@VirupakshaPatel-y2d 7 сағат бұрын
Few year bk one Rahulraja called me from kormangala he gave samosa in the samosa he mix the drug then when I became unconscious he collect all the information then they hack my mob email etc started syber bulling emosatinl y psychologycally bulling thatsall I asked siridara who introduced he said yes they have some app they will do all nonsense this is the story since10yrs
@cigdemfareed8175 24 күн бұрын
I am sory hearing about your experience. What you attended is an introduction not landmark forum. Yet you seem you have alot to say about landmark forum. It takes years to be a landmark forum leader. Over 4 years. Its a dedication and hard work and moreover commitment. Its a path not everybody can choose. Introduction leaders are not forum leaders. Landmark forum is about being accountable of your life and create the life you want to live .To do that you have to realize where you dont choose your life your decisions are out of fear or something else. You seem very intelligent man, you were on board of the value the introduction leader was creating up to the point his registration opportunity occur to you as a selling a product. The truth is that once you find freedom in liife you want to share the same opportunity with everyone. His approach might not be the best that worked for you but he is also getting trained ,learning the true power of listening. It seems he failed in his listening of you but thats all that happened nothing more. Stay blessed.
@mygamelovename3797 2 ай бұрын
it's beautiful. Thank you for it.
@kimberlygabaldon3260 5 ай бұрын
I got manipulated into this, after being pushed and pushed for a year. I told my recruiter that i flunked the Forum. She suggested that i sign up for the "assisting" program, and i would "get it." I did that, and took seminars for about 15 months. What i got was that (in my opinion), this is the most vile, wretched organization i have ever interacted with in my life.
@Zackwifi 5 ай бұрын
😢 same
@damilolajohn1597 5 ай бұрын
I remember watching your flutter videos
@ovidiusmazuru9201 5 ай бұрын
Yupp. I've wanted to work on another flutter series for a while but my laptop's 5 years old now. It overheats when I screen-record Hopefully I can get this fixed and get back to code. I miss recording code videos
@Zackwifi 5 ай бұрын
@@ovidiusmazuru9201 we also miss long ass boring flutter videos 😂, jk we enjoyed it
@ovidiusmazuru9201 5 ай бұрын
@@Zackwifi when i get a new laptop I'll record a full SAAS, Flutter for mobile, Next.js for web and golang for backend. 5 0 hours vid incoming 🤣🤣
@ToddCampbell-wj6tk 5 ай бұрын
I attended this crap back in the late 90s. It's basically a multi-level marketing scheme with the religious zeal you mentioned. If you look through the history of the EST program, the guy who created it performed what amounts to psychological torture on the participants. Landmark does the same thing. You spend 14hrs in a room with only certain breaks. You are 'encouraged' not to leave the room until you are told to because you could miss your 'breakthrough'. If you question things, you are either 'on it' or 'running a racket'. What they say goes. It's just a cult, regardless of whatever bullshit they claim. They had some cult non-profit investigating them at the time I attended, and Landmark simply purchased 'Cult Awareness Network' and, just like magic, they had a self licking ice cream cone and mouthpiece to verify that they were not a cult. I attended for a year. I would 'volunteer' at their office and sit there with other 'volunteers' who would call family, friends or others in order to get them to join. Their tactics are brilliant, actually. If you volunteer, you are not paid, so, they get unpaid labor which lowers their overhead and makes them a lot more money. I extricated myself from it by finally telling them to F off. I was very troubled back then and there were a lot of people like me. They prey upon the weak and hopeless.
@ellemeno0 6 ай бұрын
It has been a long time so I forget the details but when I confronted/questioned the lack of integrity of something presented it was turned around on me instantly and said to be my story. the precepts of the program act as the guards ofany potential criticism.
@larikmezey3924 6 ай бұрын
All these brainwashed people in the comments sticking up for LF. Shit is a scheme.
@Jomtek 6 ай бұрын
Thank you G. God bless you
@akindelelekan614 7 ай бұрын
Fucking A... I cant thank you enough mate!!
