23. juli 2024
8 сағат бұрын
Is the extreme right destined to win?
American aid and its potential.
2. april 2024
3 ай бұрын
First forest walk in six days
Dear boy ❤️
5 ай бұрын
Silly, happy young ferret.
6 ай бұрын
Winter Forest Fun
6 ай бұрын
5. januar 2024
6 ай бұрын
5. januar 2024
6 ай бұрын
5. januar 2024
6 ай бұрын
Back in the forest
7 ай бұрын
Dreaming more in daddy's hand
Happy, silly ferret in the forest
@FloppyTheFloppe Күн бұрын
The stick attached to his back 😂
@PalleRasmussen Күн бұрын
That is ferrets for you is it not? Too busy to care.
@FloppyTheFloppe Күн бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen it is just funny sorry
@FloppyTheFloppe Күн бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen also i am sorry i didnt really understand what you said, i am german
@PalleRasmussen Күн бұрын
@@FloppyTheFloppe it is funny.
@PalleRasmussen Күн бұрын
@@FloppyTheFloppe "In Germany We do not say" (Liam Carpenter, ob du er nicht kennt darfst Du er zuchen). Kein Problem, Ich bin Dänisch un versteht auch Deutsch, eben ob meine schriftliche Deutsch nicht als gut als meine gesprochene.
@riverwesthunter8100 2 күн бұрын
Ferret love water too and will blow bubbles as well when they put their heads under water 😂.
@PalleRasmussen Күн бұрын
@@riverwesthunter8100 not all of them. Most I have known or had has not, and has hated swimming.
@riverwesthunter8100 Күн бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen yea that’s true bro , I had one or two over the years that’s wasn’t keen on water either. My 3 I have now mate all love water thank god as it helps them to keep cool in the summer and they like to have a little wash in there. 😁 Just a question bro, I couldn’t quite make out but the language you speak is it French 🇫🇷. ?
@PalleRasmussen Күн бұрын
@@riverwesthunter8100 No, sadly French is not one of the languages I master. I am Danish, so I speak Danish to him. Ferrets are the best pets, you are lucky to have three. I did in 2015- 2019, but as I lived in Greenland 2019- 2022, and then became unemployed, I have only one now.
@henrikchristensen2382 9 күн бұрын
Hehe nnååå en dag skal sku ha en ilder igen😊😂
@PalleRasmussen 9 күн бұрын
@@henrikchristensen2382 de er svære at undvære.
@henrikchristensen2382 9 күн бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen ja de noget søde små drillerer 😊
@PalleRasmussen 9 күн бұрын
@@henrikchristensen2382 de er de bedste. Jeg har mange- MANGE andre videoer, hvis du vil nyde ham mere. Men jeg er ikke KZbinr, så no worries, hvis du ikke har tid/lyst, jeg lever ikke af det.
@pacoytal1756 13 күн бұрын
Low participation is one of the core problemas I think. Whenever the left or center left wings fails to improve the life conditions of the people meaningfully their constituency becomes more and more apathetic. The opposite is also true, good policy making can galvanice the public, but there are a lot of institutional resistances in most countries against left wing policy.
@PalleRasmussen 13 күн бұрын
@@pacoytal1756 I am a social conservative/liberal/democrat. I am not too keen on a leftist policy no more than I am of a right wing one.
@pacoytal1756 13 күн бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen oh that's fair enough! I think the same idea applies anyway: if the voter doesn't feel like their living conditions have improved they are more likely to vote for demagogues and snake oil salesmen. I'm talking things like adjusting wages to inflation or limiting the price of basic consumer goods. A lot of these policies are consider left wing today but they were common place in the past for both social democrats or demo-christians in Europe
@Halbared 13 күн бұрын
The right wing viters stayed home (or switched) It’s why Labour won with less votes than 2019. Labour are in a precarious position.
@PalleRasmussen 7 күн бұрын
I am speaking globally. In Britain you will know that Farage suddenly has power and influence, as the expression of the phenomenon. But look at it globally. The only country in the west, where right wing populist demagogues are not on the march, is Ukraine - for good reasons.
