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Shia enttlarvt.
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Gesangbuch von Shia und Christen. :)
شيعي يحاور شيعي آخر
عليٌّ أَم موسى
10 жыл бұрын
حوار مع شيعي جعفري
@Angelo-Rules 6 күн бұрын
An interesting mass-transmitted (mutawatir) report from Ja’far Al-Sadeq found in various sources. In this report, ‘Ubaydullah b. Abi Rafi’, Ali’s scribe, observed Abu Hurayrah leading Jumu’ah prayer. In the first rak’ah, Abu Hurayrah recited Surah Al-Jumu’ah, and in the second rak’ah , he recited Surah Al-Munafiqun. ‘Ubaydullah then told Abu Hurayrah: “You’ve recited a recitation which ‘Ali recited among us in Kufah.” In most redactions, Abu Hurayrah is then quoted saying: “I heard my love, Abu Al-Qasem ﷺ, recite them both.” *This report is mutawatir (mass-transmitted) from Ja’far Al-Sadeq.* Regardless of whether the Shi’ite polemicist decides to accept it or not, it is, at the end of the day, authentic to Ja’far. ٍSome of the transmitters from Ja’far, such as Yahya b. Sa’id, are actually reliable transmitters according to Shi’ite hadith standards (Al-Jawahiri 663) . Nevertheless, the report is vastly corroborated from Ja’far, and it is authentic either way. Several questions come to play in this regard, most importantly: *if Ja’far believed that Abu Hurayrah ascribed lies to the Prophet, how could he ascribe traditions to the Prophet through Abu Hurayrah?* Or perhaps Ja’far didn’t actually believe Abu Hurayrah was a liar, contrary to Twelver theology? What is further surprising is that *Abu Hurayrah never participated in a battle against ‘Ali.* In fact, Abu Hurayrah transmitted several merits of Ahlulbait This is another interesting mass-transmitted (mutawatir) report from Ja’far Al-Sadiq. In this report, Al-Baqir quotes ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab stating that he was not sure of how he should deal with the Zoroastrians under his jurisdiction: should they be treated as Pagans or as Ahlulkitab? ‘Abdurrahman b. ‘Awf then informed ‘Umar that he heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: “Treat them with the Sunnah of Ahlulkitab.” *Again, another mutawatir report from Al-Sadiq, where he transmitted the actions and testimonies of the Sahabah.If Ja’far believed that ‘Abdurrahman b. ‘Awf, one of the ten companions promised paradise, was a liar and a hypocrite, how could he ascribe traditions to the Prophet through him? Why doesn’t he just transmit it through his forefathers back to the Prophet? Such an isnad would still be deemed authentic according to Sunni and Shi’ite standards.* These reports are just a few examples of instances where the the imams of Ahlulbait transmitted hadiths through fallible sources, the companions of the Prophet. *If Ja’far Al-Sadiq and Al-Baqir both held the position that Abu Hurayrah, ‘Abdurrahman and other companions of the Prophet were liars who ultimately aimed to distort Islam, as claimed by the Shi’ite polemicists, then it would be preposterous for them to continue disseminating hadiths through these sources. Why would Ja’far reproduce an isnad transmitted through Abu Hurayrah when he could otherwise transmit the same report through ‘Ali b. Abi Taleb?* First, second and third century Sunni hadith collections are replete with reports ascribed to ‘Ali b. Abi Taleb and other members of his family. Sunni and non-Sunni transmitters of hadith openly transmitted reports from ‘Ali and other members of the Prophets family in that era. Hundreds of reports in the Sunni tradition are, in fact, transmitted through Al-Sadeq and Al-Baqir from ‘Ali b. Abi Taleb. To suggest that Ja’far Al-Sadiq feared ascribing a few reports to ‘Ali and thus ascribed them to alleged forgers is more of an insult to Ja’far Al-Sadiq. *This phenomenon similarly serves as an argument that dispels the Twelver claim that Sunnis refrained from transmitting hadith through Ahlulbait.* In such examples, *Sunni hadith collections can be observed documenting traditions from the Prophet’s household along with other reliable sources.