TENTSGIVING II: the tentening
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You Need to LEAVE
3 жыл бұрын
Coming Out to Myself - 14 Years Later
My New Asheville Apartment Tour!
I'm #RunningOut of Hashtags
5 жыл бұрын
#YearOfFlights: JANUARY | Puerto Rico
Langhorne, PA: My Hometown
7 жыл бұрын
Introducing . . . #RunningToo
7 жыл бұрын
#RunningBack: DAY FOUR
7 жыл бұрын
@reuterromain1054 22 күн бұрын
4 years ago, are you still celibate today? Masturbation also being prohibited, what do you do with your romantic and sexual urges? But i kind of like you and your video. Gives me stuff to ponder about.
@thomasmarkz 22 күн бұрын
I am! Too much to answer your other questions, but pressing into authentic friendships, deeper brotherhood, has been a huge source of my growth in recent years.
@reuterromain1054 21 күн бұрын
@@thomasmarkz The great Pope John-Paul II once said something very interesting many years ago. Homosexual humans must be treated with compassion and love. And they must be encouraged to renounce sexual activity and must be invited to quickly advance on the path to Sainthood. I thought that was a fascinating statement. Gays must become saints!
@rak1711 Ай бұрын
you are such a bore!
@jamesdaly9016 Ай бұрын
Jesus loves gays so much. One of the 12 apostles must have been gay considering the statistics. Maybe Judas because he kissed Jesus? 😮
@jeffbassin630 Ай бұрын
Your hairy legs are actually sexy - as they were at the start of your video. Please embrace yourself in a positive way! You're a VERY cool guy!
@michaelm5601 Ай бұрын
I always felt my same sex attraction. A video called “Documentary 1946” every person has the spirit of discernment hard wired into their souls. This video answered a lot of questions I needed to be answered. I’m a gay man that loves the Lord. It gave me a real sense of peace and help me reconnect. With the best for you.
@kk440635NORWAY Ай бұрын
I know English. But sometimes I use Google Translate for certain things that are complicated. I don't know if this is a correct translation, but in the Bible it says in Norwegian "you shall not lie with a man as you lie with a woman". Not sure if it says exactly the same spelling in English What is sex? What is the original definition of sex? There are only two types of sex. So vaginal intercourse and anal intercourse. The word "oral sex" contains the word "sex", but it is a relatively new word, originally it was called something from Greek which, directly translated into Norwegian, is called "oral satisfaction" (I don't know exactly how it translates into English). I agree that children need a mother and a father, so in that way I think we are created for man and woman, when it comes to making a family I believe and have read that anal intercourse is seen as impure in the Bible, for both women and men. So the only way a man can sleep with a man as he sleeps with a woman is intercourse in an anal way. Masturbation is not sex, oral sex is not sex (even if it contains the word "sex"). I can't think of anything nastier than anal sex, imagine having a penis inside a gut, it can't be more disgusting Rape doesn't just apply to sex, I think it also applies to sexual harassment. If you touch private parts against the other person's consent or on minors, you should absolutely be punished. In Norway, unfortunately, rape is usually dismissed in the judicial system, and those who receive punishment, unfortunately, receive a reduced sentence if it is "only" about oral and masturbation because they are sentenced for "sexual harassment" and not for rape. There are also divided opinions among Christians about sex before marriage. Some believe that it is intercourse before marriage that is sinful, because that is all that is sex. While others believe that all kinds of sexual events before marriage are a sin. The phenomenon of "lexicon" is several thousand years old, definitions and statistics are nothing new. And sex has never, not now or several thousand years ago, had any other definition than intercourse. There is a difference between the word "sex" and "sexual". Adultery is more than just sex, and more