@lnboxco397 2 сағат бұрын
The Celeste frock is perfect, love my 2 versions... You could do the skirt in a contrasting fabric actually. I sew with a sewing machine, no surget
@musikkfamilien 5 сағат бұрын
I just came across your channel. I love both your fabric choices, as well as your patterns. Plus colours! I am norwegian, and watching a lot of blogs from Europe, you gave me ideas on some pattern makers,,which I never have seen. Thank you!
@sewit_makeit 8 сағат бұрын
Love what you've done here! Everything is intentional, beautiful, and versatile. Thank you for sharing your space.
@user-tg7lb8mo8o 11 сағат бұрын
Named have a pattern in their book Building the Pattern with that similar underbust seam. It's called Eloisa.
@MicheleStorkson 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I’m anxious to see your Andie dress make, I got the pattern and it’s been on my list to make for quite some time! Just need to pick a fabric!😮
@BeMoreBarnaby 13 сағат бұрын
Can't wait to see the resuts! Thanks for sharing!
@yvonneimms9762 14 сағат бұрын
Lovely to find you on utube. I love all your fabrics and pattern ideas. Think they will look great. Love your hair too, you have styled your fabrics to match perfectly, def8 stell love the blues/teals you have chosen. Looking forward to checking out your other vlogs ❤
@PatternScout 16 сағат бұрын
I love all of your project ideas, and I've actually been searching for some rib knit fabric for a dress project--currently browsing Surge fabrics now! :) Thanks for the recs! Happy holidays!!
@Beth_Ann_K 17 сағат бұрын
Love the color of that first knit fabric you shared (and how great it looks with that Joann’s bargain knit). Can’t wait to see how your ideas transform these lovely knit fabrics in 2025!
@amdelorey 17 сағат бұрын
I am very interested in the Celeste dress. I am hoping you make some version of that one. I am particularly interested in the stretch percentage recommendation as I have a few options and not sure which one to pick. And not sure I am brave enough to sew the overlock seams outfacing but that is the point, isn't it?! Happy Christmas.
@costurabrava 18 сағат бұрын
Can't wait to see all these pieces come to life :) Happy holidays!!
@sosewmad 19 сағат бұрын
Absolutely love your pattern and fabric pairing, just amazing. Can't wait to see these made up, Happy Christmas to you and yours x
@vickimaiorano5763 Күн бұрын
Lots of cosy projects. Good luck in getting them done 😀. Best wishes to you for the holidays and new year .
@Jenns_creative_spot Күн бұрын
I love all of your fabrics and pattern choices. One other sweater vest pattern you might consider is the Zipper Vest Myra by Made by Oranges. It’s a free pattern that I recently came across. It has sleeves, but you might be able to make it sleeveless if you don’t have enough. Happy sewing! 🪡
@ByrdieCouture Күн бұрын
It’s so awesome that you rescued this project! I totally remember this pattern and may still have it!
@janinagans 2 күн бұрын
I’m obsessed with these chairs 😍 I’m a big MCM fan & the cushions turned out beautifully! Does the 505 spray have a scent? I’ve used a different one for quilting and the smell was really off putting. Would be nice to find an alternative.
@joonmade 2 күн бұрын
Thank you! 🥰 The Odif smells about the same as another quilting one I have from a company called Spray&Bond...kind of like a chemically rubbing alcohol. I definitely keep the windows open and the fans going. Unfortunately, I think they all have a strong scent. 🫤
@costurabrava 3 күн бұрын
Wow I expected it to be way more complicated than that! I’m writing it down on my to-do list :)
@joonmade 2 күн бұрын
It's so simple! A great little palate cleanser between bigger projects. ☺
@zdenkasykorova182 18 күн бұрын
Very pretty UFO it is.
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Many thanks! I'm so glad it's finally done. 🙌
@jburd07 19 күн бұрын
good flower tips ad a lovely coat
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Thanks so much! I'm kind of addicted to making these flowers now...😉
@debbiecarter6430 19 күн бұрын
Clever flower 😊
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Thank you! 😉 So much easier than the pattern instructions...
@PatternScout 19 күн бұрын
This makes me excited to work on some coat projects! I love a good boucle tweed plaid, too. Beautiful coat, Paula Jean!
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Thanks, Casey! It's such fun fabric. I have a tiny piece left that I might try to squeeze a hat out of. Can't wait to see your coat projects! 😄
@MiddlingSewist 19 күн бұрын
I always really adore each and every one of your videos at baseline, yet this video is exceptionally relatable! I'm also one to not leave UFOs, but I also have one singular jacket UFO that is now the wrong size (too big) that I need to just finish because I love it and there is so much effort in it already. And your video is the kick in the pants I need to just get it done already. So, thank you for that!
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Fantastic! I'm so glad you're inspired to finish. I hope you're able to alter yours to fit -- it'll be so satisfying!
