Jesse Custer - I'm Bad [Preacher]
Eliza & Henry - Shallow [Selfie]
Matthew & Diana - World Without End
Alyssa & James - Downtown [TEOTFW]
Abbie & Ichabod - All The King's Men
Lucifer & Chloe - Love Exists
7 жыл бұрын
la belle et la bête - crazy in love
Scully & Mulder - Friday Night [AU]
The X-Files - Torn
7 жыл бұрын
@Evi19Black Ай бұрын
Ic bin grade stark erkältet vielleicht Corona
@zeexami 3 ай бұрын
أبغاهم مع بعض يجنن المسلسل ياليت فيه موسم رابع
@christianmathisenjr1800 3 ай бұрын
Kick ass tribute. Perfect song choice for Preacher and great editing. Keep up the excellent, hard work.
@alikashani4619 4 ай бұрын
It's such a perfect couple and great series, a masterpiece, actually. I already missed it so much. It's been 2 weeks that I have finished watching "The Killing," but I have been listening to its songs and watching its clips every day.
@jaredlee2820 Ай бұрын
Yeah. So hard to walk out of this show. Linden & Holder forever
@hadeelmohammed8706 4 ай бұрын
Who can download the episodes in English please, especially the second season? I miss them😢
@АнастасияРыжих-х1ц 5 ай бұрын
@水野勝弘-z6g 5 ай бұрын
何回も、見ました 4ジーンズ作って下さい❤❤❤😂
@supremeoverlorde2109 6 ай бұрын
I wanted these two together so badly. Still sometimes think about the disappointment all these years later. I used to swoon at how tall he was and the way she would melt into his arms when they'd hug.
@nicesterhill 6 ай бұрын
I spent the whole series waiting for them to get together and it didn't happen... I look forward to the fourth season, and for them to finally get together as a couple! I'm a brazilian fan.
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Also registriert bist du schon
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Nun musst du dich bewerben an der Fachhochschule
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Und dann genommen und starten
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Du verwendest da Aals schemrz Mittel im dein Leben zuertrgaen weil es schwer und schlecht ist Meine Meinung dein Ziel muss es sein ein lebenswertes erleben dmair du dich nciht mehr zrföhenen musst um es zu erthsne sondern es genieße kamst Ich meine ein Studium und getrennt leben ist ein Anfang In eine richtige Richtung
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Ich glaube auch die Anerkennung inbegriffen wird dich verlangsame aufzuhören Du willst dich udn alles vergessen … weil dein Leben nicht lebenswert ist und du in Demut und Qualen lebst
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Er hatte soe nie Eselsbrücke sagen sie ihren machenden udn auf den Slebes beichstbsne ein Hobby Die Frau schwarz mag schwimmen
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Auf e fällt mir nichts ein
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Wenn ich ehrlich bin ich mag dieses geigespielen
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Ich mochte die Show bis gotteslästerung anfing in Staffel 5 Und man den reschersche Punkt zur Religion verlor und ein Fantasy raus machte
@Evi19Black 7 ай бұрын
Da gibt es sehr gute rescherschen am Anfang die Bibel gerecht sind zum Ende hin habe ich aufgehört die Show zu schauen
@bryanthealien6734 7 ай бұрын
Elizabeth fácil podía ser la chica más hermosa de la escuela. Ni siquiera se porque era “villana”. Era muy grosera pero ella solo quería seguir siendo inteligente.
@madeleinel6089 8 ай бұрын
Brilliant series, hurry up with series 3
@denissemunoz1201 8 ай бұрын
amaziingggggggggggggggggggg video. love it my favorite so far
@tanialuciaalvarenga5260 8 ай бұрын
Que pena que não teve continuação, eles tem muita quimica e a historia é boa. Já assisti tantas vezes que perdi a conta.❤
@ElwingWhitewing 9 ай бұрын
It's so touching this video and surely a poem of Beauty. Thank you so much for this sharing. You managed to make me cry both because of the beauty of the images and the music, and of course because of the content itself, which is particularly touching!
@EarendilShiningstar 9 ай бұрын
It's so beautiful! This is indeed he perfect gift for my best friend today that is the Women's Day! Thank you so much also the music is wonderful!
@pamr5019 2 ай бұрын
I adore this heartfelt tribute. I will post on Twitter. Tears in my 👀 😢
@ellisindensonradunya 10 ай бұрын
Highlighting the detectives' uncanny intuition in uncovering evidence, emphasize that it requires more than just detective work. The female detective possesses divine instincts, without which uncovering those clues would be utterly impossible. This is an utterly atrocious screenplay, coupled with abysmal acting performances. It's abundantly clear that the creators failed to even glance at any reputable British or American detective productions prior to embarking on this cinematic disaster. The sheer multitude of errors is staggering, with contrived connections that strain credulity to its breaking point. To sit through this travesty is not merely a waste of time but an insult to the very notion of quality entertainment. This is a really bad scenario, with poor acting. They should have watched some British or American detective dramas before making this film. There are numerous mistakes. The connections feel forced. It's a waste of time.