than just sexual activity. Kissing is not erotic, but romantic, and if you are with one person and kiss another person then you are unfaithful, if you hold hands with a person in a romantic way while you are with another person, then you are unfaithful. In Norway, the sexual minimum age is 16. But two people of the same age (for example, two 14-year-olds or two 12-year-olds) consensually masturbating together or having oral sex together is not prohibited, why not? Because it is NOT sex! But it is forbidden for someone aged 16 to do this with someone under the age of 16, and that is of course a good ban I am homosexual. I was with a man before, a man the same age as me. Unfortunately it ended, but I will probably find a new boyfriend eventually. We never had anal sex, we never had vaginal sex either (because it's not physically possible😅), so I've never slept with a man like with a woman. We did various erotic things (but I won't say what we did), but I can say as mentioned that we NEVER had anal sex. Therefore we are both virgins. I actually took part in an anonymous statistics survey recently. It was about sexuality, one of the questions was whether I had made a sexual debut, in parentheses on the form it said (tick "yes" if you and your partner have had intercourse, all other sexual activity is not considered a sexual debut, if you have not have had sexual intercourse, the answer to the question is "no") I have no intention of getting married, I have no intention of going to the Pride parade, I have no intention of adopting. I live without sex, because I never have intercourse. That's why I don't live with a man like a woman lives with a man, I fall completely outside that category. The Bible does not go into detail. The Bible talks about sex, and then you have to look up the encyclopedia to find out what the word "sex" means by definition, and then I think of the very oldest definitions, these definitions that were written in the same time period as the Bible was written. If I live in a relationship with only oral satisfaction and masturbation together with my boyfriend, I live without SEX
@kelliejohnson3766 Ай бұрын
Oral sex is sex.
@rutha1464 Ай бұрын
I am a born-again, Christian, gay, and have never, EVER been celibate (after age 12.) Sex has never been my sin in my humble opinion. My sin was the evil, hurtful person I became when I allowed fellow believers somehow to convince me that God hates me. He does not. Of that, I am sure.
@LS-ii3fy 2 ай бұрын
Have any men here heard of Christian g0ys? That Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the One and Only Son of the One True God (YAHWEH). That we should follow the Ten Commandments. That we should Love each other and Not Lust after another Human Being. That having sex with a man As You Would With A Woman. (Penetration) is Wrong in the eyes of God. It is Unnatural, Unhealthy, and wasn’t how God created men to do. That Anal Sex between Men and/or Women was not God’s design and is unnatural. That the activities of Mutual Masturbation, Frottage, and other natural and healthy sexual and physical acts between men are permissible in Gods eyes if done out of love and not lust. That Marriage and Penetrating Sex is between a Man and a Woman only. It was designed by God and is Natural and Healthy. That men can love men more then women can love men. That True Friendship is built on Trust, Loyalty, and Honesty. That as True Believers in God we must be Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally Healthy and Fit. That a Christian male who follows the g0y movement must not have a g0y relationship with a non-believer in Christ. Equally Spiritually Yoked is a must in a Christian g0y relationship. That males should share sexual bonding with others out of freewill. Not through drugs, alcohol, and anything else that controls the mind and body. christg0ys.home.blog/beliefs/
@Skookman 2 ай бұрын
I’m a 65 year old Christian with male to male attraction. I am 100% celibate. My story is long and complicated. After following my flesh for years, I couldn’t be happier with my life now being a born again Christian.
