Can Parry Stream Guide
2 жыл бұрын
Pingas is Dead
3 жыл бұрын
Tom Tyten Vs Shulk 2-15-21
3 жыл бұрын
Roebby Vs Roy Set Critique 2-15-21
Nintendo Direct Reaction 2-17-21
Pyra Mythra Reveal Reaction
3 жыл бұрын
Tater Vs Cloud Set Critique 2-15-21
Olaf Vs Pikachu Set Critique 2-15-21
Shepard Vs Samus Set Critique 2-8-21
Natty Vs Bowser Set Critique 2-8-21
@DragonMaster1818 2 ай бұрын
30 FRICKIN MINUTES FOR ONLY ONE PART OF DUCK HUNT If you do a supercut itll be longer than one piece
@virgiliovargas3052 2 ай бұрын
Pingas is dick(plural) in Costa Rican Spanish
@UC3rm0aNC4ysyZipDZotXnZA 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! What is Bye-Seal" 's @?
@leafytheleafeon4401 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I tried all of this and Duck Hunt just isnt for me. No matter how many hours I put in. Ive put in weeks of work and yet nothing has come out. Boo womp, skill issue. I cant even play my main any more because I've been focusing on learning on how to sub DH
@CKeys333 2 ай бұрын
It’s a setup character and those are hard to play and if your main is something completely different like a tank then duck hunt is not for you. Try and find a character that fits your play style
@abdullaherol6836 4 ай бұрын
best duckhunt guide
@chancecperez 6 ай бұрын
to anyone wondering, the reticle duping tech got patched out :(
@roundduck1504 7 ай бұрын
@stateyourbuisness1928 8 ай бұрын
What do i do about his god awful end lag on the frisbee
@CKeys333 2 ай бұрын
Only use it to punish moves that have a lot of end lag or use it to protect yourself with its humongous hitbox or edge guard
@turbochop3300 10 ай бұрын
Someone should try to add this to the real game. Seems rather simple, concept wise. (Im making zero assumptions about code. Don't at me.)
@nofxdude89 10 ай бұрын
oh snap!
@tahmago3652 Жыл бұрын
Is there a way to smash attack while bouncing the can around?
@blinkspacestudio8892 Жыл бұрын
I thnk its important to not listen to this at night before you go to bed. If you are susceptible to impressions and let them linger this album can do a number on your head its actually not even funny. It really does take you through some extremely dark places. I stopped just before stage 4 because I could just feel like I wasnt ready and I was totally right.
@kalebanoe6176 Жыл бұрын
Can Duck Hunt also hit himself with his can or can he only hit other characters he fights against?
@kalebanoe6176 Жыл бұрын
What if you try to up b a 3rd time by having one of ur Duck Hunts explosive can near the edge then if you can time or even do it right after you do you’re 2nd up b by hitting urself with ur explosive can. Tell me if you’ve tried something like this and if this might work when you get the chance
@caseydahl1952 Жыл бұрын
the names for the combos are hilarious
@instant7856 Жыл бұрын
Wow very interesting character
@Wyatt_GO Жыл бұрын
Bro that happened to me too lol
@mocopizza Жыл бұрын
@arcreehysteria9805 Жыл бұрын
this actually feels like a really nice tech. How much are dh players using it ?
@kirby260b3 Жыл бұрын
hey can you do a video on slingshot with duck hunt
@rang4889 Жыл бұрын
Really wish this wasnt patched I'm soo sad. I remember practicing it so much I actually was getting frame perfect some times on all the hitboxes. If only we found this after final patch. I COULDVE HAD A FRAME 7 UP SMASH IM SOOO MAD
@Tquo Жыл бұрын
These were the days.
@SuperNintendoChalmers096 Жыл бұрын
Bowser is such an unfair character in every category man. He should be a free Matchup for Duck Hunt, but no
@spritemaker Жыл бұрын
the GOAT of Duck Hunt!
@arcreehysteria9805 Жыл бұрын
I recently learned that this existed and was patched but now after watching this I'm a bit sad at what dh could have been if it had been discovered now that there won't be any more updates
@arcreehysteria9805 Жыл бұрын
Is this something worth practicing ?
@Dawangthang Жыл бұрын
Just will make your D throw to up air kill confirm more consistent. So if you get the grab at the ledge it'll be a pretty reliable setup.
@dylanortiz._. Жыл бұрын
just found your channel bro, quality analysis!!! keep it up bro
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
17:54 you say he needs to lock Can before he can camp behind it. How does one lock Can?
@umzakagordon7808 2 жыл бұрын
Happy to see a new dog guide it's been a long time!
@robiocraft2383 2 жыл бұрын
What do you do from there once you capture the gyro?
@Dawangthang 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I just throw it up since that keeps gyro out of play for the longest. However there are gyro combos you can learn to do and being able to z drop recatch will basically keep it out of their control for a long time. But main thing is having gyro basically does force them to approach you which is the main thing to take advantage of.
@Azianjeezus 2 жыл бұрын
@Azianjeezus 2 жыл бұрын
Man I can't believe it took me days off searching to find this channel. Great great content chief! Just started playing duck hunt a couple days ago from mythra pyra thinking he'd be a secondary, but found him way too fun so he's my main now. Hopefully w your content I'll be a good duck hunt
@Dawangthang 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you're enjoying it!
@nico9901 2 жыл бұрын
I know im 3 years too late but the can shot direction depends on the angle as u said but for the sakurai angle (361) it will only depend on where he’s facing.
@arcreehysteria9805 2 жыл бұрын
poor guy got rekt :(
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
6:46 I would argue Greninja's back air is an incredible ledge trap tool. Since it shifts their hurtbox, they can position themself far from the ledge to avoid any ledge attacks while STILL covering all the options Duck Hunt has. Back air is also a multi hit and lingers for a while to catch getups. Greninja's aerials are all pretty bad for edgeguarding and ledge trapping EXCEPT for back air, which is super good in that niche.
