@christopherfarrell-artist3557 7 ай бұрын
How does Zencore pro fair now the MC-101 has unlocked the partial editing in hardware? I am almost ready to buy the Zenology Pro sub, but, I don't want to pay for the same thing twice.
@DJCJ999 9 ай бұрын
I can't afford the Pro software... is there a place where I can pick up patches for the MC101?
@paulchapman112 Жыл бұрын
wow nice one! the most stylish I've heard. Like the piano! Great chords. Thanks!
@Chris-wz5oi Жыл бұрын
@johnbeckett8367 2 жыл бұрын
Great Sounds and Great Playing
@pj.bridger 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Sounds so nice!
@dmitrys6362 3 жыл бұрын
I need the full version!
@soundonsoundxtudio 3 жыл бұрын
Great! 👏🏻
@PedroAnastazi 3 жыл бұрын
Nice lil demo there... Its amazing how people think the mc101 and 707 are toys, yet theyre sub $1000 multi timbral , ridiculously voiced multistack oscillator full blown synths & effect boxes. U can even mimic multisamples if u wanna be a smartarse with it Im curious though, with these edits (of the patches) youre making, are u using the typical technique of creating the patch in Zen Pro, copy to custom sound bank, copy that to card, put card in MC, then open custom bank in the MC??? Im tryin to push Roland to streamline this and use Zencore as a VST SW controller for the HW... ie, all the tweaks u do in SW, are actually controlling the hardware directly, same as Novation do it for their MiniNova... This saves PC resources... Then in the HW, you can just save the patch to the active project/clip, and in VST engined SW control/ZenCore, it just saves it as it does in the librarian... if that makes sense... also in the mc707, the screen actually has the ability to display a KB grid (identically to a daw or the MC909 )...it has the Yamaha-esque phrase edit function scroll down tracker (like the oldskool amiga and RM1x/RS7000 type tracker) , but it doesnt give u graphic rep of notes on the screen... the MC909 has this... 707 SRSLY needs this... Just as important, (probably even moreso above all else) is a "note on" recording function, like every other MCx0x can do.. That is to say, hit record, and when u select count in , give us the option to scroll one over from the 32 measure where it gives us a "note-on" (it doesnt have this yet... ) I'll explain how this works... This 'not' (note) note-on function has been a standard in the MC and even the Yamaha RS/RM units... This puts recording in standby and ONLY starts recording when you either hit play (from an external controler/midi clock master sending timing and note data) or when u hit the key note directly (int or ext thru midi) . ... no count in... just standby , then you hit the key or trigger play and the recording starts... Another thing this needs, is a break between loops... ie, hit record, then looping kicks in and cycles BUT in between loops, theres a 1 or 2 measure break between loop recording. WIth this, it MUST have the option to overwrite or overdub , as opposed to just continually looping with overdub always on (as it is now on the MC707)... The old mc303 can do this.. and its dead ancient HW, so i dno why this is so difficult to it these days... its basic common functionality across every HW sequencer ive used on different systems from Yamaha to Roland to Ableton... all of them basically, except this one unit... Its a lil odd to explain but when u work with arpegiators, ext drum machines with complicates rolls and stocattos, midi delay units, or external KB's with arpegiators OR youre controling the MC through SW with basic midi controls (ie youve jotted afew riffs on an DAW you want to xfer to the HW , or lets say i have old tracks on older gear like an mc505 or RM1x and you want to xfer those old songs to the MC707... to do any of this, one would typically slave the MC707 to this older sequencer/daw/groovebox and have THOSE send out midi clock, in addition to sending out each respective tracks midi channel to the MC707 to recieve on each respective track.. NOW once uve set that up, its ready to record... so id set the mc707 to record... As its slaved to ext clock, i hit record in the ext unit and the MC should dance alone... My old work is being spat out thru midi into the MC707 and voila, instant remix time... not as audio, but as midi of course in case anyone missed what im up to... OK... BUT... Problem is, is that when u hit record with the MC707, and its slaved, the record function STILL has a locked in default instantaneous record or will give u a count in up to 32 measures.. Theres NO "note on" instant recording when u hit play or note.. Now, I cant explain how detrimental this is when using other outboard gear sending midi out into the MC7707... WE NEED A NOTE ON RECORD OPTION!!!!!!!! You will ALWAYS have to screw around with manual triggers (ie manually trigger external gear going to go into the MC707) if we wanna send midi INTO the mc707 from an external unit... Its basic chaining 101 done harder here, and the only way to deal with this, is for one to stay in time accurately across both machines... to do that , u gta slow BOTH sequencers down to 40bpm-ish for the recording, then bring it back up to proper BPM once done...slowing it down give u options to get in there in time... ie sync the 707 to the other gear, hit record with the MC's 1measure 4 bar count in, as it countsl you MUST then hit start on the OTHER gear as that count in comes to pass to get the first measure (from the old gear) recorded... The ONLY other option or workaround, is to slave your old gear to the MC707, lose the first measure when the count in starts (as it triggers midi clock on... ) and then hope that when it loops around back to the first measure (which is still blank) the loop cycle records that first measure and u killthe recording as the second measure (from teh second loop) comes in... To time that, is nigh on impossible... trust me ive tried... ive had to go in and manualy remove stupid amounts of multiple notes of arpegiations....The loop must be on to catch the first measure as the recording loops for the second time... so youre on loop 2 measure one... Make sense?? To get the MC to play well, u gta set it to be its own master, but trigger its on off with external HW.. You gta do this for multsequencer live work anyway... coz as u just frmo machine to machine, you gta laod projects while tracks are still playing from another peice of kit... This used to be a big whinge for those using RM1x RS7000 as theyd jump afew second to load the next project/song.. so u HAD TO have another piece of kit to fill that hole... Back to recording... Thing is, the MC starts as soon as u hit record (on it) and it does its count in... BUT you gta manually start the OTHER old sequncer/gear/HW at the end of that count in, and HOPE that you get your timing right to get the first note of the first measure in there... and if you miss, youre screwed and gta start again.... .. OR, you can offset the recording, so when u hit record and set one measure count in on the MC707, your old gear is slaved to it, but starts right THERE on the count in... Thats not helpful LOLLL BUT what you can do is squeeze in a blank measure to compensate for that count in timing offset ... ie 2 measure loop has one blank measure in front of it ...the blank 'nudge' the first measure to match the MC707s timing (count in) during recording... This is nearly impossible with an MC303/505, awkward with the mc909 RM1xRS and other newer HW seuqncers .... This is completely counterintuitive when using the MC707 with other gear... The latest FW update 1.7ish was a dissapointment... Roland, pls sit with me for 45minutes and let me explain the issues and offer you the solutions, coz Yamaha have literally fixed the problems over 15yrs ago which the MC707 currently has... Its not difficult to do and ancient gear can execute these tasks in a matter of kilobytes, so the MC707 should literally run rings around those tasks which the MC707 desperately needs...
@GanjaBabyy 2 жыл бұрын
That was thee longest fucking comment I've ever read. Holy shit🤯
@PedroAnastazi 2 жыл бұрын
@@GanjaBabyy dno if that's a good thing or not lol but point is, is that iv got gear that's 20yrs old that does what the mc707 still can't do & it's really triggering a disturbance in the force lolll
@stevewoywitka3258 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder about the 707 synthesizer and if you can do these steps instead of zen
@DustinGoodChannel 3 жыл бұрын
They 707 has a deep editor for Zen-Core tones that can get at these parameters.
@bitshiftbandit 3 жыл бұрын
This is great. Love the Jazz electronic style
@MrBasic 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this! I can see how Zenology would help a lot to expand the possibilities my 101. It has been hard for me to get motivated with it, but I printed out the massive sound list and trying to listen to enough to make a favorites list. Then, I will really want to edit those macro knobs because I like to play live.
@LudvigOlin 3 жыл бұрын
Great track, chords and fresh sounds! That JX-8P bass is awesome and so is the JP-8 pad! Thanks for the inspiration!
@winddealer1 3 жыл бұрын
Great audio, video editing illustrating how to get more value out of the MC-101. Thanks for going through all the workflow. Great job.
@_Dogstar9 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this.
@michaeljohndadd545 3 жыл бұрын
@SkyWolfZero 3 жыл бұрын
Great explanation and demo of how to do this! Subscribed 🎵🎶🎵
@joostderoij6040 3 жыл бұрын
Top, top, top
@DennisdeWeerd 3 жыл бұрын
This i need to try out. Great video!
