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@user-caracol 4 минут бұрын
@monyedi1 51 минут бұрын
Ne güzel bir ders. Çok teşekkür ederim.
@franckcolas8623 53 минут бұрын
un monde riche en diversité
@jamescoe4765 Сағат бұрын
I find it a sad picture of a young woman who is a victim of abuse escaping for a moment and looking back at the place of her abuse. It didn't occur to me she was disabled physically. Thanks for the explaination.
@hgus Сағат бұрын
Muchas gracias.
@TheFernandoeval Сағат бұрын
É por todo esse elitismo que a "arte" se tornou irrelevante para a imensa maioria das pessoa, com exceção dos pouquíssimos "iluminados".
@AndreyReactor Сағат бұрын
.. а женщину художник выбрал предпенсионного возраста, чтобы подчеркнуть зрелость красок в конце лета. Но возраст женщины может навивать, лëгкое уныние на фоне блеклых оттенков, поэтому художник нарисоаал её со спины. Бля..😳
@karphin1 2 сағат бұрын
I have always loved Andrew Wyeth’s work. My mother did too, and a copy of Cristina’s world hung in our dining room. I find the critiques of Wyeth’s work to be snobbish and elitist. He was brilliant at capturing mood, sensitivity and depth of emotion. His work went out of fashion when abstract expressionism became the flavour of the time. But it doesn’t mean there was no place for Wyeth and others. He still has many fans! I could ever paint like him, but can admire what he does. Thanks for this explanation of this well known work.
@akmalmard1617 3 сағат бұрын
No paraba de reír 😂, tienes un buen maestro de pintura bro
@vickv1424 3 сағат бұрын
Фигня. Девушка лежит, как приманка, классная попа, лежит задом, под юбкой тайна 😅 И она приглашает 😅
@alberton.1601 3 сағат бұрын
Sinceramente yo no veo una actitud desafiante en ella, sino de MIEDO. Teme que "alguien" la vea desde la casa. Intenta mimetizarse con el terreno para no ser vista. Claro, todo es subjetivo.
@alejandrok2891 3 сағат бұрын
@reisswolf5202 4 сағат бұрын
Mir gefallen seine Gemälde sehr gut und ich finde diese Aussage von solchen "Kunstexperten" als sehr anmaßend und bösartig. Wie hat er denn über Picasso geurteilt? Hat er sich das überhaupt getraut über seine Bilder, die ja nichts mit der Realität zu tun haben, so abwertend sich zu äußern? Mir gefallen die Bilder von Picasso überhaupt nicht. Aber die Geschmäcker sind nun mal verschieden. 😊
@palnagok1720 5 сағат бұрын
Critics can't paint, they are full of their own bullshit.They talk up modernist crap and no doubt, get some kickbacks.
@pierluigimartino6123 5 сағат бұрын
L'ho visto ieri guardando il film Oblivion.
@stalin1059 7 сағат бұрын
Critico de arte, em geral, eh um frustrado. A obra do artista eh executada para ele mesmo admirar, nao importam as opinioes.
@NTav540 7 сағат бұрын
Interessante discussão.
@tonip3598 8 сағат бұрын
Los críticos siempre se sienten por encima de la obra de la que hablan, ocurre siempre con el cine. Tu no haces crítica, explicas la obra. Y con tu explicación me has dado motivos para admirarla. Me ayudas a entender lo que estoy viendo, yo no he estudiado arte. Así que gracias, lo explicas fácil y sin palabras rimbombantes. Eres profesor? Porque si eres crítico de arte te van a echar de sus clubes 😅
@anatoly4822 9 сағат бұрын
Картинка не весёлая ! - Нищета и сухое, голодное поле. Видно, что истощенная девушка упала. ( И только из комментария к видео узнаём о её заболевании. ) Вообще, в подобном настроении любили писать полотна русские Передвижники конца XIX века . Для американцев - тема из ряда вон !
@karlmahlmann 10 сағат бұрын
I think your political interpretation of this is way, way off-base. Christina's World is revered, as it should be, as a timeless, great work.
@CesarCordova 10 сағат бұрын
@SergioProgAlt 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you for uploading these paintings, and for your comments. Andrew Wyeth is a true great artist. The expressiveness of the characters he paints, the harmony of his paintings composition, and also his excellent technique stand in sharp contrast with the deprecating, but rather absurd, critics' attacks on his art. They feel very hip, up-to-date and "sophisticated" in attacking a genuine, very talented artist, while lavishing praise on some fashionable abstract "art works". There are painting styles that self-important critics have actually turned into fashionable, pseudo-sophisticated "art". So much false pretense, going on for many decades already! I am convinced that the future of art CANNOT continue to perpetuate absurd false pretense, and genuine art - such as that created by Andrew Wyeth - will receive its full recognition, while the self-important, but very low in genuine artistic creativity, abstract "art works" will be seen as the curious oddities, lacking in genuine merit, that they are.
@user-ef2lb6tn2i 14 сағат бұрын
Ван Гог тоже сочувствовал простым людям . Его рисунки меньше известны , чем цветные картины . Капитализм препятствует соцреализму . Он противостоит правде. В России сейчас тоже капитализм. Для народа ничего хорошего в этом нет .
