Liberty, Privacy & Security  (LLP 00)
@maureenwalsh4305 Күн бұрын
I love Brando. Can’t be him . Such real a “real” man. My idol 🤩 God bless his soul 🫶🏻☘️
@LMedlock33 3 күн бұрын
Truly incredible
@leahd7283 14 күн бұрын
Funny coming back here in 2025. Their careers weren’t destroyed , and they’ve been pardoned for their crimes
@brendawilliams8062 24 күн бұрын
Children would benefit from from a modernized program More advanced as they age Exactly as he teaches the subject
@nicolassuarez7938 26 күн бұрын
I recently read close to a 100 hours of details and patterns of Mbti personalities. I strongly believe that Carl Jung is a ENTP(Ne-Ti-Fe-Si) and i will tell you why. *Why cant be INTJ or INFJ or Ni conscious.* Ni acts like having tunnel vision, it looks for closure, cutting down ideas or possibilities to narrow down to the truth, and for Ni's there is *only* one truth that is objetive in the physical/real world, so they have a direct/focused plan and objetive of getting to this one truth. Also external functions can change the state of motivation or drive so if he is Ni he should have Fe or Te to have the drive and he doesnt look actively for harmony(Fe aux), and doesnt have the temperament to coerce other people(Te aux). Jung its driven by Ne, has a positive energy(Because Ne is permanently driving him) and physically calm(Si instead Se), open to talk, smiling and doing little jokes in every interview, rambling a little bit :) also he takes pauses between sentences, is very casual and doesn't have a plan of what he wants to communicate, it generates what he wants to say in the moment jumping from one idea to another. The Ni's Doms instead they have internal plan when communicating, and the talk needs to have a purpose and objetive, it has to be sure that the information got delivered effectively to the other person. *Why its Ne-Ti dom, over Ti-Ne dom* Ti-Ne doms have a step before the connection to the external world, Ti will filter when they deliver or receives information, it is rational or not to acept it. But for Jung every piece of information is valuable to accept and to remember , and then later he will figure out if he can use it to make something with it. *Why Fe is tertiary and not Inferior in him* Then he says he has a difficulty with Feelings (difficulty, not trouble). I interpret this as Fi Blindspot. The Blindspot its the contrary to the Tertiary function, he has difficulty understanding the why of his internal feelings, he cant define them or articulate them, but it does not destabilizes him, he is just unaware of internal feelings, also, he is very aware of perceived external feelings and understanding others, he is a warm person and is aware of the context Harmony(Fe) and its priority over Inferior Si, so he doesn't say dry details or facts that will damage the other person feelings like INTP sometimes do. And having 2 external functions working together Ne dom Fe tertiary plus he uses the openness and positive ideas and higher mental energy to enrich the objetive of Fe Harmony. In the case of Fe being inferior this would not work, because INTP now would have 2 internal functions and he is not a person that prioritizes rationality backed up with details, he does not rely on empirism and concrete facts, instead he does the above said. Also Fe inferior and Fi not being in blind spot it would mean that now Fi being capable of destabilize him and erode his ego , but he remarks a higher deal, a trouble that destabilizes him.. "...I was often at variance with the reality of things" so there is his inferior Si and Demon Se, if was the case that he was Si tertiary and Se blindspot, it will not have conscious problems with the reality and concrete details. Also, his works and way of theorizing are very ENTP-like: integral, rationally harmonious, with the broadest angle of knowledge, and polymathic, a Chad. I can't imagine an INTP doing work like that; they value empiricism, details, and facts. Jung sometimes appears spiritual because of his abstraction upon abstraction upon abstraction, he was a century ahead. That’s what you get when you’re the best NT type. I'm sorry you guys intps and infjs, you guys are our peasants haha, what you gonna do? Man, I really like that man , wouldn't it be great to talk to him for a while? Sadly, i born 124 years later.
@Capitanvolume Ай бұрын
The demand for the currency would still be there because demand for fiat currency is because you go to jail if you dont pay your taxes.
@jonasjacobsen9702 Ай бұрын
MMT simply jusy explain our CURRENT fiat currency system. Thats literally it. Whether you like it or not.
@summershowerr Ай бұрын
INTJ (intuition-> E/I NFJ or E/I NTJ thinking-> E/I NTJ not reality based: -> INTJ) could also be INTP
He is saying that it will lead to the devaluation of your currency. One risk, for sure. Another hyperinflation. MMT is socialism. It takes government money and detaches it from land, labor and capital. Most importantly labor. Time is money.
@sudoboat 2 ай бұрын
It is an interesting experience, to realize that the person you respect so much is wrong in such a great way. It doesn't matter if I can't compute it. What's important is that I can identify it and build an apparatus to recognize it to avoid committing too many resources into the problem. Yes, it would falsely identify problems that are outside of available computational power, but that's not a huge problem if we're talking about an entity that can survive for millennia and acquire more computational resources over time. Yes, an AI with a mechanism lik3 that would not be able to answer _every_ question, but can we?
