@Rockevich 4 ай бұрын
WA pack from video: wago.io/L7ATQ1mUF/26
@yidingliu7575 4 ай бұрын
Can I have your unbuff stats?
@Rockevich 4 ай бұрын
@yidingliu7575 3611 spd, 369 hit, 952 crit, 847 haste, 866 spirit - full unbuff
@user-ev8ks5el7z 5 ай бұрын
ку, а ты не тестил в своем гире беса ?
@Rockevich 5 ай бұрын
привет, не тестил, а стоит? видел где-то лог с бесом?
@user-ev8ks5el7z 4 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich Именно логов не смотрел ,а вот заметил на нашем серве есть локи которые после 6100 , сумонят бесов , хз просто ты бисовый почти уже , думал мож тестил )
@Rockevich 4 ай бұрын
@@user-ev8ks5el7z хм, посмотрю логи, может найду где-то. А на каком боссе видел такое? Или это везде с бесом?
@user-ev8ks5el7z 4 ай бұрын
фул гоняют, в бесовском спеке , те у него не 2 пве спека бесс\дровосек , а бес + 2 пвпешный @@Rockevich
@Rockevich 4 ай бұрын
@@user-ev8ks5el7z посмотрел 5 людей из топа по логам, все фулл с дровосеком, не смог найти беса
@user-ts6ec6hs2w 6 ай бұрын
Привет) Устышал где-то что можно до пула 4 т7 надет ь тапнуть, и на 10 сек + 150 дпс и надеть снова 4 т10до пула, ты такое пробовал? работает?)
@Rockevich 6 ай бұрын
Привет, да работает и я делаю это в этом ролике) У меня один макрос в котором 4 /equip кусков т7 без перчаток (чтобы не запускать кд на инжовский чант) и в макрос на жизнеотвод добавляешь в конец 4 /equip твоих текущих шмоток. Получвается нужно просто нажать макрос на смену на т7 в любое время до пула и стандартно за 1.5с до таймера пула нажать макрос на жизнеотвод и получаешь баф и смену шмоток на нормальные.
@Wirzu_i_slyszu 7 ай бұрын
Добрый день) вижу вы используете т8 для получения бафа на дух перед боям, можете поделится макросам который вы используете ? Я писал свой но он иногда крива срабатывает , не использую эту фичу так как боюсь профукатся )
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@Wirzu_i_slyszu Привет, у меня не было осечек, макрос супер простой, один на надевание 4 кусков шмота накса (без перчей чтобы не запускать кд инженерских перчаток) - это просто 4 команды /equip "имя шмотки" и второе - макрос на /cast жизнеотвод и 4 /equip "имя шмотки" твоих обычных, которые носишь в бою. Причем даже когда кто-то пулил раньше таймера макрос на смену шмота обратно на нормальный срабатывал.
@Wirzu_i_slyszu 7 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich окей, спасибо)
@Cherinnok 7 ай бұрын
Честно говоря меня чуть трясло, когда увидел, что ты не ударил стрелой тьмы по ледяной тюрьме для прока ожога, можно было раза 4-5 выстрелить по Синдре. Ну а так, молодцы, что завалили, надеюсь с первого трая. На всех стримах, на которых присутствовал, это было многочасовое дрочево.
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
Первые недели максимально сейвово играю чтобы ненароком не потратить трай, который нужен на лич кинга. У нас запрещено бить таргетно глыбы после 30% так как там доты тикают, ну и решил не пытаться пока таймить шб под конец глыб на переходках чтобы не выбить ненароком слишком рано. Когда уже весь ЦЛК будет на фарме и пофиг на попытки, то буду и такие чуть опасные минмаксы делать.
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
А убили без вайпов и на прошлой и на этой неделе, мы синдру хорошо оттраили на ПТРах, так что проблем не возникло.
@Cherinnok 7 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich рад слышать.
@Emperor_Shao_Kahn 7 ай бұрын
Good kill James!
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@frankdukes1231 Im not James, but still thank you very much! ^_^
@user-ts6ec6hs2w 7 ай бұрын
Привет, а ты уже 2 таланта вкинул из концентрации в крит Пета я так понимаю, в цлк разве эти 2 тала не нужны?)