@rodolfodening6448 14 сағат бұрын
Ésta pintura también aparece en la peli Oblivion con Tom Cruise
@susanafarroni5810 17 сағат бұрын
Los críticos de arte generalmente son una basura,si le importaba y gustaba al.pintor y a quienes,como yo,lo disfruta,es suficiente
@grantmoulton9204 17 сағат бұрын
Thank you for opening my mind to the reality behind this painting. In a thousnd years, people will still look at this painting and think about what it says, while most "modern" art of the 20th and 21st century will have vanished into the dumpster or rotted with the rest of the refuse.
@carlotamarquez8624 18 сағат бұрын
@mariahernandez-garay5599 18 сағат бұрын
@cesarcuestamuela7159 19 сағат бұрын
Como se puede hacer una critica de arte? Quien se puede atribuir la capacidad de decidir lo que es arte y lo que no lo es?
@user-eq6qe8td9y 21 сағат бұрын
Рассказ о картине замечательный.
@listener-kv8rr 21 сағат бұрын
Patrząc na obraz wydaje mi się, że gdzieś go już widziałem. Ale z drugiej strony wiem, że widzę go po raz pierwszy. Jego autor jest mi zupełnie nieznany. Skąd więc to wrażenie de ja vu? Bingo! Film animowany Heavy Metal z 1981 roku. W wielu scenach pomiędzy kolejnymi epizodami z udziałem magicznej kuli Loc-Nar, widać taki sam samotny dom na wzgórzu, a jego otoczenie również jest jakby wprost zaczerpnięte z obrazu Wyeth'a. Nie mogę się mylić. Tak! W ostatniej scenie jest nawet dziewczyna w sukience w podobnej pozie co na obrazie.
@Artaxbozzim 21 сағат бұрын
Ottima recensione del quadro. Mille grazie !!
@raulsimon2218 22 сағат бұрын
Muy bueno el comentario - explicación. A mí, en general, los pintores EUA no me interesan; las excepciones son: este cuadro, y los de Georgia O´Keefe. En todos ellos hay misterio.
@incontro75 23 сағат бұрын
Complimenti, bravo.
@dceb01 23 сағат бұрын
@anedelangel1868 23 сағат бұрын
Muchísimas gracias por la explicación yo que soy principiante realmente no sabía de esto y ahora entiendo muchas cosas 👌🏻
@edgabel6814 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you for giving me a greater appreciation of this artist.
@borromine Күн бұрын
Andrew Wyatt is technically a very fine painter. When he’s using media that demand spontaneity such as watercolors, his work is truly exceptional. However, most of us work is fundamentally anecdotal or literary. That is to say the paintings are essentially documents of the verbal idea or narrative, so the work is not really about painting about imagery it is about the ideas in it. I think one reason for his success is that because it’s essentially a verbal literary kind of work it’s very accessible. Sad to say that does not make it good. And in fact, the verbal literary qualities of workfrom the artistry.
@borromine Күн бұрын
Sorry for typos in this.
A los críticos no hay que creerles sin el beneficio de la duda, ellos solo protegen sus bolsillos y se lucran del trabajo de los demás.
@andreynapalkow5520 Күн бұрын
Gracias. ¡Muchas gracias! Es agradable escuchar español. la suavidad, concisión y franqueza del lenguaje encajan perfectamente con las pinturas.
@JoseIgnacioCastroB.-vz3cl Күн бұрын
No sé mucho sobre arte, pero las pinturas del autor de "El mundo de Cristina" me parecen MAGNÍFICAS, hermosas en su detalle y su significado, que trasmite a través del color y la textura un mensaje claro y comprensible. Me parece que en muchos aspectos es deudor del impresionismo francés del siglo XIX, aunque con colores más apagados. El hecho de que haya coexistido con el movimiento abstraccionista "de moda" en ese momento, no es motivo para desmerecer su valor. Mis respetos y admiración por el artista.
@user-qh6ek4wi1y Күн бұрын
Incredibile! Non sapevo niente di tutto questo! Grazie😊
@papajohnloki Күн бұрын
as someone with little appresiation for art, this was a eye-opener. thank you
@user-hl2ep4iu7l Күн бұрын
Muy intéressante !
@aliciapereyra3653 Күн бұрын
Pues a mí no sólo me encanta esta pintura sino que lo colgaría con toda seguridad en mi salón.
@tonibaños Күн бұрын
Excelente análisis. Me ha encantado el cuadro y la obra de este pintor. Me quedo con el arte figurativo. Del arte abstracto y conceptual, tan elitista y clasista, salvo pocas obras.
@user-vl5zy4kh4f Күн бұрын
C'est une très belle histoire et, même sans savoir ce que décrit réellement ce tableau, je trouve cette œuvre très apaisante.
@treefarm3288 Күн бұрын
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation of such a well-known painting. One can now see it in a new light.
@wilsonflood4393 Күн бұрын
Very interesting. Thank you. This painting hung in the office where I worked in Scotland. We would discuss its meaning.
@AtlasAttakus Күн бұрын
I seriously believe this video should be shown in every art class after the basics of color theory are explained