@tooter4u271 13 күн бұрын
The far left government in Canada has been breaking their own record on immigration, temporary workers and students for several years in a row and that is on top of extremely high immigration numbers for years if not decades previously. At the same time they went on a record setting hiring spree causing a massive expansion in the tax payer funded government sector. You might expect that that would decrease their use of outside consultants but nope. That saw a massive increase as well and we know that corruption ran rampant in the process. Because of their insane immigration policies and outrageous spending during the Covid epidemic we have incredible inflation especially in real estate. To control the inflation the banks increased interest rates which again increases the price of real estate. We have massive homeless encampments all across the country. Add to that the lefts patently stupid policy of pampering drug addicts we also have a massive increase in drug addiction and overdoses. The streets are a dangerous mess and their slack bail policies have made it worse. The interest on our national debt is now costing us sixty billion per year. Want some more? A few years ago a story came out about over two hundred aboriginal children being buried in mass graves. Result? At least sixty churches were burned to the ground and dozens of others were torn down. Statues of two queens and our founding fathers were torn down and desecrated and as the police watched. And here is the real kicker. The story was obvious bullshit from the beginning. These are the kinds of excesses that will result in a populist leader being elected, hopefully in the very near future. Populism is what you get when it becomes clear that a government is both corrupt and incompetent. In Canada that has been the case for ten years. Only a complete idiot would vote for more leftist insanity at this point. And yes, in Canada, the immigration rates are probably the biggest example of that insanity. They are bring people in without enough houses to house them and without enough jobs to employ them. A recipe for total disaster.
@MrDayinthepark 14 күн бұрын
I was at least 50 before I understood the history of WWII was a fabricated lie, as was our seizing of the American continent from the indians. I went into college wide eyed and learned the beginnings of the world around me. It was a birth of liberty, that I hope to pass along to my students in America. Most people accept "beliefs" in lue of education, and they hold onto it their entire life. Generally the issue is less education, and more one of believing fact. American ethos oppose this, with their last breath. We have much work to be done.
@PalleRasmussen 6 сағат бұрын
What do you mean by "fabricated lie"? Sorry for the late reply; KZbin has not shown all comments.
@MrDayinthepark 6 сағат бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Russia lost 24 million in WWII, we lost 400,000. Russia seized Berlin, ending the war, our seizing of Normandy beach. We were told wild lies, over and over.
@PalleRasmussen 6 сағат бұрын
@@MrDayinthepark ah that. Yes. It was 27 million BTW, and Muskowites were not the majority. Just like in the current war, they used the other ethnicities of their empire as cannonfodder. As a military historian, I estimate that without Western aid and activity, the USSR would have folded. Even in 1941, 42, and 43 most of the Luftwaffe was deployed and lost in the Mediterranean and West, 12000 88 mm guns defending against Western bombing that would have killed Red Army offensives, several Panzer, PzGren and Mot divisions in Africa, West, etc. Not to mention Lend Lease. Without those things, the USSR would have lost. So the fairytale that the US won the war alone was a lie, but so is the Russian propaganda story that it was the USSR that defeated the Nazis alone. Also do not forget that until Barbarossa; the USSR and Nazi Germany were allies.
@tooter4u271 14 күн бұрын
You think the education system is to blame for the rise of right wing movements and you are right but not in the way you think. The education system with it cultural Marxist orientation has created a situation in which their students, especially politicians have made life intolerable for most people, and the best example is the insane levels of immigration that even most immigrants agree is completely unsustainable, at least in Canada where I live. Because of their policies we have totally inappropriate material taught in elementary schools, raging drug epidemics and unsafe streets and these things are pushing people towards what you call the right. Thankfully the right has at its disposal real intellectuals such as Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, Douglas Murray, Gad Sad, Eric Kaufman, Janice Fiamengo James Lindsay etc etc and with their help we are educating ourselves. You could do yourself a favour I think and give them a listen. I hate to say it because you seem to be a good guy, but if you can’t understand that excesses on the left are leading to excesses on the right, you really are dangerously out of touch.
@PalleRasmussen 13 күн бұрын
@@tooter4u271 thank you for providing an example of my claim. At least you did not mention the religious zealot Jordan Peterson. I am a social conservative/social liberalist, so centre-right. Yet you seem to believe that I am a Marxist. And you immediately start pointing to immigration as the problem, which is exactly what populist demagogues tell you to. There are places where immigration is indeed a problem; Sweden, France, Germany, to some extent my Denmark. But is it *the* problem? In Canada? The second-largest country in the world IIRC? Could greed from the top 1% be a worse problem as they leave you to fight over the scraps they throw you, and point to immigrants to distract you? Could greed and inequality be a larger problem? I do not know,but I know it certainly is in your southern neighbour. And yes that is a Marxist point, but that is the thing about being in the centre; you see where both sides are right and wrong, and Marx was not wrong *all* the time. Think about it.
