@ArcaneEther 3 сағат бұрын
DDLC doesn't just break the fourth wall, it dances barefoot in the glass shards of the shattered fourth wall.
@justrens5623 13 сағат бұрын
My man I love you and ur so right best game and Yuri best girl
@sennajermeyqolivar934 Күн бұрын
I'm keep hearing the voices by jacksepticeye's for the character.😂
@tiplouf337 Күн бұрын
did i really just watch half an h of ddlc video?
@pkwawaf0 Күн бұрын
no monika representation is crazy smh she's literally obsessed with u
@LuveenWadhwani Күн бұрын
Bro. I respect your perspective and the eloquence with which you deliver it. But. The reveal that you literally have Tifa's abs is the absolute highlight of the video for me.
@viktorlucious6585 Күн бұрын
Yuri is the most misunderstood and overhated character in this game.
@trycoxagain 2 күн бұрын
nah cus i was playign ddlc and i was reading the protag lines hes literally me all that different is that he dont cus
@thebigmystery7841 2 күн бұрын
What really astounded me and made me want to beat naysayers about this game with a stick (some I saw saying it makes light of its mental health themes) is that Sayuri's 12:20 depression is VERY VERY realistic. I say that as someone who broke down crying with how much it matched my own depression. This game knows what its themes are and I feel taps into those very well. I wouldn't say its a horror for everyone, but for someone like me it was a nice change from "sad depressed person who just hides in their room all the time" to show how these illnesses are frightening and very real in how normal they can seem. Im also a sucker for amazing psychological horror lol
@DDoZERR0 2 күн бұрын
I burst into tears just from this video, with all the ton of humor that the author was trying to smooth out this game. But it just touched my childhood wound. If I were to play this game in my current state of mental health without knowing what kind of game it is, I would unalive myself after the ending. I might actually need a therapy, but there's no way I'm going to go to one. All I need is someone to cheer me up, just some hugs. I haven't seen my family for two years, I don't have friends, antisocial and addicted and its all my fault, and It is me myself who have to solve it all out. But it is really hard.
@Lord_LenRoxx 2 күн бұрын
I played that game as a kid and holy shit the music got me. I just random open the game and do something else while listen to this banger Really good video and I should play Doki Doki again sometime
@Leavestoy 2 күн бұрын
I think you would have fun playing Danganronpa.😂
@luvluvnightmare 2 күн бұрын
2 years ago but wtv. I feel like the character designs are supposed to be sort of “fan-servicey” and meant to appeal to people that find that stuff attractive, along with the disclaimer that the characters are above 18 so NSFW content would be okay, so if someone unaware of the horror parts of the game and is expecting appealing content of the girls plays the game, the horror, death, and gruesome topics displayed in the game would shock them giving DDLC that misleading and shocking thrill to it that’s meant to scare the players.
@thomasmuscat6527 2 күн бұрын
I always did get the importance of Cloud's relationship with Tifa in the original game and even what is picked up in 'Advent Children,' but I admit I was always a bit torn between her and Aerith. After 'Remake' and a second 'Rebirth' playthrough, I'm pretty much on Team Tifa now. As you pointed out, they add a lot to her character and amplify how much she and Cloud mean to each other.
@gnattgnert 2 күн бұрын
for some reason the default day theme has a part that reminds me of a mario galaxy song
@crimsonamogsus7351 2 күн бұрын
2:52 I was told that she apparently was beat so much as a child, her body was messed up enough to not appear older
@endershepard7117 2 күн бұрын
Cloud Strife is a pathetic simp loser and quite possibly retarded. And Tifa Lockhart has been taking advantage of him since they were children. The first thing Tifa said and did after Cloud shared his dream with her of joining the ranks of Soldier 1st Class; was see how she could benefit from it. She didn’t try to discourage him or encourage him. Nope. Tifa only tried to see what she could get out of it. And what she wanted to get out of it was the experience of being Lois Lane getting rescued by Superman. As if anyone in Soldier 1st Class is just some kind of invincible warrior who can never die. When they meet in Midgar. Tifa ropes Cloud into getting himself turned into an international fugitive from justice! Is this your queen?!
@0LL13.is-kewl 3 күн бұрын
9:35 Her shoes are also pink and theirs are blue. Just a small detail I noticed.
@leviandhisbae7375 3 күн бұрын
Pfff, have you not met Aerith yet? Uhhhm
@germantrycs 3 күн бұрын
i played this game during the first covid lockdown in 2020. i had nightmares for two weeks.
@TheVisualmemory 3 күн бұрын
oh no the infection is spreading...
