@You_CantHandleTheTruth Минут бұрын
'They have to keep making a problem out of no where'. So true.
@ronnynolegs 4 минут бұрын
@moclarkmusic 4 минут бұрын
Two to and too ,is that too much 😂
@user-sb5vg2lg2i 8 минут бұрын
The True Enemy of Every Racest or Sexist is the Truth. It destroys their Entire " victimhood " Fact ! SFC.D.WILSON U.S Airborne Rangers / Cavalry-SPFOR ret.😊
@NotAnnaJones 15 минут бұрын
The thumbnail creator can’t spell.
@user-rw7vh6hf1h 18 минут бұрын
These people are dangerous! No biological sex??? He is deranged!
@Yorci62 23 минут бұрын
If Munroe wants to use black history in Britain, then Munroe needs to look at these people: 1. Jacques Francis (1527 to unknown) a Black African man who played a rather significant role in royal Tudor society. 2. Ignatius Sancho (1729-1780) the abolitionist, writer, and composer was the first Black man given the vote in the UK. 3. Mary Seacole (1805-1881) who made contributions to the field of health, born to a Scottish father and Jamaican mother. 4. Ira Aldridge (1807-1867) one of the greatest actors of his day, and moved to the United Kingdom from America after facing discrimination. 5. Dr Harold Moody (1882-1947) a Jamaican who secured a place at King' College London's medical school, finishing top of his class. 6. Sir Learie Constantine (1901-1971) a Black cricketer, lawyer, and politician settle in UK from Trinidad, in 1928 became the UK's first black peer. 7. Sam Selvon (1923-1994) a Windrush migrant and novelist with Scottish and Trinidadian roots, arrived in London in 1950 and went on to become a prolific author.
@brucerobinson3715 25 минут бұрын
Racism is a reason for some coloured people to claim victim hood. The past is the past but the activists always use it to justify their own racism.
@Pham-Bao-Hoa 27 минут бұрын
I’m not woke, live in South East Asia and I could care less about racism or all that woke things but let me tell you I do care about climate change. It’s summer here and every year, it’s getting hotter and hotter to the point it’s unbearble to go outside when it’s 40 degrees celcius. At homes, air cons run all days which costs tons of money not everyone can afford. For poor people that you say don’t care about climate change because they have bigger things to worry about, well due to climate change, their lands have been dried out, then when it rains, it’s flooding and since they live by agriculture, flood or drought either way they loose their source of income. Also poor people have to work outside under the burning sun instead of in a air-conditioned room and many of them die of heatstroke. What problem they have that could be bigger than that??? You privileged westerners have no fucking clues.
@ThorinofKrondor 28 минут бұрын
What a clown
@michaelo1492 28 минут бұрын
So this is a dude.................🤫🤭
@matusjurcik6974 30 минут бұрын
4:25 what exactly did you conclude here? And why? :D. You are trying too hard for to be seen as intelligent (you really desire it and want to believe), but hints you try to serve us (where we should see it) are pathethic, because they are not based on logic but on wrong interpretations of what you saw (most of the video). Every intelligent person see it. Just my observations.
@DenieMorcos 31 минут бұрын
Mr. Meadow big respect for allowed mrs.owens to talk
@WallaceDunn 34 минут бұрын
Bullshit. Responsible gun ownership is a buzzword of the left anti gun crowd.
@Yorci62 47 минут бұрын
Not keen on Andrew Neil, but fair play to him in explaining reality to this self made professional victim. Racism in one country is the same as racism in any other country. Just because you are of a minority group and have not been able to integrate in to society, this does not make those around you racist. This perception you have is likely due to your attitudinal behaviour and character, not the colour of your skin. In the UK we have people of various heritages with differing cultures, traditions and beliefs who are perfectly able to integrate in to society and follow the laws of the land without compromising themselves. Then we have those who choose not to. It is simple if you cannot integrate effectively then this will impact on your opportunities, goals and achievements. At 2:00 Munroe Bergdorf claims that 'racism is not learned it is inherited', it is as if Munroe is claiming it is built in to our DNA. Just like any prejudice or bias it is nurtured and developed by like minded people we come into contact with or gravitate to, who then reinforce this prejudice or bias. Some are okay and make society colourful, where as others less so and are destructive as they try to change society or disrupt society rather than improve and enhance society. Your education and development is generally about your attitudinal behaviour and character, not the colour of your skin. If you are a low achiever, then you have to look at yourself and ask yourself why is that. Who do you see as your role models? It is likely that at an early age and during your informative years, your parents did not invest their time in you to help you develop and practice socially accepted standards. Instead you were probably brainwashed by your role models and peer group(s) you joined who conditioned or indoctrinated you to be one of society's outliers. 'Racism is a prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group.' This has nothing to do with your country of origin or your heritage.
