@AliyahFatty-t6m 2 күн бұрын
Yeah everything you do be careful what 😢❤
@uzmajahan5627 24 күн бұрын
The girl in the third vid what material is her hijab is it jersey
@lahleholivia7398 Ай бұрын
Quran 24:31 - Tell Muslim women to be modest and hide all beauty. Western Muslim women - Let me cover my face in 10lbs of make up and post myself all over the internet and hopefully people will tell me im beautiful 🤡
@aemon9890 6 ай бұрын
4:57 majestic
@Mayar_10m 6 күн бұрын
@nobodyelseexceptme 7 ай бұрын
@justbeingrealtbh 10 ай бұрын
@TheLegend2000AD Жыл бұрын
👇📜 A list of haram 🚫things that muslim women love 😍 to do📜👇 Make up = haram ❌ Showing hair = haram Plucking eyebrows = haram (mohammad REALLY hated that one) ❌ Nose piercing = haram ❌ Music = haram ❌ Images = haram, so making videos (moving images) is haram ❌ Those selfies in your phone, on the internet, guess what, haram ❌ Please don’t take my word for it, Google it for yourself Is X haram 🚫💅💄👄📸📹🚫 muslims try their best to find loop holes, bend, twist and defend this foolishness. This is nonsense, islam is nonsense and you know it is. Muslima’s know this well, they want your obedience and your womb. Leave the ☪ult
@MariaEngberg-hl4gs Жыл бұрын
Why are you using makeup to make you look attractive when wearing hijab?
@LMoreno621 Жыл бұрын
Question : Does the Holy Koran teach against women wearing makeup??? And IF so…… where???
@snowecaddel9454 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@LMoreno621makeup was never mentioned in the Quran…the whole point of the hijab is to cover the beauty of a woman. Trying to look attractive as possible is basically ruining the point. But I’m not one to butt in between a person and Allah, it’s just a reminder.
@LMoreno621 6 ай бұрын
@@snowecaddel9454 the women with or without the makeup look beautiful. There is a such thing as too much makeup and there is a such thing as someone needing a little makeup to cover skin discolorations. Their hijabs are a good example of modesty for all women.
@shahidiqbal270 4 ай бұрын
@@snowecaddel9454couldn’t agree with you more
@shahidiqbal270 4 ай бұрын
@@LMoreno621lets be honest in this video, I’m pretty sure they aren’t just fixing skin discolourations and also? why do you need to change your natural self like how Allah made you? and honestly, you can do makeup all u want in front of ur mahrams and women, but I’d still prefer not to. why change how Allah naturally created you? I don’t agree with you. But again, just like @snowecaddel9454 said, I am no one to judge, that is between you and Allah. just a reminder ASWELL <3 no hate
@bangtansonyeondumb8349 Жыл бұрын
Whats the @ of the third girl so I can ask for products?
@jhonatanmolina-pf6qq Жыл бұрын
Crear publicación Eloy Contreras “Los Negros y Blancos” ¡Mujeres de las razas negras del mundo! ¿Cuál es la diferencia de blancos y negros? Para Dios no hay Excepciona de personas, Cristo cuando murió en el Madero de tormento de su costado salió Sangre roja no negra ni Blanca, ¡Todos los humanos su sangre es roja, la diferencia es el color de la piel! ¡Dios es amor y ama a los que creen en él por ser simiente de Abran. ¡No hay cosa más grande en el mundo que el amor fraternal, el amor es todo poderoso. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre Dios y Satanás diablo? Que Dios es amor y Luz, y el diablo es tinieblas Padre de mantra y odio destructivo y venganza, Dios es el bien y el diablo el mal. Los Blancos y Negros son creaturas de Dios son hijos del Padre eterno, el manda que nos amemos unos a otros, dice la Biblia Mateo 5:44 dice amad a vuestros enemigos haced bien a los que os aborrecen, Romanos dice Al contrario, si tu enemigo tuviera hambre, dale de comer; si tuviera sed dele de beber Romanos 12:20, "Si usted rico en todo no lo estas practicando vas comino al Infierno el lago de fuego, su riqueza le esta condenando, Reflexione".