* This phenomenon gives rise to various questions: Why did Ja’far Al-Sadiq and Muhammad Al-Baqir ascribe traditions to the Prophet ﷺ through alleged liars and forgers, according to the Twelver tradition? Why did they not transmit these reports from ‘Ali b. Abi Taleb, as they did with hundreds of other reports in the Sunni tradition? Is it acceptable for the imams to publicly ascribe lies to the Prophet out of fear? If the answer to the previous question is “yes”, then what is the point of their infallibility if they still end up ascribing falsehood to the Prophet and God? can the imams, who are greater than the prophets (audhubillah) and are supposed guides for the ummah, mislead the public like this? Even when the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was in Makkah and was being persecuted he never once did taqiyyah, he صلى الله عليه وسلم boldly proclaimed Tawhid and the religion! Because the guide of the people cannot conceal the religion, there has to be someone to guide the people to the right path. But now the imams didn’t follow his example- they mislead people into rejecting their imamah! And rejecting one imam itself is kufr! How can Ja’far as sadiq and the rest of the imams lead their people towards kufr? What does Allah say about this? 2:159 إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَكْتُمُونَ مَآ أَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلْبَيّنَـٰتِ وَٱلْهُدَىٰ مِنۢ بَعْدِ مَا بَيَّنَّـٰه للناسِ فِى ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ ۙ أُو۟لـئك يَلْعَنُهُمُ ٱللَّهُ وَيَلْعَنُهُمُ ٱللَّـعنُون ١٥٩ Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidence and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allâh and cursed by the cursers.
@Angelo-Rules 6 күн бұрын
The verse that Shias quote has purity and Rijs. Now, we know from the alleged Tafsir of Ahlulbayt that was attributed to them is that Rijs means doubt. So it has nothing to do with infallibility. Rather, it is a matter of having one’s doubts removed.(A reminder that it is forbidden according to Shiasm for one to dismiss the specific interpretation of the Imam by turning a specific meaning into a general one.) Ja’far Al-Sadiq explains, “Al-Rijs means doubts, I swear by Allah that we never doubt in our Lord.” The narration can be found in Al-Kafi. It is the first hadith in the chapter entitled: The Chapter of the Appointment by Allah and His Messenger of the Imams (as) One by One. The narration was graded as authentic by Al-Majlisi, Al-Khoei, and Al-Bahbudi. (This is the equivalent of having the narration in the Sahihayn). Now, the only wording that refers to infallibility is "purify you". Allah سبحانه وتعالى says in the Qur'an: وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا ٱلْأَتْقَى ١٧ ٱلَّذِى يُؤْتِى مَالَهُۥ يَتَزَكَّىٰ ١٨ وَمَا لِأَحَدٍ عِندَهُۥ مِن نِّعْمَةٍۢ تُجْزَىٰٓ ١٩ إِلَّا ٱبْتِغَآءَ وجْهِ رَبِّهِ ٱلْأَعْلىٰ ٢٠ وَلَسَوْفَ يَرْضَىٰ ٢١ And Al-Muttaqûn will be far removed from it (Hell). He who spends his wealth for increase in self-purification, And who has (in mind) no favour from anyone to be paid back, Except to seek the Countenance of his Lord, the Most High. He surely will be pleased (when he enters Paradise). [Surah al-Layl 92:17-21] According to Ahlus-Sunnah, ٱلْأَتْقَى refers to Abu Bakr and was revealed regarding him whereas the Shi'a say this refers to Ali. Now for some context: This is a Makki surah, and Ali during this time was poor, so he did not have wealth to spend. During the time of Makkah, the Prophet took Ali into his home, so he did have a dunyawi favor from the Prophet which could be paid back, whereas Abu Bakr had no dunyawi favor from the Prophet but rather only the favor of deen. How does Allah describe الأتقى here? they give their wealth to purify themself & they don't have a favor from anyone to be paid back So how would this ayah fit for Ali, who was not wealthy during this time & had a wordly favor from Rasoolullah that could be paid back? And if it does not fit for Ali, the only other option would be Abu Bakr- Allah would be describing him with Taqwa and a promise to save him for Hellfire. Would these 5 small ayat from Juz Amma disprove Tashayu?