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
This match hurt lol
@arcreehysteria9805 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like there's so much to learn from this single game
@wahey8470 2 жыл бұрын
I gave him sushi at a tournament once and he was truly thankful, nice guy
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
I think in the Greninja matchup there's a lot of stuff which makes it Greninja favored. Greninja’s access to substitute means that Duck Hunt can’t use their can as anything but a stationary setup tool; if Duck Hunt uses can aggressively at midrange, Greninja can easily react with substitute and get a hefty punish. Anywhere beyond midrange, Greninja can evade projectiles easily. Duck Hunt’s power as a zoner lies in option coverage, their ability to lock down their opponent’s movement axes with lingering threats. Greninja doesn’t have to deal with lingering threats like can because substitute completely invalidates slow midrange hitboxes… remember, half of Duck Hunt’s neutral is a slow midrange hitbox (can). Also, amazing video, I love hearing you talk about such a wacky character
@Dawangthang 2 жыл бұрын
This is a pretty big misunderstanding of what can is able to do. The only time it's really going to be covering space as a projectile in this MU is if you're very specifically focused on controlling space in the air and remove those options. Generally you're going to be focusing more on it covering the ground. Toss it out then play near it. If you run forward we can press it to cover the space immediately since the ping comes out frame 1. If you hit it with a shuriken, then it'll be anchored and stay in place which reduces the influence you can have on it. Outside of fair, you don't have any safe ways of playing around shield can unless you're going for a full charge shuriken. As greninja anchoring is something you need to know about since activating it will prevent can from moving with projectile harassment and makes it really easy for DH to get a permanent safe zone to play around and depending where it's placed will determine what part of the stage you're controlling. Anyone that's experienced in the MU also knows pretty easily how to anti air greninja due to the bad frame data unless facing backwards with bair. With can controlling the ground solidly, you can pretty reliably have greninja approach from the air which makes it much easier to open him up. In terms of substitute you're really only getting hit by that if you're just blindly not paying attention to greninja as it is just not a good way to get around a character that controls his projectiles independently outside of CP. Also if you're going for a lot of substitutes that can get baited out easily for a painful CP chain which can lead to kills as early as 60% since you can CP fsmash greninja. Something also to be warry of, I haven't tested it but there is a good chance doing shadow sneak might target gunman or can instead of DH if he's near those objects. So if you use that to zone break you could whiff and get hard punished due to the extra hitlag you'll encounter (not 100% sure if its targeting works like this but isn't uncommon across the cast). In terms of positives for greninja, you're super fast so if the DH does not know your burst range you can zone break him very easily the stage carry him offstage into an edge guard for a kill pretty easily. And if you can pressure him to not setup then you're dealing with an extremely average straight forward character in terms of neutral options which greninja can deal with pretty easily. Just becomes hell in neutral if the DH understands how to setup properly and how to abuse greninja's weaknesses.
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dawangthang damn you wrote a whole ass essay- hold on lemme read this lol
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dawangthang Ok you're totally right. HOWEVER I think that Substitute still shuts down aerial can at midrange! That's not the ideal way to play the matchup though, you're right; if you cover the ground with can, Greninja has a tough time doing anything but aerial approaches. The other thing is that DH's edgeguarding absolutely falls apart vs Greninja sometimes. *Can* isn't a viable way to harass Greninja offstage because Greninja can counter it and send themself way up high or diagonally forward and up.
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dawangthang ALSO, forward air is surprisingly good against shield can. I haven't labbed it out yet but Greninja's fair is huge and I think it might be able to outrange shield can's explosion. Greninja's fair at max range can literally destroy a bob-omb without dealing any damage to Greninja, plus it does amazing shield damage, meaning DH isn't free to shield camp in neutral all the time. That being said, you've totally changed the way I think about this matchup. For the longest time, I thought Greninja absolutely *washed* Duck Hunt, but now I'm reconsidering heavily
@Dawangthang 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cadesworth Another thing you’re forgetting is if you try doing counter off stage and we catch on, we can make the can purposely miss. So we just bait it out and you fall. Also generally you’ll just keep can covering the ledge or keep it for a ledge trap. You can do shadow sneak to hydro so you mostly just focus on covering when they have to hydro. Just in general remember DH can act independently of can and reflect and counter baits is a very normal thing to do. You really only want to save counters as a big mixup, not a common neutral or recovery tool. In terms of fair and Nair, you can max space to avoid the explosion. Like I mentioned though, if you’re aware of how to anti air greninja, you aren’t really worried about the aerials coming at you. You can also ping can outside of your shield area to change the spacing of where the explosion or point of contact will be so greninja will have to anticipate that area. Also the chance that you’re going to find a DH that’s good is extremely low so you should be able to steam role most that you come across lol.
@oilusionistaxd 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, would you play multiversus? There is a character called "tom and Jerry" that maybe fit in you duck hunt playstile
@cris1tophr 2 жыл бұрын
New subscriber
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
"This duck hunt combo is called the Chicken dunks" "We call this Duck Hunt tech the PINGUS" i swear us Duck Hunt mains are the weirdest people in smash 😭
@Cadesworth 2 жыл бұрын
as the meta evolves, I'm excited to see Duck Hunt optimized even further
@justawindspirit 2 жыл бұрын
Hey my "friend" needs help playing duck lick right now help us please
@brownbiscuit4254 2 жыл бұрын
How do you hit the can in the air? Everytime I use the can in the air duck hunt kicks it to far for me to hit it.
@SingingInTheRain2222 2 жыл бұрын
@ao-no-lupus9951 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear things are okey. Best wishes man