@Inhumanform 2 ай бұрын
great info
@ylondaphillips939 3 ай бұрын
I need a journalist phone number in Illinois
@alfonsocarrillo4622 5 ай бұрын
This is a shame and disservice to the truth, to true journalism, yet another white-american-made fable, this trans hype is passing out as its being exposed as a made up farce. Where is the representation from the normal, non-trans people in this "webinar"?
@dollylove3430 5 ай бұрын
Trans/nonbinary is made up. Female and male are real. Everyone has a unique personality that expresses itself💕
@dg3798 5 ай бұрын
We're done upending the country for mentally unwell people who choose to live in their delusions and want to force the rest of us to do so as well. This ideology is destroying education, confusing vulnerable children, and putting women in danger as well as stealing their opportunities. People are finally seeing this for what it is and are finally standing up to these cry-bully activists. Their feelings do not trump our rights.
@viejolincanada 5 ай бұрын
When I see "pronouns" I run away fast
@justasimpleguy7211 6 ай бұрын
Sorry but journOlists are lower than whale poop in my book. Take your agenda and shove it where the Sun doesn't shine.
@gavrilopricip11 6 ай бұрын
bullying anti-free speech anti-science misogynist autogynephilic predator rights are human rights
@HRPFayetteville 6 ай бұрын
Do u all even understand what rights are???? We have equal.rights not special group rights u cant just create rights made up by you
@RB-jl2qb 6 ай бұрын
This is a ideological discussion that has completely ignored ALL information coming out from the UK CASS review and the horrendous behaviour of WPATH recently revealed by the WPATH files. Shame on this totally biased and corrupted panel.
@TvDaddyAndTheTabloidArmy 6 ай бұрын
23 comments - and every one is a calling out 😂
@TvDaddyAndTheTabloidArmy 6 ай бұрын
society of professional Journalists? why would anyone proudly let that be known?
@Lucia818-bb9kk 6 ай бұрын
These people make me sick. They have no idea the damage they’re causing or know & don’t care thanks to their ego & narcissism
@sh8nn0n92 6 ай бұрын
“Ethics”😂- stop destroying rights/laws for everyone else. You target others. Shameful. Get men out of women’s prison cells. What problem? Too mich coverage abd privilege is given to T.
@derekjohnson2711 6 ай бұрын
I believe the more of this cry me a river type of discussion takes place, the further deep the alphabet community digs themselves, particularly the Fringe TQ+-%. I encourage them to please continue to further expose themselves with this type of public conversation. They will never have the courage to even attempt to defend their ideology to common sense folks, or intelligent grown adults in the same room though. There is no such thing as a “trans” child, or an identity called “non binary”. They are called boys and girls & they are beautiful just as they are, no drugs or scalpels required. These recent inventions by the radical left and their attempts to indoctrinate the masses is failing, since there is no logic, or coherence to gender ideology. What is pushing this over the edge is the concerted efforts to introduce this new twisted religion & ideology to children, since they are more likely to believe such nonsense as being born in the wrong body, and requiring drugs & cosmetic surgery to solve a newly marketed “problem”, which has never existed until 5 minutes ago. I grew up in the 70’s & there was no such thing as a “trans” child until only a few years ago in the grand scheme of things. Society is told now to affirm the delusions of mentally confused humans and lie to them, have them lie to everyone else by pretending to have what they call a “gender identity.” There are 2 sexes, Zero genders, and infinite personalities. The Cass review from the UK is just one of the most recent unbiased studies to prove that there is child abuse taking place, & further solidifies what we already knew - that gender ideology is a house of cards and only a light breeze will topple it. It can be best described as pseudoscientific gobbledygook espoused by many who are lacking a tether to objective reality. There never has been “hate” for people who identify as “trans”. But, You have many people, even in the LGB community upset with the rainbow radicals since they only give the normal people in the community who just want to live their lives a bad look being associated with this absurdity. Watching & Listening to this 5 way dance was difficult & cringeworthy to be as kind as I can be, for a lot of reasons besides the resemblance to an Adams family reunion, the voice boxes are distorted with hormones, very unhealthy looking humans, sounding like the muppets take Manhattan. Not a good look, if this is the best they have to offer. I hope they all keep it up, I’ve been getting a lot more of this stuff coming on my timeline, & I find it ironic that they/them/he/she/zi/zer will bury themselves simply by putting themselves out there like they have done here. It’s not about acceptance anymore for them. They want everyone to be forced to play along with their fantasies in real life & believe that a man can put on a dress and call himself a woman simply by declaring it. Nobody had a problem even with the fringe nutters until they spread their toxic ideology to the schools where this new social contagion is rapidly spreading. You can’t mess with the kids and expect the normal grown adults to accept that. This is why they will fail. The more the regular normal people learn about gender ideology, and see how it’s being pushed in all our institutions, but most concerning, the schools - the more opposition there is to this mind virus. I sincerely hope nothing but the best for these people, they are clearly mentally & physically unwell and need god, &/or a good psychologist. Telling them the truth is the most loving thing one could do.
