590: Logic For Everyone
9 сағат бұрын
John Locke
Күн бұрын
532: Akan Philosophy and Personhood
9 сағат бұрын
In Search of Proust's Philosophy
James Baldwin and Social Justice
What Is Gender?
14 күн бұрын
Righteous Rage
14 күн бұрын
Summer Reading List 2024
14 күн бұрын
Logic For Everyone
14 күн бұрын
Derrida and Deconstruction
21 күн бұрын
Gottfried Leibniz
21 күн бұрын
Dan Dennett Retrospective
21 күн бұрын
Mary Wollstonecraft
21 күн бұрын
589: Mary Wollstonecraft
9 сағат бұрын
28 күн бұрын
Ай бұрын
@MAKE-750-DAILY 3 күн бұрын
Finally, I've found this gem! Subscribed, and I'm ready for this adventure! - "Challenges are opportunities for personal growth."
@Friedfish-zm7fx 3 күн бұрын
Those calling for reparations betray their own failures. The successful do not call for reparations; their success is the best revenge. USA: former colony of England; USA: successful country not asking for reparations. Australia: former colony of England; Australia: successful country not asking for reparations. Taiwan: former colony of Japan; Taiwan: successful country not asking for reparations. South Korea: former colony of Japan; South Korea: successful country not asking for reparations. North Korea: former colony of Japan; North Korea: failed nation, should it ask for reparations? Israel did not beg for reparations. The winners of WW2 (the Allied forces and the USSR) demanded Germany to make reparations to the victims of the Holocaust, not to Israel proper (Israel came to be in 1948). Besides, modern Israel was never a colony. But, but, but ancient Israel was a colony of Ancient Roman Empire!!! Israel, sue for reparations from Italy!!! It is pitiful to see failed countries pleading for "reparations" from former colonizers. They fought, figuratively and literally, for their Independence which was granted or won. However, said failed nations did not know what to do with their Independence. Independence to an unprepared nation is akin to giving a loaded gun to a monkey. Failures have a proven record of failing time and time again and show no exercise of self-repair. Monetary "reparations" will repair nothing. Monetary "reparations" is akin to giving more heroin to the heroin addict: short term pleasure followed with long term pain. Actual healing is done from within, not from without. Paradox of getting a bank loan: those in the least need of loans are most likely to get loans. If you have outstanding debt, no job, criminal record, living on the streets, you definitely NEED a loan (MONEY!!! I NEED MONEY!!!) but you are unlikely to get a loan. Of course you have a long list of reasons for your pitiful situation ("The Police planted the drugs on me!", "My great-great-great-grand parents were SLAVES!!!", "Wypiple stole my wealth!!", etc.). But no matter: No. Money. For. You. Those most likely to get reparations are those who are demanding it from strength; but then, given your strength, you are unlikely to ask for reparations: Success is the best Revenge. But, but, but some Native American Tribes are getting REPARATIONS!!! Yep. Despite "reparations", said tribes are still stuck in Poverty and Misery. One bad policy ("reparations" to american tribes) should not be followed by another bad one ("reparations" to ADOS/FBA). In fact, all bad policies should be eliminated. But, but, but some Japanese got REPARATIONS!!! Yes. The paradox of getting a bank loan in play. The Japanese community has done much better than average in the USA and reparations were neither needed nor desired. Reparations were given to the Japanese actually interned ($20K per individual), not to the progeny of said Japanese. Those in the Black Community pushing for reparations show all the characteristics of a failing community. Many past programs focused on the Black Community (LBJ's Grand Society Programs, the HBCU's, Affirmative Action Programs, busing Blacks to White schools, establishment of Liberia, extended Welfare State, etc..) are reparations. In 1911, Booker T Washington warned us of the grifters, the poverty pimps: "There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Frederick Douglass was against reparations. Quotation from "WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH THE SLAVES IF EMANCIPATED?" (Douglass' Monthly, January, 1862): "Our answer is, do nothing with them; mind your business, and let them mind theirs. Your doing with them is their greatest misfortune. They have been undone by your doings, and all they now ask, and really have need of at your hands, is just to let them alone. They suffer by every interference, and succeed best by being let alone." The current supplicants for reparations are dishonoring, disgracing the legacies of Booker T Washington and Frederick Douglass; they were actually slaves, not you. But, but, but JIM CROW LAWS!!! Yep. A racist system set up by the Democrat Party (the Republican Party freed the slaves). Get reparations from the Democrat Party. And yet... African-Americans vote Democrat 85% of the time as of 2024 AD. Go figure. African-Americans suffering from Stockholm syndrome. The Blacks need mental help, not reparations. But, but, but SLAVES built the USA!!! Nope. HELPED build the USA, Yes. BUILT the USA, No. Slavery is low-tech. The USA of Automobiles, Gene Therapy, Space Travel, Computers, Internet is high-tech. High-Tech is impossible via Slavery. If Slavery were around today, the USA would be deep in Misery and Poverty, with Donkey and Horse as main Transportation. Slaves were used because one cannot train Donkey and Horse to pick cotton; with the mechanical cotton harvester, slavery became useless and uneconomical. Slaves did not invent the mechanical cotton harvester. The FBA (Foundational Black American), the ADOS (American Descendent of Slavery) should pay extra taxes to the Government to express gratitude for having their ancestors sent to the blessed land of America on a slave ship. Muhammed Ali, after the fight with George Foreman, said "I am glad my grand pappy came to America on a slave ship". The FBA, the ADOS could be stuck in Africa today (the horror!!!) if not for the slave trade. The FBA and ADOS need to kiss the White Man's gluteus maximus.