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@user-ts6ec6hs2w Привет, я очень высоко ценю талант на крит пета не из-за урона, который он предоставляет, а из-за уменьшения шанса того что пет не кританет и прок тринки не обновит баф на рейде. Но на некоторых боссах, например на личе хм думаю стоит брать талант напряжение (думаю ты про него - на уменьшение отката каста при получении урона).
@user-ts6ec6hs2w 7 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich а подскажи на каких боссах ты бы еще напряжение оставил?)
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@@user-ts6ec6hs2w чёт подумал и вроде нет других боссов где я бы брал этот талант, только на личе
@sayusuki1 7 ай бұрын
Hey, i have a question. What is your macro for 4P t4 ? Nice video and i follow you :D
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@sayusuki1 Hey, thak you for follow! <3 Macro is just 4 /equip "name of piece" to equip before firght and 4 /equip for your regular items in lifetap macro to press it 1 sec before pull to get buf and swap back regular items. I dont swap hands becouse it trigger cd of engi hast enchant on it.
@sayusuki1 7 ай бұрын
Oh ok, thank so much. I go try this ! 👍🏻
@petargolubovic4507 7 ай бұрын
Hey, do you use t7 set to get "Casting Life Tap grants you additional 300 spirit for 10 seconds"? Or its another set?
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@@petargolubovic4507 yes, buff stays on you then you switch gear back to normal, so you have 200 sp for free for first big demon buff with trinkets
@petargolubovic4507 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for answer, ill start farming t7 :D
@jacobhc9000 7 ай бұрын
Great video! I've been following you awhile. I have a question; Why are you not keeping corruption up anymore? o:
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@jacobhc9000 Thank you! Im using seeds to aoe boss and 3 spines and seed removing corruption, also im might delay applying corruption to use it when you need to move a bit out of fire.
@winder9983 7 ай бұрын
Вроде 9 боссов насчитал , профессора то не убили
@Rockevich 7 ай бұрын
@winder9983 ну да, остались два босса - проф и лич, потому и 10/12. синдру то убили
@Rickii14123412 8 ай бұрын
Can you send me your UI please it looks so clean.
@Rickii14123412 8 ай бұрын
send me this ui plz
@Rickii14123412 8 ай бұрын
I need this exactly ui loadout jesus its so clean
@EC.94 8 ай бұрын
Hello Fen, great vid :) I was wondering if you could motivate how you came to the conclusion that CoA is not worth casting while standing still? Have you done some iterations on dummies? Used some sim? Analyzed logs? etc? I'm super curious as I read different things on different forums, and with WOTLK I find it harder to test stuff in general, in comparison to Retail, and would really like to know how to come to these conclusions myself. Thanks!
@TheSercot9 8 ай бұрын
Good demo, I always watch your videos to improve. :)
@amirunfair7975 8 ай бұрын
and can i have ur togc weak aura for faction champ
@amirunfair7975 8 ай бұрын
hi dude can i have ur weak aura from ur lock
@user-dimon35 8 ай бұрын
Привет, подскажи у тебя макрос на гранату вместе с порчей? И еще вопрос: ты вешаешь жертвенный огонь на чемпионах, так больше дпс чем в директ таргет? И он не сбивает контроль?
@ROBOTISATION2O4 8 ай бұрын
тоже интересно
@user-mw9ko5dq3j 9 ай бұрын
Не фанат ПВЕ контента, но смотреть за такими сражениями одно удовольствие
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
@user-mw9ko5dq3j Спасибо за добрые слова!
@javadnabizadeh1656 9 ай бұрын
can u share your plater pls ?
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
@javadnabizadeh1656 I use default ElvUI plates, may be you mean boss frames on the right?
@EvilMettaILER 9 ай бұрын
Great) Link on music avaliable?)
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! Sorry, i tried to find link to music by couldnt :(
@swisschaesar2701 9 ай бұрын
do you have a discord server?
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
No, but I answer all questions in comments
@swisschaesar2701 9 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich would you ever do a vod review for togc?