@azimuth5620 6 ай бұрын
@HarryBuxley 6 ай бұрын
Afraid not. There is no such thing as lesbians and being gay is a choice. Wake up.
@allyy210 6 ай бұрын
You have rights.... What you want are MORE rights than others.... stop being such self entitled narcissists. Get over yourselves
@rainbowpinups2253 6 ай бұрын
What a farce!
@sophie20015 6 ай бұрын
Thanks to those who commented I didn't waste any time listening to a bunch of Patsies lie in an attempt to push their agenda.
@Andygarrett357 6 ай бұрын
As a life long gay boy living in the Free State of Florida with the nation's greatest governor: Everyone must read and review the Cass Report from the United Kingdom, as well as the WPATH Files report. Both can be accessed in a Google search. Professional journalists don't lie or deny biological science. Start with: a woman is a biological human female, a man is a biological human male and can not get pregnant. Men do not belong in women's locker-rooms, competitive sports teams, restrooms, etc.. Giving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery on minors is a crime against humanity. Natural puberty and human growth is a human right. Left wing marxist media bias and "mud slinging" by ideologs with a radical leftist agenda is out of control. Tat has immediately racialized the discussion. Most "marginalized" people and groups are self marginalized by their own failures with schooling, illegal substance abuse, financial incompetence, and general mismanagement of their lives. If anyone thinks my thoughts are "transphobic" or I am a "transphobe" that's your problem not mine, as I don't care. The levels of manipulation and coercion are disturbing and terrifying.
@errin-mp1zy 6 ай бұрын
Everybody on the panel is trans or gender non conforming .......peddling their shit
@jeremycollins7711 6 ай бұрын
So what I get from this webinar is that you're not interested in journalism but pushing your agenda. You talk about due diligence but only want to accept "experts" that affirm your beliefs. No mention of the reporting on WPATH (not a professional body) the public want fair representation from both sides of a story to make up their own mind. Automatically calling anyone who disagrees with your opinion as transphobic is not helpful. Challenge people's views but expect your views to be challenged equally
@dremcfleuve 6 ай бұрын
They are really just there to bottleneck dissemination of information, create an illusion of consensus. It's not about educating or reporting, it's about accomplishing the agenda. They have no concern for the collateral damage and they will also say it doesn't exist because the entire clergy of anointed "experts" all know it's just a big ass lie.
@shawnawhite3933 6 ай бұрын
I agree. The conversation looks pretty biased.
@RB-jl2qb 6 ай бұрын
This is a ideological discussion that has completely ignored ALL information coming out from the UK CASS review and the horrendous behaviour of WPATH recently revealed by the WPATH files. Shame on this totally biased and corrupted panel.
@waylon2432 7 ай бұрын
Promo_SM 👀
@patmcnees 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting a video of this discussion and especially for providing a transcript. A cogent summary would also be useful!