@KerasinafLega 4 күн бұрын
Delete my memories to replay ddlc
@kyuhako 4 күн бұрын
so thats why my computer cannot play or open this game, my antivirus is actively squaring up monika in the files
@dinand28 4 күн бұрын
@Sayoriismyfavdoki899 5 күн бұрын
29:54 your reaction was priceless lol
@Sayoriismyfavdoki899 5 күн бұрын
8:43 someone help me on WHY I found THIS funny
@Kelvin-ub3vl 5 күн бұрын
04:23 wasnt expecting this representation of the MC, got me laughing the whole day, awesome video sir +1 sub
@thezeldacrafter9826 5 күн бұрын
This is all true but also incredibly homosexual
@arijdhaoui9071 5 күн бұрын
natsuki best girl
@lewinvillaman659 5 күн бұрын
I was not in any shape way or form was expecting the tifa cosplay 💀
@artisamayt7506 5 күн бұрын
Also, little detail. Sayori's hands were strained in blood, which means she was struggling. Looking at the act 2, the characters were starting to go insane but sometimes their mind became clear so I believe Sayori became conscious at last, but it was too late
@gonzalo2869 5 күн бұрын
After finishing this game and its DLC a couple of days ago I only have these ideas: - The cringefest anime and fanservice is absolutely unbearable. Xenoblade games are known for taking themselves seriously in their own contexts and XC2 just feels awkward. At least this moderates when you get to chapter 6, but it's 20 - 30 hours until that point. - Grinding in this game is absolutely everything, even to advance paths that shouldn't have certain demanding ones like "jumping", "Wind Mastery" and that stupid stuff. - The GACHA system of the blades is absolute garbage - In Torna DLC there are 2 specific points where you must complete almost 30 secondary missions obligatorily to continue advancing in the main story... yeah... - The combat system is terrible, and while the AI ​​generally knows what to do, on countless occasions when I am about to generate an elemental orb the AI ​​simply changes the route and leaves me unable to make level 3 blade arts to complete the fucking cycle, WTF. Look, do yourselves a favor, just skip this shit and play XC3 or the remaster of 1. You'll thank me later.
@Louann100 6 күн бұрын
The fact that the switch and ddlc came out in the same year does not sound right to me
@eleemaeli1830 6 күн бұрын
12:00 the witch time ability is fun buy existing and the fact that they still make it different with each character make it even better both bayonetta and rosa (bayo mother) have the same way of activate it a good dodge and is there but they're dodge are limited and they become vulnerable for some second jeanne is slightly different the witch time work only in moth form so a more risky play but she compensate with infinite dodge then in bayonetta 2 coop 2 other character came around one is rodin that have a shield kinda (is strange) and then is baldr bayo father that instead of witch time he have light speed and the best of both world, infinite dodge and same witch time activation as is wife and daughter then viola came in the picture making the parry the witch time activation (parry did exist in the other game sure but it was always a good combo activator than a defensive tool being that the player prefer ofc dodging for the witch time, in the no witch time difficulty ofc parry was a good option)
@Nyx_Room 7 күн бұрын
Tifa is constantly mistreated by cloud most of the game though. Shes like sakura and Sasuke in naruto....😂
@matthiaskooij2712 7 күн бұрын
What would happen if you delete the character file of Monica before act3???? Would that ruin the game or ruin the "game"?
@matthiaskooij2712 7 күн бұрын
I regret watching this at 1.30 am😂😂
@Cephandrius-Maxtori 7 күн бұрын
Really appreciate the halo music at 20:55
@Manja1989 7 күн бұрын
Cloud and Tifa = Love <3 i hope we see more like this in part 3 in 2027. Love these couple so much! <3 my Heart is going crazy! the way they treat each other is so special lovingly *__* Tifa will be the Light for Cloud -> he finding back to himself <3
@1VirFortis 8 күн бұрын
The perfect woman in fiction. Period.
@shinjikobra1150 8 күн бұрын
Tifa was most the realistic character you can relate with her you actually feel her emotions in the game she isn’t real tho but she feels real
@cyclonemusicx4446 8 күн бұрын
Literally stopped playing the game for a week after the end of chapter 5….the only reason I continued was to put 6ft under. Then I get the opening of chapter 6. Yeah, I felt really bad for him….I felt the same at the end of chapter 5, so I really sympathized…
@Kat_815 8 күн бұрын
glad i watched this after finishing the game twice. what a ride.
@xdmomentum8346 8 күн бұрын
To anyone reading this. Repent and believe the gospel! There’s a loving God who wants to know you and save you. He gave His only son as a sacrifice for us so that we can spend eternity with Him in peace and joy. Please consider the state of your soul! Jesus died and resurrected so you can be saved. Believe in Jesus and follow Him so you may have salvation. Life is short, please make the right choice today!
@oreichid 8 күн бұрын
ive been waiting on an analysis like this for so long tysm for making it and it being so well done!!! and the editing to put urself in the environments was a nice touch lol edit: OMG THE SONG AT THE END WAS SO GOODSDFHJGSDF
@xanderscut 8 күн бұрын
Thrilled to hear you got so much out of it, you’re too kind! ❤️‍🔥
@carlosernestosilvalira8126 9 күн бұрын
YOU ARE lilmonix3???????
@Kira-rn9fl 9 күн бұрын
I think one great part of the game that you missed when discussing tbe glitches and easter eggs are the game files (another thing that is a lot less effective on the console version). Yes, everyone knows about deleting monika at the end. But when Sayori dies, you can see right there in the background, an error message, which leads you to a message from Monika in the game files. This has the secondary purpose of teaching you to keep a lookout on your game files as you play through the second act of the game, as you start to find creepy shit appearing, such as nightmarish drawings and hidden messages.
@raesgfx 9 күн бұрын
i mean natsuki being short af makes sense, shes malnourished.
@pix00l 9 күн бұрын
This video made me laugh hard :D I guess these delusional Cloti fans doesnt know that in official source Tifa has never been mentioned to be anything more than Cloud's childhood friend while Aerith has been mentioned to be Cloud's lover xD Honestly I do feel bad that to wake you people up from your dream but hey its better to face the truth the being delusional imo
@vedanshi3294 9 күн бұрын
This was the first game I played after a few years thanks to my friend's recommendation, I was cringing so hard initially and almost gave up on the game but my friends made me continue, do not regret it