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2 жыл бұрын
Do I Regret My Engineering Degree?
@RyanRyan-ym7yi 17 сағат бұрын
Perfect instruction!
@austinmeredith6647 2 күн бұрын
I have a Bachelors and Masters of Civil Engineering and focused on structural. I practice as a structural engineer and passed my PE. Waiting for the board to hopefully approve me. It was hell to get here and the pay was bad in today's climate. Making decent money but not financially free. Issue too is, engineers are underpaid. Companies then wonder why people leave. Most engineering salaries today are not livable wages. Best engineering jobs for big experience are in cities and they still underpay you most of the time. Rarely do engineers get paid a good salary. I hear companies have issues filling roles. It's called you aren't offering enough. Cost of living is insane now and commute to work from a livable place is too far. It's crazy what some firms offer and expect people to flock to them.
@mukonank783 2 күн бұрын
I like how the comment section is filled with paragraphs of text. It’s clearly filled with engineers because it’s very tough for them so summarize their thoughts. My biggest weakness is also over explaining things
@PTSenators9643 3 күн бұрын
I have Bachelor Degree in Computing Science and Information Systems with a GPA of 3.09 back in 2014. When I worked in my first company, it was okay from 2014 to 2019. But when I worked for my second company I was chased away after 3 years and chased away by many companies less than six months. Now in my thirties, I am frustrated for being unemployed many times and want to quit about IT career by saving enough to study Accounting and change my career. I did well in Accounting in high school but didn't study Accounting in College/University yet in the past.
@m.a.k5667 4 күн бұрын
Keep up the good work❤
@mac_neil4840 4 күн бұрын
Did anyone here actually read the data? It says that roughly 50% of the people polled in engineering degrees had graduate degrees, aka your B.S. in Engineering doesn't get you great work because you don't have enough schooling and job experience. True, we may currently have an inflated Bachelor's degree market, but this does not mean that Engineering degrees are useless. Read the fine print before you make a determination and don't just parrot people.
@N00BYSYSTEM101 5 күн бұрын
@astronauticsspace9419 5 күн бұрын
I have a masters in space engineering but graduated into the covid pandemic. Since graduation, I can not find a job. I applied for jobs after 2 years since covid began due to covid restrictions. I did interview with some of the leading aerospace companies but none of them hired me due to unknown reasons. No feedback was given, too. It was not my fault. So graduating into the pandemic and job opennings was almost none. I have 2 years gap due to covid pandemic, which is out of my control. I can not get a job due to covid gap years, and companies do not like it. That's not my fault. Life sucks. I worked so hard day and night, but in the end, I am a victim of covid pandemic and unfair treatment of employees. I studied abroad to achieve my dreams therefore I learnt English from beginner level to study at the world's top 30 universities, and I am jobless in the end. What about all those years and commitments? I lived separately from my family for almost 12 years to achieve my childhood dreams. They were all wasted as a result of the covid pandemic. Simply, the covid pandemic ruined my dreams of finding a job. I wanted to do a phd. However, my MSc supervisors do not even reply to my emails for some reason. Referencing sucks.. I achieved high marks but can not get a reference from my arrogant supervisors therefore cannot do a phd because of them. What a fucking lowlife they are...
@MarioChavenet-im9dx 6 күн бұрын
I like this vidéo thanks you very much Sir.
@dyltil 7 күн бұрын
Engineering may be the last job left after AI takeover
@metaldiceman 8 күн бұрын
You never said _why_ they don't work as engineers, the title of your video. You only said _that_ they don't work as engineers.