@brandalynveail808 Жыл бұрын
thank you for having a lot of black woman examples bcs im a new revert ❤❤❤
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
oh welcome to islam<3
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
yes i try and add lots of them as rolemodels too<3
@TheLegend2000AD Жыл бұрын
👇📜 A list of haram 🚫things that muslim women love 😍 to do📜👇 Make up = haram ❌ Showing hair = haram Plucking eyebrows = haram (mohammad REALLY hated that one) ❌ Nose piercing = haram ❌ Music = haram ❌ Images = haram, so making videos (moving images) is haram ❌ Those selfies in your phone, on the internet, guess what, haram ❌ Please don’t take my word for it, Google it for yourself Is X haram 🚫💅💄👄📸📹🚫 muslims try their best to find loop holes, bend, twist and defend this foolishness. This is nonsense, islam is nonsense and you know it is. Muslima’s know this well, they want your obedience and your womb. Leave the ☪ult
@IlovePalstine 2 ай бұрын
Ohhh if you need to ask about something you can ask me <33333 :)))) 🎀🎀🎀🎀 sooooo happppyyyy for youuu 💗😭
@brandalynveail808 Жыл бұрын
i love this sm!
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
@jhonatanmolina-pf6qq Жыл бұрын
“La mujer que se cubre la cabeza” “Está evadiendo usando un aislante para evadir la bendición de Dios, el velo es un costumbre no mandamiento de Dios, y en pide estar sujeta a la cabeza de Cristo. Dios le dio el cabello porque en lugar del velo le dio el cabello, Las mujeres casadas no conocen el amor del marido, porque no valoriza las cualidades, la habilidades y el sentimiento de la mujer por estar sujetas a reglas del hombre para sujetarlas, las que se cubren están en rebeldía contra el plan del creador Dios responsable de esta injustas del hombre sin temor a Dios, “el dará cuentas a Dios por ser responsable de lo que no es Justo con las mujeres, las quieren solo para su servicio y el Sexo”. ¡Dios ama a las mujeres de todas las razas quiere bendecirlas y guiarlas con su Espíritu, pero las que recubren la cabeza es semejante la sombrilla que sirve para cubrir se del agua y del sol, los trapos en la cabeza se está cubriendo de la bendición y de poder guiarlas para bien. Cuando venga el Rey de gloria el Cristo a establecer su reino en el mundo, a las mujeres que usan trapos para cubriesen le serán laminado por Dios y el hombre que se oponga morirá por la mano del Rey supremo, todo poderoso”. ¡El apóstol Pablo dice a los Corintios 1Co…15:25 y Romanos 5:20-21! Responder
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
uh sorry i dont know what u said but im muslim
@M_an_arab_frenchGrl Жыл бұрын
We're muslims bro not christians
@lanyenchaihyung598 Жыл бұрын
Don't upload videos with music in it, you, the person in the video and the one who listens to it will get sins.
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
ty for the info<3
@TheLegend2000AD Жыл бұрын
👇📜 A list of haram 🚫things that muslim women love 😍 to do📜👇 Make up = haram ❌ Showing hair = haram Plucking eyebrows = haram (mohammad REALLY hated that one) ❌ Nose piercing = haram ❌ Music = haram ❌ Images = haram, so making videos (moving images) is haram ❌ Those selfies in your phone, on the internet, guess what, haram ❌ Please don’t take my word for it, Google it for yourself Is X haram 🚫💅💄👄📸📹🚫 muslims try their best to find loop holes, bend, twist and defend this foolishness. This is nonsense, islam is nonsense and you know it is. Muslima’s know this well, they want your obedience and your womb. Leave the ☪ult
@mimiiew1409 Жыл бұрын
Wanita muslimah tidak di perbolehkan memakai make up yang berlebihan/ menor.. Wahai calon bidadari surga.terlihatlah cantik hanya di depan suamimu..
@ilahaa_ Жыл бұрын
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
@changeeyecolor3891 Жыл бұрын
your secret love...
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
wait huh?
@zaraxx_111 17 күн бұрын
@sayaabubaker5330 Жыл бұрын
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
sorry but are you ok were aren't maybe some are but may allah guide you.
@Kei-X2 Жыл бұрын
As a gay trans guy I just want to say that they can't support us, but they can respect us. That doesn't automatically translate to them hating us. I was confused when I first learned this but now I understand. Just putting this here to hopefully keep this girl from getting harassed for her religion's rules!<3
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
yes we do respect you because Allah (Our God) tells us to respect anyone no matter who they are<3
@sink7409 Жыл бұрын
Ew fág
@Kei-X2 Жыл бұрын
@@sink7409 cry harder
@sink7409 Жыл бұрын
@@Kei-X2 why u telling me to cry We all know u r mentally unhealthy that’s why ur Mentally ill
@AliyahFatty-t6m 2 күн бұрын
Yeah 👍 ​@@adoree.fatimm
@Aquarius212 Жыл бұрын
Islam is the antichrist energy. It's evil toxic the false prophet. That's why they disrespect women instead of seeing them as a partner like a SOUL MATE. They see and act through the human GREED. instead of being connected to God . That girl one of those countries that didn't wear one got killed for showing hair. Because that's what your pathetic 💩💩 guys treat you. Your guys aren't even men lol in our country they're GIRLY to us.. they tried disrespecting us American women out here but we just laugh at those little💩💩💩. You don't come we're strong women are and start demanding we bow to weak guys just because their own women are weak. 😂
@Aquarius212 Жыл бұрын
then why did that girl get killed for not wearing one
@fluffyunicorn6122 Жыл бұрын
That’s not the religion itself but the countries that do that.