@hy5187 20 күн бұрын
مذيع فاشل
@MohdSalman-cd8yw 24 күн бұрын
أملاكنا فداء للثورة
@elmutasimidris8742 Ай бұрын
المزيع..بهدل المتناظرين...وبهدل معهم المشاهدون....نشكر الدكتور عبد المنعم و مسكين اخونا الشيعي....موهوم والله يهديه.
@user-ec6fy3vf1g Ай бұрын
As a bahraini, i dont follow these people who burn houses But they broke in to several house destroyed many things, and they did not pay it up, do u call that an act of freedom?
@Khgtjfthdykc Ай бұрын
@nayifsaddam7690 2 ай бұрын
قال مفكر شيعي..!!! وهل هذه المخلوقات أصلا تفكر..؟ لو كانت تفكر كان تحللت من براثين هذه الديانة الخبيثة والمذلة.. زيادة على ذلك كيف يترك مثل هذا الخبييثث يدرس أولاد المسلمين ليزرع فيهم أباطيله وخزعبلاته وملته الوضعية الوضيعة..؟؟؟
@FarsiSand 2 ай бұрын
Abu talib ist als kafir gestorben
@DrMohammed-z3i 3 ай бұрын
فين التبرأ من الشيعه ؟
@Elperdonador7 3 ай бұрын
الله يرحمك يا ابوعتيك ويجمعنا بك بجنات الخلد يارب
@أمأحمد-ف6م6ر 3 ай бұрын
محمود يوسف وشهرته ابو شوال اتمسح به الارض . والله يا جماعة دا ف قريتنا راجل عرة هو وأخواته ومالهم اي وزن شوية مرابعين مرتزقة 😂 اتنيل على اللي خلفوك واتكتم بقى يا ابو شوال
@nayifsaddam7690 2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 عليك نووور يا بطل و المصيبة أنهم ينادونه بالأستاذ ويصفونه بالمفكر 😂😂😂😂😂
@adnanhadi2437 4 ай бұрын
(تبقون دول متخلفه بهاي السوالف التعبانهوهابيه سفله)
@adnanhadi2437 4 ай бұрын
هذه البرامج تدمير للاسلام وتغرقه جاهليه مدفوعة الثمن وعماله وسفاله وتفاهه(مازاد حنون في الإسلام خردلة ولا الإسلام له شغلا بجنون) هذا دكتور بيطري اين نحن من َوحدة المسلمين اين نحن من غزه ياتافهون(الا ليت اللحى كانت حشيشة فنطعمها علفا لخيول المسلمين)
@السلطان-ص4ذ 5 ай бұрын
ههههههه شيعي يقول صل الله عليه وسلم مشكلا انتم ياصعلم
@thecominglightofgood583 5 ай бұрын
Mr Shaikh and his acolytes. Pay attention if you arent drunk, high on drugs or involved in incest.... Did the Prophet SAWW not leave Quran and Ahlul Bayt AS behind him?
@Angelo-Rules 2 ай бұрын
Yes why don't Shias follow Ahlulbayt??