@tooter4u271 13 күн бұрын
Oh believe me. I have thought about it. Populism is what happens when enough regular people are forced to the conclusion that their government is dangerously incompetent and corrupt. In Canada it is way beyond that. What we have here is a leftist government that appears intent on literally destroying the foundations of our country including: Free speech (cancel culture and censorship) equality of opportunity (DEI) parental rights (teachers can and keep a child’s gender transition from their parents) an independent press (every major news organization in Canada receives a corrupting government subsidy). We do not have freedom from excessive taxation. Nor do we do not have affordable housing and very much because Canada has had the highest immigration rates per capita in the world for years. They remain high despite the fact that there are not enough homes to house immigrants or enough jobs to keep them employed. That is a disaster in the making. Massive immigration numbers drove up the price of real estate and to control that they raised interest rates. Result? Massive and completely unprecedented levels of homelessness. Weak bail policies have flooded the streets with criminals. Idiot drug policies have created a crises of addiction and overdose. These are some of the things leftists have done to my country. I’ll leave you with a story.. Several years ago it was claimed that ground penetrating radar had discovered the bodies of over two hundred aboriginal children outside a residential school. Over sixty churches were burned to the ground by activists as a result. Statues of two queens and of the founding father of our country were torn down and desecrated. Our flag flew at half mast for over half a year and millions were supplied to First Nations so they could do their own searches for more bodies. The problem? The whole story was obvious bullshit from the beginning and several true experts said so at the time. Anyway, such are the sorts of frustrations that will have me and literally every sensible person in the country voting for a populist leader at the first opportunity. And it isn’t because we are not educated enough or lack critical thinking skills. It is precisely the opposite.
@Halbared 13 күн бұрын
Bob on.
@user-wu1dv6jk5s 14 күн бұрын
Nah, you're not considered elite, you are just another gentile, and not a real historian apparently
@marygilbertson9469 14 күн бұрын
The right here in America are pushing for more power than the Magna Carta allowed the King when it comes to immunity I know you're right lack of education is why so many Trump supporters don't even know the history of the Magna Carta Most don't even know the strategy Hitler used to obtain power otherwise they would see how Trump is following a simular strategy
@PalleRasmussen 6 сағат бұрын
Sorry for the late reply; KZbin has not shown all comments.
@ashleystyles6888 14 күн бұрын
In the UK our labour party is governing by maybe 2 percent of the population. We will not comply. I believe labour is extreme right. Socialists. Like 1930s Germany. They're already making statements. Decree 1 arm Ukraine decree 2 rejoin the EU decree 3 fc the UK. And no I don't believe trump is our saviour. Or my government has the interests of my country at heart.
@PalleRasmussen 6 сағат бұрын
"Believe" is the central word here. Do you have evidence? And are you aware that the Nazis were no more socialist than North Korea is Democratic?
@ashleystyles6888 6 сағат бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen I advise you watch one of his speeches without subtitles and converted into English.
@ashleystyles6888 6 сағат бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen I have my doubts about the narrative. It pains me to say this because I served in the RAF 3 times.
@PalleRasmussen 5 сағат бұрын
@@ashleystyles6888 whose?
@progressiveideals 15 күн бұрын
Probably your best non-ferret video yet (or at least not explicitly ferret-oriented). Pretty much spot-on. Sadly, though, here in the U.S., I don't believe that improving the education system would even help. Amongst a sizeable chunk of the populace here there is actually a pride taken in running counter to whatever educated people say. I have a cousin who says it's the Dunning Kruger Effect running wild, which I suppose it could be. I still have people tell me I don't know what the hell I'm doing when I have over 15 years in on my job and a masters degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the world in my field of study.
