私の試した範囲ではボーカル分離はIzotope,Spectralayerよりかなり良好。でもStudio One 7より僅差で劣っています。
@dryskycry86Ай бұрын
良い質感ですね。単品ではBFセールの対象外なのが残念です😢 #audiopunks Although I already own their two plugins, it’s a pity that only the bundles qualify for Black Friday discounts. That being said, your plugins are still as awesome as ever!
@ 返信ありがとうございます。実はこのコメントを書いた翌日に特別オファーのメールを受け取り、購入しました! Actually, I received a special offer email the day after I wrote this comment, and then I decided to buy it. Thank you so much!