@nate8932 2 ай бұрын
as a "person faith" i acrually ended up leaving the church lol. There was too much of a disparity between what i believed and reality. Scripture doesn't dictate reality, it explains it and when its explanations are wrong it loses its authority to dictate how a person should live or react to reality
@mitchellmelton5132 3 ай бұрын
In your opening statement, what the 68-year-old gay man gave you some advice, This rings with me very much so. I'm 65 and I have struggled all my life with being a single gay man and came to the Lord Jesus back when I was about 12 years old and was Baptized but nothing in my life really changed. If Jesus loved us so much that God gave his only begotten Son to die for our past and future sins, we are his creations, and he should love us all equally. If he loves us so much why is the way to salvation so narrow. would he not want all of his creatures to be happy whatever they do. here is a dream I had, it starts with me standing on a white pillar by an old white bridge next to the beach, I jump into this clear pool of fresh water, crystal clear. I emerge and a friend is standing there with me but I know who he is, We Walk up the side of the bridge to get to the top. I see way off in the distance to the right a large group of men walking towards us like one in front and the rest following. I then look to the left and see other guys standing on other pilings doing the same thing I was jumping into the clear water. Then I saw these creatures that looked like the creature in the movie " Jeepers Creeper's" and they were flying down and grabbing the men by the shoulders and taking them away, I said to my friend, "lets crab the long spears" and ran to them and crabbed a whole bunch of them and turned around, all of a sudden the spears were gone and this guy was standing before me, he was Jesus he was weeing a very beautiful white robe he had long brown hair just past his shoulders, he was standing just as tall as I was. I looked into his eyes deeply and could see the color of his eys they were green. Then Jesus sat down, and my friend sat down on the left side of God. Jesus padded the seat to his right motioning me to sit down next to him. As soon as I sat down, I was like a little kid, I looked up at him and the only question I had for him was about my homosexuality. He then got up and walked away without saying anything to me. I woke up and started crying for about an hour or two. it was so real and I have been trying to seek the interpretation of this dream ever since.
@simwingscanada6246 3 ай бұрын
Don't forget to trims your toenails...Hairy legs btw is a feature that shows off very masculine energy and it is sexy. Women who appreciate real men would love it. Be proud...
@fixyourselfdaily 3 ай бұрын
I have the light skin + very dark hair combo and it's horrendous. My legs are very hairy as well, the hair literally layers over itself. I'm 16 and I used to shave my legs so I could wear shorts, but I stopped doing it because of how much of a pain it is. Especially with the ingrowns. I just don't wear shorts anymore and I only wear pants, which kinda sucks as I would love to wear shorts if my legs weren't so damn hairy. It's so bad that I make sure no one ever sees my legs because of how insecure I am regarding the hair. In the future I'm planning to just fully laser my body. I hate all forms of body hair but it is what it is. Thankfully we live in a time where we have things like this accessible to us
@thomasmarkz 3 ай бұрын
I've also thought about lasering for certain parts of my body. Seems some of us can't get enough hair in some parts of our bodies and too much in others!
@kennethbailey9853 4 ай бұрын
What on earth are You talking about ? Again ,may Jesus Please Bless You. ❤
@kennethbailey9853 4 ай бұрын
What are You talking about? Well Jesus please Be With You. ❤
@onexonesie 5 ай бұрын
Why can't 2 celibate gay men be together in a strong platonic relationship? Seems like the best scenario. 2 men living together, building wealth and a home while supporting each other being gay and celibate. Why don't people just open their minds? Life is what you make it.
@thomasmarkz 5 ай бұрын
I'd be up for it. Would prefer 3 or 4 guys together as I'm more wired toward brotherhood with a group than single pairings. But yeah I'd definitely be open for such a platonic situation, especially the older I get.
@sepsam4556 5 ай бұрын
My one question to all of this is simply why? Why are you celibate? Is it really just because you fear a place called hell? I don't understand how you manage to stay in this trap. Having same sex attraction is simply what's within your nature. So God put it there to test you and will reward you if you remain celibate? Do you not see how ridiculous this is? Religion is simply a tool used by the powerful people in the church to keep people like you and I under their thumb, to conform. To not stir up too much trouble because we are a "distraction" or a mistake that needs to be corrected, atleast in their eyes. I implore you to please open your eyes and stop putting yourself in a position that is unworthy of love. If you remain celibate out of religion you are admitting to everyone that you are "broken." And the worst part is that you are also admitting this to yourself. I can't imagine living like that anymore because in my eyes a life like that is simply not worth living. Truth is there is NOTHING wrong with you, I wish you would see that. I wish you and everyone else that has similar struggles all the best.
