13 Signs Your Cat SEES YOU As MAMA and PAPA
Most Cats HATE These 7 Things
@ATLmodK 5 минут бұрын
My dogs have always slept with me. I think it is mostly about keeping warm, but it is also sleeping with their pack leader. Incidentally her special place is on the pillow on the other side of my bed.
@wndowpayne 13 сағат бұрын
Pretty sure I have number 9
@tuffguydoe7937 20 сағат бұрын
My cat used to sleep on me. As I would rotate sleeping positions or get up to use the restroom, she'd crawl back on me and sleep on me.
@MelliaBoomBot Күн бұрын
Ugh, 1 min 8 in and there’s an ad… no thankyou..😞
@CelticStar87 Күн бұрын
My calico sleeps with me when she feels like it. She starts off at the foot of the bed, but by morning she is right up against my legs. Other nights, she sleeps in the living room. Also her favorite sleeping position is belly up and twisted every which way. Just when you think you’ve figured her out, she changes things up.
@larauch13 Күн бұрын
It's common to meet someone's cat and start petting it only for the owner to be surprised. Then they tell me the cat doesn't like people. Meanwhile, it's enjoying the pets and purring.
@Sarando1 Күн бұрын
My cat has a different spot and routine almost every night. One night she will sleep on my bed by my legs. Next night in a closet on a shelf. Another night under the bed. One night she’s up hunting through the night. Some nights she does a combo of spots. That’s Percy for you.
@jessicanicole2735 Күн бұрын
When I’m on the couch my boy cat always has to sleep on my chest and be held. My girl cat is usually sleeping beside me on the couch or at the other end. When in bed my girl cat will sleep next to my chest or on my hip if I’m on my side, and my boy cat will sleep by my feet or on my hip also if I’m on my side (when she is not on it).
@TheMimiSard Күн бұрын
Cats my family had (in my childhood and teens) often went and slept with Mum. I understand, as kid I was not the greatest kid to cats, so it is good they had their trust in Mum. Though on the last cat I was able to have, when I was 18-21(since then my residential situation precluded having a cat), the first couple of nights Meharni was home I kept her in my bed with me, because our dog Tess scared her by barking at her. After a couple of nights I presume Meharni had plenty of my scent on her so Tess accepted her.
@nb4749 Күн бұрын
I have a cat hat who hogs my pillow.
@jtmoney33 Күн бұрын
My cat keeps sleeping between my legs. I love her but damn I keep waking up with my nuts feeling like an oven lol I push her down or move her to my chest, but eveynight she goes back..
@anna9072 Күн бұрын
I’m a side sleeper, and my Chenille liked to sleep on my hip. It was her spot. Never had any other cat that liked to do that.
@Stumpybear7640 Күн бұрын
My She-la sits in my lap until she gets up and looks behind me, which is my cue to move for her to sit in the warm bit. Yes, I do move😂 im a pushover ❤
@ll7868 Күн бұрын
Got a pillow stealer, Jabbers, who also takes up half the bed for some reason, and lone sleeper, Aoife, but they both cuddle together if I'm not home. When they're awake Aoife's the one who wants the cuddles and belly rubs while Jabbers wants food and butt rubs while she eats, and they won't sleep together if I'm home.
@KatMo7121 Күн бұрын
I live with 3 who like to sleep at the foot of the bed, 1 who sleeps under a bed, 1 who sleeps in the crow's nest of the cat tree, and 1 who snuggles up to my daughter's back, but I didn't see my special cats' favorite spot listed. When he was about a year old, I had a false heart attack, diagnosed as a severe magnesium deficiency and was sent home. My cat, a ginger tabby male, started cuddling on my ribs, left side, right over my heart, purring until he fell asleep as if to try and heal me. 6 years later, that's where he always sleeps, even in hot summertime; I can't fall asleep without his little furry body tucked up against my left armpit and draped over my side. 😍😻❤❤❤❤
@kelvinpell4571 Күн бұрын
My cats rule
@nathenalocke3075 Күн бұрын
I have 3 hairless cats. One sleeps by my ankles, one sleeps by my thighs/rump and one sleeps in my armpit area. All on different sides so I can’t move much at night LOL
@michaelward-eo8sj Күн бұрын
It's wonderful until kitty has a nightmare and claws her way free. Got scars to remind me.😿
@mcooper593 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this lovely and informative content. Great narrative too (not annoying like some videos). Well done 🐾🐮🐈‍⬛🐈
@lauriepolden6594 Күн бұрын
Every night my cat has the same routine… so do my dogs. One dog lays on one side of the bed on the floor the other lays on the other side of the bed on the floor some times if it’s cold … she’ll curl up at the end of the bed. My cat will lick my hand letting me know she wants to be petted before she goes to sleep…if she wants more pets, she will gently lick my hand again. Otherwise she will turn around… face on the pillow, plop down and go to sleep…. This has happened for the last two years…like clockwork!