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
@@swisschaesar2701 I consider it, ty for proposal
@user-ev8ks5el7z 9 ай бұрын
Ку еще раз , есть еще просьба к тебе , можешь скинуть WA на полоску 600к на ануба , как ты мне на баф демона кидал😊
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
привет, она отдельная как раз: wago.io/1LhY9OxwL
@user-ev8ks5el7z 9 ай бұрын
Привет , можно еще просьбу , скинь плиз отдельно викауру , полоску на 600к на мобов на анубе , если не сложно
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
@user-ev8ks5el7z Привет, она отдельная: wago.io/1LhY9OxwL
@user-ev8ks5el7z 9 ай бұрын
Спасибо )@@Rockevich
@MrSalas 9 ай бұрын
Hey Fen, what exactly are you doing in this video? Any chance to ellaborate? impressive 99, grats! (would like to know what you do on every boss. Need to get that sweet 99 parse myself!)
@MrSalas 9 ай бұрын
This is my character by the way, any tips would be greatly appreciated! Love looking at your stuff classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/ashkandi/chiisanapan
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
@MrSalas Sure, here is my tips on this boss: Generaly: You need to demon form on first boss and on stun and +damage on 3rd boss and you need heroism on one of it, idealy on second form. With hero on second phase you cant do good damage on it couse your cast gets interrapted by boss you tanking. Also try to multidot all targets with immolate and corruption. Phase 1: Idealy your paladins press master aura with Concentration Aura so you dont get interrupted with boss stomp so you can demon form in melee to maximise damage and portal out after form is ended, but here we dont have ma on stomps. Dot adds with immo and corruption and try to get execute buff from adds and damage boss with it. Kill time of first boss is a little bit over 1 minute so doom is available. Phase2: Try multidot both bosses with immolate and coruption, doom boss who dies second. Dont stand near other people to minimise chance to get stunning debuf. You need raid to kill fire boss first so you can do normal damage rotation to boss you tanking. Also try to get execute buff from adds from first phase. Phase 3: Idealy you have a heroism on first boss stun and demonform + pot here. If you get bop from paladin before boss stomp everyone on edges of the room you dont get stunneed and can continue damage. Also idealy you demon near boss but be carefull - if you get in melee before boss get stun debuf he gets enraged.
@MrSalas 9 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich This is SUPER helpful, thank you so much! Any chance to get a description like this on any of the other encounters? I wish I could "super thanks" your videos but it's not available unfortunately.
@anthonyg6083 9 ай бұрын
This is beautiful
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@swisschaesar2701 9 ай бұрын
yo fen I love your gameplay man. always a great time. Demolock is so much fun
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for kind words! I'm loving demo lock gameplay too!
@Anthonyhenry-kg6bk 9 ай бұрын
What is the weak aura for the 600k damage cap on adds?
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
You can get it here: wago.io/1LhY9OxwL It says 900k on the page, but wa correctly checking for 600k.
@justinpark36 8 ай бұрын
There’s a 600k damage cap on the adds?
@Rockevich 8 ай бұрын
@@justinpark36 yes, all damage to burrowers above 600k is excluded from logs and all damage to swarm scarabs
@ppstorm_ 9 ай бұрын
!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!! very huge, excellent work king
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! <3
@joanlatorre2081 9 ай бұрын
How do you cancel the demon's Spell power buff and have it renew automatically? Thanks for your videos!
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Hey, demon's Spell power buff is renewing after every crit of our pet if new buff gonna be more spd or if current buff time is < 10 sec. If you dont have any demon buf your new buff spd is 11% of your current spd, if you have buff its gonna be 10%. I dont know a nice way to remove a buff from me, cancelaura is not working, so i just right click it on my buff panel to remove it, bur i dont think im doing it here.
@ROBOTISATION2O4 9 ай бұрын
Привет а чё за аддоны которые показывают хп боссов справа?
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Привет, это викаура, можешь скачать ее тут: wago.io/5Pz4pCOF5
@ppstorm_ 9 ай бұрын
this game rocks!!
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Yeah we love it!