@joematherly8966 5 ай бұрын
I'm really surprised that you don't have at least 100,000 subscribers, you have something to share that I'm sure has helped many myself included. Looking forward reading your books. Hope you post again soon
@thomasmarkz 5 ай бұрын
Aw thanks so much! I'm feeling more inspired lately to return with videos again. Stay tuned! I hope you enjoy my books if you give them a go. :)
@nate8932 3 ай бұрын
what has his story helped you with?
@shadix365 5 ай бұрын
One thing I've noticed about a lot of these channels where people are gay and celibate is that they usually were brought up in a christian house, meaning that their sexuality likely presented tension with their identity in their community and family growing up. Often too I see people reconvert after a serious breakup or life circumstance. Those moments where people are at their lowest and need community/are trying to find themselves. Its not uncommon to see them say something to the effect of "I was rebelling from mom and dad and now i understand they were right all along". It makes me a little suspicious myself and I think that might be why people could be emailing you saying you might be "brainwashed". I converted in as a gay atheist in my adulthood and discovered a lot of this stuff later in life. I love God. I could quote the gospel all day. That said, my understanding of my sexuality was already matured and completely different from what I guess is the norm in christian spaces these days. There seems like there is an entire ideology around what being gay even is that is at odds with the way the scientific community understands it, and that has always been the hardest part to work with. I even did the celibate thing for a while, I was even discerning joining a brotherhood, but... I just. Man it hurts my head to even put myself back in that headspace. I have panic attacks and I had to step back because it got so bad that I was starting to have really dark depression. It seemed like the more I conformed myself to God and what the church community expected me to be the worse this internal tension got. Nobody really even did anything overtly wrong either. They were kind, loving people. I've read so much literature on the topic, pro and con. I've had well-meaning people try to "pray the gay away". "dont place limits on god". Etc. I dont really date. I want to find my way back but it can't be like it was. I would love to talk to you and learn more about how you've found peace with this lifestyle, if you're open to it. I'm currently about the age you were when you made this video.
@thomasmarkz 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing and being real. Feel free to email me any time! tom[at]thomasmarkz[dot]com
@anisothmen3712 5 ай бұрын
When I wanted to get away from religion and started dating , I got a fistula . So I couldn't bottom . So i went back to god . Sure god has his own plans hhhh
@ronsmith2241 6 ай бұрын
Good video. I am 77 and gay, medically proven. I was a Baptist minister and missionary. Married to my accepting wife for 51 years and cared for her with MS for 26 years before she passed. A heterosexual marriage does NOT make you straight, no matter what people claim. Both my kids are accepting. I strongly support gay marriage and I know several gay Christian couples. Their deep love for each other is something God Himself has done. Not a doubt. All the best for your future. I understand. Take care.
@jayp3477 6 ай бұрын
Well that was 17 minutes i'll never get back. Just wanted to know why you decided a lifetime of masturbation was preferable as your clickbait title implied. Nothing was answered other then Jesus bla bla bla.
@johanneshendrikslabbert8185 6 ай бұрын
How do a single guy deal with celibacy, can you please help me to understand
@johanneshendrikslabbert8185 6 ай бұрын
Religion has more to do with things we do. I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Yes, I get very emotional about Jesus, if I think, what Jesus has done for me. Yes I do sin, lust being the major challenge, but I do it once in a while, still it is wrong. The day I die, I want to be with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Heaven
@DavidTraini-rx5uc 6 ай бұрын
You do you, I disagree completely, but ultimately it is your life. As long as you don't push you agenda or tell someone they are wrong for not doing as you do, then live and let live.
@ericalba5756 6 ай бұрын
Just don't be gaslighted by either side. Each of us knows ourselves better than anyone else can, so you do you, and you do you, and so on.
@shadix365 5 ай бұрын
I related to this hard.
@Viracocha88 6 ай бұрын
Wow. Your testimony is...really, really sad. 😥
@theontologist 6 ай бұрын
Being celibate is great, but it does not make you more holy than anyone else. On the other hand, damning other gay folks to hell - while committing idolatry with white nationalists - makes you definitively unchristian.