@Angelo-Rules 2 ай бұрын
The concept of holding onto Ahl Al-Bayt may seem synonymous with Shiasm, yet, the claim sometimes seems like nothing more than a marketing gimmick to reel Sunnis in. According to the Shia understanding of the narration, one is supposed to hold onto the Twelve Imams from Ahl Al-Bayt. However, there is nothing in the narration that limits it to those Twelve. If that was the intended purpose of the Prophet - peace be upon him - , he would have said, “Hold onto the Imams from Ahl Al-Albayt,” or perhaps, “hold onto the twelve from my Ahl Al-Bayt,” instead. Besides, it is not possible for one to follow the Twelve Imams due to their countless contradictions due to taqiyyah. It should be known that Ahl Al-Sunnah do not believe that notable scholars like Al-Baqir and Al-Sadiq ever practiced taqiyyah, and that they were god-fearing men that would rather die before teaching their followers false rulings. Keep in mind that we are led to believe that the proper understanding of the narration is to hold onto Ahl Al-Bayt as a whole, instead of limiting Ahl Al-Bayt to a small group. It should come as no surprise that the Sunnis abide by this teaching. Not only do Sunnis take knowledge from Ali bin Abi Talib, Al-Hassan, Al-Hussain, Zain Al-Abideen, Al-Baqir, Al-Sadiq, Al-Kathim, etc, but they took knowledge from all the scholars of Ahl Al-Bayt. Al-Hakim Al-Nisapuri (Ma’rifat Uloom Al-Hadith p. 221) said, “There are authentic narrations from the children of the Prophet - peace be upon him - , from Fatima, Al-Hassan, Al-Husain, Al-Hassan bin Al-Hassan bin Ali, Abdullah, Hassan, Ali, and Zayd bin Al-Hassan bin Al-Husain bin Ali, Amr bin Al-Hassan bin Ali, Muhammad bin Amr bin Hassan bin Ali, Al-Hassan bin Zayd bin Hassan bin Ali, Musa bin Abdullah bin Al-Hassan bin Al-Hassan, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Al-Hassan bin Al-Hassan bin Ali, Ali bin al Husain bin Ali, Fatima bint Al-Husain bin Ali, Muhammad, Abdullah, Zayd, Omar, and Al-Husain bin Ali bin Al-Husain, Jafar bin Muhammad bin Ali, and Al-Hussein bin Zayd bin Ali are those that have authentic narrations, and we have over two hundred narrators from Ahl Al-Bayt both men and women.” Sunnis were also known to have taken knowledge from the scholars of Ahl Al-Bayt that happened to be scholars from the Hanafi (108 scholars), Maliki (168 scholars), Shafi’ee (200 scholars), and Hanbali (143 scholars) schools of fiqh. Note: The full list and biographies of these scholars can be obtained in the following works: A’alam Al-Hanafiyyah min Ahl Al-Bayt by Wa’el bin Mohammad Al-Hanbali, A’alam Al-Malikiyya min Ahl Al-Bayt by Rizq Mohammad Abdul-Haleem, A’alam Al-Shafi’eeya min Ahl Al-Bayt by Bassam Abdul-Kareem Al-Hamzawi, and A’alam Al-Hanabila min Ahl Al-Bayt by Mohammad Yusuf Al-Muzaini. In total, Ahl Al-Sunnah took knowledge from over eight-hundred­ members of Ahl Al-Bayt.
@Angelo-Rules 2 ай бұрын
*It is a disappointment that the mathhab that has prided itself on championing the thaqalain, have failed to uphold the greater of the two; the book of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala). As well as the minor thiql (as Sunnis have more narrations from Ahlulbayt).* Where is the Mushaf which the Imams narrate and transmit from each other? Where is the chain of: Al-‘Askari from the way of Al-Hadi from Al- Jawad from Al-Ridaa form Al-Kazim from Al-Sadiq from Al-Baqir from Zayn Al-‘Abideen from Al-Husien (the grandson of the Prophet) or Al-Hasan (the grandson of the Prophet) from Ali [May Allah be pleased with them all]? *Did the students of these Imams narrate everything from them except the Quran?* *If the Companions were Apostates, especially the famous ones from among them, and they were the ones that transmitted the Quran: How can a Shi’ah trust the narration of those who he believe are Apostates? This Quran that is between our hands today, is from the narration of those companions of the Prophet [May Blessings of Allah and Peace be upon him and his household].* The difference between Sunni and Shia is that our scholars unanimously agree that the Quran is not distorted you can use as many weak hadith as you want. *You won't hear any ridiculous scholars and personalities of Sunni Islam mouthing off these ridiculous things like Shias do despite the Shias being only 10% and Sunnis being majority. You'd think since there are more Sunnis you'd find more ridiculous claims like this coming from Sunnis but it is opposite.* For that reason you will find that *the scholars of Ahl Al-Sunnah are strict in this matter, and say that whoever says that the Quran is Muharaf is a Kaffir.