@ghostmoths_ 3 күн бұрын
this randomly appeared in my reccomended and i had a great time! so many games id never heard of before!
@depthsofescapism8982 3 күн бұрын
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it means a lot!
@fetus1686 7 күн бұрын
12:35 the censored splatterhouse
@depthsofescapism8982 7 күн бұрын
Lol was figuring someone would catch onto that! It's a lot easier for me to capture turbografx footage than it is to capture arcade footage
@depthsofescapism8982 8 күн бұрын
Sorry for the rough game transition at 6:05! Due to copyright issues had to cut out a review on notam of wind after the video was already released! It's a good game though! Play it! Chill time!
@Flow_FGC 8 күн бұрын
@depthsofescapism8982 8 күн бұрын
@WetStudios 9 күн бұрын
Ya know!
@anyoldgames3931 9 күн бұрын
Goofygoopa in the way it goops
@DepthsVT 9 күн бұрын
straight gooping
@depthsofescapism8982 9 күн бұрын
the famicom,,,,
@dexocube Ай бұрын
The PC Engine's Japanese library looks way more fun than the US library, just like the Japanese Saturn library is much better than what we got in the rest of the world too. The question is, do you have the time and patience to have a go at doing the PC Engine library video? And would you have to set new parameters for the language barrier problems?
@depthsofescapism8982 Ай бұрын
thank you for the comment! also yeah the japan line up looks so much better,, however i probably wont do a video covering it, there's just too many issues for me to feel like i'd cover it properly. 1: I'm mainly a twitch streamer and as such I stream all of my playthroughs and what not, theres a high number of nsfw games on the PC engine that have little to no coverage on the english speaking internet. because of that the likely hood of me stumbling into a game knowing nothing about it and whoops its nsfw, getting my account suspended is very likely lol. 2: yeah the language barrier, it has so many visual novels & rpgs on it that would be unplayable for me, i feel bad marketing a video as covering every game and then skipping multiple landmark titles. 3: the sheer size of it all, the turbografx-CD & Super CD videos both cover under 30 games and are both right around a hour long. The Arcade CD-Rom upgrade that never released in the states has 27 games and is by far the most likely thing to get covered, however i'd have to skip at least like 8 of those games due to point 1 & 2, and at least 10 of them that i can play i honestly just have no interest in covering. The base CD-Rom has 80+ games exclusive to japan, too many,, too scary,, The super CD has 200+ games exclusive to japan, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lastly the HuCard has so many,, i dont care enough to count but too many,,,
@ScreenSayPodcast101 Ай бұрын
Did we play the same gate of thunder?
@depthsofescapism8982 Ай бұрын
probably? I think its a fine shmup and a nice launch title, however I do find forgotten worlds, lords of thunder, & honestly even syd mead's terraforming if only for how fucked up it is, to be the more fun games
@anyoldgames3931 Ай бұрын
Fk Logan, we want Gills
@depthsofescapism8982 Ай бұрын
@JuN0 Ай бұрын
1st ..
@depthsofescapism8982 Ай бұрын
@anyoldgames3931 2 ай бұрын
Fk that fish
@depthsofescapism8982 2 ай бұрын
..can I do that on youtube?
@anyoldgames3931 2 ай бұрын
@@depthsofescapism8982 only once
@depthsofescapism8982 2 ай бұрын
@JuN0 2 ай бұрын
glad you enjoyed splatter2..
@depthsofescapism8982 2 ай бұрын
@depthsofescapism8982 3 ай бұрын
omg another depths video!
@MaxillaWillis 5 ай бұрын
I watched it all the way through twice just to see the cat video at the end a second time.
@depthsofescapism8982 5 ай бұрын
Chat... do you ever get the feeling maxilla only hangs around me for the cats
@anyoldgames3931 5 ай бұрын
Cool video but what if i was a bagel?