@PalleRasmussen 15 күн бұрын
@@progressiveideals thank you. Well, he is of course so much cuter and more interesting to look at than me 😉 Not that I am bad, but nothing compares to Glorfindel Evergreen ❤️ Anyway, as Richard Hofstadter has written on, anti-intellectualism runs rampant in the US. For which I again blame the education system. If it taught along the lines of Humboldt's thinking; every American would have tried working and thinking like an academic, if even in a small way. It would enable everyone to recognise the sound principles of thinking and maybe apply them in a small way.
@Blox117 15 күн бұрын
being woke is certainly worse, they dont even know what a woman is. in fact, nonsense like this is way more popular in the us. another problem is that leftists try to push their agenda onto others. for someone like me who just wants to play video games, i dont need to see every shade of color and jen dur running around. and at least people on the right do not censor ideas. and im not talking about fake self serving figures like trump or musk
@SwanLake-2024 20 күн бұрын
The problem in the West is that they have no idea about russia: neither its culture, nor politics, nor sociology. When Ukraine manages to push russhists out, - that would signify the failure of Mr putler. This, in turn, means his influence would drop down to zero. Analogy: a bear (putler) rules over a pack of wolves (oligarchs). When the bear misses, the pack of wolves will attack him. The strongest will get to the top and will have to negotiate with the West to free their assets, drop the sanctions, etc. Russia will either stay in its present borders with a new ruler, or will scale down into a few smaller states. But, with no putler in sight. And with the common obligation to restore Ukraine. So, trust Ukraine: they know what they are doing.
@Ibcurious2Ibcurious2 Ай бұрын
I hate settlement building and use a mod to kill Preston Manning as early as possible in the game. It turns the minutemen hostile but you seldom run into any and they are useless fighters anyway.
@PalleRasmussen Ай бұрын
I like settlement building. I would love to build them up and organise their defence and the pacification of the Commonwealth. BUT I DO NOT WAT TO BE THE ONE RUNNING AROUND TAKING CARE OF PETTY SHIT! Did Eisenhower clear German foxholes in W. Europe?
@bamalam21 Ай бұрын
I seriously hate that fucking lazy trope where your supposed to be the utmost highest rank of whatever organization you are yet your still the one doing all the grunt work and being given orders by a lackey -_-
@psychonautpupildiallater7734 Ай бұрын
Your cope is pathetic……smh 🤡👍
@c.i.3259 Ай бұрын
You'll love Nuka World DLC taking over those former settlements... ;) Also on Nexus there's a mod to put Garvey in jail.
@PalleRasmussen Ай бұрын
Thank you, but that still does not fix the organisation and quest. It could actually have been so much more fun if it was not made assuming we are all six years old and want to run around saving settlers. I have nothing against Garvey's personality- I have a lot against Bethesda's lazy and stupid writing.
@c.i.3259 Ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Guess that exactly hits the nail. It's this endless repeating "all better quests are done" thing to prolong the possible gaming time by the cheapest way possible.
@joythought Ай бұрын
💯. Thank you
@stop-the-greed Ай бұрын
Definitely not a regulation hair cut .
@user-kn3mc9ue1r Ай бұрын
@MrTangolizard 3 ай бұрын
Good to see him playing with other ferrets
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so happy. The other we have tried with has bitten him, and he is too gentle to defend himself.
@MrTangolizard 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen oh no poor thing
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@MrTangolizard fortunately he now has friends who likes him. But yes, you could see how he was trying to be friends, and they would just bite.
@MrTangolizard 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen oh that would break my heart it’s like seeing a kid at school who nobody turns up for his birthday party , but as u say he now has friends
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@MrTangolizard it sort of did. But I try to give him a good life, and now he has friends to play with.
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
My dear boy <3
@TonyDSG 3 ай бұрын
Another non-American saying how we should spend our tax money. Stop larping
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
You spelled; "a military historian, who sees a pattern" wrong. There, I fixed it for you.
@TonyDSG 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen KZbin degrees don’t count buddy. Self proclaimed “historian”
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@TonyDSG just like all other ignorants, you make unsupported statements about things you know nothing about. It is a bit embarrassing though that you did not notice the picture of my certificate from university when you were sniffing around here anyway. Embarrassing, but not surprising; it confirms your ignorance and the effect of Dunning-Krüger well.