* and they clearly declare such a thing based on what Allah the Exalted said: {Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian}Hijr 15:9 Any sunni who believes that a part of Qur'an has been lost due to goats eating it or men changing it, is a kafir. There is no difference of opinion on this in sunni Islam. No buts no ifs. Your misunderstanding does not change our stance. Aisha (ra) did not believe in tahreef. Stop putting your own view on the hadith. You are just seeing what you want to see. It wouldn't have mattered if goats ate it because people memorise the Qur'an. What you're basically going to find is that this will likely lead into the topic of abrogation and abrogation was completed whilst the Prophet (pbuh) was alive. Islamqa covers this very well. *Shias might attempt to steal the chains in the Sunni books and attribute them to themselves, which is pathetic and shows the weakness of their way.* `Asim bin abi al-Nujoud, Hafs bin Sulayman and Hamzah al-Zayyat are all great Imams of Ahlul-Sunnah, the Twelvers cannot prove that they were Rafidhi imami Shia neither through their books or ours. If they were to prove that they were Shia, the Shia of the time were Sunni in their worship, and even if they try their best to prove that they were Rafidhah, then even the Imamiyyah at the time had different sects all of them enemies who make Takfeer on each-other. By consensus`Asim and Hafs are two great Imams of Qira’at. The weakness attributed to Hafs is in regards to his skills as narrator, and the accusation of him being a liar is a baseless exaggeration. And if true still doesn’t strengthen Shia’s view. The rules for the authentication of a narrator in a Hadithi chain are different than the rules for the authentication of a Qur’ani recitation. Hundreds of narrations from their infallibles prove that the followers of Ibn Saba claim distortion. *and the statement that the chains of transmission of these narrations are weak cannot be accepted for reasons such as:* First: The Shiites do not consider the chains of transmission and their lim il rijjal (hadeeth sciences) is very inconsistent Second: The narrations of distortion are abundant (mutawatir) according to them, and if this were the case, their chain of transmission should not be of concern Third: There are Shiite scholars who authenticated the chains of narrations of Hadiths regarding distortion Fourth: Whoever rejects the many narrations about distortion, which amount to nearly two thousand narrations, is obligated to reject the narrations of the Imamate and the narrations of the rajah, the bidaa, and the infallibility, because as their their scholar, Yusuf Al-Bahrani, said: If these narrations aren’t accepted (i.e. the narrations of distortion), despite their abundance and spread, it would be possible to reject to the other narrations related to the religion, since the principles are one, as are the chains, narrators, sheikhs, and transmission. M. Baqir al-Majlisi also said that Shia narrations that speak of the corruption and distortion of the very text of the Qur’an area at the same level as narrations that support the Shia belief in Imamah. There are over 1000 [Shia] Hadiths confirming speaking of the corruption of the Qur’an. If the Hadiths of Tahrif in Shia books are rejected by sensible Shias, then they are no longer in any position to object why their entire collections of Hadiths should be rejected from A-Z as the same “liars” who attributed the “lie” of the distortion of the Qur’an to the Ahl al-Bayt, narrated also others “lies and exaggerations” [Imamah, Wilayah, ‘Ismah, Ghuluw etc.]. The narrations of distortion that the Shiites have are narrated from the twelve imams who believe in their infallibility, while all those who narrate the absence of distortion from him are the scholars, not the imams. They do not narrate from the imams, and not a single narration says that there is no distortion. Rather, they transmit two thousand narrations from the imams that say there is distortion, and those from whom they quote that there is no distortion are scholars who can aren’t infallible. As for the infallible ones, they quoted from them the statement of distortion, so the Shiites are required to take the words of the infallible ones and not the words of others. Nimat Allah Al-Jazairi said: The narrations that indicate distortion exceed two thousand hadiths. Then he said: He did not come across a single hadith that said otherwise. Yusuf Al-Bahrani said: However, there is no opposition to this narration, as I know, other than a mere claim that is devoid of evidence and does not go beyond mere gossip. All shias should either follow their infallibles or leave this evil religion. here is a list of references of Shia scholars: Fihrist of shia scholars and their believe in tahrif of Quran
@thecominglightofgood583 2 ай бұрын
@@Angelo-Rules Your argument is facile one. When the Prophet said I leave behind Quran and Ahl Bait AS as caliphs. And in another narration that there will be twelve caliphs after me it should have been accepted. But as is the tradition with Ahlul Sunnah they never accept the truth and make their own qiyas and guesswork. No one wants to reel in Ahlul nawasib wal Jamaat. It stayed a deviant sect and will remain one.