@sashizakura9124 7 ай бұрын
Oooh, thanks for sharing your story! I've noticed through the years that people come to hate Landmark Forums when they become badgered and preyed upon by people who attended who already either had a tendency to bully others, or to have narcissistic traits before starting the program. Landmark Forums teaches you that you're "enlightened" and better than others because of what they teach you, which is why they insist on you going out to recruit others (let's just set aside for the sake of argument, the fact that they really just want thousands and thousands of your dollars, too). Well-adjusted people - and they're usually the ones who attended once, leave happy, feeling that they have achieved some personal growth, and continue on with their lives - will have nice things to say about it, because they're normal people. Those who are not as well-adjusted leave the forum and use it to start attacking and belittling their friends and loved ones. Normal atendees don't tend to bring their cult-like jargon out of the forum with them. The messed up ones DO, and use it intentionally to prop themselves up by hurting others. This is why Landmark Forums has such a bad reputation as a cult. Once their unstable members get out into the world and start abusing (often blindsiding) others, there is no other impression that can be had. Just as an example, I was a pre-teen when my older sister (and by older, I mean a generation older - she was already working and married) started the LF, and when she came out, all she could do was blame and shame me for things she decided now were shotcomings she saw in me, calling me a "victim" - which I now know is a key manipulation tactic they use in that program to try to shame you into conforming to their belief system. To a barely 13 year old who was trying to find my way in the world as it was, and at that age, it was a terribly hurtful thing to hear. My sister was never the same after that. She became loud, abrasive, rude, insensitive - and her way was the only way. She pushed the nice people out of her life, little by little, and her own daughters hate how overbearing she became. I have kept her at arm's length for years since then, knowing I could never trust her with any personal information about myself or any potential struggles. Nope. 😂 The next time I encountered this crap was when a work friend who I hadn't heard from in months suddenly contacted me because he wanted me to attend his "graduation". He wouldn't tell me what from, but I figured it was maybe a night school thing, or a degree he'd finally finished - we were both working adults at that time. I went - and brought my 12 year old son with me, who he had also invited. This was supposed to be a joyous celebration, and I was really happy for my friend! Once we got there, it started with what you usually hear about - these outlandish, over the top testimonials by brainwashed people who...honestly, I thought they were on drugs. Maybe cocaine or some sort of speed. Their speech was nervous and rambling and just way too hyper. Then they broke us down into smaller groups. I was separated from my son at that point! I wasn't sure what was going on, but this phase was the in-your-face personalized sales pitch for Landmark Forums. At first, I thought, "Hey, this guy sounds really motivated (if maybe a little high on crack or something)! Maybe this would be fun to try once!", but when I learned it was upwards of $2000 USD, and I was already in some credit card debt at the time and had a young son to raise, I brought this up and the response was....."Oh, so what? Take out a loan! This will change your life!"......ok, I guess that means all that debt will just disappear into a puff of smoke because I joined this creepy group? This was the red flag that immediately turned me against them, and I went to find and get my son out of their claws before they could traumatize him more. These people were ok with me sinking deeper into debt and possibly becoming homeless so I could pay to join this program! They don't actually care about anyone, and only want money - was the only impression I could take away from that. By the time I found my son, they had already started manipulating him and trying to make him cry. This was the unforgivable last straw. I had no idea this sort of thing existed, and was so shocked by it, I got us out of there just as fast as I could, and of course they kept on trying to get me to write a check and make that down payment so I would COMMIT to the program...what a bunch of harmful, selfish, self-serving nonsense! I don't have to mention that I was hounded for a few weeks after that. I answered the calls the first few times, telling them that getting myself into deeper debt to join this program would be a ridiculous, irresponsible and dangerous thing to do, and that I couldn't believe they were actually trying to encourage me to put my son's life and well-being in danger just to suck money out of me for their own selfish wants - because, of course, if you don't end up getting anything out of the program, it's YOUR FAULT, not theirs, for not being "coachable" or whatever the hell. The whole thing is just so gross, slimy, manipulative and clearly cultish, is it any wonder people hate it and stay far away once they're exposed to it? I didn't sever my friendship with the person who tricked us into the lion's den right away, but it all came and bit me in the ass anyway not long after, when I called him up one day to ask about some work-related trouble, and he started using that abusive jargon on me. That's where things did finally end, because friend or not, I don't allow people to speak to me that way. He was a different person by then, and not for the better. My advice to anyone who had decided the Landmark Forum is the answer to all of their problems in life is: Keep it to yourself. Don't use what you learned there to attack others. People hate religious zealots for the same reason! Nobody wants this crap pushed on them, especially when you're going to try to use humiliation and insults to try to shame them into joining. I'll give the LF the benefit of the doubt that they don't condone people behaving this way, and by going out with your new-found arrogance and ego, you're only doing your precious program a disservice. You'd think this would be common sense, but as I said at the beginning - people who already have a predisposition for being control freaks, former high school bullies, a self-aggrandizing attitude, seeds of narcissism, etc. are going to act out this way once they finish the program - because, in their minds, they've found their people - and that's very empowering to them to be just as crass, rude and insulting as they feel like being. If you plebs don't like it, they can always run back to their cult for more ass pats. It's just like any other kind of ugly mob mentality (I'm sure you can imagine other instances in history), and it's a shame they won't acknowledge the devastation they leave in their wake. A trail of once good friends and/or family now unjustly estranged, thanks to their almighty ego. Good for the stable people who did actually come away from it having gained something. As long as they're not using it to harm others, I'm happy it made them better people.