@kilop_1989 9 ай бұрын
Посмотрел момент с кражей, прикольно, не ожидал такого подвоха от торговца))
@Rockevich 9 ай бұрын
Провалил проверку на ловкость :)
@user-ev8ks5el7z 10 ай бұрын
Привет можешь отдельно скинуть викауру на баф пета с цифрами ?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
Привет, скопировал строку импорта только бафа пета из общего пака на варлока: !WA:2!1z1ZVnXXxCcBRa5EbmFjQfr)QusBurQk)ciavcH8M4qi1X2DTHasvY7S7o27KS7mdZmBIDUu1uHexkT1svQN95EY)j4)cwz1)cYHQEONYHEUVz21HqlXhSN3BEZN59R5ZZtTEX4IbfdE1nhq8z0gSeHp(6NZBFuh2JxR)DwQ3oBUt8DBngLOczIACfHrLfe9Q1UTeRMAiI6d6RZiuL3QLR2SSZyFglkGTpTX(eo2D5ereFUqLIl)YfwqJ78e2cvs6c4j3gjIy(7UTaPcx4wlBR9b3dvcsNoyH81ZjYx(QR0hLiquumwEnNBFVfV)IJJrk)qSSriB)A0rsZpL8vK9Wog7kmiHsuL7sKkzi)sjsClf4zkc)POOeC4GaSxs72n7XXInkxP(6pPYankRgXOyzOaoqvah3JHfL7I8vn44OOhheoQngU5Mzy56G3ddX(gyuKkKF1tFfTya0iftCJh8GJKjEglRlWTjDDAuVCLkhkZGuw4KTBaUeP7WwRwQrZwnAwYPPTc8qhD4VmV4PHVAsShwynsVLbisG8AElD7vU7TUVTo294rOEyr)eAEASWWaICNeQjlTmI2Jx0prQyXnZ2VcRdX)88lJmgKRClwa(3o3XqbglOOONcfgOh4LhVlgZlb3RVYbbDfU9L4O2MgH0la5wjsb(Lchk2l7eLgaXOdUJUbAZPtNDmi6H83TJGLqdAp2JjcWIwS8gRCrj5a87pkxWNfXeBAzzn1r5A2JijEry3jMJd6G5xUXlsqc8mRNefnZ2HefoD2(6BZyZFmUteB)1f4xKGP(9Q)Elo)Y3jDwbyGEJr6Vwt76GJADOws3Im2lrPy0AqWaj1bA1vW0oQWRouV(55Vh6RfwDIBAnc6DE0enHglF2PTSHpkcBzCOMHe)DHgpPLTwm0SFfcO5YMBZ248HV668prH7QAz(QntapdAT0859f5kSPqlC)tmB4NDIblX)O)ZPNCkhfjghCKzRtvl5xXObiayGre)TjbQq7sG4XzOq6Idmk)o(N(oaxJARiChKFVwTJyqEyCgPXKC2iJ97anIK29GEhbtb9nnbL2vRvTm)gND8UuUM0T4ZCwxDmlOLUr0fE9ycTquWBkdzfE9g8))zHqM0udmBL3dUXd)RVr)P6gp8p)v9NxA1p)Ouf)sRlihmZxNGcGBgntZMV1DpjWZv(wzJV4CJpbgd1uTN0SYJRwot7(qtaqwYpC78fz5UjVc4x6uaAkF9HJx2PvZA1FhTn5HhxG9j6xOw5NpZlZ6INAQPSEJh1aEn(X5LVjzq(nplGd6beXe)wQqbqOcdf65fIjDcvi7igk4VhR5K5yLhsPIWH91IuGfue6PG3fu10oXjqzE6V3vCa0rdeLN3XpcjLZ5jj0oryX2LCQuB1VkDVchPpTHgCxkm8jCGHW3atgYMd6Alyr45s7jwR0wLEuzN09Mo9BDT18yGwlaOdZbY31CSiWHIcTfiFCHbVb)l(ONBR5MMgoHN0m20JeZzc1aHHJtx8s)GrtggwgiMCpCIKRO7eAaeLeB4AwXrQqc1ttNnDRdXij2GWwJ0lBOegYMlmoiNzQLEQGqIHbMbspOecGnucJaWEmGOk2ogrORN(Jxqdx6pL(ZPVoDlV2ekrg(Vv7CcVQLhGxBshiKWXqHWB55b2X75SV(5nY(aglUU1IZFlBnBG7afZpNC)I7n6gKGrRHJzuI)m1HjidBlGXNGNdVaSCqr8qK1XzToRR3rhEEnw1PC5Q8IqME18CdmVXr)CD5esWW79CNEvAeT5Nh9mbHQVmCi))njnQ5iwJirqVFqOqp1cMTSs6pui9xkydHQQWaD(HK9NwgsOz9NG0CdHL(4Y6rUsx(hs6qzcC(FVXOTSqWes3IsN7m)kZVyX9(9N9p)
@user-ev8ks5el7z 10 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich Спасибо большое я так и хотел )
@michellvandenboom474 10 ай бұрын
Amazing videos ! Really helps me with my demo rotation.