@hollywood5703 Күн бұрын
My boy first sits on the window sill above the bed, then goes to get a snack of kibble. Then chooses a sleep place, the chair near the bed, or a couch in a smaller bedroom down the hall. He comes back in to share the bed and may want to be under the covers. ❤
@Secretgeek2012 Күн бұрын
My Siamese used to sleep under the covers with me. Never minded it but was always worried about a stray claw. 😆
@inyaaa_ Күн бұрын
This is how i met my new cat that i adopted just last saturday. She just showed up one time in front of my office, fed her and pet her. Then she showed up almost everyday. Such a clingy and affectionate cat so i got attached pretty quick and now i'm her forever mama
@paulsutheran4026 Күн бұрын
I have four cats and they demonstrate almost all of these traits between them. The video explains this very well. After watching, i was reassured that my cats love and trust me, clearly showing it by their chosen method. It also appears that they're all very happy and feel safe in my house.
@deanallen927 2 күн бұрын
The last cat I had started every night sleeping with me, but after a few hours putting up with my tossing and turning she would go to her own bed.
@SometimesMyself 2 күн бұрын
Watching this not for the information, but to revel in the fact that my kitties are as obsessed with me as I am with them.
@Tazharsa 2 күн бұрын
@chocolate_reinaxo324 2 күн бұрын
Awesome vid 💗the cat distribution system is in full effect
@vanyab8097 2 күн бұрын
My cat likes to snuggle on me till I fall asleep, and then he takes himself downstairs and sleeps on his bed in the living room and when I wake up he comes and jumps on my bed and greets me.
@Jessikitty2020 2 күн бұрын
My girl is my snuggle baby. I took her in from stray, let her do whatever she wanted. When I went to bed the first night after awhile I heard a small meow and she was next to the bed wanting to come up. 4 years later I can’t sleep if she’s not with me.
@walterfechter8080 2 күн бұрын
Once, at my family farm, we had five cats. They were in-house cats, but we'd let them out whenever they wanted. On cold or rainy days, those same cats would snuggle with each other and us. All of our cats lived long and happy lives. We truly miss them. 😺🐈🐈‍⬛❤❤❤
@Jack_Callcott_AU 17 сағат бұрын
It sounds like your cats had very pleasant lives on the farm.
@walterfechter8080 15 сағат бұрын
@@Jack_Callcott_AU - Yes, indeed! We kept them well-fed, safe and healthy. All of them lived very long lives. Many thanks. Cheers. 🐈🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
@jane7eyre 3 күн бұрын
My ginger cat, Eddie, is a security seeker, and my kitten, Matewis, is a rotator, but he likes to sleep in the curve behind my knees at night time.
@oldfogey4679 3 күн бұрын
I was raised with a cat my cat allergies didn't surface till age 27 same story for my nephew! So I'm not a believer that having a cat when young affects cat allergies for the better!
@tipring6956 3 күн бұрын
I had two cats ... my main buddy Walter, who came to live with me at 6months of age, was my besty, a really strong bond between us. He usually slept up near my head, pillows, or upper torso. My other cat, which came to me right after weening... quite young like 12-14 weeks - Fran... and she was brought in to be a buddy for Walter while I was away at work - she was always skiddish but would soften up at night ... 'sometime during the night' she would always plop herself right at my crotch area for warmth... and invariably I'd wake up at some point during the night, over-heated, and have to redirect her elsewhere.