@anton2188 6 ай бұрын
No shade just being honest it’s a boring life, it’s a ok to have a healthy sexual relationship with that person you are in a committed relationship Jesus never said that gay men can not have sex, he never even mentioned homosexuality in the Bible, yes I can just scroll but your putting it out there that God is condoning some part of you, it’s not about sad or any negativity, for me, it’s that your putting it out that your celibate for Jesus and choose to not have a sexual healthy relationship with a man that you love or maybe it it’s 1 or 2 partners but as long there’s an understanding and protection, ITS OK! It is ok
@thomasmarkz 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts, but I'm actually in the asexual camp and don't desire sex with anyone, men included. This aside, though, God has blessed me with incredible friendships through the years. I don't believe a life of celibacy necessarily equates a lack or "boring" life. Friendship is awesome. I believe He is using my singleness to focus on the love of friendship and build those bonds. Hope that adds more dimension to my story for you. :)
@Davidipac 6 ай бұрын
This video is a revelation to me. I am in the generation of 'Jeremiah' and my boyfriend is your age. I have evolved as a Catholic having trained for the priesthood in the 80's. The organization of religion is its own downfall and historically has caused so much harm. The protestant churches have been initially liberating beginning with Luther but in the last hundred years, fundamentalism has encroached on civil libertarian and forced many young people; particularly, homosexuals to be ostracized and damned. My boyfriend was brought up in such a Baptist church and has been so hurt that all Christian religions are amalgamated as tyrannical. In the face of this, I do not try to convince or console. I reveal my belief in the personality and good works of Jesus as the moral code that guides my life. Since Pope Francis stated, in reference to homosexuality, "I am not here to judge", the flood gates have been opened in reuniting Ostracized Catholics to find solace in a more welcoming community. There is a long way to go and I believe we, as humanity, should ditch formal religious identities and seek common ground with the life and teachings of Jesus. In so doing, we can expunge notions of sin and instead seek to emulate kindness, sincerity, and love for our brothers and sisters irrespective of how that love is defined. Thank you to my Cherokee man from my Irish heritage. 'Kindred Spirits'
@manputty4u 6 ай бұрын
Just live your life. And there is nothing wrong with sex
@aclem8246 6 ай бұрын
I have met men like you before. Believing that God made some kind of mistake, allowing you to be gay. Never to have a life partner or fulfilling sex life. Perhaps married to a woman and feeling that there is something missing and not being truly fulfilled. Perhaps even blaming yourself for somehow choosing to be gay. Do you really believe that God makes mistakes ? Do you really believe that you somehow chose to be gay ? Granted there are a lot of things wrong with gay life. Multiple partners, unhealthy choices, etc. I think that if one chooses to make good choices no matter who you were born to be, God will look favorably upon you. Straight folks make many of the same mistakes gay people do. Unhealthy sexual practices, multiple partners, drinking, drugs. If you strive to do God's will in your life you are on the right path. Say no to multiple partners, say no to unhealthy sexual practices, to drugs and alcohol. Live with integrity and you will be living your best life.
@lookingup333 6 ай бұрын
Aren't most priests gay and celibate? It's the Christian way!!! 😊
@kanelowrey5172 6 ай бұрын
I read the book and saw the movie Boy Erased. It was just so sad.
@Backcountryhiker 6 ай бұрын
Wow, very surprised how many other gay men are celibate because they love Jesus more than everything else! I am the same and hey, there is no comparison between this earth and God. God bless you!