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
Glad my video helped you!
@shonen245 10 ай бұрын
The background music sounds so familiar, what is it?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
Its a witcher 3 soundtrack
@user-mo4fl7yi7m 10 ай бұрын
Привет, подскажи плз, момент на Анубе, когда жуки выходят, ты семя порчи только по Анубу кидаешь?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
привет, сиды через босса достают всех аддов, так что через него оптимально это делать и пока следующее докастуешь то предыдущее уже взорвется, так что переключать таргеты тут не нужно.
@user-mo4fl7yi7m 10 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich благодарю
@nb-xc8rk 10 ай бұрын
So you actually Spam shadowbolt on adds until you get soulfire procc and use IT then on the Boss? Do you refresh dots before using soulfire proc or after you used it?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
@nb-xc8rk what boss are you talking about?
@nb-xc8rk 10 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich jaraxxus
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
@nb-xc8rk For most dps dot only ladies as soon as posible and keep dots on boss. Refresh immolate on boss before getting first soulfire on portal and full soulfire after by getting it on add too and not worrying about refreshing immolate on boss couse you refresh it before. Here Im spaming sb on adds couse its progress first kill and I wanna make sure we are not getting second add and prioritizing minimizing chance on wiping.
@gvidotristram6456 10 ай бұрын
why you didnt get sileneced on the 1st stomp after pull?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
Paladin's master aura on Concentration Aura doing it.
@NotBiv 10 ай бұрын
Can you share your weakaura?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
for boss frames: wago.io/5Pz4pCOF5 for warlock class: wago.io/LuxthosWarlockWrath for raid: wago.io/TemsToGC
@ra4el 10 ай бұрын
what is this addon with boss frames
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
Its a weak aura, you can get it here: wago.io/5Pz4pCOF5
@iamflawless8386 10 ай бұрын
I don't understand the parsing logic for anub how are you supposed to parse well it seems even if you focus on aoe phase 1 you stil get a blue parse 7x max , how can you parse well for anub as demo ?
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
You can do big log with AoE before last phase and single target last phase. Just full seed boss while adds alive, cast meta at first adds and on cooldown on last adds before 30% boss and dont forget to get execution buff by sb last add in every pack. Its just stupid couse adds gonna die from passive cleave and we should just single target boss helping a little bit in the end if next adds gonna spawn soon. Also we should use 2nd meta on last phase. And if everyone gonna full blast aoe adds no one goona get good log :) Check this log for details, but im not recommend doing this, espesially 2nd meta before last phase: classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/na9FA8vRxQWpMDPj#fight=8&type=casts&source=2&view=events
@iamflawless8386 10 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich yes i understand especially when you could wipe on 1% and lose cloak because of trying to padd for logs , i tried the strat you said since i learned that adds phase 1 count for logs but i didn’t save my meta for adds before 30 i used it on exec to guarantee the kill ,but it is what it is , i guess i will sacrifice my logs for 50/50 kill rather than pad and risk messing up the cloak for 24 other people…
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
@iamflawless8386 Yeah, agreed. Maybe later when raid dps grows with ilvl and new tier sets and damage on last phase not so important. May be zerg strat with hero(bl) from start to skip borrow phase gonna be possible without 10 dk's with gear, but you still should solo boss to ensure psuh to 30 and not AoE :) We doing 3 split raids with 2/3 alts in every raid so damage is very important right now.
