Mult Co Presents has moved!
11 ай бұрын
Climate Accountability Litigation
@OddsandEnds Жыл бұрын
u mean wapito island bridge lol
@runforrestrun6103 2 жыл бұрын
Dems cheat. Vote in person on election day (unless military or bonafide illness). It worked for decades. Require ID. This doesn't suppress minority voters. They are smart. And they want their vote to count "one" just like those that are in the majority. If you think minority voters can't do everything majority voters are capable of, then YOU are the racist one! Now look where we are at. High taxes. High gas prices. High food prices. High everything prices. Inflation. Dollars that are worth less due to the government printing money to do stupid things like give burner phones to illegals, fly them to many states, put them up in 5 star hotels, give them free stuff, give money to Iran, leave billions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan, buy gas from Russia instead of returning to energy independence, raise taxes, and on and on. Think about it. You get taxed more on dollars that are worth less, even if you got a small raise below the inflation rate, and on and on. Higher prices are a form of taxes btw.
@willgibson9718 3 жыл бұрын
can you do a video about the steel bridge next ?
@daeone1514 Жыл бұрын
Steel isn't a Multnomah county bridge. It's a Union Pacific. I wish it were tho because they take care of their bridges. I bet steel would be painted if it were to be maintained by Multnomah county
@sheldonperry3250 3 жыл бұрын
Not the oldest bridge in Multnomah County.
@AmericanPride1234 4 жыл бұрын
Diane McKeel was my childhood neighbor. For a few years her husband was my dentist. I saw Diane last November along with her daughter and her husband when I was doing event security. I and her daughter never got along. Lol. Took all my night to hold it together seeing her. 7-31-20
@marydullinger5674 6 жыл бұрын
Mazel Tov!!
@terrywagar1864 6 жыл бұрын
I am a victim of a sick large twisted sting operation funded and organized by Multnomah county sheriffs and by Portland police and by all their civilian buddies/relatives/girlfriends that aid and abet them in sting operations! Me and my family were being gang-stalked and harassed and beaten and terrorized and framed and poisoned by sting op's in the early 1970's when I was just a kid, my brother became framed and locked up for life without any trial or testimony against him, and my father became poisoned and disabled around the same time by the sting! Throughout the 1970's and 1980's I was still being gang-stalked by sting op's but I was not a major target of them! In the early 1990's I worked at Oaks Amusement park and discovered sting op's had full control of the park and that they were sabotaging the rides at the park, the city of Portland wanted an excuse to close down that amusement park and a huge disaster would give them that justification to close it down, so GOV unleashed their civilian sting op's onto that park and they were constantly trying to cause disasters and were sabotaging rides! The CEO of Oaks Park was Joe Norling, he's a sting op and has close ties with law enforcement, he ordered his maintenance team who were also sting op's to move the Monster Mouse ride to a new location within the park and the sting op maintenance team deliberately sabotaged that ride by NOT BALANCING IT! After this Joe Norling got rid of the lead ride foreman and replaced him with yet another sting op and Joe Norling hired two more sting op's that were collage educated wielders to work under cover as minimum waged ride operators and they hogged that ride deliberately to develop the cracks and metal fatigue on the tracks of that ride and by hogging it they can keep the normal employees off the ride to hide the fact they are in a organized manner deliberately sabotaging rides! After they spent a year hogging that ride they developed a crack on the Monster Mouse track and the sting op that developed the crack suddenly quit without warning! The next morning between the hours of 7 and 9 thirty the sting op maintenance team slagged the crack with wielding slag to hide it and at same time the sting op lead ride foreman Jim Clooten held me in the office until the maintenance team was done and had the wielding equipment put away because they did not wan t me knowing about any of this! Two weeks later that slag broke off and the track was separating as the cars went over it and the normal operators that were running the ride did not catch it, I gave the front break operator a fifteen minute break and it only took me sixty seconds to catch it and I shut down the ride saving around one to two dozen kids lives! Joe Norling's sting op maintenance supervisor berated me for shutting down the ride and then he took that hunk of slag which was the size of a grown man's fists and he threw it down on the ground as hard as he could to break it because it is a perfect mold of the crack and proof of intentional sabotage! I became a major target once again of police/sheriffs and their civilian sting op's after this they even went so far as to recruit my wife Joan Wagar and her side of the family into their sting operations! By the year 2000 my wife Joan Wagar was working at the Multnomah county jail kitchen as a prep cook and was cheating on me with cops/sheriff's and with civilian sting op's and these people in law enforcement she slept around with were calling my wife, a prep cook at county jail, by the nickname Mrs Dash in love letters, here is just one letter they wrote my wife Joan Wagar, and she was sleeping around with officer Eric Carlson and John Ray at the time this love letter was written to my wife! My wife Joan Wagar referred to her cop/lover by the nickname Doubleclick because he is fond of acting as a photo double and he dyed his hair blond soas to set me up and to frame me for crimes by acting as a photo double and their are hundreds of people that are witness to my wife's affair with this cop and they all knew he was acting as a double to frame me, I