@Angelo-Rules 2 ай бұрын
@@thecominglightofgood583 there is not a single narration where he says "as caliphs". Also only two of Ahlulbayt where caliphs
@jbrilngei8529 5 ай бұрын
للأسف أسلوب المناقشة من المقدم والشيخ أسلوب فوضوي
@marwanmassari5602 8 ай бұрын
@TaymorAlswesyAboalmagd 10 ай бұрын
المذيع فظيع وصدعني فعلا
@NaserAsd-hb8or 10 ай бұрын
اقول للإعلامي والمذيع تعلم اسلوب الحوار لاتصلح كمذيع واعلام الكلام ليس لك الكلام للضيوف انت مجرد مستضيفهم
@easyfiqh6370 11 ай бұрын
May Allah curse these dogs
@anastahir5829 Жыл бұрын
أحسنت الشيخ عدنان العرعور😊😊❤❤
@anastahir5829 Жыл бұрын
يحيا أهل السنة والجماعة الموت للشيعة (الرافضة)
@anastahir5829 Жыл бұрын
لعنة الله على أعداء الصحابة وأهل البيت نحن نحب ونحترم أبو بكر الصديق، عمر بن الخطاب، عثمان بن عفان، علي بن أبي طالب، معاوية بن أبي سفيان، الحسن بن علي، الحسين بن علي ❤❤😊😊
@anastahir5829 Жыл бұрын
الخميني كلب النار نباح الكلب الخميني على عمر بن الخطاب (رضي الله عنه) في كتابه الرافضية الشيعية تنبح على أصحاب النبي
@alijaffer905 Жыл бұрын
يصقط حمد
@user-cr3qc9xj4p Жыл бұрын
الله يرحمه كل الي شاركو بقتله كانت نهايتهم مفجعه
@gertvis138 Жыл бұрын
Shia 🐕
@MohammedAli-sh2ig Жыл бұрын
كفو عليكم يا شباب البحرين
@suwailam00 Жыл бұрын
الشرطي يقول : بيت جدك؟ الترجمة : Are you serious من هني تعرف من الي مسوي الفيديو و كمية التحريف الي فيه
@user-ec9st3id2w Жыл бұрын
شلة الشيعة في مصر شلة مأجورة ومشتراة من قبل إيران.. تماما والتي تقود المنطقة إلى الدماروالهاويةفي الدنيا وجحيم الآخرة.
