I really mean teehee lullul"* XDDDDDDD Holy christ good thing you have a skill at something. If you weren't a good fox you'd be a decomposing road feature by now
@LOUDESMID 11 ай бұрын
i genuinely think you have a low EQ, if you can’t tell the difference between stream anda twitlonger. might have high IQ but ZAMNothy.
@MCLSD_ Жыл бұрын
these comments are so weird. especially the hbox comparisons... hello people hbox did the exact same thing armada did and everyones acting like it never happened and theyre all buddy buddy without the years of total resentment and actual toxic shit talking.... everyone showing armada is speaking facts about mangos fanbase. no hate to mango. hes just a big troll. but, again, as armada said you guys are acting like he did nothing wrong all the time xD
@lobster821 Жыл бұрын
I love mang0 so much! My thoughts on armada was a guy that lost motivation and retired, but then he tried to use his retirement as an invincibility bubble for his standings and placement as the best in the game. Then he started rubbing shit in everyone else’s face that he was the best when he wouldn’t actually come back and play. But mang0 is still grinding in the game so his opinion is just way more valid and holds more weight because mang0 is still competing. Regardless of why armada retired, its sorta apparent that he was claiming the number 1 spot POST retirement, but because he was retired he wasnt giving anyone the chance to prove him wrong.
@kman4842 Жыл бұрын
I love you Mango. Much love.
@127marq Жыл бұрын
i had to get you to 69 😂
@sdn14 Жыл бұрын
Hate being painted the bad guy? Funny how Mango, Leffen, and Armada had a social campaign againts Hbox, painting him the bad guy. But in the end can't help but turn on each other like all projectors and witch-hunters do. People see them for what they really are now. I'm just wondering what took people so long.
@KjtheGreatPro Жыл бұрын
Sounds like two competitive people need to pickup the ole game cube controller and duke it out.
@danielashby1913 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like an ego thing for him. He thought his legacy was cemented and now everyone thinks mang0 is the goat
@Alienrun Жыл бұрын
I just don't understand why Armada doesn't want to talk to Mang0...Mang0 is willing to stop...he's making the situation worse for no reason by adding confusion. Like I get that he doesn't want to for emotional reasons...but you don't have to see eye to eye...just do it anyways to clarify things so you can both move on more gracefully...
@mr.b9613 7 ай бұрын
He's not entitled to armadas comments. Armada just wants to be left the fuck alone, it's that simple.
@Alienrun 7 ай бұрын
@@mr.b9613 Its not that simple though. They have a whole history together and Armada isn't completely in the right here like his fanboys insist he is. You don't just stop talking to someone just because you wanna cling onto an emotion that's irrelevant to the current situation. Don't act like Mang0 is the bully here...Armada is just playing the victim card for no reason! Also don't act like ghosting is always justified...sometimes it is...in this case its not. Like really...Armada complained in his twitlonger that he tried to reach out to Mang0 but Mang0 didn't respond. So then when Mang0 does respond and tried to apologize...he...doesn't respond and acts like he's above the situation?! Explain how that's justifiable at all...cause its not!
@mr.b9613 7 ай бұрын
@@Alienrun Dude armada retired more than 5 years ago. There's no victims or gray perspectives here. One dude put the game behind him, and the other constantly throws shots and harasses the other on streams. Stop the fucking gaslighting
@tetermc 2 ай бұрын
@@mr.b9613 And yet Armada was the one who felt the need to constantly remind people that he was the goat and insinuated that not much has changed and that he would still be dominant. He's 100% not innocent here and he 100% took a few nebulous, meaningless comments way too seriously and then "responded" in a very childish way.
@mr.b9613 2 ай бұрын
@@tetermc there is nothing wrong with someone who is objectively in the top 3 of the best players of all time proclaiming he's the goat. Also what was the last time he did that, and how does that justify mangos nonstop onslaught online? You make zero sense, armada earned the right to call himself the goat.
@Alienrun Жыл бұрын
My main concern is how Mang0 is going to figure out how to talk about Armada...cause he has a point that he can't just NOT ever bring him up... Something's gotta push cause I don't think Mang0 is gonna keep what he really thinks under wraps forever if that makes sense...
@runescape33433 Жыл бұрын
Imagine making a death threat towards Armada, like he wouldn't totally four stock you if you tried
@Anonymous25491 Жыл бұрын
Kids will change you , good shit mango.
