@Crossgolld Күн бұрын
Amigo poderia fazer alguns videos mostrando o desemepenho dela em spots, tipo gyffin, robozão ! seria muito bom ver o seu gameplay! tem pouquissimas woosa awk no geral é bem dificil achar conteudo.
@DefinitelyNotCertain Күн бұрын
@@Crossgolld vou tentar, tô sem tempo pra jogar no momento.
@Infidel. 2 күн бұрын
So they liked when they said Awkening Woosa is bad in PvP?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Күн бұрын
@@Infidel. who said that? I didn't get it
@Infidel. 22 сағат бұрын
@DefinitelyNotCertain To be honest, that was back when Woosa Awakening got released
@kyleyu9543 2 күн бұрын
After S+E, enemies usually gets up before I cast Shift Z cause of the S+Lmb, if I cast W+Rmb ans S+Rmb only then I have time to follow up with Shift Z as kd, also in AOS this kd can get resisted. I have trouble casting S+Lmb before the flowers cause it adds time for enemies to get back up and escape before I get a chance to follow up with Shift+Z, not even possible adding Rmb before casting Shift+Z cause it'll cause knockback and immune the enemy for the kd 😭 Also if your enemy has massjve casting debuffs, this is not possible to execute 💔
@DefinitelyNotCertain Күн бұрын
@kyleyu9543 I don't know what you're doing wrong, 'coz I never had problems with these combos. Except when I'm with slows debuffs, most classes can't perform their combos well due to slow debuffs, woosa's isn't different from them.
@DefinitelyNotCertain Күн бұрын
@kyleyu9543 I recommend to try to debuff the target's evasion from afar then, since you have problems linking the RMB before shift Z.
@siyahozmum6381 3 күн бұрын
Hello, thank you for the video. But I’m curious about the situation after the revamp. Would you recommend it for a returning player? How is it in node wars? Thanks again.
@DefinitelyNotCertain Күн бұрын
@siyahozmum6381 I don't actually recommend her for anyone besides the ones that truly like her. If you enjoy her playstyle, aethetics, you should play it then. The recents changes doesn't change anything about her flaws. She's solid. Perform well in large scale scenarios, her x1 is kinda of bad against some classes. Her pve is good on the end game, most spots or all of them she can grind well, not as well as some S+ Tier classes, but well enough. She's comfy, not too much apm, if you enjoy the class then you should play her.
@siyahozmum6381 Күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain Thanks o/
@350z35th 4 күн бұрын
10/10 was glued the whole time
@DefinitelyNotCertain 4 күн бұрын
@@350z35th hahaha' Glad you liked it
@aoihatori25 5 күн бұрын
What is your core skill? Thanks!
@rundevil1234 7 күн бұрын
Can you share your build on AoS please? Thank you!
@DefinitelyNotCertain 7 күн бұрын
@@rundevil1234 Kzarka with elkars Nouver with corrupted Awake with olukas Gryff helmet with human dmg The pink armor with special evasion Bheg's with the critical rate crystal Urugon's with stamina+resist crystals Accessories ALL AP with 1 earring that helps the black spirit rage fills faster. 262 AP total.
@rundevil1234 6 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain Thank you so much for the detailed response!