@clean_rene 8 күн бұрын
I enjoyed this video, and I totally agree these people have been encouraging youth to study engineering for years! STEM STEM rah rah! there's a shortage! but how we struggle to find jobs in our field is sad! We got played, and lied to. no one told me it would be THIS hard to compete
@faithlilis 8 күн бұрын
Back when i was in college, early 2000s, the problem was there was only a few women in a mens field, THATS NOT EVEN AN ISSUE ANYMORE LOL times have changed, for the worse lol
@faithlilis 8 күн бұрын
But theres tons of jobs in mental medical & mental field, doctors that can label kids as anything else but boy or girl, HOW SAD, WHERE OUR tax dollar is going too, gov modern investment have been for america to FAIL... vote trump 2024 to make america independent and a good safe place to raise a family. I so agree with this guy
@kwatt-engineer796 9 күн бұрын
You can begin in engineering and evolve into specialties that connect your technical knowledge to your evolving career specialty. As an EE the last place I ever expected to work was with a team of lawyers. I worked in electric utility engineering design and operations for about half of my 31year career. The transition began when I was asked to sit in on negotiations with other utilities that wanted to interconnect with our system. This evolved from discussions with our lawyers to writing recommendations for our lawyers to incorporate in a contract. That evolved into writing sections to be dropped in verbatim. As time passed I was asked to author larger and larger portions of agreements. The driver was the contracts operated at the intersection of engineering and contract language Where seemingly small differences in wording could cost or earn large sums of money for years. If asked early in my career if I would want to do that kind of work It would have been a big no. However, I found the challenge of matching wits with competing teams to be enjoyable as it drew on my tech training and made me learn new skills in writing contracts.
@sebastian26116 9 күн бұрын
What kind of engineering could I do with a master's degree. Would I get more creativity and autonomy while working? Also could you explain what kind of work is done in these subfields? Information Systems (Telecommunications) Information Systems (Communications Engineering) Power and Energy Engineering Opto-Electronics Thank you!
@bruhincorporated9876 10 күн бұрын
W info
@bbs5400 11 күн бұрын
I found you on Reddit, so shoutout lol But that's very strange, I didn't know that. My cousin got a BS in Electrical Engineering, got a job as an electrical engineer straight out of college at the most renounced weapons company in America, then he switched to cyber security, and he's stuck with cyber security. I would've never thought companies would hire an electrical engineer for their cyber security
@pratikkadam2213 12 күн бұрын
Bro missed the biggest meme material for aerospace engineers aka "Lockheed Material"
@chrispatillo840 12 күн бұрын
My school has a bachelor's degree in mechatronics engineering at ACPI University. It is all online and accredited by ABET.
@gloriasamanthalewis 13 күн бұрын
This is short to point and informative. I chose to be mechanical engineer since I was little girl and I got confused if I wanted to be. So I tried to know if I actually want. Now I am sure about that ❤
@AbdulRahim-cu7y 13 күн бұрын
Hey Oliver! are you looking for a video editor for high-quality edits? let me know, if you’re interested.
@charlesrobb6912 14 күн бұрын
If engineering students were to acquire a trade while getting their degree they would be almost guarantied at least a middle class income and career in the trades may lead to an engineering job eventually. Clearly the 2 go well together but the education emphasizes academic subjects like history or higher mathematics which even engineers rarely use.
@AnneGoggansQHHT 15 күн бұрын
The disconnect is that those jobs are fake to make their stockholders think there is company growth. It’s a hallmark of mirrors to fake a strong economy.
@dailyamperes 16 күн бұрын
Yes, is the #1 field that makes the most millionaires and billionaires
@rickmonarch4552 18 күн бұрын
Graduated as a software engineer in Hungary, finding a job took half a year, then I worked in the field for 7 months but I was very undervalued so I work as a beekeeper now for 3x more income.
@playversetv3877 19 күн бұрын
i studied religion and i worked as an engineer for some time
@playversetv3877 19 күн бұрын
its actually just common sense. just look what an engineer actually does, they oversee projects and pretty much have the final say. they arent the ones who are building it tho. so they arent gonna hire too many engineers. its like how theres 1 teacher in a class, but many students
@KendrickRussell-ec5ss 19 күн бұрын
New subscriber here, i've only watched to videos of yours and its been a blessing and praying for your success brother! You are so helpful to me I appreciate you man.
@Byhint73 23 күн бұрын
If everything base physics so engineering physics is more popular And mostly required branch in future.....
@Bees-are-awsome 27 күн бұрын
It’s basically a physics degree with an elective as engineering courses.
@chugggs3516 28 күн бұрын
Operator/technician experience in your field is seen as a big plus for almost any engineer working with physical assets.
@gloriachen6276 28 күн бұрын
Hi Oliver, it seems like the engineering design course you linked in the description is no longer active. Are there any other courses I can refer to for this topic?
@user-sd2qx2rz5l 28 күн бұрын
Engineering question, please. Can a mechatronics engineer manufacture drones? In terms of manufacturing everything in it, including the design and equipment used in their manufacture?
