Unreal looks easy for this... Kinda regretting doing my project in unity lol.
@richardmarcoux7505 ай бұрын
There has been many many times that my entire project was ruined because blueprint would get corrupted during updates to new engine versions or randomly during development setting me back weeks or months. I no longer use blueprints and use C++ because of the versioning that’s possible with actual code and the ability to revert changes if needed. I code all functionality in C++, and simply use blueprint as a configuration tool. I just can’t take my project getting corrupted because the blueprints are binary files that can’t be versioned
@richardmarcoux7505 ай бұрын
For future reference, you can use ‘auto’ instead of ‘var’. Although some may hate you for it lol (style choice)
@George-bc7ej6 ай бұрын
16:25 gdscript is a custom scripting language, but it’s not proprietary. Is is all open source.
@scarecat7 ай бұрын
about the callback functions: _draw and _update normally both get called once per frame, but the difference between them is that when the cpu is overloaded _draw may be skipped, while pico-8 will try to keep _update at a constant 30fps
@sir.niklas20907 ай бұрын
Unreal has a VCS diff viewer you have to connect to vcs via the engine for unreal i prefer perforce.
@_rushas8 ай бұрын
Inspiring video. Thanks you!
@HeartcoreMitRA8 ай бұрын
Yeah, UE is pretty handy with BP's. I usually do my own replication from scratch and it's really useful that you can manually control all the events and make them fire up the way you need. And the testing when you just hit play and can instantly debug with multiple windows, having the one you need udes as a client, or a server - is really great.
@banish12659 ай бұрын
I would love if you tried Defold :D
@nowherebrain9 ай бұрын
conclusion, really..seems like you got nowhere??? I think UE is capable, but the out of the box experience for a new user is horrible...to me, you seemed lost I would give this a big thumbs down...people get confused comparing the promise of amazing functionality(large worlds etc) and the ease of being able to actually get to that point...totally capable engine...just very convoluted way of doing things... liked the video btw...not a troll :)
@ভোমরা9 ай бұрын
@CazCreates10 ай бұрын
This is the first video of yours that I've come across and I'm really impressed by how methodical and patient you are! I'm inspired 😅 Your game is off to a great start here, i can't wait to play it :D
@charlesbarrow80310 ай бұрын
On the event editor you can add pages which can be set to respond only when conditions are true a lot of the branching you did would have been easier if you had done them as different pages that check the different awitches and variables.
@Kay0.310 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this video 📹 😊 i didn't even know rpg maker had a free trial ☺
@lizardrain10 ай бұрын
TP is the toilet paper stat
@ericv0010 ай бұрын
Typically, this is used as a replenishable resource consumed to use for 'special' abilities. We.... generally don't talk about those abilities.
@artemgavrilov526310 ай бұрын
I'm not a game dev but average software engineer and I've played with Unity a bit. For me what you've done is impressive. Great job! Do u work on that alone?
@outsiderealmgames10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback! I am working on this game alone, but I do utilize some asset packs. Good luck with your projects.
@stylishskater9210 ай бұрын
The only reason im not switching to UE is because of Blueprint, and because the programming side (C++) has terrible to no documentation and very little resources. I hate Blueprint and any visual scripting with a passion, but Blueprint especially. I have been developing and designing software for 14 years and yet i couldnt wrap my head around Blueprint instinctively - especially since once again.... tutorials are usually 1. outdated by the time you find them and dont work or 2. so basic they dont help you with much or 3. so specific that you cant take much general understanding from it. That was my experience trying to get into UE a year ago. Insult to injury is that they need togive many things their own special names in UE, which are all called the same other thing in all other engines or in general game dev terminology. So even if you understand generalized components and systems, its not intuitively. You just have to know UE, thats it. Also, having to create and plug 6 things together for an extended if statement (especially with special parts once again you have no idea of) instead of just writing the line of code is beyond me.
@julianaoren8024 Жыл бұрын
😞 *promo sm*
@iarde3422 Жыл бұрын
"Stumble around, like a newborn deer" :-DDD
@vortex3247 Жыл бұрын
Love to see stride and flax game engines. Recently learned of flax so seeing it opened up from you would be a pleasure and I've been looking at stride before the name change.
@Godmil Жыл бұрын
Fascinating seeing someone who knows there stuff seeing this for the first time. So many really good educated guesses.
@wassupbaby8634 Жыл бұрын
Its a shame. I am new to this and was very excited learning Unity. But now I am stuck with godot and roblox studio. 💀
@cynt4416 Жыл бұрын
Unreal is better than all of them, Unity include. You won't lose anything even if Unity shove it head to the ground.
