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@carlz7777 19 күн бұрын
Thank you! Nice job Paul. As a fellow "newbie," I'll share some of the tips I have picked up. I have the exact same Missal as you do. Most of what I have to say here is an endorsement of what you already said. 1 - Just GO to the TLM and follow what the others do. No books, just get acquainted with how things flow. NOTHING to be afraid of (have found anyone I asked only too ready to help and answer questions - after Mass of course!); 2 - Then start with the Red book for at least a few weeks; 3 - Then add the handouts with the Propers (the parts that change every day and are to be used with the Red book; 4 - The colors of the ribbons are insignificant. It's more important to use them in such a way that you don't end up crisscrossing them. So (going from left to right at the spine) my purple ribbon is the first one (which I use for the Liturgical Calendar); my next ribbon is white, so I use that for the Mass Propers for that day, and, like you, my next ribbon (green) is on the Ordinary (Mass of the Catechumens) which does NOT change daily. (Two left over until I learn more!) 5 - The color at the top of the page is the color of the priest's vestments for that day. OK. I'm still a newbie, but assume that you now have a lot more to share - so please do!!
@LolaWynns 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this.
@josephcade3541 5 ай бұрын
The 1962 missal is used by sspx, sspx-mc, fssp. For this sacrament to be valid it must have the proper matter, form and intent. If any one of these are changed or missing the sacrament (or missal) is invalid !!! In this missal both Form (as in the words) and intent (as in to do what the church has always done) has been drastically changed making the missile Mass invalid. 1) It has changed the wording of the Mass. 2) it has changed the sentence structures 3) it has abolished entire prayers of the mass. 4) it has change the sacred vestments and rituals 5) the person who made the changes was a heretic. The 1962 missal was written by the 33 degree freemanson john 23 who belong to "the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of France" when he was nuncio to France !!! The cia and in 1954 by count della torre editior of vatican new paper along with the Black Nobility gave a 3000 page file to Pope Pius 12 warning him about both john 23 and paul 6. It is a mortal sin to follow the 1962 St Joseph missal and will incur excommunication for anyone who uses it supports it or has anything to do with it mr Taylor has misled you and fr mark lied to you deceived you. I don't care what comes out of his mouth don't believe them. He stands condemned by the traditional catholic church because he is obstinate in his ways supporting modernism liberalism progressivism under the false flag of a pretend traditional mass. They do not represent the true traditional Latin Mass the only missile that you should use is the Saint Andrews missal no other missile. Taylor has been excommunicated is no longer Catholic don't listen to him anyone supporting the 1962 missile is a heretic an excommunicated. You are must read these dogmas !!! The the sspx has rejected. Making them heretics. Fifth Lateran Council, Pope Leo X, Session 8, 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma > "And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith." Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. > "The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. > "If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned. Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 > "But he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith Pope Pius VII, "Post Tam Diuturnas", 1814 > "By the fact that freedom of all forms of worship is proclaimed, truth is confused with error, and the Holy and Immaculate Spouse of Christ, outside which there can be no salvation, is placed on the same level with heretical sects and even with jewish perfidy." POPE JOHN 23: In the 1962 St Joseph missal abolished prayers of the mass he also eliminated sentences and prayers he rearranged and change the paragraph and the wording of the mass !!! And desecrated it 1)John 23 rewrote the Latin Mass the 1962 missal is from his handwriting !!! The Holy Mass cannot be touched or changed in any way. 2) he was a Freemason and his name was found in the ledgers in the Freemason lodge when they were being investigated for crimes committed in a court of law. 3) he was a supporter of modernism and liberalism and progressivism 4) he said that the Catholics and systematic Orthodox are in the same church. 5) he disagreed with outside the church there is no salvation this is a heresy 6) he was a strong supporter of Freemasons, internationalist schismatics !!! 7) he displayed and demonstrated low moral character. 8) he chose to receive his Cardinals hat from a notorious anticlerical, Vincent Auriol !!! 9) He was very friendly with Soviet killer and murderer of Catholics m.Bogomolov !!! 10) very good friends with radical Ed Herriot. 11) he said and supported that one could be a Christian by deed without faith. 12) he told a member of a monastery of a different religion that he is in our church !!! 13) he suppressed the prayer against Islam and then he said he would have always remained a Muslim if he had been raised in that religion. 14) he removed Catholic saints from the calendar 15) he broke the Vatican Moscow agreement that Vatican 2 wouldn't condemn communism so that Schismatics could attend it's meetings !!! 