@aleksandraratajczak4981 7 ай бұрын
All about money and put pressure and manipulate people thats its true also they use them student to put pressure for them familly, friend teach them manipulate tactics and they don’t refund money as they are promise, people behave like they will be live in the cult and nothing count in that world just Lamdmark. I strongly believe some people silence and not talking then LF devastated then life. Its propbly the program for people who never known them worth and they need proof itself on the others. Waste money and time and all lies . if you don t know nothing about manipulate tactics you can easly catch on the trap, they treat people like shit on the program and whats they want if you are naglet put pressure for all your familly friends so to the end you devastate all relation in your life becouse one thinks whats they teach you we wanna more people you must register sell Forum. They are naglet you call you break your time waste your time couple ohone during the week to register and pay. Bealieve there is many other way that waste 3 days in your life and one experience treat like shit.
@jah8875 7 ай бұрын
It warms my heart that people are openly discussing what takes place in the LF.
@chime-girl 8 ай бұрын
It's like a giving a sociopath full rein to abuse you. If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck. My dad was in to it back in the 1970's EST.
@phillipcrossin5570 9 ай бұрын
10 years ago, with an open mind I unknowingly went to a similar Landmark introductory seminar with a friend. It was held in a private residence that was the most expensive house I've been inside in my own city. Never in my life have I tried to digest so many wordy & ambiguous questions & statements. I asked for this same info in plainer English - but was returned with verbal word salad and nothing clarified. Politicians should take note! The Landmark members that night tried to break me down and feel vulnerable - not by discussing my life's successes, but by questioning & diving deeply into my life's challenges & searching for weak spots to exploit e.g. "So why will that be a challenge for you? And why do you think you will not be able to succeed without extra guidance?" I didn't budge at all. At one stage 3 members cornered me to enrol - they weren't taking my varying ways of "No thanks" so I just stopped responding and crossed my arms. The company didn't take the hint and followed up with weekly phone calls for the next month. My friend's mother in was in attendance that night & drunk the Kool-Aid. She purchased the 3 day seminar for herself & her daughter (without even discussing it). No refunds or receipts were offered once the purchase was made. There's money to be made in the salvation industry!
@bangkokbite 10 ай бұрын
Your VDO is very helpful thanks
@oliverhutton5020 10 ай бұрын
This was originally called exegesis, same tactics, same truths couched into cult addiction.
@jamesb3654 10 ай бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you! Guy feeling has been quite awful. Did sign up under pressure and regret the entire time. So there’s a 3 day period from registration that you get a refund. Other than that you are at a loss.
@krystine49 10 ай бұрын
This is a well-thought-out video, thanks so much for posting it out there. I am so proud to say I never did the Landmark Forum. Despite being pressured especially when I was at my most vulnerable, I did not touch it. Instead, I did more research on everything I could find about this and how cults work. Spoke to a counsellor (for LE information) who deals a lot with people who had experienced this organisation and also another person who was a past member. This organisation is not for people in a vulnerable time of their lives. Also if you do decide you must do it, just do the weekend and run away. Really question them, are they qualified therapist? what qualifications do they have? Who are they? Look at their behaviour why the urgency to sign up NOW? Also really look at the person who is trying to get you to do LE, do you want to be like them?