@manne3d 3 жыл бұрын
How good is the tempo sync of the LFO's on the MC101? Does it follow the midi clock well? I mean does the LFO's start when the clock start and stay in sync even if you change divisions of the LFO, and does LFO restart when the clock restarts?.... Common problem i have with most hardware synths is that after changing some LFO parameters LFO is offset in phase...LFO's needs to be "re-synced"...most hardware synths will not even restart LFO's then clock is restarted ...how have Roland solved this problem on the MC101?
@PedroAnastazi 3 жыл бұрын
this is an intersting question, coz there are 4 partials and each has 2 lfos, Then theres one global LFO for the joint patch... bit like a ROland Gaia on steroids... thats got 3 parts/oscilators but all can be married an controled as one patch... ) ...And then there are efects which also modulate depending on the effect or frequency...... not to mention its modulation matrix when yorue bouncing things around... SO how those LFOs are triggered or retriggered/reset, or ranged whilst set to tempo, i believe would be set by how you synchronise the offset start trigger for each partial, coz u can trigger different partials at different note, gate time.. envelope, or filter.. or watever else you can think of really... BUT, you can also set teh LFO speed, so when its synced to tempo, u can change the cycle speed by simply turnin the knob.. it locks in time... u just pick what clock range/quantisation its set to.. .just like any other tempo controlled LFO... So whether or not the LFO conitnues once you take your finger off the key, or when u play a multi-noted chord or portamento riff, does the LFO start at its starting point each time a note is played, OR does it sycle the second note in time with the first already cycliing LFO (of the first note)... I ant answe that, i never really bother to notice and Im OC (really i am) so my music has to be symmetrical... I cant handle cross mod messed up phasing or random crap... I beleive its synced... regardless of note.. so wher eu hear note 1 lfo "wwwwwww" then u hit note two.. note two will be in sync with note ones "wwwwwwwww" BUT .. if ur partials are set to phase/cycle their LFOs at different trigger points, then no... it'd be independant LFO timings based on the individual partial setting , based on the partials trigger point and mod settings... all controlled by the global clip patch master setting, I dont think you can tweak whether or not modulation can trigger independantly at each note OR sync it with . i might be wrong about that...Each note rides along the wave of the one LFO... each note's LFO is synced to the previous or the base clock based on config and matrix, so theres no cross mod phasing between notes (if that makes sense) ... Wether it retriggers and restarts each time you hit a key is a good question, but you can set it how u like thru splitting up and messing with the partials... I mean u can mimic sidechaining if thats what youre wanting to do.. when it comes to timing... but if ur gna use the LFO to do that, send ur LFO to modulate to freq and res and note velocity (or gain) but velocity behaves different to gain coz ur messing with transients and freq, as opposed to simple gain Expereiment with it i guess.. Grab yourself Zenology Pro for a month..its dirt cheap.. . go nuts.. if u like it, go by an MC707 or Fantom unit... These bits of HW are runnin the same ZENCORE engine, Good luck... ...
@manne3d 3 жыл бұрын
@@PedroAnastazi Thank you for the answer I think they fixed the ("synced") LFO drift in the latest firmware. Personally i quite like some phasing and cross modulation..but i like to be able to control it. And if it there is a feature that say midi sync i like it to be that...not something that drift out of phase. I like to use LFO's to add rhythmical interest and sometimes it needs to be tight in sync to work...esp. if it is dotted or tripplet synced LFO's...and with slower LFO's i can not re-trigger it with every note..but hopefully it is fixed now in the new firmware.
@PedroAnastazi 2 жыл бұрын
@@manne3d never considered triplet lfo, but considering u can draw ur lfo while adjusting the cycle rate, it makes sense.. What I haven't explored is lfo retrigger on key press.. I believe you can set it up this way (lfo retrigger per key) but I believe that the CPU efficiency would have this turned off by default (like the extended envelopes u find in the Juno alpha 1/2.. They're here but not obvious) so only having the lfos cycle at tempo on global when you hit start or at click sync as opposed to key... Not really sure coz I haven't gtn kinky with this, but I don't see why it wouldn't. I think if ur testing the waters yo suss out a hardware unit, grab a copy of the Zencore plugin & see how you go... The mc101 is basically a hw version of the plugin with 4x multi-timbrality across 4ch +a bonus drum machine... Good luck with it
@maxfattori5540 3 жыл бұрын
@EdDiazKeys 3 жыл бұрын
Great job! I really enjoyed your track!
@DavidAhlund 3 жыл бұрын
So crispy and sweet! Man, those chords are amazing!