16) he made many public offensives statements against Catholic teaching. 17) he praised Rebels and dissidents. 18) in his Encyclical Pacem in terris he taught The Condemned heresy of religious liberty it was praised by Messianic leaders as a Messianic document !!! 19) he blessed Jews attending their synagogue and then claimed that the Catholic church has crucified them the Jews. 20) he also removed the prayer for the perfidious jews from the good friday Liturgy. 21) he promoted supported and declared Vatican 2 with over 200 heresies 22) When pope john 23 Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France he appointed a 33 degree Freemanson and close friend the Baron Yves Marsaudon as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta a Catholic lay order !!! Angelo Roncalli was also initiated into the Masonic Lodge in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul workshops. 23) he was deeply involved in supporting the Communist Socialist Party of Italy 24) It was john 23 who abolished the Leonine Prayers, the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo 13 to be recited after Mass,also by Pope Pius 10 and Pius 11. john 23 also abolished in the 1962 missle/Mass Psalm 42 judica me. he removed the second Confiteor changed sentence structure and wording. There is nothing in the mass that can be changed or touched it is forbidden. There is no core part of the mass primary or secondary part of the mass the mass is not something you can subdivide into parts and pieces as the Heretics in Vatican to church tried to do to justify desecrating the mass. The mass cannot be touched it is forbidden to change even one word just as it is forbidden to touch the Ark of the Covenant. If you change anything you are excommunicated from the church no longer Catholic and you lose all jurisdiction and burn in hell forever. (Pope Pius 5, Quo Primum Tempore,July 14,1570 : now therefore in order that all everywhere May adopt and observe what has been delivered to them by the Holy Roman Church mother and Mistress of the other churches, it shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian World to Sing or to read messages according to any formula other than this missile published by us accordingly, no one whosoever is permitted to infringe or rashly contravene this notice of our permission, statute, ordinance,command, direction, Grant, indult, declaration will decree and prohibition. Should any Venture to do so let him understand that he will incur the wrath of almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.) 25) John 23 says that the Jews are still the chosen people. 26) a very high-ranking Freemason, Carl Jacob Burckhardt, wrote in the journal de Genever : I know Cardinal Roncalli (john 23) very well. He was a deist and a rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe in miracles and to venerate the sacred !!! 27) John the 23rd was a manifest heretic and could not have been a valid Pope according to Catholic teaching therefore the 1962 missal Mass he wrote is invalid a heresy anyone in support of it anyone at all is excommunicated and a heretic the traditional catholic church Rejects and anathematize anyone associated with it. You cannot vote a heretic into the chair of Peter nor can you ordained a heretic into the priesthood. There is no difference between a heretic and his work either one or both will send you to hell since the 1962 Saint Joseph's missile is a heretic's work and the missile represents Mass then by you going to that mass the church teaches that you are a heretic and excommunicated from the church you're no longer Catholic you're outside the church. You are not allowed to be in communion with a heretic or his work. Therefore the 1962 missile is condemned !!! The sspx because of all the sexual abuse on children and sodomy the sspx is condemned also because of the multiple heresies of the sspx it is condemned anyone attending them supporting them is condemned. The sspx,sspx mc, cmri, thur., vatican 2 churchs all follow th 1917 and 1983 code of canon law all filled with multiple heresies is condemned in these are " Epikeia" and " indefectibility" created by Heretics Benedict the 15th Pius the 12th and cardinal Pietro Gasparri,and cardinal De Azevedo and others all heretics who lost jurisdiction !!! The only good missal is the saint Andrews missal 1945 and all the prayers of the mass are there. Dont let anyone else lie to you about it.
@JasonFerguson1283 9 ай бұрын
I just bought a copy of the same missal. Thank you for your video.
@vivacristorey793 11 ай бұрын
I enjoyed hearing what I assume is your family in the background, your humor and your presentation. Thank you.
@robinkilgour1680 Жыл бұрын
thanks -- next time, could you record far enough away from the yelling and screaming background noise, so it is not hear? please?
@TJS483 Жыл бұрын
Referring to yourself as a dummy 3 times in first 2 minutes doesn’t motivate me to give you 20 minutes of my time. On to next video.
@carlz7777 19 күн бұрын
If you get this, give it a try! I hear where you are coming from (had a similar thought), but I've already watched several videos who present as having more expertise - but are only confusing as they appear to take a lot for granted (i.e., folks being familiar with all the terminology, etc.). If you are new (as I am), he makes some very good points.