@Forthelemon Жыл бұрын
"what's the thing you burn ants with" lmao
@jchud13 Жыл бұрын
Yeah people need to admit that armadas tweets that stated it all were extremely bad sportsmenship
@yenneferofvengerberg4936 Жыл бұрын
A lot of excuse making and not really owning up to it “ I took it to far but I’m not in the wrong” like what. “I could totally bury Adam but I won’t because I’m a man and handle it privately” y’all actually believe this snake?
@ChaDMan97 7 ай бұрын
Lmao, I'm coming back to this drama, but this is kinda how I see it. Melee community thinking these guys are their buddies and that mango is having a real heartfelt conversation with his "mangonation". 😂 He's an entertainer feeling out his fan base after some drama/controversy.
@sr1488 16 күн бұрын
​@ChaDMan97 nah mango is a really chill and down to earth guy, he hangs out with pretty much anyone who gives him the time of day. He's really not that mythical of a figure lmao
@johndoe-rq1pu Жыл бұрын
@Gabriel_Micah Жыл бұрын
Armada pretty serious an Mang0 likes to clown, and the community fans flames so like 🤷🏾‍♂️
@MegaDysart Жыл бұрын
Cool, beef squashed. Anyone gonna address the false allegations that tanked westballz career and reputation and sent his mental health spiraling put of control?
@phantom370 Жыл бұрын
If Armada is so butt hurt about it, he should just come back and beat everyone. Since he considers himself the "GOAT" it should be easy for him, but if not then STFU.
@IPromiseTomorrow Жыл бұрын
i made chicken lunch for me and my dog and that was more entertaining than twitter. If you have a dog who loves chicken pour the soup into the bowl too. It'll warm his belly up and dog's can love that texture.
@Legogreens Жыл бұрын
@Alienrun Жыл бұрын
99.9% of anything you can think of is more entrataining (and better for you) than twitter if we're being honest here! lol Glad you and your dog bond together well! That must be nice! :D
@Dude5375 Жыл бұрын
This video has a totally different vibe after his unnecessary genesis drama. Mango has a fragile ego and doesn't like it when he's not praised as the GOAT by everyone.
@gmdragon117 Жыл бұрын
Mango with the right call tbh. Just keep it private.
@TimsNeggs Жыл бұрын
Sheesh. Let’s all just play nasb and get along.
@sweetbizil Жыл бұрын
Mango should have DM'd Armada after the Tafo tweet. Crisis averted. Can't expect others to do things that you yourself are not going to do. That's good advice for ANY relationship, btw.
@ChaDMan97 10 ай бұрын
I'm seeing all this so late. But this is like one of the only two reasonable comments. Everything else is a mango or armada dickriding fest. The other comment being twitter blowing everything out of proportion.
@sailgoat4733 Жыл бұрын
This is the most mature, intelligent response I could have ever expected from mango. Wow.
@Tommy9834 Жыл бұрын
Some people REALLY can't take trashing talking, trolling or other typical internet behavior.
@some1rational Жыл бұрын
I had coincidentally rewatched Zoolander before seeing this and I think Mang0 and Armada just need to have a Derek and Hansel make up moment kzbin.info/www/bejne/aX-zeKOLfbyfjq8
@jpetrullo6890 Жыл бұрын
NGL Armada was super pampered in this situation. Everyone kissed his butt when he retired (as they should have, he earned it). But yea the gloating and talking about how mang0 could never surpass him, then saying the meta hasn't changed much. All of that is just plain offensive from mang0's POV and armada deserved flack for that, and it's his fault for not clearing the air sooner and just letting it build up and eventually not being able to handle it. He prodded then got bit, then wanted to cry about it
@Dapuf_Puffd Жыл бұрын
As someone watching melee since before 2010 it’s really felt like Adam has been somewhere between overreacting and grasping at straws. I also think it’s ingenious for him to assume all the random fan hate cane from Mango’s fan. And he threw more heat on the fire when he went really hard in his response to Tafo’s tweets out of nowhere given how detracted he was from the scene at that point.
@jacoblunchbox9499 Жыл бұрын
hope to see them hug it out at genesis
@Br4nd0n94 Жыл бұрын
It’s not just a game it’s literally their career of course someone as competitive as mango is going to take things he said personally when it’s his life. At least mango always keeps it 💯 not like others
@falshion1837 Жыл бұрын
It really is mature of Mango to respect Armada's boundaries despite the way he feels about the whole situation. Jokes can definitely be a source of toxicity and sure, Mango shouldn't have done it in the first place, but he's owning up to it. It's also interesting hearing about how Armada probably felt under appreciated. Not sure if it's obvious but I always thought that "the Goat" title had to do with personality and the story of the player rather than raw results.