@RossellaMartielli 9 ай бұрын
parla per te! a me e a moltissimi altri è piaciuto tantissimo!
@nhp514 8 ай бұрын
couldn't disagree more
@smore3660 10 ай бұрын
This was 🎉😂😂😂❤
@dessieb145 10 ай бұрын
Love this! Where can one watch this show ? I feel like its a fever dream sometimes lol
@PatrickDKing Ай бұрын
Unfortunately the dvd has been out of print for some time now and no one is currently streaming it. You'd have to torrent it to get a copy.
@vamosama 11 ай бұрын
They are soooo good in this series
@SpelCastrMax Жыл бұрын
This is so cute!
@Hhristovaa_ Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know what the two of them are named in life and if to have instagram?❤
@hadeelmohammed8706 4 ай бұрын
Bridget neval and Andre de vanny yes they have instagram
@marialuisagilarteaga9855 Жыл бұрын
No superó esta serie, nurmi y karppi😍😭😍😭😍😭😍
@giordanotirelli6028 Жыл бұрын
Happy birthday erica alias erin from italian boy live in rome and I m fan of being erica
@rozzahrozzah4390 Жыл бұрын
It's very very beautiful ❤❤
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
ich hatte ein schönes märchen buch meine kindheit lang... dort waren alle original geschiten kurz gefasst mit sehr schönen illustrationen darum kenne ich auch das original märchen von die schöne und das biest oder aladin
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
dieses salzwasser googeln hat wirklich geholfen
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
ich habe beim fahrrad fahren zu viel kalte luft eingeatmet darum
@AlexanderP07 Жыл бұрын
What A Video!! I Love It 😍🤩 You have the Magic Touch 👏👏 I will Always Ship Them 💌♥️ The Best Of Elizabeth Is Everything. The Worst Of Elizabeth Are Her..... 😡🤬👿
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Jedöcive Themen mit Religion sind gefährlich ….. Denke an die tarot Karten wie die missbraucht
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Was ich gelernt habe … Wenn etwas einen glücklich macht und einem woeter hilft ist es richtig und e hat Egal wie seltsam es wirkt … Wenn es einen kaputt macht und zerstört egal was … ist böse
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Und man muss dem folgen was glücklich macht und sich richtig anfühlt selbst wenn es keinen Sinn macht Ich selber habe leider häufig Rücken schmerzen … erblich bedingt jeder in meiner Familie hat das Ich bin größer als 1,7 meinte der Orthopäde da ist das normal
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Ich habe die Seite nicht beendet … wenn ich ehrlich bin … ich mag bloß die Musik und weiß nicht wo man die findet
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Ich gehe morgen nach dem Hotel Gespräch ins Ordnungsamt Spandau persönlich und werde mit dennen reden und fragen wohin ich gehen muss
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
ich habe nachgedacht.... es wäre klüger egal welches programm man kaufen will gleich ein jahreseinkauf zu machen oder gleich die vollversion wenn möglich und keine monatsraten... mit online geräte kauf weiß ich nicht... ratten oder nich muss man abwegen...
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Leider ist es diese Themen sind sehr gefährlich und wenn man nicht an die Wahrheit glaubt passieren schlimme Dinge … Die Zeugen Jehovas mit deren I terpretation Nach 5 oder 6 Jahren Jeder von dennen hatte schlimme Depressionen … all diese religiös Themen sind gefährlich … Denke was mit der katholischen Kirche passiere … Nachdem sie sich entschlossen den Ort zu finden wo der teufel auf die Erde viel Begannen die sündhaften der katholischen Kirche Erst durch Martin Luther wurde es besser
@Evi19Black Жыл бұрын
Endlcih ich suchte diesen Track überall er war mein Lieblings Clip Für mich ging die Serie ab Staffel 4 Berg ab …. Dieser Inhalt ist biblisch so flach das ich nicht sicher bin ob sich das an den Schauspielern rächt Es gi t eine einzigartige gruselige da he Es gibt eine ge shvihte diese heißt master und magatota u d die Russen verfolgen einst einen fantastischen Film Auf der Gott und Teifel Basis So eine love story Bei fa tasty u d religion kö men schlimme Dinge passieren man muss vorsichtig sein …. Vorallem nicht bei so einem heiklen thema
@ivyfeng4673 Жыл бұрын
海鸥食堂和deadwind. 今年夏天就算北欧比葡萄牙西班牙贵好多, 我也要去感受一下。
@ivyfeng4673 Жыл бұрын
Visiting Helsinki this summer because of this show
@22RosesGrow Жыл бұрын
I love this ending.Reminds me of a song, You're my ride home.