@MacGyver2154 11 ай бұрын
27 years ago I attended. Still getting value today.
@brittbratt7457 11 ай бұрын
so true ❤
@annrusso3311 11 ай бұрын
You just sad it you do not like people so the forum would not be for you ! You must not want to understand yourself so you can help other people! Your an not a grown up !
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
I was once an “introduction leader” for landmark for many years until I woke up. There are some good things they teach but it is a cult at end of day.
@nurulam8011 Жыл бұрын
Ive a best friend who just like past two years get into so depth into Landmark - attending more courses, becoming volunteers. Is there any way to 'bring him back'? Every time we touched about Landmark, we will end up arguing due to clashing perspectives. For me, I try to open his eyes, but he doesn't believe me and saying I'm the one who is not opening my heart and mind for Landmark that's why Landmark Forum doesn't work on me. For him Landmark is the only solution for everyone's life issue.
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
@@nurulam8011 it’s up to him to figure it out himself. The more you push, the more he will resist. So much time, effort and emotional investment was already put in after 2 years, so it will be difficult to shake him out of it. He might do these things: he will stay in landmark for life and may stop contact with you, or if he is lucky like me, he will hit rock bottom at landmark by realizing he is putting in more than he is getting in return and eventually quit it himself. Give him some time and also accept that you may never get him back, because there’s always a chance he won’t wake up. Indoctrination is very powerful and deprogramming is a huge task. He might need to see a psychologist or psychotherapist who specialize in trauma from control groups after he quits. Landmark is a very traumatic experience because their indoctrination forces you to deal with difficult pasts in a very quick way without fully processing it. They also force you to deny your emotions and critical thinking. They are very good at erasing who you used to be and who they want you to be. This is true for the Assisting Program, which is the volunteering program your friend is in. Again, landmark is okay if you do the one course but if you join the Assisting Program, then you’re joining the cult. The courses are only a front, the volunteer program is where the cult resides.
@HermeticSuperstars Жыл бұрын
I’m really sorry you feel manipulated, I accept responsibility for that I don’t work for them that’s not fair for you to feel like that That wasn’t their intention isn’t in any of their manuals whatsoever It’s not psychology That’s not their goal to get people hyped up If you didn’t know what you were signing up for they wouldn’t ask you to sign up for anything so naturally the sign-up process comes after the distinctions Do you want to listen to other stories and find how you can relate to their story don’t listen to her story and get sucked up in her story that’s a waste of time to look at hell what they’re saying and how what their coaching can benefit you 95% of people say they see a profound and lasting difference on the way they live their life They over deliver on what they promise The don’t coach to use stories there’s no force If you felt forced that was that one person forcing that’s not the intention and they weren’t intending force You’re reviewing the introduction this doesn’t actually review the whole company I’m not sure if they said the words terrible, and hurts you the most, not saying that you’re that that didn’t happen it just sounds a little embellish to me They didn’t say “how does that feel? He may have said what’s that like? Doesn’t seem like that dissatisfaction you get from not going out was really that dissatisfying you don’t care about it that much just Kaina OK if you don’t really care about it you’re not really committed to making a difference in that area of interaction with friends family etc. then why even work on it? It seems like you’re skeptical, that’s totally cool, I just asked that you be open you can be a skeptical as you want but at least if you’re going to go and talk to someone about it and participate in conversation and do the conversation as it was designed as opposed to like just continually trying to poke holes in how it’s psychologically manipulative that’s not what they were therefore they were there for you to have a breakthrough in either your business or your personal relationships or somewhere somewhere you want to break through now No one‘s trying to save anyone’s life sucks, just we’re all dealing with stuff and do we deal with it with some sort of power or do we deal with it just by pushing it aside Sounds like you’re making the big deal, they want you to have what you want for your life and you’re making a big deal over some