@elijahtrenton8351 6 ай бұрын
I’ve never been in a serious relationship or had sex but I just don’t like the guilt and paranoia Christianity breeds. Maybe as a gay white man christianity and the community the church provides is preferable to the vapid, hyper sexuality of the ‘gay community’ or disappointment of the gay marriage or dating scene. That’s fine, but as a black and indigenous person I can’t ignore the heavily political past of that book and how it functioned historically. I also want to point out that you could just asexual and homo-romantic. Maybe your life wasn’t meant to be defined by a relationship. Also ur following these rules of the Bible like laws but unlike modern laws they don’t always include definitions. Example the Bible never defines what a man or woman is when it condemns homosexuality. It also doesn’t acknowledge the existence of intersex people when it outlaws cross dressing. It’s impossible for homosexuality or heterosexuality to exist without the assumption of a gender binary. Though Intersex people are rare so are gay people. The entire lgbtq+ community is less than 5% of the population. It reminds me of a rule in Japanese schools that says only black hair is allowed when naturally brown hair is rare but exists in Japan it prevents dark haired people from dying their hair but natural brunettes, biracial people and foreigners are collateral damage and sometimes have to dye their natural hair black to avoid punishment. You focus on the idea that animals and nature must have a creator but by that logic so does the Bible but unlike the birds and clouds we know exactly who made it, because we still have the manuscripts that were written by human hands in human language. Why weren’t those rules written in the stars or on some giant indestructible monument in a universal language? Why wasn’t it written in my consciousness or on my skin? Some people don’t even have a conscience… psycho/sociopaths. The Bible was written at a time when most people in the world couldn’t read, and most who could read could only read their native language. The Bible was only written in Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew… translations lack nuance and historical context. Besides all the churches disagree on what books are canon most of those that aren’t considered canon by most are the unpopular or incomplete books. None of this is logical or makes sense, it’s fine if you are willing to ignore these red flags or glaring questions for the rest of ur life but to anyone who wants to understand what they believe and why they believe it or who doesn’t mind discomfort and confrontation if it leads to truth this will only delay the inevitable disappointment. I’m neurodivergent after 25 years of struggling and disappointment. I invested the best years of my life into religion only to later realize that it was an elaborate, social coping mechanism built by neurotypicals to help each other cope with the disappointment and hardships of life. Are their going to be orphans in heaven, what about the children who are products of r@pe, inc3st or abu$e. What about people who are incapable of certain emotions like empathy or compassion like sociopaths or narcissists. So many plot holes. Don’t want to rain on ur parade but if heaven is where you are going to spend the rest of eternity why does it seem like no one is interested in the mechanics behind it? People are so comfortable with postponing the explanation of it until they get there. How do you know that you even want to be there in the first place?
@lv2keepfit493 6 ай бұрын
Just trim them regularly, best to get a trimmer with the plastic spacer shims. Find a decent length and trim every couple weeks or once a month usually keeps things in check.
@philipabraham4613 6 ай бұрын
I think it's terrific that you, as a Christian, are called to live a celibate life and i fully affirm your calling from afar. Myself, i am gay and currently single and doubt that i will be in a sacred partnership -- a marriage -- in the future, but i totally believe that G-d does call many gay Christians into a committed, convenental, monogomous, sacred partnership. We have Christian families in our church, the parents of which were married in our church. As a side note, i very much expect the Catholic church to eventually join the Orthodox churches (because of the massive shortage of priests today) and allow married priests to be ordained to the priesthood. But i hope that the Church's tradition of vocations of celibacy is kept in place, i.e. i hope that there remains a visible tradition of celebate religious and non-religious in the Church, blessed, ordained and treasured in the Church as is the case today. Whether we are called to marriage or celibacy, that is an issue to be discerned by an individual Christian in the context of Christian community--in the process of spiritual discernment. Otherwise, i wish you peace and blessings in your walk with Christ in Christian community. With few exceptions, we cannot walk successfully with Christ, on our own, alone. (Some few are called to live in hermitage, like the Carthusians, but it is rare.) All of us need to be grounded in Eucharistic community, as spiritual and physical members of the Body of Christ.