@TonyDSG 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Third world education, from a degree mill school. The memes write themselves
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@TonyDSG I am unsurprised that you do not even know what The Third World is, or is unaware of the location of Aarhus. Your insistence on continuing to flaunt that ignorance is slightly surprising; not even the employees at IRA do that. But it is a characteristic of the very dumbest of Americans to be stupidly stubborn in persisting their humiliation. Now go away, and re-enlist in the high school you either dropped out of, or slept through.
@floffywombat9109 3 ай бұрын
@user-tf6yf8lh2z 3 ай бұрын
I used to take mine out for a walk to
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
They really love it so.
@user-gh7uo2sf1w 3 ай бұрын
What kind of animal is this
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
He is a ferret
@MDwesLARL 3 ай бұрын
This video made my day, thank you. :D
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
I am glad to have done so. And so is he, he loves everyone.
@user-lx8tc5sd9g 3 ай бұрын
3일전에 고향에서 본거네 ...
@TeacherinTraining39 3 ай бұрын
Oh, how flippin' good is that! Ferrets and otters are such a treat to watch having fun...
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
He is such a goofy little boy. I have hundreds of videos of him, yet I cannot help film more. He is daddy's boy <3
@idrielbrugger8154 3 ай бұрын
The end is demonic
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@idrielbrugger8154 😀😆 Just digging.
@paultanker5606 3 ай бұрын
G'day to you, what a cutie🤗
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. He is indeed. His daddy's boy ❤️
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
We have a saying. A fool grows rich in thoughts. This is about you!!!
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
Will you fight the way your ancestors fought!!??
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
You didn’t notice your relatives!!?? They, too, dreamed about the whole world like you!!!
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
You keep rambling incoherently about my relatives on several videos. I told you before; do not drink and post. If you persist you will be blocked.
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen You drink it. Because all your forecasts are a military historian. Made while drunk!!?? Why doesn't anything come true!!?? If you were betting on horse races at the racetrack. You would be 100% broke!!!!!
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov you make no sense. I will debate anyone who is factual, rational and makes sense, not rambling, incoherent idiots: Welcome to the "Blocked" list.
@psychonautpupildiallater7734 Ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussenThis video aged well!😂……and you’re full of shit, you DO NOT debate in google faith at all…..smh 🤡👍
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hKvLmKBpfraMbpYsi=greoABhC9UdzAymT At 0:50 this is not your great-grandfather??
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
Remember Poltava. There people like you also thought. That they can command the whole world. And do you remember how it all ended??!!
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
I do not. I may be old, but not that old. I have read about though, and about the Battles of The Masurian Lakes, and also about the Kerensky Offensive. Not to forget how Pilsudski buggered your "great" Stalin and Tuchashewski at Warzaw. Both seem more relevant, as those were the last times Muscowy attacked their western neighbours.
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Your relatives at the parade of "winners" in Moscow in 1944. She showed herself in all her glory!!!! They were shitting themselves in their pants. Right on the go. Then I had to wash off all the feces with the help of machines. Western shit is especially smelly!!!
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Your relatives at the parade of "winners" in Moscow in 1944. She showed herself in all her glory!!!! They were shitting themselves in their pants. Right on the go. Then I had to wash off all the feces with the help of machines. Western shit is especially smelly!!!
@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov 3 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen Do you remember how your family is? The parade in Moscow was organized in 1944. Under the protection of Asians!!?? They were guarding you so that your relatives wouldn't run away!!!
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@Marat_2023_Husnutdinov I am not sure what it is you are rambling incoherently about. May I suggest you lay of the Vodka+ Copium you are an, and go to bed Vatnik? And remember to never drink and post? Though that would remove most Vatniks and make life so much more dull and subject rational people to less insanity.
@progressiveideals 3 ай бұрын
I was watching your live video for a couple free minutes I had while waiting for something but it wouldn't let me comment/chat for some reason. It said something about no comments on content for kids videos.
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
Ah thank you. I am new at this, so I chose "for kids". Next time, I will not. I hope you were entertained by his antics.
@progressiveideals 3 ай бұрын
@PalleRasmussen oh, absolutely. I'm the guy that follows you on both here and Facebook (and have the picture of one of our ferrets as my profile picture).
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@progressiveideals auw that is sweet. Thank you. But then, I have been uncommonly lucky with my ferrets.
@69Jackmix69 3 ай бұрын
Do you use your ferrets to get rabbits with mate?