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
8 minutes for flour
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
Omg my car is there
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
At James 😂
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
Those are air soft masks 😂
@IhaveAutism515 Жыл бұрын
Mary 😂
@thetriunegodsofficalfanpag4442 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I got my first missal. In fact the same missal used here in the thumbnail. I am in rcia at the moment, soon will receive baptism on Easter. Thanks for the help
@IhaveAutism515 2 жыл бұрын
Ma’am 😂
@AlexD.Rod_ 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty informative, Be Careful, Chill Review 😁
@yankeesuperstar 2 жыл бұрын
Very cool brother💪🏼🙏🏼
@avakinbot4267 2 жыл бұрын
You didn't sharpen you're katanas, You destroyed it Edit: 2:40 With you're aim. I'd advise you not to do that ever again unless you want to lose a limb
@IMP-vi6je 2 жыл бұрын
Mr weeb please look after your hands
@Olan_Hlabnok 2 жыл бұрын
my guy using a katana like a hamer
@Krreaamm 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you sound like barbosa from pirates of the Caribbean
@jeffreyho7484 2 жыл бұрын
2:40 , you might lose your left hand...
@joemartinez8819 2 жыл бұрын
Hoping the bike served it's purpose
@sempernarc 2 жыл бұрын
How's the mongoose holding up?
@gabrielcabrera4873 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is a virgin 💀
@johnfrancis2802 2 жыл бұрын
Nice job and stay at it your probably an expert by now , one year later. I just started going to the TLM and was blown away by its beauty and reverence. Hey i have the same missal too . God Bless .
@Uninviteduser-p4f 2 жыл бұрын
Lame asf
@danburkett9313 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate your time! Life saver right here I was about to tear off my quarter panels
@josephcade3541 2 жыл бұрын
Are you responsible for the crimes and heresies of the church ? will you be sent to hell for what they did and are doing ? Please to avoid Hell Please look up these words. Accessory Laws - cupable - complicity - Imputable - Misprision of Felony. It is not just failure to report But to give financial assistance or personal service !!! Sins of omission: Pope Saint Felix 111, the year 483 - 492 Not to oppose error is to approve it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them !!! And how many ways we either cause or share in the guilt of another's sin ??? Answer - 1) by Council. 2) by command. 3) by consent 4) by provocation 5) praise or flattery 6) buy concealment 7) by being a partner in the sin 8) by silence 9) by defending the ill done 10) by financial support and or personal volunteer services Ezekiel 3:19 - but if you give warning to the wicked and he be not converted from his wickedness and from his evil way he indeed shall die in his iniquity but you have delivered your soul. Ezekiel 23: 20 - moreover if the just man shall turn away from his Justice and shall commit iniquity: I will lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die, because thou has not given him warning: and he shall die in his sin, and his Justice which he has done shall not be remembered: but I will require his blood from your hands !!! St John chrysostom doctor of the church - what an evil covering up the rottenness of another !!! for the Lord says that you make yourself a sharer of the retribution that will come to them and rightly so !! Leviticus 5:1 - if anyone sin and hear the voice of one swearing and he's a witness either because he himself had seen or is privy to it if he did not utter it, he shall bear his iniquity ! Romans 16:17 18 - how I beseech you brethren, to mark them who make dissensions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them. For they that are such serve not Christ Our Lord but their own belly: and by pleasing speeches and good words seduce the hearts of the innocent !!! Fourth lateran Council 1215 A.D. Constitution 3 paragraph 2 - more over we determined to subject to excommunication believers who receive defend or support Heretics. Pope Leo 13 - Inimica Vis - an error which is not resisted is approved; a truth which is not defended is suppressed... he who does not oppose an evident crime is open to the suspicions of secret complicity!!! Romans 1:18,32 - for the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and Injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in Injustice: who having known the justice of God did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them !!! Pius 9 - Graves Ac Diuturnae 1875 - we think it is our duty to repeat this public declaration now and to request you to preserve the unity of Faith among your faithful by every possible means... you should remind them to beware of these treacherous enemies of the flock of Christ and they're poisonous foods. They should totally Shun their religious celebrations their buildings and their chairs of pestilence which they have with impunity established to transmit the sacred teachings. They should Shun their writings and all contact with them they should not have any dealings or meetings with usurping priest an apostate from the faith who dared to exercise the duties of an ecclesiastical Minister without prossessing a legitimate Mission or any jurisdiction they should avoid them as strangers and thieves who come only to steal slay and Destroy. For the church's children should consider the proper action to preserve the most precious Treasure of faith without which it is impossible to please God as well as action calculated to achieve the goal of faith that is the Salvation of their souls by following the straight road of Justice. You are cupable to their crimes/Sins when you give financial assistance !!! You are an Accessory to the crime/Sin