@Kales-75 Жыл бұрын
ما فهمت لماذا هو سني و يجادل سني و ترك الشيعي اللذي يشرك و عقيدتهم تختلف مع السنة ما اظن هو سني بل يكذب شيعي يستعمل التقية ليخدع بها الشيعة يجوز الكذب لينالو من الشيعة و يسمونها التقية
@f1h2013d Жыл бұрын
لا أعلم ما فى بيوتكم، و لكني أسأل الله، إن كان فيها "مريضاً" إن يشفيه ، وإن كان فيها "مهموماً" أن يفرج همه، وإن كان فيها "مديوناً" أن يقضي دينه، وإن كان فيها "مُبتلاً" أن يعافيه، و إن كان فيها "ميتاً" أن يرحم موتانا وموتاكم ويجمعنا بهم في الفردوس الأعلي♥️
@عليالعراقي-ه4و2ص Жыл бұрын
ابن عمر يقول : يا محمد ! 1. الأدب المفرد للبخاري (3 /440-441) : *** باب ما يقول الرجل إذا خدرت رجله ***​ 1001 - حدثنا أبو نعيم قال : حدثنا سفيان ، عن أبي إسحاق ، عن عبد الرحمن بن سعد قال : خدرت رجل ابن عمر ، فقال له رجل : اذكر أحب الناس إليك ، فقال : يا محمد 2. عمل اليوم والليلة لابن السني ح167 : *** باب ما يقول إذا خدرت رجله ***​ 167 - حدثني محمد بن إبراهيم الأنماطي ، وعمرو بن الجنيد بن عيسى ، قالا : ثنا محمد بن خداش ، ثنا أبو بكر بن عياش ، ثنا أبو إسحاق السبيعي ، عن أبي شعبة ، قال : كنت أمشي مع ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما ، فخدرت رجله ، فجلس ، فقال له رجل : اذكر أحب الناس إليك . فقال : « يا محمداه فقام فمشى. نداء الصحابة يا محمداه , ونداء وامحمداه وحمل خالد بن الوليد حتى جاوزهم وسار لجبال مسيلمة وجعل يترقب أن يصل إليه فيقتله ثم رجع ثم وقف بين الصفين ودعا وقال: أنا بن الوليد أنا ابن عامر وزيد، ثم نادى بشعار المسلمين وكان شعارهم يومئذ: 👈يا محمداه تاريخ الطبري:2/ 513; البداية والنهاية:6/ 357 روى ابن الأثير في الكامل في حوادث سنة (137هـ) في حرب المسلمين مع المجوس بقيادة سنباذ، قال: فلمّا التقوا قدّم سنباذ السبايا من النساء المسلمات على الجمال، فلما رأين عسكر المسلمين قمن في المحامل ونادين وامحمداه ذهب الإسلام، تاريخ الطبري:5/182; الكامل لابن الأثير:4/200 مسلم عن أبي مسعود إنّه كان يضرب غلامه، فجعل يقول: أعوذ بالله، قال: فجعل يضربه فقال: أعوذ برسول الله، فتركه، فقال رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): والله، لله أقدر عليك منك عليه صحيح مسلم:5/92; شرح النووي لصحيح مسلم:11/131
@عليالعراقي-ه4و2ص Жыл бұрын
( عائشة تأمر بالتوسل بقبر النبي (ص) ) الدارمي - سنن الدارمي - المقدمة - باب ما أكرم الله تعالى نبيه (ص) بعد موته الجزء : ( 1 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 44 ) ‏92 - حدثنا : ‏ ‏أبو النعمان ‏ ‏، حدثنا : ‏ ‏سعيد بن زيد ‏ ‏، حدثنا : ‏عمرو بن مالك النكري ‏ ‏، حدثنا : ‏ ‏أبو الجوزاء أوس بن عبد الله ‏، ‏قال : قحط ‏ ‏أهل ‏ ‏المدينة ‏ ‏قحطا ‏ ‏شديدا فشكوا إلى ‏ ‏عائشة ‏، ‏👈فقالت : انظروا قبر النبي (ص)👉 ‏فاجعلوا منه ‏ ‏كوى ‏ ‏إلى السماء حتى لا يكون بينه وبين السماء سقف ، قال : ففعلوا فمطرنا مطرا حتى نبت العشب وسمنت الابل حتى ‏ ‏تفتقت ‏ ‏من الشحم فسمي عام ‏ ‏الفتق. قُحِطَ أَهلُ المدينةِ قَحطًا شديدًا فشَكَوا إلى 👈عائشةَ رضيَ اللَّهُ عنها فقالت انظُروا قبر النَّبي