company that may take a weekend out of you and cost something They actually specifically talk about how you can’t fix anything because there’s nothing broken You spoke to someone that doesn’t have the training, the forum leaders lead in front of 100 people and they stand for 100 people to get what they said they wanted at the beginning things that they were working on for 10 years They don’t claim to be therapists They don’t “make you” do anything You want a temporary feeling This is a permanent being I signed up a day later I was pissed that day at my friend that shared it I’m pretty permanently in a pretty damn happy and satisfied state, that’s not a temporary like I’m gonna get knocked out of it but pretty quickly within minutes I’m right back to laughing at absurd that last situation was a knock me out of it If they said your name over and over again it’s not something that they teach in the manual or anything they just happen to be saying that and showing you that they really are with you like they really are listening, because a lot of people aren’t really listening and they don’t care how you’re doing The staining of a name probably comes from how to Win friends and influence people from Dale Carnegie and white the 1920s 30s it’s the sweetest sound to anybody the persons name that’s just something to people been doing for a long time it’s not a sales tactic If you are in sales by the way you’re not in sales you’re just talking to people you don’t have to use tactics tactics don’t work Being authentic being transparent forthright upfront You can only convince yourself that something is true for so long the snow way you can long-term convince somebody that something is true and continually manipulate them over and over again eventually people would stop it and that doesn’t happen Tony Robbins is with Tony Robbins‘s and the Landmark form is not Tony Robbins You could call it manipulating yourself to manipulate yourself You’re not trying to use what you said against you they’re just using an exercise to state a point that we are human beings we’re not human doings Sounds like certainty and confidence is actually a fix for what you don’t like about yourself, and you don’t want to fix it because then it occurs is broken I get how you shared your vulnerability I really do and I acknowledge you for that, you didn’t sign up that day, you didn’t sign up the next day you didn’t sign up the next week it’s been months and you still haven’t signed up that’s why they wanted you to do it that day was to get it off your plate so you can focus on all the other things you have going on You don’t have to share with people The more people you share with what you’re up to and your goals the more real they become, but you don’t have to have them do the forum, at the same time if you’re getting great results, why would you not Sharon it’s a guy that is really good thing but I’m not gonna tell anybody bad it’s like what doesn’t make any sense You should want your friends and family to tell you about things, it’s better than spending money on advertising they’re not spending any of the dollars that you pay them on any advertising I like that about them You don’t need to convince other people to do it, that is not part of it whatsoever It’s a bunch of discussions that I’ll make a massive difference and then a lot of people want to go share with other people because it made a difference for them that’s all it is you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to say a word the entire weekend No one said it isn’t going to work for them if they don’t share That is entirely embellished This is not a belief, or anything like a religion It’s just all the things that are common about being human Your friend that said that it’s not gonna work for him because he didn’t sign of enough people it’s completely made up I’m sorry he feels that way My guess is that he experienced all the distinctions whether or not any of his friends or family did it or not
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
Shut up and wake up. I was an introduction Leader for many years, even was a Course Supervisor 3 (directly working with Forum Leaders). Your parents are abusers. Bottom line. Accept it.
@ChanchalRaj Жыл бұрын
Lol , you are so wrong at so many places, that I am not even bothering to specify.
@HermeticSuperstars 9 ай бұрын
​@@ChanchalRaj Please tell me. You've led seminars and read the manuals? Just because someone says something doesn't mean that's part of what's in the manuals. If one does the work, they get the result. I ask you to speak to the person that originally invited you and express this to them. Clear the air. If you were very happy with a company, you'd share it with friends and family too. Hard sell vs. committed to you getting what you say you want. Tell me more, please specify, if I'm wrong, I'd love to hear how so I can grow.