@AniPinnacle 9 күн бұрын
i saw some ppl say there is a problem with summon dmg in end game pve ? i dont really get it, new player here but didnt wanna invest in a class only to find out it's very bad or smthn so i went with meagu but woosa awk was my first pick but when i looked her up everyone said shes bad ..., can somone explain plz ? and can i change classes later on ?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 9 күн бұрын
The real reason people say that she's bad, it's because they don't know how to properly use her. She's not a monster of a class in terms of power, or anything like that, but in the right scenario or right gameplay she can perform really well. About the summons, there's a huge problem with them in the end game. Because the summon damage doesn't get affected by special damage buffs such as critical damage crystals like corrupted for examples, which is kinda bad, because most of the damaging crystals or artifacts that u can use in a regular classe, you can't with awakening woosa, due to the fact that summon's don't get species and special damage buffs. Also they've a AP cap, i dunno exactly how much is it, but i think it's around 301~309. So basically, even if u have like around 330 AP, your damage will be capped at some level. There's the problem that summon's don't often have critical rate, so with Woosa's you NEED to have the critical rate buffs active when you wanna deal damage. Regardless of anything else, if she is a class that you wanna play with, if u love her, just play it, whatever, you'll manage to make her work. But if you are a meta player or something like that, just stick with Maegu then, it's easier, and probably "better" overall. There's another option as well that is, you can just tag another class and have the exact same gear, and play both classes at any time, for example you literally can have both sisters, Woosa and Maegu. Since you like her so much, play her, and if u wanna be effective or just easy gameplay in either pve ou pvp, just switch to maegu :)
@fabiogflima1 10 күн бұрын
Amigo eu gosto muito da classe, mas assumo que não tenho dedo pra ficar mudando da awk pra succ e vice versa! Da pra jogar somente na Awak?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 9 күн бұрын
Você até consegue jogar com a classe somente no awakening, mas eu não recomendo de forma alguma. Ao abdicar da pré dela, você ta givando MUITA coisa que ela tem a te oferecer. Proteções, CC's, e principalmente burst damage, já que a essência de dar dano com a classe consiste em você setar as flores no awakening, pegar os buffs de taxa crítica, e terminar o combo na pré utilizando um mini burst combo com as sklills de lá, já que elas não tem taxa critica é essencial que você buffe critico no awakening. Se você combar SOMENTE com awakening skills você não vai dar dano 90% das vezes suficiente pra conseguir matar um alvo, fato. As skills que dão dano no awakening são as flores, e elas tem dano atrasado, e precise que o alvo esteja PARADO, ou seja num CC pra você conseguir encaixaer todo o dano, então vc depende das skills da pré pra conseguir dar algum dano além das flores. Por isso a pré awakening é muito necessária, as skills do awk tirando as flores não tem dano suficiente pelo tempo de animação delas. Se você realmente gosta muito da classe, infelizmente vc terá de aprender a usar a pré dela também. No meu guia pvp eu mostro basicamente como se faz, dá uma olhada lá depois.
@christiantorres534 11 күн бұрын
Hi wht artifact and lightstone setup u are using? Please and ty ❤ btw wht crystal setup u are using? Sorry for asking a lot i just dont know crystal setups.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 10 күн бұрын
There’s a timestamp in the video showing exactly what you asked for
@DeimonBlaze 12 күн бұрын
you lock some skills on pre-awak ?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 12 күн бұрын
Just the “F” skill (the kick that buffs AP) Locking this one, can give you a quick swap to awakening directly from the pre awakening kit just pressing F.
@Zecct 13 күн бұрын
Great video man ! can you please tell me what you mean with RMB after W RMB to debuff 90% of the targets eva ? 90 % ? debuff ?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 13 күн бұрын
They added -9% evasion debuff on the “RMB” skill. So, when you are fighting someone that is an evasion, u just add RMB after the W RMB in the regular combo.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 13 күн бұрын
CC > S RMB > S LMB > W RMB > RMB > Shift Z > pre awk burst.
@Zecct 13 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain okay bcs in the video you said 90 not 9 :D was a bit confused there
@Zecct 13 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain how is your experience vs high eva targets with her like gauntles, stiker, mystic and how do you feel about her with the recent dr changes ?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 13 күн бұрын
@@Zecct There’s not much to say, Striker, Mystic is the base counter of magic classes, unless you have a grab, you won’t kill them unless they’re really bad, and specially with awk woosa, it’s really difficult to cc them due to their excessive super armors, plus, she’s not that great to deal damage without a CC, because of the flowers being stationary. Regardless of the issues, she can deal lots of damage in evasion targets with these new buffs. She can deal with them, but there’s a problem, even after the balance, she’s still a squishy class, so compared to before, I indeed can tank more, the SF/Space +20 DR is a good thing they did, but at the of the day, she’s just a mage. she’s definitely better than before for sure.
@taggararu 13 күн бұрын
thank you so much!!!! :D
@DefinitelyNotCertain 13 күн бұрын
@Hriq 14 күн бұрын
Passada com o english da gata... apesar do texto lido hahaha ' anyways, parabéns.