@depthsofescapism8982 5 ай бұрын
if you really think about it the master system is a lot like a bagel, good! but i dont think about it for very long
@theUberKitten 5 ай бұрын
@depthsofescapism8982 5 ай бұрын
meow meow
@Valphyr 5 ай бұрын
another certified banger
@anyoldgames3931 6 ай бұрын
How long did this take to make?
@depthsofescapism8982 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea lol, started it some time slightly before October 2022, and I never finished the park, although I really stopped making progress probably by mid 2023?
@easonloh3865 11 ай бұрын
cute & nice
@depthsofescapism8982 2 жыл бұрын
7/13/22 this is honestly such a strange ep to look back on, i remember when i released it thinking it wasn't very good and that it relied on distortion way too much. but looking back this might? be my favorite ep to date, and the distortion works very well at displaying the intended emotions and ah! its actually kinda good!
@depthsofescapism8982 2 жыл бұрын
2/14/22 adding this comment to track my thoughts on this ep over time. lmao what the fuck. i actually don't know what to think about this part. like as a overall piece i don't think it flows the best and i think the music is too hype for the theme. but also songs like puppet theater & wondering, are some of my favorite pieces I've ever made.
@depthsofescapism8982 2 жыл бұрын
2/14/22 adding this comment to keep track of my thoughts on my debut music over time. i feel like out of the three parts on the debut this is by far the most experimental one, but i do fear it wont be understood. my intent is to capture emotions rather than focusing on like, actually making proper music and i fear people won't understand that. also i fear that maybe its too intense. but overall I'm happy with it but understand i *definitely* have room to grow
@depthsofescapism8982 Жыл бұрын
2/9/23 Its been a year since this ep was released! so uh thought it would be interesting to look back on each song. is this my fate? I remember being really proud of this song and dont get me wrong its still a fine little song though i feel its lacking any sort of vibe/emotion, so i kinda just look back on it like yeah, its a thing ig. why are you scared of me? fun fact this one was originally gonna feature a utau and have lyrics! i dont remember many of the lyrics anymore but yeah!. also nice song i like it i do recommend lmao. memories. i think? this was the last song i made in 2021 so i remember really wanting to like, do something *good* and while i dont think its a bad song i think it suffered a lot from trying to stick to keeping all of my songs under 1 min (because at the time my biggest platform was tiktok) like the whole song feels like build up and then the climax lasts all of three seconds lmao. scream. how did this make it on the ep??? idk???? stretching to make it 10 mins ig???? i honestly dont know lol, i made this song as a shitpost lol, not the worst shitpost! but uh, maybe dont put it on the ep about childhood trauma lmao. cry. to this day this is one of my favorite songs ive made, i remember just going through it and pulling a all nighter, crying on the floor and deciding to just freestyle on my keyboard. this is the result. it turned out a lot better than i expected and uh i really like it. two voices. this was one of the first songs i ever made i think? its less so a song and more so a experiment of having two different instruments representing two voices in a conversation. and trying to capture the tension of that conversation. i fear this song comes more across as just random notes though to the average listener. i hope thats not the case but who am i to say. blood. such a nothing song lmao, iirc i made this just because i needed some sort of content. its another one that probably should of been cut. screaming noises. i honestly dont know my thoughts on this song? i understand this song is a fan favorite and i think the distortion is done insanely well making it a really nice noise song. but id be lying if i wasnt bored by the melody. again. a worse version of screaming noises lmao, probably shouldnt of put these two songs back to back on the setlist huh. is this who i want to be. theres something uncomfortable about this song. i like it!