@ChanchalRaj 9 ай бұрын
@@HermeticSuperstars A. 'Victim Blaming' is Landmark's trump card response for anybody finding any flaw in them. (B.) they aren't very keen on listening criticism on their program leaders. Much more to sharre but its a public platform
@HermeticSuperstars 9 ай бұрын
I hear you and I understand how you got to that conclusion, and I’m really sorry you got that experience. I saw, for myself, where I was being the victim and now I’m not being the victim any longer, so I don’t see blame, I see responsibility. We’re you a program leader? I don’t think they don’t listen to program leaders. Public platform? What KZbin? I’d say talk to your friend. I’d ask you talk to your friend. Please don’t critique things you don’t know about You went to an introduction and you made up an opinion. While I respect you, your opinions ate off from what is really happening. I’d talk to your friend and clear the air They don’t hype people up. Do you have urgency for anything in your life? It’s not their urgency, it’s about what tou want. You didn’t have to sit there you can get up whenever you want. The positive benefits did happen to them and it sounds like you’re manipulating what you heard to find complaints. Again, please don’t critique a course you haven’t taken. If you don’t speak to the friend anymore, I ask you rekindle that. They tell people that manipulation doesn’t help. I get your opinion is survivorship bias, it’s not. While you get psychology, this is not psychology. 96% success rate. No one was trying to sell you or convince you, it’s what do you want and a fast way to get what you’re say you want. Same with force, force never solves anything. It’s not about feelings, they may have said,”feelings”, I doubt it. There’s a massive difference between feelings and a ln aura, a way of being. Breakthroughs come from breakdowns. If you don’t see the impact of that aura, it would never differ. There’s a syllabus online with everything they talk about. It wasn’t a problem created by them, you’re the one that said those things. They didn’t say those things, they weren’t trying to fix anything, because you’re not broken. Again, if you want to give a great critique, then take it and critique the actual three days and evening. Otherwise, it’s all opinion. There’s no strategy about saying someone’s name. They were just attempting to get to know you. I invite you to speak with your friend, and spill all this stuff out that you thought they were trying to manipulate, using your name, that you were supposed to get something great from an introduction.
@NishantShyamGoutam Жыл бұрын
Landmark forum is like Scientology lite
@shashankkulkarni993 Жыл бұрын
"The more they have tried to push LE on me I resist and they try to make me feel less than because I refuse to go." ---- Good observation .... This is applicable to many So called Motivational brainwashers ... Non-spiritual / Spiritual as well 🙂🙂🙂
@MadHatter-s3t Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I have someone right now trying to hoover me in to attending this. My gut feeling right away was NO. With regard to a 10 year old saying to a parent you are so loving, I disagree with you. They can and do. My nephew is 19 and still hugs his dad and tells him a lot how much he loves him. He is borderline autistic so you can't blanket comment on all kids of that age never using those words. Just a thought.
@lesleylesley5821 3 ай бұрын
You just answered your own comment with the last sentence.
@WhatIsThisAllAbout Жыл бұрын
int seconds = 86400; int resultingDay = seconds ~/ 60 ~/ 60 ~/ 24; int resultingHours = seconds ~/ 60 ~/ 60 % 24; int resultingMinutes = seconds ~/ 60 % 60; int resultingSeconds = seconds % 60;
@WhatIsThisAllAbout Жыл бұрын
Why is your content free? Can I 'join' your channel?
@priscillaeyles3301 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for speaking up and exposing this org with your psychology background. It means so much to me, I got trapped in this cult for five years and it's so important that people understand how much of a destrcutive group this is, they have caused people to kill themsevles and have psychosis because of the intensity of their psychological techniques (I should know as I had to hear someone talk about this happening to their partner when being their free telemarketer on their Introduction Leader's Programme). As they very much fly under the radar because of the fear they instill in everyone to not speak out and their aggressive legal tactics against media organisations, journalists and cult experts like Rick Ross (who they tried to destroy with lawsuit after lawsuit for exposing them). And those 'stories' in the seminar, the first people who share are Landmark plants (staff or committed members) who have pre-rehearsed which 'story' they will be telling, so you're spot on about how fake they are. And surprised you got away with taking notes, good for you, they usually stamp down on that as they don't want details of what happens getting outside. And their whole thing about looking at and honing in on your biggest wounds, your trained to exaggerrate how bad that is in your own personal 'stories' when you train to lead introductions, so it constrasts with the 'transformation' that they bring, so again spot on...Nothing good that comes is of course to do with your own efforts. But when anything bad happens as a result of their gross coercive manipulations or stuff that's out of your control (abuse, sexual harassment, racism, abelism etc) that's on you, you're just being a victim, that's your 'story' or you have a 'racket' (their loaded language word for complaint)...