@joaorizzieri2759 14 күн бұрын
Muito massa seu guia, estou tentando usar a awk, mas esta um pouco complicado principalmente no tumulo do pensamento, ja usou ela neste spot? poderia dar dicas de como se comportar? sinto que falta um pouco de proteção para este spot
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
Ela performa melhor que a sucessão em DKZONA, mas de fato, em questão de proteção ela peca em relação à suc por falta de guardas frontais durante o combo. O que você pode fazer é se mover de acordo com o combo pra tentar negar mais dano. Você pode usar o "combo pre-awk", esse combinho da mais dano que usar o Shift Esquerdo ou o Shift F do awakening, mas requer swaps pra pré, e aumenta um pouco o APM da classe, mas aí é questão do que você prefere, lembrando que assim você casta mais guardas frontais também, o que nega dano, e pode utilizar o shift Esquerdo do awakening sempre que necessário.
@DR3AMza 14 күн бұрын
wow! I'm impressed! never saw any woosa awk that good!
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
Haha thanks, you should check it out the Montage II, I think it's better than this one :P
@ennyb2820 14 күн бұрын
meagu can use same crystal?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
No. Awakening Woosa do not benefit from a lot of special damage, and species damage, so offensive crystals are not worth it. But any other class can use whatever they want. If u play suc maegu, u probably should use human damage crystals and stuff like that. Suc Woosa uses a whole different crystals than awakening woosa's for example. I don't recommend this setup for another class.
@ennyb2820 14 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain Suc meagu use all human damage and ATK right?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
@@ennyb2820 Depends on your playstyle, but since she's ranged, generally ranged classes uses offensive crystals such as, 4 human damage, corrupted, olukas, vipers, elkars.. But you can play more defensive with her as well, you're the one who decides.
@ennyb2820 14 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain OK thanks you very much!!
@Nekkros95 14 күн бұрын
Muito bom seu vídeo amigo, sempre legal ver alguém extrair o potencial de uma classe tão rara de ser ver quanto Wu-Sa awk ainda mais no nosso server, a awk parece ser uma classe que brilha mais no end-game... Pode confirmar isso? Me dá a impressão de que o casting dela foi buffado, foi mesmo ou é só impressão? O que pode me falar da classe num geral, spots que vc acha que ela mais brilha, quais os 'pros' e 'contras' dela, e como vc compararia ela com a succ? Em termos de qual se saí melhor no mid e end-game... etc.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
O casting dela permanece o mesmo, é que eu casto as skills em uma ordem específica que eu descobri que as skills fluem muito melhor umas com as outras. Em relação à sua contraparte sucessão, early game meio que as duas performam bem, com a sucessão sendo minimamente superior. Mid game, definitivamente a sucessão. End game, ambas performam bem, mas a sucessão no geral performa melhor, mas não é tão discrepante. Há Spots como Dkzona(Devoreka cinto) que a awakening performa melhor que a sucessão. Spots como Yzrahid, a awakening consegue dar 1 fase na perna, o que faz com que ela consiga bater 40k+. Olun Dekia, Gyffin underground ela é muito boa também. O contra da woosa awakening eu diria ser, spots onde precise de mais guarda frontal devido a muito dano, coisa que a sucessão tem melhor. E de Pros, ela é tão boa quanto a sucessão, é mais questão de preferência, principalmente no END GAME, é bem tanto faz qual das duas você decide escolher. Eu jogo com ambas, mas eu majoritariamente jogo de awakening, e opto por ela o tempo todo kk
@frozn-mango 15 күн бұрын
its always fun to play with and against you :) gf mate
@DefinitelyNotCertain 15 күн бұрын
Oh, would you mind saying your nickname? I’d like to know who are u. Gf anyways
@frozn-mango 15 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain My family name is Mudrets idk If you remember me
@DefinitelyNotCertain 15 күн бұрын
@@frozn-mango I think I don’t, I play a lot of games, it’s difficult to remember names :x sry, it’s nice to see someone that I have fought tho
@frozn-mango 15 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain hahaha np
@user-xv2we1ph5r 15 күн бұрын
@DarknessReleased 16 күн бұрын
Could you tell me how she is after DR patch?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 13 күн бұрын
I think she’s okay, nothing changed that much. She’s resisting more like everybody else, but at the of the day she’s a squishy class. But I think she’s dealing a bit more damage compared to before.
@OO-ct4hq 16 күн бұрын
I stopped playing woosa but awake woosa is definitely slept on. It has a lot of potential.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
She’s great if you know how to properly use her
@drcoowhip 16 күн бұрын
Can you explain the combos based off skjll names since im console? Or KZbin shorts could help too
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
There’s the skills icons in the UI, in the exact order that I press them when i’m doing the combos in the training arena. Rewatch it and if you still don’t get it, I can make a youtube shorts for you.
