Good Clean Fight   Taylor Burgoyne
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Community Partners Highlight
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Shirley Yu - Spiritual Direction
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Zeph Halsey - God and Football
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40 Years of Community Partners Highlight
Worship Service September 22, 2024
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Community in God's Image   Meghan DeJong
Worship Service September 15, 2024
Remember Who You Are   John Mury
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Worship Service   September 8, 2024
I wanna dance with somebody   Dave Swaim
@Anonymous-e3c8y 2 сағат бұрын
@phinney2024 2 күн бұрын
So much worldly attitude in me regarding anger and so avoidant and scared of God’ anger. Thanks for the reminder that God’s anger is rooted in love, for our good, for our good! Let us guard our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus and do not be worshippers of this world. May we have the wisdom as when to teach and guide and when to let go when we see others replacing errors with errors, especially those who are so dear to our hearts. Thank you!
@JP-bn2ct 2 күн бұрын
Thanks, love from Texas!
@phinney2024 3 күн бұрын
Was soaked in some sadness and anger, very quietly in the background…definitely hijacked by all kinds of false thinking. While being familiar with v.26 all these years and trying not to give the devil a foothold...yet so lacking the power to live it out. This devo draws me back to the power source… to remember that God has chosen me, that I am His. Appreciate the emphasis on being kind, to be “tenderhearted” towards one another. Reminded again that this life is really not about me, it’s about loving one another and being faithful to God. Thank you!
@HighrockOnline 2 күн бұрын
Your struggle is one I have often experienced myself. Let's keep reminding one another that Jesus gives us a better way! - John
@phinney2024 3 күн бұрын
We are the church, we are the body of Christ. It didn’t occur to me how much what I wear influences the sense of my own identity. Love the admonition to know our old self while taking on the new one - to guard ourselves against voices from the dark. So much to learn from each other! Thank you!
@phinney2024 4 күн бұрын
Definitely have benefited from APEST gifts, the Daily Devo is one of the many examples of how we are equipped to work together as one to reach out to a lost and hurting world. And definitely need to guard myself against the idea of me standing on the sideline watching and cheering the APEST gifts to do ministry. We all are to live out the fullness of our calling. Thank you!
@atee6331 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing the Greek translation Pastor Dave, that really deepens the understanding of the true meaning this passage. And thank you Pastor John for that closing prayer ~ it truly spoke to me. Peace & Blessings🙏🏽
@phinney2024 5 күн бұрын
Thank you God for the invitation to join you in reaching out to the world. You endow us each with spiritual gifts to accomplish spiritual purposes. Grateful for your gifts/grace, as your treasure our relationship with you and partnership in your story. I also love what Pastor Meghan said yestredy about unity, compared to singing in harmony, but not in uniformity. That’s very clarifying. Appreciate the children-offering-to help analogy - to join God in missions and be transformed, as an individual and as God’s church. Thank you!
@atee6331 7 күн бұрын
Very timely message… Thank You @Pastor Meghan! I’ve been praying for God to lead me to a place of belonging. From the outside, I may give the appearance of someone who doesn’t question my own value and ability to easily insert myself into a new community, yet on the inside ~ I have lots of insecurities about these things. Maybe I’ve been more concerned about my “individual legacy,” rather than the “collective legacy” as you speak of. Thank you again; I appreciate your message, supporting text and relatability. 🙏🏽
@phinney2024 9 күн бұрын
Another encouraging devo! May we be filled with the full measure of Christ love, experience being loved, filled with God’s fullness, experience the power, and living a life what it’s meant to be. Not living the misled, mis-guided small lives! May we be given the courage to love and be loved, giving glory to God together as God’s family and loving one another more and more like Jesus! Thank you!
@atee6331 9 күн бұрын
Father God, I pray for your guidance as I seek to be the greater part of “THE ME that reflects the fullness of YOU”🙏🏽
@phinney2024 9 күн бұрын
Such an encouraging devo. First to expand from a realistic view of the church made up of imperfect humans, to the exhilarating view of the church as the bride of our God, his love, tearing down all barriers to one humanity. Then Paul, from Chief Persecutor to Chief Champion, as such a testimony to God’s transformational and redemptive power working in every human. Instead of getting stuck in a lifelong regret of some of our past, to believe in God’s power and endless treasures, to hold on to the trust that God can bring redemption, turning pain into power, and bringing beauty and goodness out of ashes….. Thank you!