when you volunteer to offer your services such as a cook secretary or even to mow their lawn. You are breaking both man's law and God's law. Because you aid them you are "complicit" and or "Misprision of Felony".This is a cause an effect relationship !!! Your the Cause of their effect their sin - Why !!! - you say ??? Because they are raping YOUR CHRILDEN THAT YOU SENT TO THEM TO RAPE !!! You caused your chrilden to be at risk !!!!! You ignored the possibility. You !!! the cause !!! are physically present in their churches, in their homes, helping them aiding them financially or with a personal service, such as a cook a Secretary or in Labor. If their churches were empty they would have no children to rape and there would be no reason for them to be there. You are the "cause and effect" aiding and abetting it is astounding that you would send your children !!! put them at risk !!! and put them in the hands of rapists. There is no reason under God's law for you to place your children anywhere near rapist and criminal priest Or nuns or their schools !!! to expose your children to such dangers Is Not Only Gravely Sinful it's Criminal !!! YOU ARE Equally Guilty those of you who have no children but go to church anyway knowing that this kind of sinful behavior is going on. Even though you have no children you are aiding and abetting in this Gravely sinful and Criminal Behavior and you are equally responsible for the same eternal punishment. You better think very very seriously about this sin of omission. They cant rape what is not there. And do not forget the rape of their minds with false Doctrine this is equally mortally sinful an Abomination before God !!! It will not be excused or overlooked. It is a mortal sin to support or give them Aid !!! When they go to say their fake Mass the church should be empty, when they go to hear confession, the confessional should be empty, there should be no one to baptize. they should be left alone and desolate and we should have nothing to do with them. The Blessed Virgin Mary told us in the Third Secret of Fatima all about them Our Lady of La Salette 1846 told us the middle of the twentieth century Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist the church will be a cesspool of sin and lust our lady told us in "our lady of good success" in great detail The demise of the church in the middle of the 20th century. Our lady told us to say the rosary the stay home say the prayers of the church the Stations of the Cross get a st. Andrews missile and say mass at home lead a holy life and stay away from this evil house, what used to be the church.
@thedipermontshow 3 жыл бұрын
Legend says that he is still trying to cut that Apple in half.
@ericparry1985 3 жыл бұрын
Appreciate this video mate, I'm turning an old MK 1 santa fe into an overlander, at first is was kind of a joke but it's actually been an amazing car, next step is bush cables I'll mount mine in a similar way to this so thankyou :)
@josephcade3541 3 жыл бұрын
The 1962 missal is used by sspx, sspx-mc, fssp. The 1962 missal was written by the 33 degree freemanson john 23 who belong to "the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of France" when he was nuncio to France !!! And in Mexico. The cia and in 1954 by count della torre editior of vatican new paper along with the Black Nobility gave a 3000 page file to Pope Pius 12 warning him about both john 23 and paul 6. It is a mortal sin to follow the 1962 St Joseph missal and will incur excommunication for anyone who uses it supports it or has anything to do with it mr Taylor has misled you and fr mark lied to you deceived you. I don't care what comes out of his mouth don't believe them. He stands condemned by the traditional catholic church because he is obstinate in his ways supporting modernism liberalism progressivism under the false flag of a pretend traditional mass. They do not represent the true traditional Latin Mass the only missile that you should use is the Saint Andrews missal no other missile. Taylor has been excommunicated is no longer Catholic don't listen to him anyone supporting the 1962 missile is a heretic an excommunicated. You are must read these dogmas !!! The the sspx has rejected. Making them heretics. Fifth Lateran Council, Pope Leo X, Session 8, 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma > "And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith." Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. > "The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. > "If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned. Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 > "But he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith Pope Pius VII, "Post Tam Diuturnas", 1814 > "By the fact that freedom of all forms of worship is proclaimed, truth is confused with error, and the Holy and Immaculate Spouse of Christ, outside which there can be no salvation, is placed on the same level with heretical sects and even with jewish perfidy." POPE JOHN 23: In the 1962 St Joseph missal abolished prayers of the mass he also eliminated sentences and prayers he rearranged and change the paragraph and the wording of the mass !!! And desecrated it 1)John 23 rewrote the Latin Mass the 1962 missal is from his handwriting !!! The Holy Mass cannot be touched or changed in any way. 2) he was a Freemason and his name was found in the ledgers in the Freemason lodge when they were being investigated for crimes committed in a court of law. He was a 33 defree freemanson in the french lodge and in Mexico. 3) he was a supporter of modernism and liberalism and progressivism 4) he said that the Catholics and systematic Orthodox are in the same church. 5) he disagreed with outside the church there is no salvation this is a heresy 6) he was a strong supporter of Freemasons, internationalist schismatics !!! 