@wassupbaby8634 Жыл бұрын
@cynt4416 But unreal needs powerful PC. I know it's good engine. Only problem is it will bomb my laptop.
@cynt4416 Жыл бұрын
@@wassupbaby8634 depend on the game you make. If the game contain cube bouncing around then an average PC is more than fine.
@Tiechto Жыл бұрын
i love ussing unity but i dont know if i can trust dem now but i stil want to use unity and the same for everybody
@testedalexthegreat1759 Жыл бұрын
I was always an unreal engine guy, but I did intend to work on some unity projects once I got my pc, but now...
@CharlesVanNoland Жыл бұрын
pico8 coding is a lot like BASIC. The palettized colors are standard fare for 8 bit rendering. Instead of setting RGB values you set them for all 256 possible palette indices and then use those indices for color specification. I don't know off hand what the color bitdepth of pico8 is though but IIRC the built in sprite editor only has 16 colors(?) which makes it sort of an EGA clone. The "cls" command is from BASIC and DOS, and probably a few other OSes/languages, long before we had GPUs!
@clif_rice6 ай бұрын
yes, very similar to basic. my dad told me that he learned basic somewhere back in the '80s and told me that lua looks very similar to it, haha :)
@LazyDevs Жыл бұрын
Good video. To answer your questions: - You can quickly access your files using the FOLDER command in the command line - The parameter in CLS is the color. You can look up the colors in the sprite editor by hovering over the palette. The number appears at the bottom - Yes, you can export executables with the EXPORT command
@Hypnotoadtrance Жыл бұрын
Always happy to see when you've uploaded a new engine review.
@Xackery Жыл бұрын
Game engine walkthrough ftw
@glacy8433 Жыл бұрын
Implicit type exists in C++ and called "auto"
@curiouslycory Жыл бұрын
Which alternate has been your favorite so far?
@scottcastle9119 Жыл бұрын
Not a fan of gamemaker, too complicated for me
@SKstudiosfin9 ай бұрын
Just curious, what game engine are you using? I just want to know what is easier when compared to gms2
@bit9524 Жыл бұрын
Working in my project on unreal I can say unreal is another thing, specially if you learn the c++ side it is easy to script the stuff, more with IDEs like rider. I did the same level in both Godot and Unreal and the difference is so much in terms of visual result out of the box, yes, godot was easier to figure out with it gdscript and really good integration with the editor, but I felt in love with the result I got with unreal. Sorry for my crappy english, is not my main language.
@alex-u3k4w Жыл бұрын
I think this series will be a great feedback for the devs of these various game engines that you cover. Overall I think your videos will have a positive impact to all of us in some kind of way. Thank you.
@powergannon Жыл бұрын
As someone who has been using GameMaker for over 15 years, with GML being the first programming language I learned, it is very interesting seeing the perspective of someone trying to understand the engine for the first time. Nice video!
@powergannon Жыл бұрын
By the way, you were right in presuming that the part of the help guide that says every object needs a sprite is misleading. That’s not actually the case, in fact I more frequently draw an object’s sprite in code rather than use the default object sprite assignment.
@sunbleachedangel Жыл бұрын
@@powergannon looks like one of those engines that is good but with a steep learning curve
@DeMoNELectro Жыл бұрын
Why I have this video nobody care about your life bro
@silbernesgold1333 Жыл бұрын
you seem to care enough to comment xD.
@splittydev Жыл бұрын
I realize this comment is coming pretty late, but C++ does have type inference. You can use the `auto` keyword for that, and it's pretty much exactly what `var` does in C#.
@Alexander-mk4qf Жыл бұрын
me as russian was twice fkd by unity , 1st when ukraine war starts ..they just ban all russia and nobody can sell unity games in there..and use russian bank cards , second was when they change api randomly in 2021.1 ..i was fan of game creator 1 and its still better then game creator 2 ...dev recreate this asset and still its not full as it was in ver 1..so i just give up on unity with this new update that will fkd everyone as hard as its possible...iam sure they will do even worse in next 5 years ..because unity home now is san francisco...one of the most woke city on this planet with insane cost of life ..they will need your money more more more more and more...and again iam russian...i feel myself really bad to give money such people like unity team today ..its like sell soul to evil gay clown.....unreal team against russia 2..they not let sell games...buy games..and even not give money to fortnite champions from russia this year..i heard they change their money policy this year too...will see...anyway iam on godot now...amazing that godot can do 3d games today , yes its not perfect graphics, but still better in performance then unreal, because low setting in unreal look like "pls kill my eyes"..unity still the king of performance especially with s tier addons for optimization...interesting whats godot would do in ver 5..will it be like unity today ..its can
@kjkeys6776 Жыл бұрын
Don't blame you for checking out other engines with the charge per download unity is doing.