@drcoowhip 16 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain thanks i just know that theres some console people that want to make it work so i think the shorts or something similar will help out in the long run
@deloresjackson2161 5 күн бұрын
​@@DefinitelyNotCertain yea can we get that short because I can't tell what skills they are
@bwitchedtno 16 күн бұрын
I’m no teacher, so now I can direct ppl to you instead of them asking for Awk Woosa help from me 😂 ggs man
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
hahaha, send them to me, I’ll try to help everyone as I can.
@thatdudelust821 13 күн бұрын
I learned from both of you lol
@Gedientos 16 күн бұрын
Muy buena guía genio. Voy a probar la wusa awk a ver qué tal va 👌🏻
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
Juubee já testou e amou, recomendo.
@rinkyou3277 16 күн бұрын
In combo 2, won't the enemy get up before the flower explodes?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
No. If u pay attention there’s 2 clips demonstrating that combo when I’m talking about it, in both clips all flowers already explodes, and the enemy is supposed to get up at the end of the shift lmb or shift f animation. Like I said, sometimes it’s not enough damage to kill, so in one of the clips, I kill the maegu in the Shift Q after the shift lmb from awakening.
@rinkyou3277 15 күн бұрын
​​@@DefinitelyNotCertainNo matter how many times I see it When the W RMB line effect (flower) appears and When S RMB flowers are exploding after disappearing The doll appears to be Stand up. I feel like these flower damage can be escaped after the combo ends.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 15 күн бұрын
@@rinkyou3277 sometimes they indeed can scape but, it doesn't matter anyway, the combo 2 is just an example of how to combo so the CC won't be wasted. The ideal scenario is to cc in awakening stance, so you can perform her best combo, or CC with ShiftQ. If u cc with ShiftQ u can dash cancel the skill, swap to awakening with Flow: Seocheon Field, then follow the combo 1 from S+RMB etc.
@chottomatekudasai-kun3887 16 күн бұрын
Just in time when I decided to play her!!! Thanks!!!
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
oohh, that’s perfect! I hope you like the class.
@lifescaption 16 күн бұрын
Love it! Keep it up, love seein a slept on spec/class perform :D
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
i’m glad you liked it!
@martSH90 17 күн бұрын
Nice video!, crystals?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
It's in the PVP GUIDE in the description or at the end of the video.
@mountain1331 19 күн бұрын
Can you break down your second cc combo for me please?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
PVP GUIDE: kzbin.info/www/bejne/n6SynnV9qKyho7c
@wolftn9995 19 күн бұрын
addons plzzzzzzzz
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
It's in the PVP GUIDE in the description or at the end of the video.
@LuanGMacarini 19 күн бұрын
seja meu mestre :(
@DefinitelyNotCertain 19 күн бұрын
@selvariablackmoore3420 19 күн бұрын
Whats your opinion about a last patch (eva/dr/hits rework)?
@taggararu 21 күн бұрын
I'd love to see a pvp guide when you have time :)
@DefinitelyNotCertain 21 күн бұрын
It'll be done I guess until next monday.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
@bwitchedtno 23 күн бұрын
👏🏻 gang gang!
@chottomatekudasai-kun3887 25 күн бұрын
I don't see you using a/d + rmb knockback into 2nd hit of s+lmb knockdown as a catch, it's just not worth it even in 1v1/ small scale?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 24 күн бұрын
It's an option, but I personally don't like to use it, only because it's 100% unprotected. I've already got lots of kills with that catch, but it's really difficult to use it depends on the enemy class, specially if they have a ranged cc, like DOD from Sorceress'. The class is too flawed due to it's lack of protection, and most of the time I get CCed and die.
@AkisameToji 29 күн бұрын
o que te fez mudar de awk sorc pra awk woosa?