@Mamooshka220 Жыл бұрын
I just listened to your episode in IndoctriNation! Both my sisters participated. One eventually saw the light when she realized how abusive the Assist program is (to her credit she never tried a hard sell on me). The other, while no longer involved, will absolutely not hear a negative word about it. I had a 2 year old and a newborn when she did her program and she tried to tell me that parting with $600 in that moment was an investment in myself and therefore my family. I went to the Tuesday night thing they do and it just didn't feel right to me. I automatically push back when I'm feeling coerced into something and my sister tried to spin in as a racket; what am I so worried about learning about myself, etc. Anyway I loved your episode ❤️
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
I was an Introduction Leader and a Course Supervisor Level 3 (people who manage the course and work with Forum Leaders, Advanced Course Leaders and SELP Leaders) you are on point. I joined because I was at a desperate point in my life. There were good things about it but you don’t need to go to Landmark to learn those good mental life skills. I lost a friend to suicide who was also a Landmark Introduction Leader. May you Rest In Peace, Faisal. You’re on point. I left when I realized I was giving a lot of time for absolutely nothing in return except fluffing and wishful thinking. Following accepting that my family is narcissistic, I realize I traded my dysfunctional family for another.
@nasimkhosrow Жыл бұрын
Attending the Landmark Forum was a regrettable decision. Their marketing techniques were manipulative and misleading, convincing people to register and pay more without delivering any substantial value in return. Instead of genuine personal growth, I encountered repetitive speeches aimed at brainwashing attendees. It became clear that Landmark Forum prioritizes profit over helping individuals reach their true potential. Save your hard-earned money and steer clear of this seminar that uses unethical marketing tactics to exploit unsuspecting participants.
@velvetaeon2774 Жыл бұрын
Mom mother in law is pressuring my wife and I to do this
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
Just keep saying No and set a boundary that if she asks again, you will end the conversation.
@shashankkulkarni993 Жыл бұрын
I dont know its cult or something. Surely it is brainwashing for reason of businesses.. so many motivational businesses yoga plus motivational lectures businesses are there in market 😊😊😊😊
@andrepadron3782 Жыл бұрын
This guy sounds like he took a bootleg Forum. I don't believe his account. His recollection of dialogue isn't even close to language used in the forum. Click bait/fraud. I'm not an employee of affiliated in any capacity. I attended the forum years ago and thought is was pretty damn good for me and many others in attendance whom i've kept in touch with in the years since. This guy is right here is comedy.
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
It might have worked for you but it’s not for everybody and everyone has a right to their opinions. A difference of opinion is not a personal attack on you or your experience. As an ex Introduction Leader and Course Supervisor L3, I empathize with you and this content creator. I left the cult a few years back. I took the good I got out of it and still use some of the basic distinctions today but I left for personal reasons. I do believe that the tactics I used in my introductions were in fact manipulative and the forum is setup to create group psychosis, albeit with good intentions. Sometimes the human brain has to go through this weird process for things to finally “click” but again, it’s not for everyone and though it has garnered many positive results in peoples lives, we can’t take for granted that it has also caused mental breakdowns in others. Just because 95% of landmark graduates say that it has helped them, it doesn’t mean that the other 5%’s experience is invalid. It is personal to each individual and it means nothing about you, me or anyone that this man has to say different about Landmark. I believe that when people defend Landmark using ad hominem attacks is as a result of unwanted feelings of shame and guilt for being duped into a pseudoscientific course that uses proven cult tactics. AA is also cult-like and yet it has proven to help many alcoholics and addicts. Like Landmark, AA is not for everyone and people have gone into sobriety without ever attending a meeting. In my personal experience, the organization is run by communal narcissists and selfless codependents. You may be lucky enough to only do one course, or the Advanced Course then the SELP; however, I do not recommend you join the Assisting Program, where it is so much easier to indoctrinate you, make you talk/walk/dress like them and in the process lose your sense of self, and they will use covert sleep deprivation a tactics and group shaming to make you comply. If you’re in that program, please get out unless it really is your only crutch in life and if so please consider finding new hobbies and new friends. It is a boundary-less world at Landmark and you will fall prey to manipulation and unhealthy enmeshment with wounded, lonely, and delusional people. I am glad I’m out. I got what I needed to get out of it, I no longer need it, and I will never recommend this course to anybody.
@kristenpereira4113 15 күн бұрын
He didn't sign up for the forum. He did state that. He went to an introduction. Which, he reported on pretty accurately. The only thing that wasn't accurate is landmark doesnt deal with feelings. They deal with being. It's who are you being and who do you want to be
@christinemorrison8082 Жыл бұрын
Poor guy's whole context is fear of being manipulated so of course he would gather evidence to back that up. That's all he can see. I did it and it was one of the most useful things I have ever done. Yes the stories are true and they are risky to share. It's not perfect and isn't for everyone. It's a community of people who have an interest in expanding their own boxes so to speak. If you are good with your box the way it is...., it won't be a match for you, even if you do it. It's also natural for people to want to share something meaningful with others so that they can enjoy it together. Plain and simple. As with anything (like Tony Robbins, Outward Bound, or even religion) it's what you do with it that matters. If it's not for you find something that is and share about that.