@screenapple1660 Жыл бұрын
I don't recommend any Unity to join Unreal Engine. What's like? pain in the ass. difficult to learn. you are not 20s any more. Unity is really cool. you write the script and drag in between character rigs. UI is much faster. it's right on the screen camera. First starter. UE you stuck in development hell. I have been using unity for 10 year. it's fun. UE is not so fun. I lost a lot of sleep. Blue print is hard to learn. you will get headache. screaming. beating your self everywhere. but if you stick with Unity.... Unity is blood. UE you have to learn . it take 1- 10 years to learn depending your skills in gaming. Development hell is real.
@kipchickensout Жыл бұрын
Oh there's a mono version? Coming from C# I always thought godot only supports their script thingy
@UltimatePerfection Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how good Unreal's in-editor modeling tools are, way better than Probuilder and that's without modeling tools plugin enabled. Not to mention so much is done for you here, as opposed to Unity, where you pretty much have to reinvent the wheel constantly. For example, making an open world game is just a couple of clicks and Unreal handles level streaming for you. Overall, I love the time I spent in Unreal so far, even despite the crashes I've been experiencing.
@crystalferrai Жыл бұрын
You asked about networking being built in. It is a fundamental part of the engine, as is multiplayer support in general. There is always a concept of server and client, even when running single player in a single process. The networking system is complex and an easy source of bugs if you don't use it properly, but it is powerful and handles a lot of things for you when utilized properly. You can also completely ignore it if you never plan to support multiplayer since server and client are the same thing in single player and things will "just work". But keep in mind that if you later decide to add multiplayer, probably a whole lot of things will be broken for the non-host player until you properly implement things with networking in mind. If you think there is any chance your game will want multiplayer, learn the networking and multiplayer concepts early (after you grasp the basics) and build/test a multiplayer game from the start. This will help you learn and form good habits for managing replication properly so that you don't accumulate months or years worth of code that won't network properly. And the same code will also work in single player without you needing to handle single player differently (from a networking perspective).
@crystalferrai Жыл бұрын
Regarding c++ vs blueprints, you can easily add blueprints to a project that starts as a c++ project. You do not need to do any special setup. You can just create them and start using them. I highly recommend learning blueprint scripting. The main downside is that you cannot really merge changes to blueprints except manually, so you need to ensure only one person touches a blueprint at a time and that you dont change a blueprint in two different branches that will later merge. The benefit of blueprints is much faster development and iteration time. Creating and compiling c++ classes is a slow process in Unreal, and often will fail in various ways if you try to compile while the editor is running. This results in you needing to close the editor, build from Visual Studio, then start the editor again. With blueprints, you can create and compile them quickly with no waiting or restarts needed. It takes some time to learn the nuances of the visual script editor, but once you do, you can build things considerably faster than you generally could in c++. Blueprints do have some limitations in terms of the library of functions provided to them, but not many. The provided library is extensive. If you run into a limitation, then you can build either a base class or a blueprint function library in c++ to expose whatever additional functionality you need to your blueprints.
@rarehyperion Жыл бұрын
I love unreal engines Blueprint, it is just like coding but in a visual manner, if you compare it to code it isn't that much different besides from it is more visual rather than text. Unreal Engine is easier than Unity in some ways and a bit harder in some ways but in general I'd say it is a better engine in the long run if you put in the effort to learn how it works, especially if you want high quality games, even comes with a marketplace with good high quality free assets.
@crystalferrai Жыл бұрын
You can unbind the ESC key from stopping PIE (play in editor). Edit > Editor Preferences > General > Keyboard Shortcuts > Play World (PIE/SIE) > Stop
@dangaMaus Жыл бұрын
I see it as moving from softimage to 3dsmax to blender. at first it sucks but then its like why spend money on bullshit with less is more ideas iin their features
@Flowerpot2905 Жыл бұрын
Ahh that was brilliant. You are obviously way more advanced than me - but I was SCREAMING for you to hit the "Movable" button. Thanks - very informative to see your approach.
@BrokeZhongli Жыл бұрын
Unity unintentionally donated alot of people to godot