@joshuab79 47 минут бұрын
Ripon, Wisconsin not “Ripen”. Is where the Republican anti-slavery party started…
@jessejacobosabutey4273 51 минут бұрын
I think JB should have dumbed it down a bit for them… they were not understanding him
@madfinntech 56 минут бұрын
Good for her, from real oppression to millionaire in the West. All I can say is that it wouldn't be that nice if you didn't have an unfair advantage to get rich. She should be grateful for actually being born in North Korea. Without it, she wouldn't have anything, most likely. Edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm on her side. I'm just saying that life isn't that easy in Western society either when you are poor. And especially now when your freedom of speech and thought is ripped away from you by the far-left, it's even harder.
@adriennemulderdoyle 58 минут бұрын
It’s ‘Way TOO offended!’ Not way to offended! I’m offended.🤯🤯🤯
@user-kw6ez6jt4e Сағат бұрын
isnt that christianity tho. Punishing innocent for sins of the guilty?
@henrysiegertsz8204 Сағат бұрын
Try racism in Africa, every day Africans kill other Africans, Africans rope women and girls from outgroup tribes take slaves and slaughter children, you mean that kind of racism?
@matusjurcik6974 Сағат бұрын
11:06 everybody knows that it is not his opinion for a god sake (he literally said that ,, studies suggest,,), but studies doesnt display individualism. What is your background? I need to study you more. And the reasons why u say what u say. But I feel just solely from this video (also by your voice and style), how ,,open-minded,,/-irony, you seem to be, I suspected everything I needed about you. You really cant even interpret things properly, the things you saw and then made video about. Unworthy of following.
@joker1087 Сағат бұрын
they whine about America being built on slavery and native oppression when it’s quite the opposite. we achieved so much in spite of these inferiors
@johnnym7728 Сағат бұрын
Konstantin Kisin on TRIGGERnometry
@RedMcc Сағат бұрын
This was so painful to listen to. Jordan is the only sane person on the stage. He is the only one with decades of clinical psycholoogy, counseling, research and teaching. The other 3 cant wrap their tiny intellelcts around what Jordan is saying
@texaskatwoman5896 Сағат бұрын
Ok, I understand the theory but Peterson and The Based just spoke an absurdity. Look, if men and women struggled mightily to exist, together as partners, the thought that women took a week off every month to bleed is…just stupid. You don’t think women know how to handle this issue before some MAN INVENTED tampons and pads? I can’t stop laughing. Life doesn’t stop one week a year, dumkofs. Also, Based, women bleed regardless of what is used to catch the flow. smh. Is actually amusing to hear you two speak of this. An illustration of both the psychological and biological differences between female and male. Viva la différence!
@jamesroberts3642 Сағат бұрын
The black guy has beautiful BLOND hair
@FrancisJacquerye Сағат бұрын
Who shows up at Andrew Neil’s expecting to be pampered?
@silasmarner7586 Сағат бұрын
I think Sweden should first deal with their own MOSLEM problem. What about that?
@Brittanybeautician 2 сағат бұрын
The trans people don’t even try to change their voice anymore, that’s obviously a man
@blizzdog3881 2 сағат бұрын
This woman is no different than Al Sharpton she been on a lot of tv talk shows pushing hate! What black people have experience is no different than white white people experience over one million Europeans were to slaves and shipped to Africa 🤷
@zeezerzam 2 сағат бұрын
Perpetual victims
@indiefilmandmusic 2 сағат бұрын
That poor woman…er… man. Not a leg to stand on. Pathetic.
@chrisnewby5713 2 сағат бұрын
Make mental institutions great again
@sam3d 2 сағат бұрын
I don't agree with those ppl ideologies but I don't think the word "Woke" is a proper word for them. They are the opposite of "woke" they're completely consumed but the matrix.
@sam3d 2 сағат бұрын
I don't agree with those ppl ideologies but I don't think the word "Woke" is a proper word for them. They are the opposite of "woke" they're completely consumed but the matrix.
@thesatisfiedcustomer4869 2 сағат бұрын
I love how she ignores the Irish famine & all the conflict between whites. To suggest all whites are all one big happy family who all love enslaving other races and all stick together is intellectually facile, ignorant and bigoted. Us persecuted Irish origin folk just get on with it as we know it has sweet FA to do with anyone now. She is a US style race hustler - she is awful.