@meat859 10 ай бұрын
seeds up to 900k cap then you focus on soulfires on the homestretch. no seeding p3, doesnt count on logs.
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
@meat859 Im focused on maximising kill chance to get 50/50, if adds gonna die from passive cleave before next adds spawn no need to seed them. Sometimes there are not enough passive aoe and raid leader calls to aoe 10-15 sec before next adds spawn and im seeding only on rl call. Im doing it steel becouse we split for 3 raids with alts and raid strenght are not optimal. In the future im gonna start thinking about doing good log, but im focused on 50\50 for now.
@jacobhc9000 10 ай бұрын
Can you link your logs, so I can study them abit? :D
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
My warlock gear and logs: classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80/%d0%a4%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%bb%d0%be%d0%ba#
@anthonyg6083 11 ай бұрын
@Rockevich 10 ай бұрын
@user-ev8ks5el7z 11 ай бұрын
Ку ,а ты а ты через пета играешь ? мож талы свои скинуть ?
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Привет, вот такие таланты: www.wowhead.com/wotlk/talent-calc/warlock/-003203301135202530135221351-55000005_001xtr1259321pxp31rpp
@user-ev8ks5el7z 11 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich через Пэта так и думал , спасибо
@astralmedian5957 11 ай бұрын
Is it not worth using cure of agony?
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
curse of agony is worth to cast only while moving and if you dont need to cast other insta abilities so you dont realy cast it
@MrSalas 11 ай бұрын
Hey Fen, I've been following your videos for a while now. They have helped a ton. I have a couple questions: 1- on Boss 1, does the immolation aura hit from that far away? and do you not cast Curse of agony or Doom? Why? 2- On jaraxxus, you just dps the portal down then keep on boss? no dots on sisters? 3 Faction champs is just immolate everything then single dps until re apply immolate? 4- On Valkyr, you just dps one and ignore the other? not even dots? 5- On Anub, you dot the adds? even though they burrow? immolate or corruption? Thanks!
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, glad im helping! 1) No, i didnt cast immo aura here becouse we are not having master aura on boss stomp in 10 man and its not profitable in my opinion to stand in melee and having to portal out before first stomp. Boss dies before 1 minute so doom is not gonna damage, curse of agony is worth to cast only while moving and if you dont need to cast other insta abilities so you dont realy cast it. 2) Most profitable in damage to dot sister right away, 1 bolt portal <35% to get execution buff and damage boss, then get 1 more exec buff on sister. Im full dmg portal to kill it as fast as possible so we get only 1 sister and dot sister after, its a raid leader's order :).
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
3) Yes. 4) Yes, main thing is to get +dmg buffs from spheres on execute and second demon form. 5) Its fully raid leader's call - in our main progress raid i was just single target boss, in other raid we needed more aoe on last phase so i seed boss. For max dps you just seed boss when adds are alive, to aoe on last phase make sure you have full mana before 30% and remember you can coil/hs to get mana. Damage done to Nerubian Burrowers in Phase 3 is excluded from logs, so to get max log you seed boss to aoe adds before last phase and full single taget execute on last phase.
@MrSalas 11 ай бұрын
@@Rockevich Thank you, that's very useful. I didn't know agony was a dps loss when incorporated into the rotation when not moving. that's HUGE. Thanks a lot for such a detailed answer.
@TheSercot9 11 ай бұрын
Nice demo :)
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@alirezaes9368 11 ай бұрын
How you have boss hp on your side screen ?
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Its a weak aura, you can get it here: wago.io/5Pz4pCOF5
@leNNNNik 11 ай бұрын
Whats all that bufffood on your WL, i never seen before? Thanks in advance
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Its buff from current event - 30 hast and 20 hit from food, also 3% crit chanse from buf when you use flower on event fire (use flask and after get flower buff). Also at the start i have 11-13 min buffs from tailoring profession, you get when when crafting mooncloth etc.
@Rockevich 11 ай бұрын
Also 43 spell power from food