@bmunsky Жыл бұрын
I see LE as any other form of education that can be used to improve one's life or create the life they want. For me doing that requires consistently practicing what I've learned and applying it to all areas of my life. Like most things that I've learned at University, Professional Development Trainings, and all educations I've acquired throughout my life's journey.
@kayebarker8556 Жыл бұрын
Well each to there own.
@anasalbattiri003 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much.
@manuelalexandra8610 Жыл бұрын
Is really great having you back👍
@dorottyamolnar3890 Жыл бұрын
This video enlightened me in a big way. Thank you! 🙏🏻
@pattyAom Жыл бұрын
I really like your story telling. Please make more videos.
@Anabsurdsuggestion Жыл бұрын
Starts at 06.30
@zebaizazahmad3049 Жыл бұрын
void main() { print(calculateSeconds(hours: 10,seconds: 10)); } int calculateSeconds({int hours= 0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0}){ ///int result; int secsInhrs= hours*3600; int secsInMinutes = minutes * 60; int secs =seconds; return secsInhrs+secsInMinutes+secs; }
@zebaizazahmad3049 Жыл бұрын
void main(List<String> args) { int secs = 100000; calculateHrs(secs); calculateSeconds(secs); calculateMinutes(secs); } calculateSeconds(int secs) { var secsinsec; secsinsec = secs ~/ 60; return secsinsec; } calculateMinutes(int secs) { var minsinsec; minsinsec = secs ~/ 60; return minsinsec; } calculateHrs(int secs) { var hrsinSec; hrsinSec = secs ~/ 60 ~/ 60; return hrsinSec; } I have done the assignment like this is it fine?
@ahumblediva2836 Жыл бұрын
30:18 What would happen if someone said 'I'm certain I will not sign up right now.'
@kristenpereira4113 15 күн бұрын
They can't push a hard no.
@maydinunlu Жыл бұрын
very clear explanation
@cindy846 Жыл бұрын
My MIL (who participated in the forum) is absolutely using those tactics... on me. I regret confiding in her with personal stuff in the past because she used them afterwards against me. She became extremely toxic in our interactions.
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
Landmark also attracts narcissists and maybe your MIL has always been a narcissist because narcissists use your most vulnerable past to manipulate you and make you feel like crap. I was part of landmark as an Introduction Leader and I used these same tactics with some people within landmark but I never used it on the people who haven’t done it. Now I never do that. I quit in 2019.
@hollygilmore9636 Жыл бұрын
@ovidiusmazuru9201 I'm curious.... since you say you have a background in psychology, I'm wondering if it would be fair to assert that this seminar is essentially Jungian shadow work on steroids? I've never attended, so wondering. Thanks!
@sirrantsalott Жыл бұрын
I helped with the forum production and also leading introductions (for people to sign up for the forum) and yes you can say it is and I do not recommend you do the course at all whatsoever. Curiosity in the case of landmark will indeed kill your sense of self. Doing shadow work must take time in order for it to work/stick with you timelessly. People who want quick fixes are enamoured with landmark promises. I was in Landmark for almost a decade of my life and although it has helped me quite a lot in my own personal growth and development, I realize now that I didn’t need to do Landmark to get to where I am now. But que sera sera and I’m just thankful that I got out of it and kept the good I learned from it.
@hollygilmore9636 Жыл бұрын
@sirrantsalott Thanks for the thoughts! That helps and I agree. Shadow work is a life-long process.
@kristenpereira4113 15 күн бұрын
Landmark is different. They actually don't deal with feelings. The way he kept saying feelings in the video. They deal with who you are being. The founder was influenced by Hindger (idk spelling, he was German) and Mind Dynamics. The other parts he said about the introduction are a good outline though of what they sound like
@michaelcornell2323 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. I did the program when I was 21. Ten years ago. I still use the things I have learned from the program. They are very professional and super detail oriented. I think this is over dramatized.