@fredrickhorn6374 2 сағат бұрын
Just another "Poor Me Baby".......
@metallicshah 2 сағат бұрын
Wait, wasn't she exposed multiple times that she actually lied a lot? Like, she came from a rich family, and the fact she be able to "escape" was due to her status. Not because she was a peasant and ran barefoot to the border. I told this, because there is one major flaw in her explanation: She said all the books they could read are propaganda books about korea and their leaders. But, they actually at least have a functioning city. Heavily controlled, but still functioning and modern! So they must have some forms of educated people to build the cities, especially when you consider they are mostly closed to outsiders due to secrecy and stuff. You can't rely on few top government people for that. You must have at least thousands of educated population to be able to even achieve that feat, and of course they also need outside knowledge, else they will be stuck at medieval times (or probably went into different branch of technology, which is unlikely and sounds more like a science fiction story). Maybe she didn't totally lie, but exaggerate all the info. Or maybe she was oblivious about access to information in her own country, she certainly can't know everything. But whatever the cause was, it just doesn't make sense. And moreover, just look at her. She is well educated. Doesn't matter if what she told us were not accurate or straight out lies, she articulated all the points quite well, especially for non-native speakers. Do you know how many educated people that don't have English as main language can never speak like her? It tells us much about her background Before anyone jumped in, I am from South East Asia, so I have nothing to do with woke propaganda or whatever happening in the US right now. And I am not sure if you guys know this, but demonizing your own home country just so that you could get protection and stay longer in white countries are a thing for certain immigrants, and ones from my country as well. Also the fact she came to a country for protection, and even tried to divide the populations with her own strong opinions, quite outrageous. Don't get me wrong, I am against all these woke propaganda bs that US youths are trying to bring forward, and I could even agreed with some of her critics. But what she doing as a foreigner just fueled the separation of the people and that's the last thing I would do if I am trying to get a protection from a foreign land. But that 's probably my personal preference only.
@petercullipher9438 2 сағат бұрын
I paused very early on. You cannot proclaim discrimination based upon “family worth”…because worth has nothing to do with earnings. It has to do with exactly how you spend those earnings.
@petercullipher9438 2 сағат бұрын
I grew up in a mobile home out in the countryside and rode my bike over three miles to my first job. My siblings and I independently paid for our own college education. Our parents were not able to financially support us. I have an AA, my brother has a Masters and my sister has a Bachelor’s. Even though I have the lowest education, I got into freight brokerage and auto sales and make the most money. All three of us literally went to the exact same schools as the black community with our elementary and middle schools directly IN the black community…as in a bunch of the black kids walked to school. This clearly shows that it’s a culture/home environment that is the root cause of life success. And I want to be clear about this, my siblings and I individually proved at our high school reunions that we were some of the most successful people of any race…even though we came from a technically poor mobile home community. WE BUILT our own success, not allowing our childhood poverty to restrict us.
@adamwampler2135 2 сағат бұрын
This needs to be seen by e'erbody!!
@ireneesch8555 2 сағат бұрын
Why give this idiot space.
@Caligula138 2 сағат бұрын
Right off the bat, Dreads/Locks do not originate in Sub-Saharan Africa
@georgeallen4495 2 сағат бұрын
Not hard to wreck these fools.
@melvinlourdes88 2 сағат бұрын
Well you “inherited” your genes and chromosomes but refuse to acknowledge them 🤷🏻‍♂️
@mariannecarney6278 3 сағат бұрын
Omg, that was fabulous
@jra379 3 сағат бұрын
Not smart people up there in the North of Europe.
@mollyhoney6155 3 сағат бұрын
There’s always someone on top. There’s always a longing for more power. And you can see the tide shifting as blacks try to take over. They don’t want equality. They want to be the victimizers, the benefactors, the top race. Sorry it ain’t gonna happen here in America. But Africa could work for y’all. Be happy that you were born here instead of Africa but realize that this is a white country with a culture that we won’t allow destroyed. No hard feelings. It’s just the way it is and will continue to be. If you would like to assimilate… Welcome, friend.
@user-di8gh5fw6d 3 сағат бұрын
A man pretending to be a women what a deluded dude.
@reesescup69 3 сағат бұрын
I doubt any of you actually know what socialism or communism is. Just have the brainwashed idea of hatred. Its not socialism you dont want to live under its a dictator socialist state or a communist dictator state or even a capitalist dictator state.. smh its when facism gets hold of any economic system that it fails