@phinney2024 10 күн бұрын
Yes, how miraculous it is that we are part of the same family with everyone around the world. We are in not because of who we were but based on what God has done for us - we are all invited into the family through Christ. So let us all have the heart of God, make space, make sacrifices and invest resources to welcome people in, to reveal this mystery to others. Thank you!
@phinney2024 11 күн бұрын
It’s embarrassing coming back from the Dealer having got into some tension/unfriendly talk with the Body Shop Manager and then listening to this devo. Definitely broken relationship! Will ask God’s guidance to write back an email to him, to extend appreciation and kindness. God is binding all the believers together and make us into a temple where we can enjoy God's presence. And my love needs to be extended to all people too. So much to grow and learn! Thank you!
@phinney2024 12 күн бұрын
Jesus broke down the barrier - the wall of hostility - we are one people, of one church. This devo gave me a new understanding and intensity of what Paul was addressing to the Ephesians. May we recognize that it’s ok that we may not be comfortable with everyone around us, yet be determined to reach out beyond our comfort zone to love and care for other people. Thank you!
@phinney2024 15 күн бұрын
Everyone of us is God’s poem, God’s masterpiece, carefully crafted. We have been adopted into God’s family by grace, created for a purpose to do good things, together to reflect God’s wonder and goodness. This is so rich. God is love. Thank you!
@phinney2024 17 күн бұрын
“But God…”, what an encouraging and wakening phrase to carry along on this journey of life - God’s incredible wealth of grace and kindness towards us. We’re dead in our sins, and we’re now united with Christ and in Christ. Appreciate the image of the U-shaped theology. And yes, let’s go to be who we are, let us be the person who God has made us to be, experience and share God’s mercy. Thank you!
@phinney2024 17 күн бұрын
It’s so true that we can easily lose our gratitude and hope. God’s plan is to put everything under the authority of Christ and the call for community with Christ being the center. We are created for purpose. Will definitely pray through Ephesians 1:15-23 this week. Exciting about the image of my heart being flooded with light. As I pray, let me catch the grand vision and purpose of Jesus. Thank you!
@phinney2024 19 күн бұрын
Still chewing on the correct interpretation of predestination….seems pretty straight forward yet so easy to fall off the right path…. God wants the whole world to come to him, will we choose God? Thankful for the assurance and the gifts of the Spirit. May we partner with the Spirit who will grow within us and bring us to life. May we use our gifts for Godly purpose. Thank you!
@phinney2024 19 күн бұрын
God loves us. God wants us. God delights in us. It is so true that we often reflect our image in our understanding of God. Need to shake off the wrong theology on this, and to remember that it gives God great pleasure to love us. He likes me even though I don’t like myself sometime! We are created in God’s image. We are to reflect that image, not just ourselves, but also in our relationship with others, especially in difficult relationships, and join the dance! Thank you!
@phinney2024 22 күн бұрын
So refreshing to think of our needs as opportunities to love and be loved. And when feelings and emotions are calling out for attention, instead of numbing them or walking away from them, we can look deep to ourselves and up to God to see what “Yes” God is inviting us to. And be Spirit-controlled! Thank you so much for such an encouraging sermon and devo series on “The Fruit of the Spirit”. I have learned a lot in the last few weeks, will ask the Spirit to help me get in touch with my inner self and hold on to and claim God’s blessings and promises. A Spirit-minded being to love myself and others more, just like Jesus. Thank you!
@phinney2024 23 күн бұрын
Appreciate the analogy of “No” being like a muscle that if we do not exercise it, it would become weak. And yes, it makes so much sense that listening to and following God in daily small moments trains us to listen to and follow God in the big moment. May we avail ourselves of Jesus power and promises daily, be trained and accomplish what we cannot by simply trying on demand. Thank you!
@phinney2024 25 күн бұрын
God is faithful and will show us a way out when we fall, as many have fallen throughout history. Appreciate the sandwich analogy, that humility is having the proper appreciation of who we are, not to be over-confident nor to think very little of ourselves. Prayerfully we can grow recognizing our humanity, taking care of ourselves and pay attention to our needs, to be in the proper space to resist the devil and temptations With God’s grace and mercy to embrace the full life through Jesus. Thank you!
@barbprescott303 25 күн бұрын
This is the first scripture I ever intentionally memorized and it has helped me so much in my walk with the Lord.
