The Next Messiah Will be the Sun of Maryam The Enlightened Feminine That Will Restore the Feminine Principle in the Church ❤️ 💚 💜
@ribeirojorge50644 ай бұрын
I Am the Whole I Am the Whole I Am the Whole and I Am Not the Nothing I Am Peace I Am Love I Am the Fury and I Am the Rage I Am the Lover CareGiver ❤️ 💚 💜 I Am the Fury that Veils the Sacred
《青玉案》- 元夕 張彬彬 英譯 East wind in the dark blossomed into thousands of blooming trees And puffed out showers of stars to flee. Fine chariots drawn by cherished horses gave forth pleasing aroma en route. Ringing hymns echoed from the melodic air of the flute. The lantern of revolving jade-pot shed its full light. The fish lamp danced with the dragon lamp all night. Stylish ladies in gold costumes of butterfly and willow, Chuckles floating, the secret savor of their fragrance flowed. Seeking her thousands of times She was right there while turning my head on the dime, Where lights were dim, and vibes so grim.* 《青玉案》- 元夕 宋 辛棄疾 原詞 東風夜放花千樹,更吹落,星如雨。 寶馬雕車香滿路。鳳簫聲動,玉壺光轉,一夜魚龍舞。 蛾兒雪柳黃金縷,笑語盈盈暗香去。 眾裡尋他千百度,驀然回首,那人卻在,燈火闌珊處。 * 清代彭孫遹《金粟詞話》:稼轩:“驀然回首,那人却在,燈火闌珊處。”秦、周之佳境也。 * Bing's Footnote: China's rapid rising out of an isolated political theater in the past and our longing for a promising motherland share a similar sentiment!