Elysée 2012, la vraie campagne
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Poussins nés le 21 avril 2012
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Partouze entre oies et canards!
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The border
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14 жыл бұрын
Beulemans 1978.avi
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Beulemans 1967
14 жыл бұрын
@But_alors_You_are_French 2 ай бұрын
"c'est con une foule, ça suit le plus dingue et il y en a toujours un de dingue... ;-) " toute ressemblance avec l'actualité est purement fortuite ;-)
@Ahmed_Sahmadi 3 ай бұрын
Métrage d'une violence insoutenable Mocky nous envoie un message sous la forme d'un coup de poing. Serrault, immense comédien Est Rico, glaçant et terrifiant de haine et de violence ne demandant qu'à imploser Cela est la fièvre des samedis soirs dans les stades des faubourgs Cela est un film d'une violence inouïe Cela est une dénonciation sans compromis Ps. À déconseiller aux personnes sensibles.
@michelsmet2611 4 ай бұрын
Extrait de la version sans contestation la meilleure !
@lolodu62980 4 ай бұрын
une grosse merde ce (film)
@nicolascovas1306 Жыл бұрын
Vive ma p'tite Belgique ! Je suis d'origine portugaise mais je garde au fond de mon cœur une merveilleuse belgitude ...
@montseportugal5118 Жыл бұрын
@mariefrancebonnefoy7988 Жыл бұрын
C est un vieux 🎥 provoquateur
@blondellemarie-jeanne3845 Жыл бұрын
Unique ! On est fier d être Belges avec des acteurs patoisants aussi extras.
@madwill 2 жыл бұрын
Découvrez mon retour sur À mort l'arbitre dans l’émission Millésime 1984 : kzbin.info/www/bejne/fmqXaIiKhNiInac / J’aborde également dans cette vidéo : Rue barbare, Canicule, La Diagonale du fou, Marche à l'ombre… SI vous aimez ma chaine, mes vidéos, n’hésitez pas à vous abonner pour m’aider à continuer l’aventure.
@micka1330 3 жыл бұрын
0:17 franck passi ?????
@muchethibaut8376 4 жыл бұрын
tellement excellent qu on rêve de le voir en entier 😊😉
@teknalizk998 4 жыл бұрын
Incroyable vraiment fascinant
@leontsongo2882 4 жыл бұрын
@rudy76s82 4 жыл бұрын
SALIF en as fait une superbe intro pour sa mixtape prolongation
@micheldubuis7597 5 жыл бұрын
Un seul mot - IREMPLACABLE...une fois.
@1932denise 6 жыл бұрын
la meilleur version !
@riendutout9993 7 жыл бұрын
le film le plus drôle de tous les temps.quelle galerie de tronches,c'est mal joué, la bande originale nulle,et la grosse tête d'Antoine major dès que je la vois je suis plié en quatre!
@aureclint1 5 жыл бұрын
Mocky en inspecteur à la ramasse complet
@ozmon2118 5 жыл бұрын
Oui c'est malheureux mais oui , c'est un bon gros nanar. La filmographie complète de Mocky c'est presque que ça, mais bon je préfère quand même regarder ses films plutôt que de la télé-réalité mal jouée moche et en plus débile... Là au moins il y avait un message, c'était maladroitement fait mais avec amour et c'est ça qui fait plaisir, dommage que d'autres réalisateurs n’essaient pas de suivre sa voie... Remarque il y a déjà les Parasites qui font plutôt du bon boulot déjà sur KZbin.
@aureclint1 5 жыл бұрын
@@ozmon2118 J'ai pris ça au millième degré. J'ai regardé ce film avec plaisir. Beaucoup ont critiqué la musique complètement en décalage et je trouve que cela apporte au contraire un charme fou au film, on est un peu dans un film d'horreur (mais drôle tant les personnages sont à côté de leurs pompes et que Mocky fait partir son histoire "en live" complet.) Sans jamais avoir vu le film, on ne sait jamais ce qu'il va se passer dans la scène suivante. Ce qui fait la force d'un grand cinéaste, on reconnaît instantanément sa patte.