@ruthe8095 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely loved this❤. Thank you
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 🥰
@ruthe8095 20 күн бұрын
Congratulations! Lovely coat, and so pleased you finished it and am sure you will enjoy wearing it. I have 2 ufos for this year and you have inspired me to dig them out and finish them before the end of the year. Thanks for sharing ❤
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
My pleasure! Thank you for watching. I hope your UFOs turn out great!
@vickimaiorano5763 20 күн бұрын
Definitely worth finishing up the coat. Looks great.
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
So worth it! Thank you so much. ☺️
@Selestrielle 20 күн бұрын
The final result is gorgeous! The colors are fantastic as well.
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
Thank you! Definitely no question as to why I was drawn to this fabric!
@Selestrielle 20 күн бұрын
"4 weeks in the fall and 2 days in the spring" is so real for midseason apparel in Montreal/Toronto 😂
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
SO real! 🙌
@GoingGreenMom 20 күн бұрын
Personal opinion, super baggy and oversized trend needs to go away.
@joonmade 15 күн бұрын
I hear you. I'm all for people dressing however they want, but I'm so thankful for sewing skills that let me NOT follow trends I don't care for!
@GoingGreenMom 15 күн бұрын
@joonmade I'm stuck in the middle right now. Lol. My clothes are looking a bit baggy, but it's cause I bought them a couple pounds into an almost 25 pound weight lossso far. Lol. Waiting on some elastic thread to take in a few shirts.
@GoingGreenMom 23 күн бұрын
Just a heads up in case no one has mentioned it, if you want less guess work on mixing dye colors, RIT has a website and you can pick the color you want and tell it what you are dying and it will give you a recipe for what dye to use to get the color you want.
@joonmade 22 күн бұрын
Ah! Thank you! I have their plain pdf chart, but I didn't know they had that on their website...sounds very helpful! I will check it out. ☺
@GoingGreenMom 22 күн бұрын
@joonmade I spent hours one day going through recipes. Lol. I've still never died anything. 😂
@joonmade 22 күн бұрын
@@GoingGreenMom But when you do, you'll be READY! 🙌
@GoingGreenMom 23 күн бұрын
Rofl, assasins creed meets my little pony. 😂 love it!
@joonmade 22 күн бұрын
I feel like it could be its own niche convention! 😂
@aamadeus3884 26 күн бұрын
I totally want one.
@danielerigolin1936 27 күн бұрын
Wonderful channel! Difficult to concentrate on your promising plans as I could not get my eyes of your beautiful blouse ;)
@joonmade 22 күн бұрын
Welcome, Daniele, and thank you! ☺I love that blouse as well. I had actually tested the pattern for the very talented Ukrainian designer. Sadly, she had to close down her patternmaking business due to the war, so I always send warm and peaceful wishes her way whenever I wear it.
@frikinWashingMachine 27 күн бұрын
Fun project and I really loved your drinking game in the end ☺ Take care of yourself <3
@joonmade 22 күн бұрын
Thanks so much. I'm here to help! 😉
@PatternScout Ай бұрын
This is such a delightful...little...project! ;) I love how it turned out! Was also really relaxing watching you make it.
@joonmade 29 күн бұрын
Hahaha! 🤦‍♀ Thanks so much, Casey! I'm clearly very influenced by the size of whatever I'm making... 😂
@bregal6180 Ай бұрын
@skyhowie54 Ай бұрын
This was so sweet! Thank you, Paula Jean.
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ☺️
@ZeldaSews Ай бұрын
Wow. You create beautiful lingerie.
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank you, Zelda. It’s fun to make!
@gilianmaniccia3752 Ай бұрын
I wanted to thank you so much for your content and this video! After watching, I got the Lenne Top pattern and totally copied you and got the modal jersey fabric as well. So stinking flattering..I couldn't be happier. Love your IG content too. YAY
@joonmade Ай бұрын
What a great message! This made my day during a very tough week. Thank you and I'm so glad you had such stellar results! 💜
@cathleenvance4441 Ай бұрын
First of all, I loved both your videos part 1 and 2 and it seems you always find, how should I say this, the most interesting patterns from places that are new to me. How do you do this. I've been toying with making a long line bra for some time now and I've been researching bra patterns. Seems there is an abundant amount of bullet bra patterns out there which I'm really not interested in...Oh well, I'll keep looking. Anyway, beautiful lingerie pieces, and such perfection. Thank you for sharing.