7) he displayed and demonstrated low moral character. 8) he chose to receive his Cardinals hat from a notorious anticlerical, Vincent Auriol !!! 9) He was very friendly with Soviet killer and murderer of Catholics m.Bogomolov !!! 10) very good friends with radical Ed Herriot. 11) he said and supported that one could be a Christian by deed without faith. 12) he told a member of a monastery of a different religion that he is in our church !!! 13) he suppressed the prayer against Islam and then he said he would have always remained a Muslim if he had been raised in that religion. 14) he removed Catholic saints from the calendar 15) he broke the Vatican Moscow agreement that Vatican 2 wouldn't condemn communism so that Schismatics could attend it's meetings !!! 16) he made many public offensives statements against Catholic teaching. 17) he praised Rebels and dissidents. 18) in his Encyclical Pacem in terris he taught The Condemned heresy of religious liberty it was praised by Messianic leaders as a Messianic document !!! 19) he blessed Jews attending their synagogue and then claimed that the Catholic church has crucified them the Jews. 20) he also removed the prayer for the perfidious jews from the good friday Liturgy. 21) he promoted supported and declared Vatican 2 with over 200 heresies 22) When pope john 23 Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France he appointed a 33 degree Freemanson and close friend the Baron Yves Marsaudon as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta a Catholic lay order !!! Angelo Roncalli was also initiated into tge Masonic Lodge in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul workshops. 23) he was deeply involved in supporting the Communist Socialist Party of Italy 24) It was john 23 who abolished the Leonine Prayers, the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo 13 to be recited after Mass,also by Pope Pius 10 and Pius 11. john 23 also abolished in the 1962 missle/Mass Psalm 42 judica me. he removed the second Confiteor changed sentence structure and wording. There is nothing in the mass that can be changed or touched it is forbidden. 24) he participated in worship services in other religions. There is no core part of the mass primary or secondary part of the mass the mass is not something you can subdivide into parts and pieces as the Heretics in Vatican to church tried to do to justify desecrating the mass. The mass cannot be touched it is forbidden to change even one word just as it is forbidden to touch the Ark of the Covenant. If you change anything you are excommunicated from the church no longer Catholic and you lose all jurisdiction and burn in hell forever. (Pope Pius 5, Quo Primum Tempore,July 14,1570 : Now therefore in order that all everywhere May adopt and observe what has been delivered to them by the Holy Roman Church mother and Mistress of the other churches, it shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian World to Sing or to read messages according to any formula other than this missile published by us accordingly, no one whosoever is permitted to infringe or rashly contravene this notice of our permission, statute, ordinance,command, direction, Grant, indult, declaration will decree and prohibition. Should any Venture to do so let him understand that he will incur the wrath of almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.) 25) John 23 says that the Jews are still the chosen people. 26) a very high-ranking Freemason, Carl Jacob Burckhardt, wrote in the journal de Genever : I know Cardinal Roncalli (john 23) very well. He was a deist and a rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe in miracles and to venerate the sacred !!! 27) John the 23rd was a manifest heretic and could not have been a valid Pope according to Catholic teaching therefore the 1962 missal Mass he wrote is invalid a heresy anyone in support of it anyone at all is excommunicated and a heretic the traditional catholic church Rejects and anathematize anyone associated with it. You cannot vote a heretic into the chair of Peter nor can you ordained a heretic into the priesthood. There is no difference between a heretic and his work either one or both will send you to hell since the 1962 Saint Joseph's missile is a heretic's work and the missile represents Mass then by you going to that mass the church teaches that you are a heretic and excommunicated from the church you're no longer Catholic you're outside the church. You are not allowed to be in communion with a heretic or his work. Therefore the 1962 missile is condemned !!! The sspx because of all the sexual abuse on children and sodomy the sspx is condemned also because of the multiple heresies of the sspx it is condemned anyone attending them supporting them is condemned. The sspx,sspx mc, cmri, thur., vatican 2 churchs all follow th 1917 and 1983 code of canon law all filled with multiple heresies is condemned in these are " Epikeia" and " indefectibility" created by Heretics Benedict the 15th Pius the 12th before he became pope and cardinal Pietro Gasparri,and cardinal De Azevedo and others are all heretics who lost jurisdiction !!! In following the Episcopal Lineage we can trace all consecrations of Bishops and Cardinals today can be traced all the way back to these Heretics making invalid all consecrations for priests Bishops Cardinals and popes !!! After the 1965 Vatican 2 Council all Bishops where excommunicated !!! How is it possible you could miss all these heresies is astounding. The only good missal is the saint Andrews missal 1945 and all the prayers of the mass are there. Dont let anyone else lie to you about it.Stay Home live a holy life at home and do what the blessed mother told us to do.