@Friedfish-zm7fx 3 күн бұрын
Demanding reparations for long past damages to ancestors (slavery) is stupid and unwise. The statute of limitations has been long expired; slaves and slave owners are long, long dead. There was a limited time after the Civil War to demand legitimately for reparations for freed slaves from slave owners. OK, expropriate the wealth of the former slave owners and transfer said wealth to the freed slaves. History is tragic. The Civil War wiped out utterly the wealth of 99% of the former slave owners and many former slave owners were not land owners. Post-Civil War there was little to distribute to former slaves because nearly all southerners (Black, White) became destitute from the war. Who benefitted (financially, property-wise, wealth-wise) from the Civil War? Answer: the Northerners and they were not slave owners. But, but, but the evil Southern slave owners traded with the Northerners!!! The Northerners need to pay reparations!!! Nope. Said evil Southern slave owners traded also with people of Europe, Asia, South and Central America, even Africa. Should one demand reparations from Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, Australia? The source of slaves in the Americas was the African Continent. Africans selling off their ethnic siblings to slavery to the Western market (the Americas) and Eastern market (Muslim world) benefitted monetarily from the trade. Go demand reparations from the various African Nations. All African Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations. Go demand reparations from the various Muslim Nations. All Muslim Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations. Booker T. Washington (former slave) wrote about former slaves helping out their former owners who fell on hard times. Should said former slaves DEMAND reparations instead of helping the former owners? The slave revenge movies are popular today (2024 AD). A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. God is guilty of this EVIL!!! Demand reparations from God!!! Such thoughts are idiotic. Someone damaged either your person or your property. You have full rights to demand reparations from the guilty. However, tragically, the guilty is often destitute so what reparations can you get? Are you going to mourn your loss forever and never do anything? A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. What to do? Wait until God provides reparations? Or would you get up and rebuild the village? A drug-addicted, homeless, penniless, deranged arsonist burned down your house. What to do? Do nothing, do not rebuild the house until the arsonist made FULL Reparations? Question: Should you suffer for the sins of your dead parents? Should you pay off the debts of your dead parents? Generational servitude is sustained by having children obligated for the debts of their parents: this is the history of poverty in 3rd world countries, aka s**th**e countries. There is an asymmetry. I am sure you are very eager to collect what is owed to your dead parents. Even if the debt is owed only to your dead great-great-great-grand parents. Underlying this eagerness is greed. This asymmetry makes one blind to the other party. You are not the sole party in society. Others (the other party) are also part of society. Question rephrased: Should the other party suffer for the sins of their dead parents? Should the other party pay off the debts of their dead parents? Some reparations seekers may quote the Bible. Proverbs 3:27 = Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. The problem is that nothing is owed to the reparation seekers who are just grifters looking for something for nothing. If someone was owed, it is the long-dead great-great-great-grand parents, NOT you. Justice. The issue of reparation is often linked to that of justice. When you go to court, you do not determine what Justice is. The Judge, the Court, the Jury decide what is Justice for you. You may not be satisfied with the Justice but if you want to stay a citizen in good standing with society, you have to ACCEPT the Judgement. What you are seeking is not so much Justice but Satisfaction. Satisfaction has more in common with Retribution than with Justice. Yes, you can appeal again and again and again and again. You just become a vexatious litigant and your standing in society diminishes. You become a liability, not an asset to society. Think of the Bible as a collection of writings by the Ancients Sages, not so much the Word of God. Deuteronomy 15 : 1 = At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. If reparations is debt, cancel the debt. What is your valuation of the concept of "statute of limitations"? Deuteronomy 15 : 3 = You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your brother owes you. Comment: Who is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Which entity is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Do you consider this entity to be a foreigner or a sibling? Deuteronomy 15 :11 = There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. Instead of demanding "reparations", try to become an asset, not a liability, to your society. The mob's motto: No Justice, no Peace! Much of the violence, turmoil, dystopia in this World is caused by people pursuing JUSTICE!!!, pursuing COSMIC JUSTICE!!! Question: what do you value more: Justice? Peace?