@DefinitelyNotCertain 27 күн бұрын
Eu estava entediado de jogar com a classe, e estava procurando uma nova experiência. Sempre gostei da Woosa no geral, desde seu lançamento, e sempre gostei da estética do awakening, devido ao livro, visualmente acho espetacular, e nunca entendia por quê ninguém a usava. Quando comecei a jogar com ela, entendi o porquê da classe não ser tão popular. No geral ela é bem medíocre em quase tudo que se propõe, e bem esquisita de se jogar. A classe é toda desengonçada, e travada, mas aprendendo a jogar com ela e seus "macetes", ela se torna perfeitamente jogável, apesar dos pesares. Em resumo é isso, gosto da classe, decidi jogar e aprende-la, independente de qualquer coisa!
@AkisameToji 27 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain você recomendaria algum guia para ajudar a entender a classe? tenho o mesmo sentimento que você pela classe e pelo estilo (arte, visuais) e queria entender melhor esses "macetes"
@DefinitelyNotCertain 27 күн бұрын
​@@AkisameTojiNão conheço nenhum guia de fato bom. Tudo que aprendi foi sozinho jogando mesmo e testando. O que você pode fazer, é ver meu guia pve, e ler os comentários do meu vídeo pvp 1 e 2. Tem muitas explicações sobre a classe.
@AkisameToji 27 күн бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain muito obrigado
@eneskonuk7621 Ай бұрын
which gpu are u using
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
@eneskonuk7621 Ай бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain You get good fps with good graphics. How is it possible with 1660?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
@@eneskonuk7621 With AMD Fidelity Activated ingame, I get around 100 stable FPS in combat. There's not much to say here, it's just a 1660 with a Ryzen 5 3600.
@bwitchedtno Ай бұрын
#teamAwkWoosa 😂 nice to see another Awk Woosa, who knows to use her properly and kickin ass, too. GGs!
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
It's nice to see another awk woosa main and it's also rare. <3
@antonymiranda6293 Ай бұрын
Esperando evento de link pra voltar nela dnv. Sempre paro e volto kkkk
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
Te entendo. Estou atualmente 'preso' na sorcerer, mas não posso linkar outra classe, pois meu atual main é a Woosa Awk(Linkada), sad
@luizbr21022001 Ай бұрын
Caralho nunca vi alguém jogar assim de Woosa!?
@lifescaption Ай бұрын
EZ sub; the spec has its shortfalls, but feel like its woefully undervalued.
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
She's definitely not appreciated enough
@mountain1331 Ай бұрын
Wow! Do you use S+RMB as your second cc (knockdown)?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
Nope. The S+RMB doesn't even have a knockdown CC on it. I always extend my combos with Shift+Z (knockdown Rabam) or F (NetherStrike). The S+RMB > S+LMB + W+RMB part of the combo is just for the traps, bombs, addons, buffs, and debuffs. Since S+RMB and W+RMB are delayed damage (trap), I need to cast them immediately after I get an enemy CC. I cast them in this specific order because the skills cancel within themselves: S+RMB (trap + addon of -DP and Bleed) S+LMB (20 AP buff + ACC/-Eva addons) W+RMB (critical rate buff 50% + 30% critical rate and Human damage addons) After these three skills, I extend the combo with Shift+Z (if available) and finish the combo in pre-awakening, using Shift+F (down attack and crit damage addons) > Shift+E > S+LMB > Shift+LMB. If Shift+Z is on cooldown, I can extend the combo in awakening using NetherStrike (F) and fillers like Shift+LMB/Shift+F for additional damage (though this probably won't be enough to kill, as awakening skills don't deal enough damage besides the traps). So, the best scenario for awakening Woosa is to play around the Life Lure (Shift+RMB) and Flow: Seocheon Field (RMB after Life Lure) bombs as a zoning area. If you CC someone with these bombs or with another skill like S+E (pretty common), you can just follow the combo as I described earlier. By the way, the W+RMB delayed Knockdown is a "make sure" that the enemy will get extended as a second knockdown CC, right after Shift+Z or F if they resist it.
@kyleyu9543 29 күн бұрын
​@@DefinitelyNotCertainwow thanks for a detailed explanation! I was wondering why you cast W+RMB later than the usual W+RMB>RMB (S+RMB) for easier input. I'll considsr this situation too and work around her combo
@jorgefernandezgomez2965 Ай бұрын
Thanks :)
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
you're welcome!?
@mrpheusnva Ай бұрын
Brother compartilha as addons
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
Da uma olhada no vídeo 2, está na descrição. Nele mostra addons/artefatos/cristais e gear que uso.