@TheDjedjay 2 жыл бұрын
Antoine Mayor oui il a une tête extraordinaire lui ! 🤣
@coz95160 7 жыл бұрын
dedicace au psg
@jokerrejokerre963 7 жыл бұрын
plan a 4 pourquoi pas XD
@VictorHernandez-jy9lk 6 жыл бұрын
Jokerre Jokerre videos porno
@djh3214 11 жыл бұрын
17 années de travail !!
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 and allah himself said he will protect this book from corruption WE ARE WHO SEND THIS RECITATION AND WE WILL PROTECT IT allah himself is engaged to guard and protect the coran and he challenge all impies and disbeleivers and human satans (the sionists and the illuminati and the freemacons) and jinns satans ibliss and his soldiers and in the end shalom mezrahi
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 you are like the disbeleivers of quraish they said the same like you but allah challenge them if it is like you said bring only one verse like it and the challenge still on bring all your genius peoples bring all your coumputers and all americans and japanese and germans and british and all popes and ministers and priests and allah challenge continue till the end of the univers . and allah himself said he will protect this book from corruption WE ARE WHO SEND THIS
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 still you insist the coran is inspired by the bible i think you are stuborn i told you allah who send the torah to moses and the ingil(gospel) to jesus and the coran to muhammad all the three books came from the same source allah the god of abraham and moses SAY ALLAH IS UNIQUE ,ALLAH THE WITHSTAND, HE DO NOT BEGET AND HE IS NOT BEGOTEN AND NO ONE IS EQUAL TO HIM . if the coran is writen by humans you are like the disbeleiver of quraish they said the same like you
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 i tell you the bible is corrupted allah said not me do you know better than god i give one small exemple of corruption and there are many in the genesis when satan make the temptation to adam and eve your torah said god punish the snake go you will eat sand all your life did you see any snake eating sand we see snakes eating rats animals insects but we never see any snake eating sand .and i will send to you many corruption and falsification in the torah and gospels
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 is killed by hanging do you make your logo a rope or if is killed by guillautine do you make your logo a guillautine or if he is killed by sword your logo will be a sword and how your god is killed by a few cowards jews if god can be killed he is not god you see in christianity there is a doghm but in islam there is clarty every question yhere is an answer in christianity there is faith (if you beleive in jesus is the salvation) in islam there is the faith and proof
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 and all muslims in the world make mecca direction for praying only as a direction because allah said in the coran any direction you choose there is the face of allah and this YHWH is a fabrication the name of god is allah in hebrew and aramia and arabic and jesus himsel said elahi elahi and there is only one god is allah the god of abraham and moses and one question if jesus pbuh what you pretend is killed on the cross is killed by hanging do you make your logo a
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 he build a kaaba in NAJRAN in south saudia he want to transfer the business from mecca to his empire in yemen he brought a big army with elephant when he enter mecca the elephant dont like they beat him they do not succed god send a big army of bird throwing stones of hard clay dedicated every stone kill one soldier and are all dead with their boss abraha and god save mecca and kaaba in this year exactly was born muhammad pbuh . and all muslims in the world make mecca
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 to mecca when the angel gabriel show him the original place abraham build the kaaba with his son ismael help and by the time like every time people quit from the monoteism of abraham and start worshipping idols and because mecca was a center of commerce every tribes make in mecca his idol god there is ALLAT AL OZZA MANAT HUBAL NAYLA AND MANY DIETIES. and i think you the story of the black ethiopian ABRAHA who want to break the kaaba and he build a kaaba in NAJRAN
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 with them the sea and assists to a big mystery of god they walk a few kilometer in sinai they foud people worshipping one idol they ask moses if he can make for them a god after that when moses go to get the torah assameri make for them a golden cow and they start worshipping it . the mecca and kaaba is the first site of pray build by adam in the earth after the flood of noah it is covered by sand god send abraham to mecca when the angel gabriel show him the original
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 first of all i dont know what is your religion or sect i will explain to you many things because you are studying the bible and i tell you it is better to you to study the coran because the torah and the gospel are obsolete after the coming of the coran god know the evolution of the humans if he brought the coran first they will not bear and assume or understand it i give one example the jews when moses pbuh cross with them the sea and assists to a big mystery of
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
It is easy to judge christians without knowing the real message of the book. Like saying they sin in idolatry with the cross. But muslims prey in the Mecca direction don't they ? The Mecca was a place where a lot of divinities where preyed right ? Why do you need to prey in the direction of a place like this if you prey God and he is everywhere and omniscient ? Don't you think he can read your heart ? And my conclusion is the same of yours, there is one and only god, "YHWH" his name
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
But again I repeat you cannot judge the Bible by some humans actions or Mistakes. There are a lot of kind of Christians ("students of the Bible" like me) who look after the real thruth by studying Bible, and old languages, and history/political situation of the times where every book was written. Other thing then. You told that the Tora is corrupted but the Tora is just the 5 first books of the Bible nothing more. And it is prooved that they are originals, just read about it and inform yourself.