@veronika9708 3 күн бұрын
I have 2 cats sibling ..the boy sleeps on the other pillow but the girl sleeps always stuck on me …😂
@bookmouse2719 3 күн бұрын
Our cats want to take over the bedreoom.
@sweettaterpie7009 3 күн бұрын
My cat makes me sleep on my back with my legs spread so that she can sleep between my legs.
@ThomasMackay-i8h 3 күн бұрын
My cat loves me as much as I love him.
@lindabenny4454 3 күн бұрын
When I brought my son home from the hospital we had seven cats & a dog (I had tried to have a baby for years, I'd had three miscarriages so we got a dog as well as the cats, then at 41 I got pregnant!) That was 25 years ago, I only have one cat now, which was a stray we found chasing a dust cart! The only allergy my son has is hayfever, & a great love of animals. And my cat is trying to get on the bed at the moment & he's not happy because I'm doing this. He has many sleeping places but tonight it's the bed.
@scootey0 3 күн бұрын
So you’re telling me my cat is exactly like me?!? He wants love, when he wants it, he wants touched when he wants, and wants to be around, yet not bothered. Fuck. We are both adhd?
@meyligo 3 күн бұрын
this is not true. I grew up with cats. I play with cats, I sneak in kittens at my grandmas. I practically been a mama cat my whole life. But I have allergies, I have severe rhinitis when I was young and just subsided when I got very old. I have food allergies that makes me itch on my nose and mouth. i have acne combined with allergy. i have weak immune system specially if i can't sleep well. my hives is now chronic because of aging and I have to take citirizine everyday. Perimenopausal and lowering of estrogen and collagen makes me more sensitive to everything. I am now getting hives from cats and dogs, and everything i touch. tight clothes, bad fabrics, dirt, almost anything that gets on me gives me allergy. But I still have lots of cats and dogs around me, I am just letting them in and out of my house because stary cats and dogs are eating here. I only let my dog in my room, but he is on the floor. I also need to vacuum everyday 2x, and need to wipe everything 2x a day. furr, dirt and mud is brought by cats and dogs all over.
@elpepe17546 3 күн бұрын
I have two cats and you forgot to say few things that will happen, like: Waking up in the middle of the night with a cat biting your face/feet, also if you live in a place where it is hot, more warmth when sleeping is not pleasant. Anyways i still sleep with them cuz they love it.
@troypatterson-pe8jr 3 күн бұрын
My mother cats little one now five has to come under covers every night and sleeps next to my chest till I fall asleep then will be next to me when I wake up and the mother has to sleep on my legs at night
@LadyCleo1 3 күн бұрын
My cat does not sleep with me. She used to sleep on my chest but prefers to be on her own.
@יפעת-ר3מ 3 күн бұрын
The problem is that my cat always next to me but never sleeps with me.
@SandraPrice-c5g 4 күн бұрын
My Calico Tortoiseshell little rescue cat has chosen to sleep on my bed, either next to me or at the foot of my bed. I know she loves the company and security of being near me. She came from the home of a old lady with Dementia, who was an animal Hoarder and didn’t know where all the kittens kept coming from. She was just a few months old when I got her from a Rescue Group and is the loveliest, sweetest, most gentle soul and I adore her.
@Anthony-h6l 4 күн бұрын
My cat calls me upstairs waits till I take my trousers off, arrange them into a nest and then jumps in,comotose in seconds next to the bed. He's a tabby called Monty.
@ll5633 4 күн бұрын
Recently my kitty hugs my arm while sleeping
@cindylouis3411 4 күн бұрын
I had a female siamese who slept by my head and my male tuxedo cat slept by my legs every night.. they were the best ❤❤
@suemurray286 4 күн бұрын
I have to disagree. I love cats, they love me. However, I am allergic to cats. (LMAO). Therefore, cats allowed to sleep in my bed, but nowhere near my head. They can sleep near my back, thighs, legs, feet. I had to train them to stay away from my head. Yes, they could sleep under my rocking chair or on a pillow under the lamp table. Never on my lap due to my allergies. They understood the rules. Trying to keep them off counter tops, dining table, stove top, top of refrigerator, total failure. (Smiley face) One even laid upon a fresh garden salad I prepared for a dinner party. (I suppose she wasn't enthused about the dinner guests)