@michaelpcoffee 3 күн бұрын
Claiming victimhood for what happened to other people is disgraceful. Ascribing guilt to people who had nothing to do with the offense is atrocious.
@xXstevilleXx 4 күн бұрын
yeah atheism is pretty much dead but also not needed, since Atheists and Christians we're at each others through, ah yes, the good day when Christianity was strong... so since the world is pretty much godless, not me I am still Christian (yeah I get it I have a degree in Philosophy also) but for the most part Atheists are not needed, I mean most 'christians' will agree with them anyway so yeah you not gonna get much comments and if so yt will like block 'em but regarding the philosophical narrative, makes sense, so in that regard I wish this got more views
@deathontwolegs668 4 күн бұрын
I like this episode and your voices sound so amazing ❤ so happy I discovered yall
@quixodian 14 күн бұрын
maybe there's something the matter with common sense. Philosophers of yore would have no problem saying that.
@nonyabusiness2638 27 күн бұрын
@Infinite0396 Ай бұрын
2pac doesn’t say anything in “Blasphemy” about it “being better to be hated than feared” but other than that not a bad video
@Divergent31415 Ай бұрын
Brownie Recipe: INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted and HOT 1 tablespoon cooking oil, (olive oil or coconut oil are fine) 1 1/8 cup superfine sugar, (caster sugar or white granulated sugar)* 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1/2 cup all purpose (or plain) flour 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 teaspoon salt INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly grease an 8-inch square baking pan with cooking oil spray. Line with parchment paper (or baking paper); set aside. Combine hot melted butter, oil and sugar together in a medium-sized bowl. Whisk well for about a minute. Add the eggs and vanilla; beat until lighter in colour (another minute). Sift in flour, cocoa powder and salt. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until JUST combined (do NOT over beat as doing so well affect the texture of your brownies). Pour batter into prepared pan, smoothing the top out evenly. (OPTIONAL: Top with chocolate chunks or chocolate chips.) Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the centre of the brownies in the pan no longer jiggles and is just set to the touch (the brownies will keep baking in the hot pan out of the oven). If testing with a toothpick, the toothpick should come out dirty for fudge-textured brownies. Remove and allow to cool to room temperature before slicing into 16 brownies. OPTIONAL ADD INS: Crushed walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pecans, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, chocolate chunks, dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, etc)
@Osama_Zafar Ай бұрын
Hey, thank you for uploading this kind of knowledgeable video.
@user-bd3ez9tl1s Ай бұрын
That’s my sister right there!
@whitequetzal3574 2 ай бұрын
The spirit of Aristotelian inquiry is really what gives the West the advantage on average from the perspective of acquiring scientific knowledge. We for instance ate a crop that was 1/4 the caloric content as rice, which is present in South Asia and Eastern China, which is why their populations were at a minimum twice as large as ours, and therefore had half the scientists, yet we were almost equal in terms of scientific advancement. It will be very interesting to see what hybrid cultures like Japan see happen in the far future, and certainly since the masse conquest of almost the entire world by the West has spread that spirit to every corner of the world, as such one can only imagine what the Chinese and South Asians will do with it given their calorie advantage.
@dupeda1728 2 ай бұрын
Him saying Nitch makes it even better😭.
@cheezy1 2 ай бұрын
@StewartBlues 2 ай бұрын
Hume was a Scottish philosopher, not an English one!
@mdg936 2 ай бұрын
Excellent insights we need for these times!
@Genevaconventionforyoutube 3 ай бұрын
It’s rare when an individual’s accent makes me irrationally angry but the combination of Josh’s accent, his tone, and cadence, all have the same effect on me of the Rage Virus from 28 days later. It just makes me want to find everybody on earth who shares that particular way of speaking and commit several violations of the Geneva convention in order to assure that it never passes on to another person. It’s like if a valley girl made a baby with a scraping chalkboard and it grew up in a lab of coked up scientists working on a project titled “Make M.K-ULTRA worse” led by the same people who did the Abu Ghraib atrocities who are all off their antidepressants and just quit smoking
@shayneweyker 3 ай бұрын
Around the world in 80 seconds, 2023 Edition. Welcome back.