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
It is again a proof that the coran is inspired by the Bible because it is inspired by an interpretation. So if one of the biggest and most diffuse mistakes of interpretation of the Bible is in the Coran, this is a proof for me that it has been writed by humans. A lot of wrong interpretations, or even some inventions are made by Christians like Christmas... the 25th december was a holy day for Romans, because it was the birthday of Mithra one of the Romans God, even before of the Christ birth.
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
@4219551 WHAT A MISTAKE. The hell is an invention of christians too... It is not mentionned in the BIBLE.. Just mentionned that evil souls will be burned in a sea of flames (Gehenna). Christians invented then the hell image, but it is just an interpretation because they didn't understand the real meaning of this lake of fire. read about Gehenna on wikipedia for example...
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
@4219551 Hi (i don't know your name) thank you, this discussion is interresting, and you almost wrote a book this time. I never told Christianism or Judaism are the good religions. I just told that the Bible is the message of God. And personnaly I can say as a proof, (d'un point de vue subjectif) that the words on the Bible are betrayed by the most of the christians or the christian religion and representants themselves (My example with the pope before).
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 the message from abraham to muhammad is one god allah one religion is islam this is the conclusion
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020mentioned in the gospels is only invention .judaism is refered to the people of judia an expression to the monotoist people living in judia and christian it come from the word of christos refering to the peoples following the christ did you see god adressing to the jews in the torah telling o judaists or in the gospels o christians it is only a fabrication and in the coran is not used muhammadists the religion is only one message from abraham to muhammad is islam
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 in the last comment i tell you the religion for god is islam allah said in the coran WHO WILL NOT ACCEPT THAN ISLAM AS THE RELIGION GOD WILL NOT ACCEPT FROM HIM for muslims islam means submission to the god of abraham and moses and follow his commandments all prophets are muslims abraham ismael isaac jacob joseph moses david solomon jonas zakaria jhon jesus muhammad and judaism is not mention in the torah and christianism is not mentioned in the gospels is only
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 this creature what they call aliens live in the earth before and make too much trooble and killing exept one of them called ibliss he was worshipping allah this jinns are punished by god by the angels they are dispersed in the oceans exept one of them ibliss god took him to heaven and live withe the angels when allah made adam from clay this jinn iblis get jalous of adam allah call all angels and ibliss to bow to adam all angels bow only ibliss(SATAN) refuse and
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 about angels and jinns and humans i will tell the real story the angels are a creature made by god from light without male and female all worshipping allah and never desobey him some of them we know their names jibraeel or gabriel (the holy spirit) messenger between god and all prophets israfeel the angel of wind 3israeel the angel of death malek and ghayya mikaeel i stop here .and jinns are a creature of god from fire this creature what they call aliens live in the
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 in the end i hope you understand a viewpoint of a muslim about you christians that the religion is not compulsury and only allah will juge us all jews christians muslims hindus budhists atheists and in the life man is between his soul wich is composed from the good and the evil and the temptation of satan who try to make humans desobey god . and the real salvation is to worship allah the god of abraham and moses and follow his commandments and do good deeds shalom