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, Cathleen! I will say I do a lot of pattern hunting on IG, and I save the posts that catch my eye. Sometimes it's weeks or months later that I check that folder and go through the designers' other patterns. There's so many out there, it's hard to keep up, but since I'm not really a 'trend' follower where timing is concerned, I play the long game and assume that the Universe will put the right one in my path at the right time...😉
@BeMoreBarnaby Ай бұрын
Wow! Stunning items, so beautifully made and engagingly presented. That Bette bra is stupendous! Well done! I've just started trying out patterns from Madalynne's 'Sew Lingerie' book, but those Thursday/Friday patterns have just been added to my mental wishlist! Thank you for another lovely video installment.
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank YOU for watching! ☺️ I have the Madalynne book, but haven’t had a chance to try the patterns. Looking forward to it though!
@deborahtate7763 Ай бұрын
Thanks for allowing us to see your beautiful handmade lingerie. Nothing but gorgeous !
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank you, Deborah! ☺️
@loreleig5062 Ай бұрын
@GoingGreenMom Ай бұрын
Any chance you have seen any options for natural Fibers for making lingerie? I react to plastic Fibers, itching, breaking out in a rash, etc. Would love to make a corset, but my skills aren't there yet, but it also seems like to get most of them to work you have to have elastic and super stretchy fabrics.
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Oooh...good question. I can't really think of a bra pattern that doesn't use some kind of elastic or stretchy fabric for some element(s). For bra-like support, I'd definitely say a corset style would be the best option, as the fabrics can be all cotton (the super-strong coutil that is the base is 100% cotton) and it doesn't require any elastic...it might be worth it for you to invest the time to get a good fit on a basic corset and then play with the length and style lines. You could also try a bustier-style top or dress pattern, get a good fit on that, and use it as a bra. Lots of people use tightly-woven cotton lawn for the outer shell of their bras...you cold try it on the inside as well; it might just wear out a little quicker. Straps can also be non-stretch, it may just take a bit of finessing to find the length that's best for you. For other things like camisoles, slips, etc., patterns that are bias cut work really well, and can be make out of silk, lightweight cotton, viscose, etc, and don't require elastic. Certainly most laces are not out of natural fibres, but there are some pretty cotton ones that could be dyed with natural or fibre-reactive dyes, which could be fun!
@GoingGreenMom Ай бұрын
@joonmade ohhhh, these are some great ideas! Thanks!
@GoingGreenMom Ай бұрын
I'm a little confused. How are they going into her collection if you are using other people's patterns?
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Ruhee purchases a license from a designer if she uses their design. I think this happens more in the bra making world than in garment making, as I know other bespoke bra makers do the same. She doesn’t mass produce or pre-make anything - each bra usually requires a fair amount of modification, so being able to show clients style examples helps give a starting point to work from.
@GoingGreenMom Ай бұрын
@joonmade I'm glad they have figured out how to work with the designer so they can all get paid for their work! And by you guys having different patterns they also don't have to figure out what will work well with the mash ups! Everybody wins!
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Indeed! I find the businesses in the bra/lingerie community to be pretty supportive of each other on the whole, and Ruhee is a big advocate of supporting small, women-owned companies. ☺️
@physioontheriver7325 Ай бұрын
Just found your channel. You certainly know the colour palette that suits you! Thanks for the video. Diana
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Haha! Thank you and welcome, Diana! Yes, I'm very influenced by colour, so I've spent some time figuring out what I like on myself. 😉
@vickimaiorano5763 Ай бұрын
Wow, so many pretties.
@hannahartivor4910 Ай бұрын
FABULOUS video! Soo interesting and inspiring. Can't wait to try out some of these patterns. Really really struggle to get a good fit on my 34EE boots with the lingere patterns that I've previously tried.❤
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Annie and Myra's bra patterns might work really well for you! Those are the proportions Jennie (the designer) caters to, and she is such a thoughtful drafter. I'm actually testing her next design right now, and I'm really liking it. 😊
@skyhowie54 Ай бұрын
Absolutely stunning makes, as usual! Do you use mostly a regular sewing machine with zigzag capabilities for your lingerie makes?
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Thank you! And yes! Bras and underwear are made entirely on my regular machine, using straight, zig-zag, and 3-step zigzag stitches. And for the straight stitches, because the seam allowances are always 1/4", I use my 1/4" foot a lot, but only because I have one; it's not necessary. For some fabrics, I find a walking foot can be helpful as well. 😊
@skyhowie54 Ай бұрын
@@joonmade Thank you, Paula Jean!
@PatternScout Ай бұрын
I'm always blown away by your lingerie sewing skills! All of these are beautiful, Paula Jean!
@joonmade Ай бұрын
Aww...thank you so much, Casey! It's definitely a skill-building, slow-down-and-focus endeavour! 😄
@VoxAtelier Ай бұрын
I have been admiring all your pieces on instagram. Lingerie making seems like a complete new sewing adventure and skill! It for sure seems worth it 💖
@joonmade Ай бұрын
It definitely is! Lots of elements and detail, and I'm still learning. It definitely keeps me in the moment! 🤗