@TheAmyMine Ай бұрын
Great video, what combo do you use? Did you make a guide for pvp?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
It's difficult to exemplify combos with the Awakening Woosa, but I can try to explain how her damage works. You need to adapt to the CC/Cooldown time of her abilities and combos. As seen in the video, most "catch CC" occurs in S+E (Awakening). An example of a combo would be: CC > Bombs from W+RMB, S+RMB, and AP Buff from S+LMB, extension with knockdown (Shift Z, which also transitions to pre-awakening), and you finish the combo with Shift F > Shift E > S LMB > Shift LMB. The inputs are: SE > S RMB > S LMB Left > W RMB > Shift Z > Shift F > Shift E > S LMB > Shift LMB. If it's a pre-CC, like SE, Shift Z, E, WE, you can use some of these abilities like SF - Shift F - Shift E, and extend with F (kick), then use S RMB > S LMB > W RMB, and finish with Shift LMB or Shift F from Awakening. Finishing the combo in Awakening is not ideal, but you need to combine the bombs and get the critical rate buff so she can deal damage with the flowers and the pre-awakening kit, because those skills don't have a critical rate. Therefore, 50% critical rate from W+RMB, 30% from the Add-ons, and 18% from the passive result in a 98% critical rate. It's very important to maintain critical rate buffs during the combo. In general, what you always try to do is get a CC, combine the bombs/critical rate buff, extend with Shift Z, and finish in pre-awakening because the Awakening skills don't deal enough damage to kill. And i haven't done a guide yet, but I'll make one soon.
@lorenzoberga6284 Ай бұрын
Damn, thanks for the insight​@@DefinitelyNotCertain
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
@TheAmyMine Ай бұрын
Great video, what combo do you use? Did you make a guide for pvp?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
It's difficult to exemplify combos with the Awakening Woosa, but I can try to explain how her damage works. You need to adapt to the CC/Cooldown time of her abilities and combos. As seen in the video, most "catch CC" occurs in S+E (Awakening). An example of a combo would be: CC > Bombs from W+RMB, S+RMB, and AP Buff from S+LMB, extension with knockdown (Shift Z, which also transitions to pre-awakening), and you finish the combo with Shift F > Shift E > S LMB > Shift LMB. The inputs are: SE > S RMB > S LMB Left > W RMB > Shift Z > Shift F > Shift E > S LMB > Shift LMB. If it's a pre-CC, like SE, Shift Z, E, WE, you can use some of these abilities like SF - Shift F - Shift E, and extend with F (kick), then use S RMB > S LMB > W RMB, and finish with Shift LMB or Shift F from Awakening. Finishing the combo in Awakening is not ideal, but you need to combine the bombs and get the critical rate buff so she can deal damage with the flowers and the pre-awakening kit, because those skills don't have a critical rate. Therefore, 50% critical rate from W+RMB, 30% from the Add-ons, and 18% from the passive result in a 98% critical rate. It's very important to maintain critical rate buffs during the combo. In general, what you always try to do is get a CC, combine the bombs/critical rate buff, extend with Shift Z, and finish in pre-awakening because the Awakening skills don't deal enough damage to kill. And i haven't done a guide yet, but I'll make one soon.
@bobnorman3094 Ай бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain this was really insightful, I look forward to the guide because I am getting my ass handed to me in GL but really don't want to swap to succession e.e
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
@@bobnorman3094 Technically, you don't need to wait for a guide, because everything I would say in a guide video is already here in the comments section of both videos, part 1 and part 2. In the PVE video guide, there's information on movement, swaps, and PVP videos. Plus, what I mentioned in the comments between these videos together already forms the guide. You can clearly see in the PVP videos the swaps I showed in the PVE guide, and the same movement. In the comment section, I already explain how I make the combo in every scenario and describe how I actually play with her
@bobnorman3094 Ай бұрын
@@DefinitelyNotCertain cool beans, i'll have a look later on.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 16 күн бұрын
PVP GUIDE: kzbin.info/www/bejne/n6SynnV9qKyho7c
@xfernandesy6120 Ай бұрын
Guide PVP ?
@DefinitelyNotCertain Ай бұрын
When I have the time, I can manage to do one.
@DefinitelyNotCertain 14 күн бұрын
@sagatarrrr Ай бұрын
p p
@SkyLiiiin3 Ай бұрын
Notaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ......................... 10 !