@yaqeenhashim Жыл бұрын
That's the country's fault not the religion. For me i chose to wear it at the age of 10 some girls are just not used to it or not ready.
@Aquarius212 Жыл бұрын
@@yaqeenhashim it's both man has made the Gods didn't. Religion is just miss interpretation of what God really said. And you would know this is a feminine Star Realm.. it belongs to God starchild. And you would know the real purpose of the human. Just like when they say there's 75 virgins waiting for them and heaven that's a lie. The human flesh never makes it to heaven and never leaves this realm it can't go through the portal. And the energies are either a masculine energy or feminine energy it doesn't have the human body parts. Lol 🤣 but your God would tell you that instead of telling you about 75. The real God's don't lie. Just like when they misinterpret The 4 horsemen. Lol thinking it's really 4 horsemen. Lol it represents the 4 Elements that are going to RESET and REORGANIZE this world to HEAL it. GODS STARCHILD. IS the MOTHERS OF ALL 4 ELEMENTS . The 7 sisters. Lol is not about 7 SISTERS. 😂 it's about the Gods STARCHILD will awaken again she is the only sister out of 7 . The will awaken in the time of Aquarius. She is The Aquarius She is 7 she is balance. She's mother mother Earth God's STARCHILD She sister to the moon . The morning star. She is daughter of the sun Mother Star. Welcome to here STAR REALM. WE'RE ONLY THE STAR SOULS GET TO GO HOME. Right now there's not a lot of star souls. They're not bright at all their dim. And they can't get through the portal if they're dim or dark. But your God would have told you that right. Your God would have told you two made it through the hand rounds instead of get stuck or destroyed and being a demonic minion slave forever
@Aquarius212 Жыл бұрын
@@yaqeenhashim and you only chose to wear it because you were conditioned and forced to like a peasant slave. Being conditioned. See the feminine and the male are supposed to represent soul mates from the spiritual realm. Partners . But your religion believes your guys are men and that they're in charge over women. That's just misinterpreted by guy due to toxic evil energy that still around . Silly little humans 😂
@Aquarius212 Жыл бұрын
That's the religious belief in the country. The same thing. SAME thinking mentality. It is evil Mark by the gods and that is why they hide behind the mask in human form. They will never feel uncomfortable without it.. when you actually get a connection with God. The real God will show you the truth. And it has nothing to do with what your religion of humans taught you
@PlanetLuthian Жыл бұрын
In America it's called plantation slavery. She is self accepted subservient
@cixavenue Жыл бұрын
Tell more?
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
the video is saying don't judge us just because of what y'all (not u) see on us
@cixavenue Жыл бұрын
I got that. I’m just honestly interested in learning about the religion, specifically how do they go about getting married.
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
@@cixavenue ok we get married by first taking the men/woman introduced to the family mostly parents and after that if they liked who u chose its either yes or no (hope it helped)
@sink7409 Жыл бұрын
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 I love ur religion and culture Some people on the internet are just rude and disrespectful to others religions and beliefs Keep doing what ur doing, I’m happy ur staying strong just bc ur hated for what u were (I assume) born in
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
i appreciate it and it is sad that people disrepct us so thank you<3
@zacharykeller9725 Жыл бұрын
For some, for most it’s indoctrination of their country/religion.
@taylorwolf8307 Жыл бұрын
There's a whole revolution started because of the religious killings.
@taylorwolf8307 Жыл бұрын
There's a whole revolution against it right now... sparked by the religious killings.
@ilahaa_ Жыл бұрын
i wishhh
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
@ilahaa_ Жыл бұрын
frr girl also how old r uu mayb we could be friendss
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
do u have any socials?
@adoree.fatimm Жыл бұрын
check my linktree for my socials if u wanna get to know me
@ilahaa_ Жыл бұрын
i followed ur pin