@paulbuede 3 жыл бұрын
I think you need to relax a little. Writing these long manifestos is not likely to save people from error. It's more likely to convince people to avoid you because you seem unhinged. I recommend you make your own videos, 5 to 10 minutes long, where you explain the things you want others to know. But find a less wacky way to say it.
@Aubreymarie_7 3 жыл бұрын
Can this missal only be used for TLM? Or can it be used with Novus Ordo as well?
@paulbuede 3 жыл бұрын
TLM only
@josephcade3541 3 жыл бұрын
The fr. lasance is filled with heresy. Fr lasance did not write the missile Pius the 12 wrote this missile if you turn the page 7 it says so. He changed the words to the rite of consecration this is absolutely forbidden a mortal sin and will get you excommunicated if you buy or use this missile for that reason alone. Why would Pius the 12th do that ??? we look to motive !!! it flushes out the rats, so when Vatican 2 starts there will be little opposition !!! I will give you one more example of heresy ( or to flush out the rats) and there are many in the missal " the new roman missal by fr. Lasance !!! If you turn to page 766 we find the Nicene Creed. This creed is forbidden to be changed or touched by the sacred councils and canon law of the traditional Church. And it has fraudulently been changed. It is supposed to be read - "begotten not made being of one substance with the father." Instead we read in the new Roman missal of fr. Lasance a sacrilege in the changing, to read, "begotten not made Consubstantial with the Father." This is a mortal sin a clear violation of the dogma of the church and excommunication for anyone who says this Creed and here's why. The heresy is found in the word "Consubstantial" !!! It has a dual meaning as does the word duplicity. So i at length will write the original meaning of the word by its founder Kenneth Burke and because of its complexity making it easier to understand if it's written down. Do not trust the internet as it defines the word only in part when it has a dual meaning Consubstantial !!! : As defined by Kenneth Burke it is a practice related concept based on stylistic identifications and symbolic structures which persuade and produce acceptance : an acting together within and defined by a common context !!! To be Consubstantial with someone is to be identified with it, to be associated with it, yet at the same time to be different from what it is identified with !!! Burke explains the concept with the two entities A + B. He goes on to explain that A is not identical with his colleague B. But insofar as their interests are joined A is identified with B or he may identify himself with B even when their interests are not joined, if he assumes they are or is persuaded to believe so .... and being identified with B, A is substantially one with a person other than himself. Yet at the same time he remains unique an individual locus of motives !!! Thus he is both joined and separated !!! Consubstantial is both heresy and Evil !!! It allows you to agree with or support when in fact it is just the opposite. There is no reason or purpose or cause to have this word inserted in the Creed other than to deceive in a Perfidious, Chicanery clandestine way. It is heresy and must never be repeated supported or endorsed you will be excommunicated from the church for reciting this Creed !!! This is just one reason And1 heresy of the many in this missal of fr. lasance. By the Saint Andrews missal 1945 is your best missile and no other missile. God Bless
@josephcade3541 3 жыл бұрын
No wonder God punishes us !!! every time the priest come out for Mass they have on the front of their chasuble Egyptian symbol of the ankh, Tau, the pelican and others, what does the Egyptian Ankh,Tau or pelican has to do with the Catholic faith ? And a Pluss sign IS NOT THE SIGN OF THE CROSS !!! To shove a life-sized Ankh Tau or pelagon in the face of God at the beginning of mass is a mortal sin it is worshipping the Ankh ... as the Egyptian do. This Means the priest is a heretic and God does not hear the prayers of a heretic. It means the mass is invalid. He is going before God at the beginning of mass with the top circle of the Ankh over his head and sometimes both the ankh and the Tau interlaced together !!! No priest in the Catholic church ever had an Egyptian Ankh over his head on his chasuble before mass in the 1800s or early 1900's. There is absolutely no reason or cause to have that Egyptian symbol on the chasuble or Tabernacle, of a Catholic priest for mass. All sspx,sspx mc and the fssp all wear !!! It has all got to stop !!! This is an attempt to bring all other religions into the Catholic Church by way of symbols !!! The traditional priests wear