@anonymoushuman8344 4 ай бұрын
The beatniks and the hippies are still here and we are, indeed, GONE. One ought not assume an argument is sound merely because it is made by an expert from Dartmouth, any more than one should assume a proposition to be true merely because it was asserted by Bertrand Russell. (If forced to choose between the opinions of the two for practical purposes, my bet would be on Russell. But whether this bet would be arrived at by strictly rational means is another question.)
@Maus_122 5 ай бұрын
Why hasnt this video gained likes? Or veiws? Or even comments? Let me fix that
@ScottCleve33 5 ай бұрын
Can science be a religion? From the blind faith I see some people put in science I believe it is.
@ethelberttonche3693 7 ай бұрын
😞 P r o m o S M
@UnderTheCovers1 8 ай бұрын
Baby don't hurt me, Baby don't hurt me no more
@blueeyedsquirrel2 9 ай бұрын
Reparations is bullshit and will not pay for it!! I don’t have to!!
@winnhill3736 9 ай бұрын
When you account 4 all the theft,they should owe the government and not the other way.😊
@embearasedbear3694 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely garbage
@kevinkant6817 11 ай бұрын
Lol “queer theory “
@willfox4654 Жыл бұрын
Inconvenient truth has been proven false. Greta Thunberg's prediction has proven to be wrong. The great barrier reef that was supposed to be dying found to be at its healthiest. The planet found to be getting greener (more plants) due to carbon emissions, not warmer. Places where water levels were supposed to rise by several feet have hardly risen at all..... Climate change is fake science paid for by lobbiest and used by politicians as a fear mongering tactic to convince people we'd be better off if we were more like Sri Lanka 😂
@shealdedmon7027 Жыл бұрын
Unpresidented environmental crisis? If you truly believe there's an environmental crisis your IQ is less than average. Your lazy and gullible. The proof will be your response to my comment.
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
You know what ELSE would save us... taking down pay walls...
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
@shealdedmon7027 Жыл бұрын
No, no it can't.
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
@@shealdedmon7027 my art can ;)
@DJSTOEK Жыл бұрын
@gamerclaude Жыл бұрын
@maskedhumanoid Жыл бұрын
@rastovicfilip Жыл бұрын
Where can I listen to this talk? Thanks
@philosophemes Жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting this together, Caitlin!
@philosophemes Жыл бұрын
Interesting history of "cancel culture." Thank you!
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
A wonderful topic ♡
@davidsonneidert5523 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more. Great Video 💎! Grow your online following - Promo'SM!
@pantheon777 Жыл бұрын
I honestly think Hamilton was a total douche as well, not just because he was a hypocrite like Jefferson regarding slavery, but elitism considering where he came from
@user-wp8yx Жыл бұрын
The only culture in the history of man to celebrate the central bank with songs of adoration.
@psycleen Жыл бұрын
conspiracies dont exist
@rmt3589 Жыл бұрын
That's quite the conspiracy theory! 🤔
@countryblues55 Жыл бұрын
If you haven't, check out Kirby Ferguson's videos on this subject. They're pretty darn good.
@Silas_MN Жыл бұрын
"by teleconference from Moscow" says so much about what Snowden's actions have cost him
@ericminden8338 Жыл бұрын
In about 1986 Ian Shoales performed a rant on NPR reviewing the contents of the then explicit new album / book released by "Madonna" where it was concluded that Madonna had effectively turned her own body into a trademark, most notably her boobs. This was next humorously compared with "Tropic Anna" and subsequently; Aunt Jemima. Ian next asked whether the maple syrup purveyor has a nice pair before the customary out-tro - "I gotta go". Is it possible that somewhere - somehow there is a text / audio copy of this memorable performance?
@ericminden8338 Жыл бұрын
In about 1986 Ian Shoales performed a rant on NPR reviewing the contents of the then explicit new album / book released by "Madonna" where it was concluded that Madonna had effectively turned her own body into a trademark, most notably her boobs. This was next humorously compared with "Tropic Anna" and subsequently; Aunt Jemima. Ian next asked whether the maple syrup purveyor has a nice pair before the customary out-tro - "I gotta go". Is it possible that somewhere - somehow there is a text / audio copy of this memorable performance?
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
Yep 🔥✊
@wild-radio7373 Жыл бұрын
For the record: us anarchists see how evil Musk is and don't believe a word that comes out of his lying paypal mafia crooked mouth.