@RavenIdril2966 Жыл бұрын
Too bad real couples dont have the devotion that characters in a book series that were adapted to a television show have.
@winchesterdixon6121 Жыл бұрын
Such a good edit!! Amazing work, thanks for sharing!
@isospace8123 Жыл бұрын
Ichabod the warrior , and Abbie the believer; the writers missed the bond between the witnesses. Together they could fight the evil, like Scully and Mulder. They were both needed, without Abbie the show lacked conviction, Ichabod lacked conviction. The witnesses needed Abbie, Crane needed Abbie; without Abbie who really cares what happens. She was his North star, she was his life, she was his LOVE.
@jessecuster1807 Жыл бұрын
Amazing 🙌
@_the_little_mermaid_ Жыл бұрын
I love this couple so much ❤ such an underrated show!
@saller_ar Жыл бұрын
@lucianofernandes6499 Жыл бұрын
@AicimounLight Жыл бұрын
Hhhh the most believable mix 🤣 lol so confusing.
@dmfToonsTunes Жыл бұрын
This is so wonderful!!! Please don't delete it. Brilliant.
@uschimyers Жыл бұрын
Beautifully done!
@Summer_Sunset15 Жыл бұрын
Imaging if Netflix revamped the show with Abbie and Ichabod, this would be epic. When writer kill off lead black female characters in TV shows and movies it makes black women not in shows written by white people. Black women don’t need to experience hatred in real life and in the movies from them, it just too must.
@huseyinatay2883 Жыл бұрын
Birinci sezonda Nurmi Laura ile birlikteyken motelde Karppi 'nin kız arkadaşın var mı sorusuna neden hayır diye cevap verdi ? Laura ile niye birlikte oldu ve istemediği halde çocuk sahibi oldu ? Yemek yeme ve en lüks kahveleri içme gurmeliğinde hatta titizliği ve konforuna dikkat etmede hiç çelişkisi yok Nurmi 'nin. Çizgisinde son derece tutarlı.Geçmişte başka birçok kadınla da ilişkisi olduğu ilerleyen bölümlerde ortaya çıkıyor.Anne ve babasını çocuk yaşta kaybedip babaannesiyle yaşaması ,yetimhanede psikolojik tedavi görmesi etken desem emniyette nasıl polis oldu ?Anne ve babası birbirini öldüdüğü için ikisine de kızgın bunu da biliyoruz.Karppi 'nin huysuz ve asi olmasının da bilinç altında ölen kocasıyla yaşadıklarının etkisi var ama tutarsız değil bir çizgisi var.Bu senaristten kaynaklanıyor bence..Lauri Tilkanen iyi bir oyuncu bunu fark edip senaristi uyarmalıydı bence.
@huseyinatay3 Жыл бұрын
There are inconsistencies regarding Nurmi's character in the parts of the Deadwind script. but before diving into the mine in the lake where the nuclear waste is located, he got out of his car under the rain, rubbed some drugs into his mouth and spit out. This is an inconsistency. In the 3rd season, while he was offended with Karppi for 1.5 years and he was still working as a police officer, he confessed to Karppi again that he and 17-year-old Nea messed with his head in a nightclub and that Nea had stolen drugs from him. Why was Nurmi depressed at that time? Why did he distract himself in the nightclub in the swamp of alcohol and drugs? Nerve pain can't be the cause. The person who should be in the main depression is Karppi, but he never lost himself, he did nothing wrong. He did not seek solace in alcohol, drugs or men. He acted very mature and with character. While he was on good terms with Nurmi, his stepdaughter Henna was imprisoned with intrigue. His son was given to his grandfather. She was alone and Nurmi never spoke to her, she did not support her in this process. Therefore, the behavior of Nurmi's character is full of contradictions....
@huseyinatay3 Жыл бұрын
There are inconsistencies regarding Nurmi's character in the parts of the Deadwind script. but before diving into the mine in the lake where the nuclear waste is located, he got out of his car under the rain, rubbed some drugs into his mouth and spit out. This is an inconsistency. In the 3rd season, while he was offended with Karppi for 1.5 years and he was still working as a police officer, he confessed to Karppi again that he and 17-year-old Nea messed with his head in a nightclub and that Nea had stolen drugs from him. Why was Nurmi depressed at that time? Why did he distract himself in the nightclub in the swamp of alcohol and drugs? Nerve pain can't be the cause. The person who should be in the main depression is Karppi, but he never lost himself, he did nothing wrong. He did not seek solace in alcohol, drugs or men. He acted very mature and with character. While he was on good terms with Nurmi, his stepdaughter Henna was imprisoned with intrigue. His son was given to his grandfather. She was alone and Nurmi never spoke to her, she did not support her in this process. Therefore, the behavior of Nurmi's character is full of contradictions.....