@ZackBloxie 7 ай бұрын
This will help with my classes thank you
@SandysSerenityCorner 9 ай бұрын
nice discussion
@beritmason8567 11 ай бұрын
I had an idea and sought a grant from the Sons of Norway Foundation. Wanted to do something about my Norwegian mom. Got the grant and did a podcast on Norwegian settlers to Texas. So it can happen. Now, seek another grant for future projects.
@Gr8fuldiver Жыл бұрын
They wanna point out misinformation as if any thing that incriminates them even if it is proof based. Skripps is MSNBC & CNN Lite. Reagan said trust but verify. Liberal Talking points are not verification or proof.
@LEDZEP769 Жыл бұрын
This show is repeated way too much like much of tv programming today.
@sqd37l Жыл бұрын
sort of an oxi-moron name. journalists are some of the most dishonest, biased and ingenuine people in the universe.
@melindalavonphdibclccpmmid8309 Жыл бұрын
Hi! YTube randomly suggested your meeting while I was working and just auto youtubing in the background. Um you're all lovely, and oh my - journalism is a big part of the backbone of a free democracy. We all need you! So I hope your conference goes well! Big organizing meetings and conferences inspire me with new ideas and feeling connected. Also, please know that attendance, promotion, resources, etc are the same conversations and struggles every board faces and you're not alone. ty for sharing your meeting!
@a2ad9c36 Жыл бұрын
@a2ad9c36 Жыл бұрын
please dont let our small town be forgotten
@conrmckocoa9352 Жыл бұрын
What a joke, you unethical hacks
@jordankennedy9074 Жыл бұрын
❣️ Promo SM
@OG1323 Жыл бұрын
Mina is amazing an NFL AUTHORITY
@tube396 Жыл бұрын
It is really sad to see only a handful of views and comments on various KZbin pages regarding the Code of Ethics that Journalists must adhere to. In other words, a complete lack of public interest, in what should be, the moral standards that Journalists should strive for in their reporting and coverage of local, national and world events. With all the blatant bias reporting and coverage on both sides of the US political spectrum these days, the Journalists who participate in these despicable practices, should be taken to task for their breaches of the Code of Ethics.
@antonio1120 Жыл бұрын
@deebee4575 Жыл бұрын
@deebee4575 Жыл бұрын
Yet another Marxist organization.
@scott-hr3hd Жыл бұрын
I really don’t think you are for free speech. I am wondering if you should be investigated for false advertising. What you did to project veritas was unethical. I wouldn’t be surprised you will get sued by them for the theft of time and for $4000.
@jonsmith1162 Жыл бұрын
Your organization's behaviour towards Project Veritas is hardly professional. It smacks of not supporting independent and impartial journalism.
@dem2084 Жыл бұрын
@christianamericandominican2470 Жыл бұрын
Journalism is dead. You are all in bed with the establishment you swore to protect the public from. How do you even sleep at night?
@fisheyedigital Жыл бұрын
Where's Project Veritas???? Why'd you boot them?
@mhaas281 Жыл бұрын
Zero ethics from spj. You guys are fake
@golong6643 Жыл бұрын
I just saw a video of SPJs treatment of Veritas. Looks bad! I hope you guys clean up your act!
@mhaas281 Жыл бұрын
They won't as long as they are bought and paid for
@CaptainQueue Жыл бұрын
Journalism grad here, U of Wisconsin 1977. I'm totally ashamed of, and disgusted at, how far journalism has fallen into bed with the very free speech enemies we are sworn to expose.
@MAMAATT1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. This is very helpful.
@sammerjay8128 Жыл бұрын
The members of Society of Professional Journalists need to know that Project Veritas journalists were asked to leave the exhibition... and a member was not even allowed to attend Mediafest 2022. They were asked to leave by IED Jennifer Royer, even though they were “paid in full” in October. She said she had “complaints” about the journalists that were exhibiting at Mediafest. The people that you supposedly are “protecting free press and free speech” for want to see those complaints. The people also want to know what ethics specifically these journalists violated. We the People want an answer, publicly, to these questions we have. Otherwise, your organization might just be a scam.