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@@69Jackmix69 we have almost no wild rabbits in Denmark, so no. He would love to though.
@user-js7wd5ms9z 4 ай бұрын
Тимофей Иванович
@PalleRasmussen 3 ай бұрын
@user-js7wd5ms9z 4 ай бұрын
Принцессы Алиса Васильевна и Василиса Васильевна
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
What do there names mean ? Or are they just names ?
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
Glorfindel is from Tolkien. It means "Goldilocks", sort of, but it is also one of the greatest Elven heroes, who sacrificed himself to safe the refugees from Gondolin from a Balrog, and is granted a second life for it. I have lost many before their time, so I need one who can cheat death. Vimse sort of means "flit" or "flutter", but for a small mammal or housewife, not flying. So to hurry around all over the place. It has no direct English translation, I suspect a connection with whimsical, but I am no linguist.
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen cool Names, I’ve told u before my 2 girls are Boudicca and cleopatra obviously cleopatra needs no explanation but maybe u haven’t head of Boudicca before, she was a east anglian tribal queen from the year AD 60 she fought the romans who occupied us at the time sacked Colchester and was eventually defeated but she’s a British heroine
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
@@MrTangolizard I am a historian, so I guessed that you had chosen "powerful female opponents of Rome". They are no doubt sweet and beautiful girls. I have rarely met a ferret that I did not love.
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen they are really sweet, Cleo is more cuddly she likes to sleep on my chest and is really gentle where as Boudicca is more of a loner and like attention on her terms but has never bitten anyone and is really crazy sometimes as I’ve said before ferrets are very special animals
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
@@MrTangolizard that is how my Franck was. He was a 25% polecat, but he looked and acted like 75% my dear Franck. I miss him terribly.
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
Having the time of his life look at his tail so many different things to smell
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
He is, even though we walk 9 days out of 10, and about half of our walks are in forests, he is having the time of his life every time.
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen definitely u can tell he loves it,unfortunately I only take my girls out 1 time a week on Sundays due to work but as soon as they see there travel bag get placed near the door they get excited and climb all over it or get in it and wait , ferrets are a special animal
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
@@MrTangolizard that they are. Best pet there is ❤️ Give your girls an extra treat today from their Danish species-friend; Glorfindel Evergreen ❤️
@MrTangolizard 4 ай бұрын
@@PalleRasmussen will do , boudica and cleopatra send there love to your handsome boy
@user-cp2el5hl7k 4 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful landscape! And a beautiful language I miss hearing it❤
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
It was a pearl of a small wood we found there. There are many of my videos, where you can hear me talk to my dear boy(s), or come back; we might seem cold, but when you get behind the facade, we are quite friendly.
@RunGodRun 4 ай бұрын
Cute! I used to take mine for walks in the woods, too.
@PalleRasmussen 4 ай бұрын
Thank you. He and his predecessors have certainly stolen my heart. I am glad you took them for walks. It does have a risk of various diseases (I lost four of my six over the years to diseases caught in nature), but they deserve a good and full life while they are with us.
@JulietMazurka 4 ай бұрын
It's just another excuse to stall the aid. The maga freaks don't care about oversight when a Republican is in the Oval Office. They would happily hand Trump more executive powers and freedom from oversight. They agree with him that he should have absolute immunity. Also, if Congress or Republican voters somehow force Johnson's hand as far as Ukraine aid, I assume this push for more "oversight" would serve as a form of intelligence gathering on behalf of Russia.
@shawn9635 5 ай бұрын
I cant watch this..imagine how the ferret feels..💔😢😭
@user-js7wd5ms9z 5 ай бұрын
Василиса Власовна
@user-js7wd5ms9z 5 ай бұрын
Весёлый Влас Васильевич
@user-js7wd5ms9z 5 ай бұрын
Радостный Василий Власович
@PalleRasmussen 5 ай бұрын
What about him? Why are you writing about him on my ferret videos?
@nickisauer9626 5 ай бұрын
No afd. but premium KZbin subskriber.
@UncleStepon 5 ай бұрын
No, no ads. But you definitely have a shovel orc on film.
@PalleRasmussen 5 ай бұрын
Shovel Orc? Strange, I ask because when I accidentally clicked on one myself, I got an add. I hate adds and would not subject the few people watching to them.