صلَّى اللَّهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ 👉فاجعلوا منهُ كُوًى إلى السَّماءِ حتَّى لا يَكونَ بينَه وبينَ السَّماءِ سقفٌ ففعلوا فمُطِروا مَطرًا حتَّى نبتَ العشبُ وسمِنتِ الإبلُ حتَّى تفتَّقتْ منَ الشَّحمِ فسمِّيَ عامَ الفتقِ الراوي : أبو الجوزاء أوس بن عبدالله الأزدي | المحدث : ابن حجر العسقلاني | المصدر : هداية الرواة الصفحة أو الرقم : 5/362 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : [حسن كما قال في المقدمة]
@الحمدللهقلها Жыл бұрын
🔹️ممكن خدمة ممكن تصور 🔹️الرسالةوتنشرهاولك الاجر نحن بعشر ذي الحجة🌷 🌷//لا.....تنسوا التكبير// و....... . استمروا عليها🌱 حتى تنتهي ايام العيد🌱 الله اكبر....🌱 الله اكبر.....🌱 الله....اكبر🌱 لااله الاالله🌱 🌱والله أكبر 🌱الله...أكبر 🌱ولله الحمد
@anoniem012 Жыл бұрын
Clear mushrikeen, since we are pure Tawheed we only ask Allah for help as Muslims, we don't ask dead people
@ChupeTTe Жыл бұрын
Wtf die küssen Minbar
@SyedMuhammadMoaz3634 Жыл бұрын
Allah hidayat day only Allah guides 😊
@user-yh9rb9zm2d Жыл бұрын
😮😮😮 الاخوان المسلمين هم سبب دمار الوطن العربي انظرو إليهم يحرضو في الناس على الجهاد وهم شيوخ 😅 وعرفين الجهاد وفضله. لماذا لم يذهبو إلى الجهاد 👇 👇 شر فرقه هم الاخوان المفلسين اسالوهم عن سيد قطب واسمعو ثنائهم عليه وسيد قطب قال في صحابة رسولنا كلام لم يصدقه عقل
@Medo0o0o-s1u 7 ай бұрын
ستقف بين يدي الله بما كتبته ..
@user-yh9rb9zm2d 7 ай бұрын
@@Medo0o0o-s1u هذا هو الظاهر لنا والباطن عند الله وهم شر البليه
@lorik6290 Жыл бұрын
@sharoyveduchi Жыл бұрын
The only reason this video is still up is because FSA is ok but the government of Gaza is not in the eyes of the Zionist. I bring this up because the same singer as sung songs for both.
@Userarab1948 Жыл бұрын
احسب الذين آمنوا ان يتركوا ان يقولوا امنا وهم لا يفتنون
@ydgkzgkxvlgkxhlx4487 Жыл бұрын
جزاك الله خيرن
@BAHRAIN_973 Жыл бұрын
افلامكم مسخره
@shl5l428 Жыл бұрын
انت ريال انشاءالله 😂😂
@user-kq4sj4sq2w Жыл бұрын
الخضر موجود ام غائب وان كان موجود فأين مكانه
@خالدنا-ج2ح Жыл бұрын
شكله شيعي حساوي
@اننا-ل7ذ Жыл бұрын
قتلى راحة وش هل الكذب قدام الاعلام قتلو ولد عمي و عمي وخمس من رفقان ابوي وش هل الشدب بس قدام الاعلام ترا هاد هرار وثاني شي يوم كنة صغير شفة ناس يجهزون لمسيره والله بس شافوني راحو ودون لبية وقالو لاتطلع صدق كذب روح شوف المقابر في البحرين وقر المكتوب علا القبر خمسين بلمي بشوف مكتوب شهيد وروح ابحث عن الشهداة الاربعه البحرين
@samirnoori4949 Жыл бұрын
Bitte mach kein Video wenn du überhaupt keine Ahnung hast. Erst der Typ ist in den USA und war nie in Ghom (Iran) und geh lies doch mal dein Sahih al Bulhari oder besser gesagt falsch Al Bukhari der Prophet Mohammad (s) heiratete Aischa als sie sechs Jahre alt war ihr habt doch den Islam blamiert.
@محمدفيصلعليصالحعطيهعلي Жыл бұрын
قضك يالنغل مقابل اربع دولارا يقول