@GeoFry3 29 күн бұрын
Graduated in 2019 with a mech BA. Couldn't find a job as an engineer in Tamapa. Everyone wanted me as a technician, but not as an engineer. (20 years as an aircraft technician) I gave up after a year of looking. Worked in HVAC and controls for 3 years....as a technician. Thank God I didn't pay for the degree (GI Bill), but man, what a waste of time. Quit all together and started my own business for 2-3x the pay....as, you guessed, a technician. Corporate America can go blow a goat.
@CryptoChronix Ай бұрын
Can I work in cybersecurity and in engineering?
@brettburnside1457 Ай бұрын
I think too many young able-bodied people are hoping to skip low wage physical labor. They're going from the classroom to the office making 70K. Why? Because they can do math? You should have to physically earn it either through construction experience or military service. We are raising an entire generation of brats while illegals are sliding in to do the physical work. Disgusting!
@harryni8115 Ай бұрын
@nae252 Ай бұрын
Can I major in prosthetic limbs and other areas of biomedical equipment as well?
@wotizit Ай бұрын
It's the bausffs
@spectaclerock Ай бұрын
I know of 3 kinds of people for whom an engineering degree might be an ideal choice: 1) People who don't care if they become engineers, want the degree to prove their intelligence (or else just satisfy their curiosity for a few years) and know that they would be satisfied taking it with them into unrelated jobs. For these folks, it helps to have superb social skills and be able to sell oneself into anything in job interviews, even while holding an unrelated diploma. 2) People working as non-degreed engineers, who are obtaining the diploma as a prerequisite to job security or advancement in their companies. 3) Preeminent child geniuses who do things like learn the periodic table of elements at age 4, finish reading Isaac Newton's Principia before age 12, and build hydrogen fusion reactors as teenagers. I mean, youth whose ability to be selected for a technical job before 500 other capable applicants really couldn't be called into question, due to their science resumes even before college. Number 3 shouldn't really be a category, because the degree is even more suitable for a youth in category 3 if the youth is also in category 2 before adulthood. For everyone else, engineering degrees are a dreadful gamble.
@spectaclerock Ай бұрын
There's not a frozen chance in Hell that I would have done an electrical engineering degree if I had known I wouldn't be more hirable afterwards than I was before my freshman year (1998). After my graduation, it took me 14 years and a great deal more college education to find myself in my first full-time professional job. In the USA, NAFTA wrecked the economics of graduating with an engineering degree. NAFTA is one reason why I don't picture myself voting for a Democrat anytime too soon.
@swajihh Ай бұрын
Hello Oliver, I am choosing to study mechatronics engineering program at a college in canada, The issue is that as of now its not been accredited by the CEAB(Canadian Engineering Association Board) and they say that they will be eleigible to apply after the first batch of students have graduated. so my question is that Does the accreditation really matter alot? your reply would really help me, I am in a dilemma and i only have 2 days remaining to confirm my place!
@user-yu5ch4zu6d Ай бұрын
The biggest problem is that universities accept too many students who are actually not smart enough to be engineers. I graduated from our city's best high school, where most people's parents have decent positions like engineers, professors, doctors, government officers, and family business owners... After we graduated from college, almost everyone who chose an engineer major found an engineer position. Intelligence is the most hereditary feature of human beings, but lots of people wouldn't admit that...
@PerezDavid-Okoro-up3nl Ай бұрын
I will surely go for Computer Engineering
@burstfireno1617 Ай бұрын
Thx man subbed 👍
@JamesVestal-dz5qm Ай бұрын
I was underemployed for 2 years in engineering. We're pushing engineering degrees because conservatives like Daily Wire and Turning Point USA can profit off of videos of them schooling engineering students on college campuses who are being scammed. I've been thinking about this one, and we have a deeper spiritual crisis in the schools where men's lives aren't valued and protected.
@fahey7335 Ай бұрын
In US? Sure thing..try China, Russia, India, South Korea, Turkey, Irán or Brazil.
@picklerix6162 Ай бұрын
I see a lot of advertised engineering positions that want candidates to have ten years experience and know EVERYTHING which is totally unreasonable. Most of my coworkers are highly specialized and struggle acquiring new skills on their own.