@kevinjanghj 6 ай бұрын
You aren't brainwashed, nor are you a religious freak or nutcase. I don't vouch to understand your sexuality, but on my own end, celibacy is immensely more fruitful than going out to sleep with anyone, guy or girl, or being in a relationship. I grew up in the evangelical church since my teens, despite being in a Catholic school, and eventually moved to Eastern Orthodoxy. The practice of Christian faith is not just rich but also liberating from the mores of the world!
@thomasmarkz 6 ай бұрын
Aw thanks for the support. Appreciate your watching. All best to you in this journey!
@monkeyjones5721 6 ай бұрын
If I’m a gay Christian in a same-sex relationship, but we choose to be celibate going forward, will we inherit God’s kingdom?
@thomasmarkz 6 ай бұрын
Man, just keep following Jesus and you'll find life. <3
@robertrobbob3384 6 ай бұрын
I was delivered from Homosexuality last March. I've been in the lifestyle for 43 years. Homosexuality is Homosexuality regardless of how you paint it. Being in a relationship with a man is against God's word. Including or excluding sexual desires.
@gachamansama3703 5 ай бұрын
​@@robertrobbob3384 could you talk more about your experiences? 43 years is a long time to be practicing homosexual behavior and then just suddenly change
@Richardwhytsell 7 ай бұрын
My God gave me free will and the Holy Spirit to help guide me thru life. I have to agree with alot of your readers. Stay away from organized religion. I am a very spiritual person and I deeply believe religion is man made. We as humans are spiritual beings and we are very natural beings. If it works for u, it is good. Sending blessings to u always.
@L-mo 7 ай бұрын
I think faith is a very personal thing (or it should be). So it's not really ok for someone else to tell you how to think, believe or live. Having a faith can definitely be hugely positive for many individuals. I am a professional scientist from a Christian background, I'm also gay. I don't follow Christianity, or any religion, but I know scientists and gay people of different faiths who are lovely people living very happy lives.
@alanweber6805 7 ай бұрын
Your amazing keep up the faith god bless and take care
@ronsmith2241 7 ай бұрын
I was a Baptist Pastor and married to my accepting wife for 51 years before she passed. Cared for her with MS for 26 years. BUT I am gay and that was medically proven. The entire medical profession declassified homosexuality 51 years ago. I went through 13 years of reparative therapy including electronic shock therapy. It is absolutely fine to be gay. God has also created some of over 1500 animal species gay. I also hope you can accept yourself as gay and be proud of it. God doesn't make mistakes. I would love to be able to sit down and chat with you.
@thomasmarkz 7 ай бұрын
I do accept myself as gay and am proud of the giftings that come through my orientation! Empathy, creativity, and helping other men embrace vulnerability as a virtue, among them. I also maintain a traditional belief about sex and marriage and live accordingly as single and celibate. There are no easy roads in life, but I feel grateful to God for letting me find this path with other brothers (and sisters, too) to walk alongside. Shoot me an email any time! tom @ yourotherbrothers.com
@CherubEros 8 ай бұрын
@original_golden_egg 8 ай бұрын
This video made me doubt my sanity. A regular looking dude with the most regular looking legs speaking about how his legs are a huge insecurity. Should I and millions of men with much hairier legs be insecure as well?
@arpitshivhare217 8 ай бұрын
Gonna do it this week I'm having jungle down there 😂
@charleskock5026 8 ай бұрын
You can be gay and love Jesus/ God.
@thomasmarkz 8 ай бұрын
@gregorymarshall7909 8 ай бұрын
I've ALWAYS felt like big hairy legs on a man is very sexy! I too try to follow a Christian wallk I life. Truthfully, men with nice sized, hairy legs, create a distraction for me...and I'm not gay...but do find certain male attributes, too, spiritually diatracting...if you understand what I'm implying. Perhaps needless to say now, I loved your legs before they were shaved.
@PC-ne7xj 9 ай бұрын
Another video idea is to show off your hairy legs with your socked feet and bare feet. Hairy legs and socked feet are an amazing combination 😍