@AutismusMaximus1 2 ай бұрын
They don't understand the concept of doing things without compensation, that's an European trait that come from our outstanding ability to feel empathy.
@randstrickfaden4148 2 ай бұрын
This is false, because there would still be fiscal responsibility exercised in determining how much surplus money would be issued and for what purpose. I don’t see how that would upset foreign exchange markets. Besides, what determines demand for a currency thus its price to that of another are seperate reasons and objectives. Alls they’d be concerned about is their availability and price stability.
@James-m8x3b 2 ай бұрын
I can't decide whether Greenspan's reply was an example of a non-sequitur or an example of dementia. Very strange indeed.
@donovangill3138 Ай бұрын
He was saying that access to foreign markets ensures that MMT can’t work and you would have to shut it down to make it work.
@James-m8x3b Ай бұрын
@@donovangill3138 Hmm. Thanks for the translation. I guess I just don't get it. What I've read about MMT says what Greenspan is talking about has something to do with a fixed exchange rate system, but we have a floating exchange rate system, so his comment doesn't apply. Plus, I was under the impression that we do all our imports and exports in dollars anyway. I'll have to read more about MMT. 🙂
@donovangill3138 Ай бұрын
@ it’s basically double entry book-keeping on a macroeconomic scale mixed with a fundamental misunderstanding of what inflation actually is. “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon” Milton Friedman
@James-m8x3b Ай бұрын
@@donovangill3138 I thought the Friedman definition of inflation was out of fashion these days. In any case, I don't think anybody really knows what it is. There are all sorts of definitions of what inflation is and what all the different types of inflation are, and all sorts of recommendations of what to do about each type. Those of us who are not professionals tend to get lost in it all. (It seems the public at large thinks of inflation as rises in the prices of things. I guess economists call that the CPI.)
@donovangill3138 Ай бұрын
@ MMT is popular among politicians because it allows them to deficit spend as much as they want but no true economist worth their salt would recommend any policy based on MMT. I recommend Academic Agents video on it if you want to understand it better.
@redbird444 2 ай бұрын
The white man now tragically bows to the Orange man.
@ziyad.sh52 2 ай бұрын
استمر يا تاليسكا
@Lobos222 2 ай бұрын
While MMT supporting people have a few goals as well, like full employment, they push and their reasoning on such might not be 100%. MMT pretty much just explains how fiat currency works. We more or less follow what MMT states today within given degrees. Raising interest rate to increase unemployment and thereby indirectly reduce spending to fight inflation. Is just one way to do it. Greenspan is the same guy that ignored asset inflation for many years that lead to 2008 mortgage bubble burst. While also being followed by Ben Bernanke that went wild on money printing via quantitative easing.
@He-Him_Man 3 ай бұрын
The irony that the limits of AI is not reasoning, but in empirical (sense) phenomenology.
@tomekczajka 3 ай бұрын
Even the best humans can only solve *some* tiling problems. No human can solve all tiling problems. Same thing with computers. Computer algorithms can only solve some tiling problems. They can't solve all tiling problems. So even the best humans have the same limitation as computers. The argument demonstrates nothing about the supposed superiority of humans.
@Rob-fx2dw 3 ай бұрын
If the governments debt is my credit or asset according to Kelton then my debt is the government's credit or asset and they have no problem with me having tax debt payable to the government because it is already their asset or credit.
@omertaword583 4 ай бұрын
Ειναι το ειδωλο μου ακομα και μεγαλος ηταν ενας κουκλος τον αγαπω πανεξυπνος,πανεμορφος ολα τελεια ηταν πανω του
@Woudloper 4 ай бұрын
Marlon looking fairly fit here.
@goraiebfred 4 ай бұрын
At the risk of sounding like some pseudo-intellectual dip-sh*t, listening to Brando is like something out of Willian Faulkner, who used stream of consciousness as a narrative device. You can never peg him on what he is saying because he's all over the place. I love the guy deeply, he is one of my all time favorite people, not just as an actor. In fact, I copied Brando when I was doing theater in California! He was delightful to emulate because he was so damn natural, which is really tough to do when you have a script in front of you. He just did it without even laboring over it, which, by the way, was his advise on acting: don't overdo it.
@Leirothehero 4 ай бұрын
He just explained how life has felt from my perspective. Always been intuitive. Always been a thinker. Reality isn’t fun when everyone is dumb. Or at least in the manor you think. Most people try to focus on the flaws of the personality but it’s probably waaay more important to focus on the good. I truly wish he had more students or proteges of his ideology.
@AnonamousAnonamous 5 ай бұрын
Brando is sitting on the saddle. Larry King, God love him, is riding on the horse's face. He's not settled into the moment. He's pushing. Brando doesn't give a shit about where the horse is going, he's enjoying the ride. Larry should have joined him in the saddle, said to himself, "I'm sitting here with Marlon Freakin' Brando", and enjoyed the moment. Or better said, less talking, more listening. Less "endgaming", more playing the game. Less urgency, more fun.
