Yeah those hot spots and the east Australian current affecting temperatures, may have something to do with the pacific ring of fire and under water volcanic eruptions, that may be the major contributor to carbon dioxide reported build up, but plants love it! You need 100 million yrs of records to make a theory realistic I would reckon, 100 yrs is simply a minor moment to base a study on, the earth is young by galactic time but still millions of yrs young. I am only a mechanicus, but I am amongst the 100's of million that simply don't see climate change as anything but natural events, no amount of taxing will change anything but put more money in the pockets of bureaucrats and b/s artists. Now before I am attacked by the bleeding hearts and poets, if they want to change pollution, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but the powers that be will not allow their economy to be destroyed particularly by technologies that reduce emissions or nullify emissions, I have seen a joe cell car run, no emission but H2O, there are answers already discovered to change everything, but that wont happen.....until everyone wakes up to themselves. Climate change is a diversion, a ponzi money making scheme...nothing more. People think the sky is falling, the earth will be here long after humanity has gone!