it on there chasuble it's on the Tabernacles !!! the Vatican 2 priests wear the crows foot the Buster bird foot print, a Gnostic symbol, also know as the witches foot, and the stang !!! which is involved in witchcraft, The Witches Stang is the sacred altar 4 witches, it's also a ruin old ancient German language found in the Norse gods Hagal god as the ALGIS which has its meaning and origin with Gnosticism witchcraft.That almost ever vatican 2 priest wears at mass.This is all freemansons and pagan symbols. No wonder God doesn't hear our prayer I am so sick of seeing our priests wear Pagan symbols on holy sacred vestments I am really fed up with it. It is a mortal sin and it is a heresy which brings with it an excommunication and once people know about this and still go to mass with the priest wearing it everyone is excommunicated I'm totally Fed Up. This is an attempt to bring all other religions into the Catholic Church by way of symbols !!!!
@carolinafarmgirl1057 3 жыл бұрын
Dumb American TLM newbie here. Thank you so much. I have gone to a few Latin Masses this year and have felt like such a dingus. This really helps!
@Sxcottie 3 жыл бұрын
You should try buying other things from wish and testing them
@paulbuede 3 жыл бұрын
You might enjoy this play list. Product Testing:
@josephcade3541 3 жыл бұрын
The 1962 missle was written by the 33 degree freemanson john 23 who belong to "the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of France" when he was nuncio to France !!! The cia and in 1954 by count della torre editior of vatican new paper along with the Black Nobility gave a 3000 page file to Pope Pius 12 warning him about both john 23 and paul 6. It is a mortal sin to follow the 1962 St Joseph missal and will incur excommunication for anyone who uses it supports it or has anything to do with it mr Taylor has misled you and fr mark lied to you deceived you. I don't care what comes out of his mouth don't believe them. He stands condemned by the traditional catholic church because he is obstinate in his ways supporting modernism liberalism progressivism under the false flag of a pretend traditional mass. They do not represent the true traditional Latin Mass the only missile that you should use is the Saint Andrews missal no other missile. Taylor has been excommunicated is no longer Catholic don't listen to him anyone supporting the 1962 missile is a heretic an excommunicated. You are required to read these dogmas !!! Fifth Lateran Council, Pope Leo X, Session 8, 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma > "And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith." Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. > "The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. > "If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned. Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 > "But he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith Pope Pius VII, "Post Tam Diuturnas", 1814 > "By the fact that freedom of all forms of worship is proclaimed, truth is confused with error, and the Holy and Immaculate Spouse of Christ, outside which there can be no salvation, is placed on the same level with heretical sects and even with jewish perfidy." POPE JOHN 23: In the 1962 St Joseph missal abolished prayers of the mass he also eliminated sentences and prayers he rearranged and change the paragraph and the wording of the mass !!! And desecrated it 1)John 23 rewrote the Latin Mass the 1962 missal is from his handwriting !!! The Holy Mass cannot be touched or changed in any way. 2) he was a Freemason and his name was found in the ledgers in the Freemason lodge when they were being investigated for crimes committed in a court of law. 3) he was a supporter of modernism and liberalism and progressivism 4) he said that the Catholics and systematic Orthodox are in the same church. 5) he disagreed with outside the church there is no salvation this is a heresy 6) he was a strong supporter of Freemasons, internationalist schismatics !!! 7) he displayed and demonstrated low moral character. 8) he chose to receive his Cardinals hat from a notorious anticlerical, Vincent Auriol !!! 9) He was very friendly with Soviet killer and murderer of Catholics m.Bogomolov !!! 10) very good friends with radical Ed Herriot. 11) he said and supported that one could be a Christian by deed without faith. 12) he told a member of a monastery of a different religion that he is in our church !!! 13) he suppressed the prayer against Islam and then he said he would have always remained a Muslim if he had been raised in that religion. 14) he removed Catholic saints from the calendar 15) he broke the Vatican Moscow agreement that Vatican 2 wouldn't condemn communism so that Schismatics could attend it's meetings !!! 