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 and the people of paradise will ask the people of hell we found what allah has promised to us did you found what god promised to you they will say yes indeed .in the paradise there is what you never seen and what you never heared there is river of wine without alcohol a river of honey a river milk all type of fruits and meals very beautiful virgin girls but in the hell there fire punishment the food is a spines damaging the estomac the drink is a boilng lead etc
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 the jugement day is one day equal to 50000 YEARS all people from adam to the last are nude aged 33 years sweating because of the heat of the sun waiting and nobody will claim the jugement of god when in this day all our body organs will be witnesses your hands your eyes mouth etc those people who deny god and deny the jugement day they will see the hell verily and those who followed the commandment of god and worship him alone they will enter paradise and will ask
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 there are the major signs of the end of the life by chronologic order are the big smoke in the univers the beast the antichrist the christ gog and magog and the last is the sun will rise from the west and this one is the last before the apocalips when allah DESTRUCT ALL THE UNIVERS AND MAKE THE EARTH FLAT AND ALL HUMAN WILL COME OUT FROM THE SAND LIKE PLANTS EVEN YOU ARE BURNT OR SINK IN THE SEA GOD WILL BRING YOU NOBODY WILL QUIT THE JUGEMENT DAY WHICH 50000 YEARS
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 we have the choice for everything in life exept our destiny when we will die and your social situation poor midle class rich this the two things we dont have choice. for us muslim jesus is not crucified nor killed but has saved his prophet and took him in heaven and he will comeback in the end of life he will kill the antichrist will break the cross and kill the pig and you said ther is no antichrist only there the beast for us muslim there are the major signs
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 you said jesus is not dead as a sacrifice for your sins but a sacrifice of adam sins but i tell it is wrong also because adam and eve god has forgiven them because god know they will sin do you think god dont know and the free choice given to all creatures in the world and refused it only adam accepted it otherwise we will be like animals birds mounts seas now when our father accept this choice man is responsable for all his deeds in front of us the good and the bad
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 we the coran is the book and the words of allah we have the hadith the narration what the prophet did and say and we dont mix the coran the hadith and the arabic nights and tell is the holy book this the difference between the bible and the coran all muslims beleive in all the prophets in the bible and beleive in the torah the book of moses and the evangile GOSPEL the book of jesus but not the torah and the gospel existing nowaday this books are corrupted and falsifi
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 and god say (SAY O PEOPLE OF THE BOOK (jews and christians) COME TO A WORD BETWEEN US WE WORSHIP ONLY ALLAH AND WE WILL NOT ASSOCIATE WITH HIM ANYBODY ELSE)and ( SAY ALLAH IS UNIQUE ,ALLAH THE WITHSTAND HE DO NOT BEGET AND HIS IS NOT BEGOTEN AND NO ONE IS EQUAL TO HIM) the problem with the bible old and new testament there is the words of god the israelites methology the history all mixed together but in the coran everything is separated .
@4219551 12 жыл бұрын
@GigiUnit4020 hi mr gigi i think we will not agree because you argue basing on the bible i argue basing on the coran in islam religion is not compulsury is a choice god say in the coran (SAY O DISBELEIVERS I DONT WORSHIP WHAT YOU ARE WORSHIPPING AND YOU WILL NOT WORSHIP WHAT I AM WORSHIPPING AND I WILL NEVER WORSHIP WHAT YOU WORSHIPPED YOU HAVE YOUR RELIGION AND I HAVE MY RELIGION ) it is very clear in islam beleiving is not compulsury and god has given adam the choice in the life
@GigiUnit4020 12 жыл бұрын
@4219551 This is why I told before, that the coran came after and changed the signification of the words in the Bible. All of the things who are in the Coran, are in the Holy writings of the Bible. So, why a book, inspired by another would be greater than the one it's inspired by ? Keep in mind that the Bible say that the word is ruled by the Devil, what's the best thing for the Devil to do for raising believers one against each other ? The best thing is to look for the truth alone, in his books