@depthsofescapism8982 2 жыл бұрын
1/28/22 god i wish i could show this to my 13 year old self and be like "you fucking made this, you did this, you've actually made *something* of your emotions" and i'd wonder how they'd react, would they be proud of me? or would they find me boring, would they even relate to me? but then i have to ask my current self, why does any of that even matter, why do i value the opinions of my past self over my current self? also just adding this comment because i feel it might be interesting to see how my opinions on listening to it change over time 1/28/23. Its been a year now since i released the forgotten, its funny apart of me feels like i released it last week, and another part feels like it was a life time ago. i thought it would be interesting to look back on each song Lifeless. Honestly yeah i dont have much to say about this one, it sets the tone i was going for very well, nice simple soundscape. Sunder. Okay this is going to be a problem throughout the whole ep but uhhhh the EP as a whole wasnt mixed?? at all?? meaning some songs are way too loud and others are way too quiet, point is this song is too loud lmao. but talking just about the song itself im still really happy with this one, if Lifeless captured the emotionless fog of being post abused, Sunder captures the feelings of being torn apart desperately clawing to figure out what the fuck even happened. Faceless. andddddd back to the emotionless fog we go, im overall pretty "meh" about this song, it exists, its chill, but theres not much to look into or hear. Why Must I Fall In Love. Heres another song that exposes one of this EPs problems. all of these songs were made for tumblr/tiktok, and as such they werent made to be put into a EP/Album. and while i really like this song from the simple melody to the for lack of a better word very "human" way the melody is played. but i have to admit this song doesnt quite fit the theme of the EP, or at the very least should of been put near the end of the EP. Maze of Death. This is the first song on the EP where i really just dont really like it, mostly because the main melody just sounds like a basic door chime and doesnt work in terms of evoking emotion at all, at least its short lol. Happy. This is another one of those songs where like, its fine? its neat, its cool, but looking back im unsure if the high tempo style of this song meshes well with the EP as a whole. Fuzz. Alright we are finally back on track in terms of songs that really do actually fit the EP. yeah i like this one. Who is Depths of Escapism. this song feels like a warm comfy blanket after a rough day, and it is, very welcome. Thank you. i dont think this one makes sense on the EP, but i do want to give the context this song was written under. basically during November 2021 i was posting every day to my tumblr and as such trying to make a song every day, Thank you was one of the last songs i wrote during that little challenge and i wanted to thank everyone for sticking by me through the challenge while also capturing my scattered brain from writing 30 songs in one month. and i think under that context the song works very well, however listening to it under the context of the EP its a little too hopeful, little too high pitched, and a little too rushed. Exausted. theres really nothing i can say about this one? its nice white noise, sometimes you need a nice little bit of white noise, its cute, but also too quiet due to the EP's lack of mixing. Despondency. iirc this was one of the first songs i ever wrote and it was written with the idea of becoming a animation so its a little slow/long for my taste and uh, its another fine song? its a nice little comfort simple melody, not my favorite but its alright. i will say this EP is getting a little stale in having so many of these little comfort melody songs, i wish it had more songs like Sunder lol. Haven't you noticed? Nothing Changes. i have a soft spot towards these old freestyle on a keyboard songs i used to make, i dont have much to say other then i think this is one of the better songs on the EP. The Void of my Dejection. please,,,, depths from a year ago,,, we've had enough simple comforting melodies,,,, Missing. fun fact this song nearly got cut from the EP and was only put on it because it was a fan favorite. im very happy it made the EP as i think structurally its the best song on the EP, i just wish it went a little slower and built up the climax a little more. Tired. i remember when i first made this one being really proud of it as it felt like a "real" song, and while i still agree that its very well made i do feel its lacking some personality and im not sure if it fits the EP's theme at all, but all in all its a nice song. I Think Ill Be Okay. <see review of The Void of my Dejection.> okay but i find it really funny how this song was designed to be the EP closer and then after this we still have one more song??? just all around weird EP pacing lmao. Welcome to the Depths of Escapism. Now while I think Ill Be Okay was made to be the EP closer i do think this song works much better as a closer as it fits the theme of the album very well while still being a little more upbeat/looking forward to the future. all in all THE FORGOTTEN, Its uh, a first EP thats for sure lol. i think its major flaw is just being too long for its own good, causing some songs to be put on the EP when they really shouldnt of been. but also there arent any songs i skip while listening back to this, and for a first EP ill fucking take that! like its pretty alright!