16) he made many public offensives statements against Catholic teaching. 17) he praised Rebels and dissidents. 18) in his Encyclical Pacem in terris he taught The Condemned heresy of religious liberty it was praised by Messianic leaders as a Messianic document !!! 19) he blessed Jews attending their synagogue and then claimed that the Catholic church has crucified them the Jews. 20) he also removed the prayer for the perfidious jews from the good friday Liturgy. 21) he promoted supported and declared Vatican 2 with over 200 heresies 22) When pope john 23 Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France he appointed a 33 degree Freemanson and close friend the Baron Yves Marsaudon as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta a Catholic lay order !!! Angelo Roncalli was also initiated into tge Masonic Lodge in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul workshops. 23) he was deeply involved in supporting the Communist Socialist Party of Italy 24) It was john 23 who abolished the Leonine Prayers, the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo 13 to be recited after Mass. Also by Pope Pius 10 and Pius 11. john 23 also abolished in the 1962 missle/Mass Psalm 42 judica me. he removed the second Confiteor changed sentence structure and wording. There is nothing in the mass that can be changed or touched it is forbidden. There is no core part of the mass primary or secondary part of the mass the mass is not something you can subdivide into parts and pieces as the Heretics in Vatican to church tried to do to justify desecrating the mass. The mass cannot be touched it is forbidden to change even one word just as it is forbidden to touch the Ark of the Covenant. If you change anything you are excommunicated from the church no longer Catholic and you lose all jurisdiction and burn in hell forever. 25) John the 23rd was a manifest heretic and could not have been a valid Pope according to Catholic teaching therefore the 1962 missal Mass he wrote is invalid a heresy anyone in support of it anyone at all is excommunicated and a heretic the traditional catholic church Rejects and anathematize anyone associated with it. You cannot vote a heretic into the chair of Peter nor can you ordained a heretic into the priesthood. There is no difference between a heretic and his work either one or both will send you to hell since the 1962 Saint Joseph's missile is a heretic's work and the missile represents Mass then by you going to that mass the church teaches that you are a heretic and excommunicated from the church you're no longer Catholic you're outside the church. You are not allowed to be in communion with a heretic or his work.
@paulbuede 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. That is a lot of information.
@wwills1572 3 жыл бұрын
@TheScotsmen1 3 жыл бұрын
That’s not the way to sharpen a katana . Totally dangerous. Very disrespectfully of the Japanese people and their history.
@dragonsasmr1218 3 жыл бұрын
@dezent 3 жыл бұрын
I see you have studied the blade
@Chmp1000 3 жыл бұрын
There are very good swords made in China but there are "wall hangers" swords as well (swords made only for decoration). This one is a wall hanger. Its usually made from stainless steel (instead of high carbon), not heat treated and the blade does not go all the way into the guard. So it's just not made for training, the blade can break and can cause accidents.
@jasonhall3082 3 жыл бұрын
You are aware that Katana's are Japanese swords and not Chinese, yes?
@Ivan_Imperator 3 жыл бұрын
100th subscriber lmao
@jeffcarricoguitar 3 жыл бұрын
This was the most unsafe thing I've watched today.
@commendatori1 3 жыл бұрын
These are cheap wall hangers..not that I would even hang one on my wall... the blade is likely to break at some point and cause injury.. all these cheap blades have squared off tips too.. which you will never find on a proper good quality Katana/ Shinken.. which are $500 and above.. though you can find a half decent Katana for $300.. these look about $ 30 piece of crap.. you get what you pay for.. I wouldn't even use them for cutting too dangerous. Wouldn't want to injure myself.. a piece of blade might snap off and cut my throat..
@Alexaklr 3 жыл бұрын
In 1962 we only had MASS (the Latin Mass), there was no 'novus ordo' anything. In addition, there was no "ordinary time", there was only the Christmas Cycle (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany) and the Easter cycle (Lent, Easter, after Whitsunday (aka Pentecost)). No "ordinary time". That was some bogus, badly named thing they shoved on us after Vatican II to lessen the significance of the mass. Thanks!
@thefox3672 3 жыл бұрын
Don't try this at home