@rapidash1995 5 ай бұрын
@mcrichards694 5 ай бұрын
I’m a white guy and he was right about everything. This country is beyond broken.
@MAYK1NG 6 ай бұрын
When was this taped?
@治砂塚 6 ай бұрын
@DidacusMolinarius 6 ай бұрын
@donnacobb4027 6 ай бұрын
Brando is so weird
@manchesterunited9576 6 ай бұрын
What an idiot lmao
@carolynbarnes7098 6 ай бұрын
I still miss him! Marlon makes so much sense..
@Beaumustang 7 ай бұрын
As a black man that grew up reading comics I just want to give my respect and thanks
@AKPNW76 7 ай бұрын
More reasons not to listen to what this moron says.
@ciadella1971 7 ай бұрын
I love it when Marlin put his face in the camera in front of Larry. He was totally anti Hollywood anti movie star and he was so cool for that.
@MelissaMcCarthy-b4p 7 ай бұрын
People get fat for no reason 😱 understand that please 🥺 don't judge everyone else for being fat because until it happens to you guys ❤😂I hope will sooner than later 😊 unbelievers become believers believe 😮😢
@abutalebchowdhury807 7 ай бұрын
Larry is always been an asshole and it is very clear here..He is burning in hell for sure.
@sphillyfanatic7451 7 ай бұрын
Where are those golden notes of his ??
@krakraichbinda 7 ай бұрын
We are a multidimensional being from outer world of physics, chemistry and biology. As living beings, we follow other rules than AI, cause we have to conquer the resources for survival and reproduction. All physical objects undergo the entropy. All living beings know, they are mortal. AI may know this fact, but it can't catch what does it mean for it. The entropy sets a limits for everything in the world. A simply coronal mass ejection from the Sun may end the modern era of Mankind and AI would belong to the history.
@ringgame 7 ай бұрын
Thats pretty cool
@JeffreyHand-o9t 8 ай бұрын
Brando is easily the worst speaker ever, his voice is a lifeless drone!
@korosh5081 8 ай бұрын
Poor brando , he was forced to kiss Larry king’s ass .
@BartholomewHenryAllen 8 ай бұрын
Social Isolation. That's basically the explanation for every INTP. They grow up having to death with childhood social isolation. And then they end up stuck having to deal with Fe inferior to the point of anxiety (Ne Parent).
@BartholomewHenryAllen 8 ай бұрын
Think you can make a video finally addressing the following information? Dichotomy Accurate Terms: Perspective:  I = Introspective  E = Extrospective Perceiving:  N = Potential  S = Liminal Judging:  T = Rational  F = Harmonial Retrospection:  P = Wary  J = Brash Function Accurate Terms: Thoughts:  Ti = Facts (Sensibility Function)  Fi = Comfort (Egotistical Function) Goals:  Si = Familiarity (Refinement Function)  Ni = Fantasies (Obtainment Function) Mindfulness:  Fe = Care (Sensibility Function)  Te = Beliefs (Egotistical Function) Perception:  Ne = Factors (Refinement Function)  Se = Actions (Obtainment Function) Prominent Dichotomy Factors: 1) Rhetorical Appeals:  NT = Logos (Rationalist Intellectuals)  NF = Pathos (Phony Idealists)  SJ = Ethos (Zealous Guardians)  SP = Kairos (Activist Artisans) 2) Impulse Factors:  NP = Phobo (Fearful Artificer)  NJ = Motivo (Greedy Altruist)  SF = Neutro (Indifferent Pioneer)  ST = Celero (Urgent Soldier) 3) IPDE:  IJ = Identify / Inspect  IP = Predict / Ruminate  EJ = Decide / Expect  EP = Execute / Confront 4) Pretrial Judgments:  IN = Outline / Summary  IS = Typical / Default  EN = Confide / Confession  ES = Permit / Consent 5) 4 Friend Archetypes:  TP = Guide (Teach)  FJ = Harasser (Give)  FP = Cheerleader (Relax)  TJ = Prophet (Learn) 6) 4 Pillars Of Primary Health Care:  IT = Physical Coordination  IF = Emotional Participation  EF = Social Participation  ET = Support Mechanisms What else should I keep in mind or fix when working on my own Cognitive Mechanics Tesseract?
@RedHeadKevin 8 ай бұрын
"Now Larry is happy."
@dominickmorizio2482 9 ай бұрын
miss you, marlon 🌹
@JonM-ts7os 9 ай бұрын
Jesus King as terrible honestly the worst here.
@LambertBowden56 9 ай бұрын
People assume Spider Man is white because the overwhelming majority of people in the United States are white...
@RussKL-lu9gu 9 ай бұрын
Thanks! I didn't even realize it, but suddenly it hit me… I was actually letting it flow after the movies, my best guess is that when I go'ogled Beck Reznark's guide and read it, something changed inside me. Can’t quite explain it, it’s been months, I can’t believe I even had paruresis to begin with.
@youssefbenothman 9 ай бұрын