@phinney2024 26 күн бұрын
“Saying no to the world so that we can say yes to God…” and a transformation process through the Spirit, not by human effort. Transformed as we are called to live and sacrifice for those that we love, to serve them. A living life of constant death with Christ - key to a full life! I realized I have got a little numb about the image of the cross, this devo renews the much-needed appreciation - the center of our faith, true worship. Another lesson on loving others like Christ. Lord, help us! Thank you!
@eastwindstudios 27 күн бұрын
Bless you
@phinney2024 29 күн бұрын
Appreciate the reference to “hunger of our lives”, not just physical hunger, where we are most vulnerable. HALT also reminds me to be sensitive and attentive to another person when they have any HALT condition. Right ends/wrong means is so deceiving and alarming, so much misuse and misinterpretation of the text. Really needs to be on guard and treat scripture with reference and care. Thank you!
@phinney2024 Ай бұрын
I have not thought about how Jesus is the only one on earth who has experienced the full force of temptation, for he did not give in while completing every single resistance. So he understands us FULL well as we face temptations. Jesus came to show us the way and show us who God is. And God understands us because Jesus has experienced it all. What a comforting and moving recognition. May we have much greater appreciation of how Jesus understands us and say yes to his invitation every single day! Thank you!
@JP-bn2ct Ай бұрын
Thanks, love from Texas!
@phinney2024 Ай бұрын
Caring about other people, attending to their hearts, curious about where their behavior or viewpoints coming from, and curious about our own motivation - really loving this Fruit of the Spirit series. A consistent theme of wisdom - understanding our own and others’ trigger points, be aware of the enemy behind the scene, slow down and run to the Spirit. Love expressed through gentleness. Thank you!
@phinney2024 Ай бұрын
May we learn from Jesus as a young ox paired up/ yolked together with an experienced, wiser, stronger and more powerful ox. The passion to learn! And the implications of being a young ox or a sheep - different settings, different space and different analogy. The text is really so lively and rich. May we travel together with our Jesus, reflect on the power that God has given us, and use that towards healing and not punishing/harming, attending to the hearts of everyone around us. Thank you!
@phinney2024 Ай бұрын
Love to think of gentleness as proper use of our strength, how through the spirit to properly exercise our strength. That violence is not limited to physical force, but truly applicable to emotional and social force. Appreciate the analogy of the minimal effective dosage of medicine. May God give us the opportunities to heal than to harm, that we exemplify gentleness in our relationship with others, see and use the power that we do have. Thank you!
@barbprescott303 Ай бұрын
Sticks band stones will break my bones, but words will break my heart. I find this to be so true.
@Peteroranje Ай бұрын
"There's a kind of power that most of us deny we even have, therefore we don't submit that power to the Holy Spirit". These are deep and wise words, thank you. Enjoying these devotionals.
@tammydesola Ай бұрын
Thank you for this lovely message!
@karenmeneghini948 Ай бұрын
🌟 Anxiety about the future is the enemy of generosity in the present. 🌟
@atee6331 Ай бұрын
I’ve enjoyed participating in sermons presented by Pastor Meghan; the real life examples she shares ~ truly helps the message to be more relatable to self. Thank you Pastor Meghan🙏🏽
@athensf Ай бұрын
This is like time travel - I mean look at Dave's hair :P 🤣
@JP-bn2ct Ай бұрын
Hello Highrock, what a great devo today, greetings from Texas!
@PinkStrawberries11 Ай бұрын
Such a shame this video doesn't have more views, likes or comments. Thank you for this, I've just started reading the Bible and this was very helpful 🙏🏼
@Bea-o5e Ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor Tammy for a beautiful, wonderful sermon. God’s Spirit is powerfully working within you and I could feel His presence in Arlington yesterday as you preached to our congregation. And I love the prayer at the end! Praise Him to whom all blessings flow🙏
@JP-bn2ct Ай бұрын
Hello, and thanks, from Texas ❤
@JP-bn2ct 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, love from Texas! ❤
@atee6331 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this juxtaposition of thought Pastor Swaim; exercising patience, and thus pausing to consider the connotation of words, creates a clearer understanding of these verses and what God “really” means.
@nanalinda2020 2 ай бұрын
Perfect instructions for how to live! 🙌🏻
@sarahrobbins-cole1974 2 ай бұрын
So good - thank you
@sarahrobbins-cole1974 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ashleypitts3656 2 ай бұрын
Drills like a hockey coach
@Epic-high 2 ай бұрын
Awesome format ❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you😊
@clincoln777 2 ай бұрын
Great conversation guys, but please ask Dave to backup off the camera a bit, 🤣