have him on video outside my apartment acting as a double to frame me as a pedophile and I caught him in the act impersonating me! My wife Joan Wagar repeatedly poisoned me and had me in a severely debilitated condition and because I was surrounded by the sting op's that were framing and poisoning me there was no one I could turn to for help, all my calls for help were covered up by police and by sheriffs and authority's used their power of influence at hospitals to cover up the poisonings and to deny me any form of help at any hospital! My wife freely admits I was accusing her of her affairs and of poisoning me! My wife Joan Wagar after she had me bedridden became toying with me and repeatedly admitted in writing she is a poisoner and is trying to set me up to get the blame and she hints at that in writing! After I manage to get away from this poisonous serial killer she showed up at my new place and began putting threatening letters on my door and she is no longer hiding the fact she has it out for me and she is trying to blame me for everything, keep in mind she was having an affair with a LOOK-A-LIKE COP THAT LOOKED LIKE ME AT THE TIME SHE WROTE THESE THREATS! Local hospitals covered up the poisonings and repeatedly denied me any form of help and refused to take toxicology tests and pretended nothings wrong while I bleed internally from being poisoned! Joan Wagar recruited her daughters into these sting operations and they were being coached and directed by my wife and by her lovers/bro's in law enforcement as to how to set me up as a pedophile and after the fact after they murdered my father my daughter Shawna Wagar admitted in writing she was making false accusations about me! The same sting op's that targeted me and my family in the 1970's are the same sting op's that were targeting me and my family in the 2000's and this time they had my wife and her side of the family recruited into it! I am homeless and disabled and partially paralyzed and bleed internally from being repeatedly poisoned by sting op's and by the county jail prep cook Mrs Dash, my 911 calls are covered up by police/sheriff's and unable to get help at hospital due to hospitals willingness to lie for authority's! I was a plasma donor at the time my wife and her lovers were poisoning me and she recruited her daughters into this murder conspiracy so their guilty of aiding and abetting serial killers! I NEED HELP I NEED PEOPLE NOT CONNECTED TO FASCIST GOVERNMENT TO TAKE MY COMPLAINT! I AM NOT THEIR ONLY VICTIM!
@michaelgatien4277 6 жыл бұрын
LOL alarm tone is B flat :D
@mescalinemonkey8183 8 жыл бұрын
Distract us.
@MoorlandMoss 8 жыл бұрын
how do I get to do this???? I want to be in that little room and catch some of this awesomeness. 10 жыл бұрын
@aussiephoenix 11 жыл бұрын
We worked hard and we made it happen. Congratulations to all my fellow Graduates!
@FFRwJD 12 жыл бұрын
PEOPLE GET ACTIVE NOW! This is one of those things we have to prevent before it happens. Once the clean air and the clean water is gone, so will be the clean humans, clean environment, clean animals, etc.. We cannot eat money! We cannot eat coal! We cannot drink oil! Time to get sustainable. Take out of need, not out of greed. As a native Portland and still current resident I plan on educating my friends and family NOW. Time is almost running out. See you in Salem Wed 3/13 and on our program!
@hdss379 12 жыл бұрын
I wish I lived in Multnomah County!
@desertdomaine1 12 жыл бұрын
This is what America is all about!
@QLMalaMala 12 жыл бұрын
Love what your doing here:)
@StriveforTrueFreedom 13 жыл бұрын
I agree, bullying sucks. But when you stupid suits create No-tolerance policies on fighting it gives bullies more of an incentive because their victims wont fight back. I was bullied in 6th and 7th grade vehemently, and I would ALWAYS fight back, and I would ALWAYS get suspended. But by 8th grade no one messed with me. Luckily I got suspended in the years when class grades don't get shown to colleges cause I would have been fucked. YOU are part of the problem.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@SouthernR0cker4Life nicely put.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx maybe its called PREJUDICE!! You are full of it. Telling me i need to be "cured"???? Cheeky sod,you and your gay hating clan deserve what you get.
@SouthernR0cker4Life 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx - You're a Troll, so go crawl back under the bridge you came out of.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx you'll be 1st in the queue sunshine!!
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx gay folk pay "taxes" idiot. homophobics should be sent to psychologists to see whats wrong with them as its been proven that extreme gay haters are usually gay themselves - internalised homophobia . google it.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx theres obviously alot of work to be done there.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx Homophobia is "illegal" here in the UK, you could be arrested for your prejudice.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@GayHeaven01 i'm confronting his prejudice.....thanks.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx you clearly have no "common sense" just prejudice!!! Sexuality is only a small part of what makes a person - youre obsessed by it,which is kind of abnormal in itself. Maybe youre insecure about your sexuality. What if your brother/son was gay??
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@xxnohomosexualityxx being homophobic is a "flaw". Being gay isnt a "choice" either.
@superstubes 13 жыл бұрын
@jmd2221 xxnohomoxx is a total prick!!
@skipperdr 13 жыл бұрын
Great message. Very well done.
@andrewmcilrath 13 жыл бұрын
Yay! Thank you so much for this. I am so proud of the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners for making this PSA!
@SGTxGiggleFairy 13 жыл бұрын
We need this at our school :<
@TonicLime1 13 жыл бұрын
Great Video ! Happy World Breastfeeding Week!