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@helengazzara8725 7 күн бұрын
@terryzanger7152 11 ай бұрын
This is 14 years old. Hopefully Obama care has helped these people. Healthcare is a humane right. The U S System is intended to keep you chained to your employer
@johnqpublic6228 Жыл бұрын
- The caption is misleading, as it implies that they're being held against their will. In Canada we have more freedom than the USA. The fact that Canada's health care is superior to the USA is not our fault. Americans have disturbing deep paranoia of anything they label "Socialism ". Numerous countries have such health care systems and are listed as having greater freedom than the USA. Only in the USA do people face bankruptcy and become homeless due to medical bills.
@iris-2021 Жыл бұрын
If you are going to stay here, don’t bitch about it. Or go back to where you came from.
@fenderboy68 Жыл бұрын
Paying for Americans with our taxes....What a country..
@jamesstuart3346 Жыл бұрын
I just got treated for a bacterial infection. I figure the hospital and clinic charges I racked up are equivalent to my entire 2022 income tax bill. Not a bad deal I would say
@thumper7047 Жыл бұрын
5 of the top 10 hospitals in the world are located in the United States (all of the top 3) and Canada has 1 in the top 10, none in the top 3 (obviously if the US has the top 3). Canadian Drs leave Canada to practice in the United States by the hundreds every year. In the US a Public Hospital cannot refuse medical attention to anyone (how is that not free to someone economically challenged?). So, your child is dying of cancer, and you live in Canada, you can wait many months and if they haven't already passed away, you MIGHT be allowed to see a meh Canadian Dr, or if you live in the states, your child is dying of cancer, you can be treated right away by the best doctors in the world. So, which is better? I think I'd prefer to have my child seen and cared for and possibly saved - TY, you can keep the "Better Canadian" health care - just stop crossing the border to use ours since yours is so great (aka "meh")
@Lvlaple4Ever Жыл бұрын
400 Americans have disliked this video.
@Szcza04 Жыл бұрын
It’s just what happens when capitalism is seen as the only way. However, the big corps have flipped the script for themselves here. We pay for their entrepreneurship. Which I think is the most anti capitalistic thing. We bail out banks and companies, but it’s their fault they ended up there. We have socialism here but it’s for people with money.
@someguy5909 Жыл бұрын
The first thing I think of when I hear "an American exile in canada" is that they must be a lazy socialist 😂 "wow healthcare is so cheap up here" yeah that's how it is when your not paying your fair share for it.
@merseydave1 2 жыл бұрын
I am fortunate to live in England G.B., the then Labour Party in govevernment (1948) set up our N.H.S. = Natoinal Health Service ... comprehensive health care via taxation. We say Health Care Support is a human right and an investment in the human population of any nation. In regard to Canada ... there health Service set up puts The So Called "Land of the free" Uninited States of America to SHAME !!!
@canaguy 2 жыл бұрын
Recent advertising of "other healthcare plans" from Blue Cross, Greenshield, Manulife etc etc. The PRIVATE USA MONEY is creeping into the daily video stream + TV ads. There are TEN times more ads now than a decade ago. Every channel, network, and online video source is filled with promises of extra healthcare plans. This is a very bad sign. STOP the diluting of our healthcare, and other basics. STAY AWAY from Private Health Insurance.
@RicardoRoams 2 жыл бұрын
America is a mess in so many ways. Affordable health care, or lack of it, is a big reason.
@vincentlefebvre9255 2 жыл бұрын
Fact: life expectancy is almost three years higher in Canada than in the U.S. Which is better ?
@worldvison7589 2 жыл бұрын
The healthcare in Canada is really not all that it's hyped up to be: You are paying high taxes into it, there are long wait times, most of your youth you don't use it much, and if you get prescription pills, you're still paying for some of it. So it's not FREE. Nothing is free. In fact, it's very expensive to live in Canada.
@SandfordSmythe 2 жыл бұрын
Free at access.
@Jayteeef Жыл бұрын
You're right that we pay higher taxes, but I'll never go bankrupt and lose my home from having to get medical treatment.
@worldvison7589 Жыл бұрын
@@Jayteeef You don’t have to. They have medical insurance in America.
@UmQasaann Жыл бұрын
@@worldvison7589 37 million Americans are unensured for healthcare and 60,000 of them die each year due to lack of health coverage.
@worldvison7589 Жыл бұрын
@@UmQasaann Most of those "60,000" are uninsured because they choose to be. Having insurance isn't going to break your bank account. Americans already pay less on gas, food, housing, travel etc compared to Canadians. They can afford to put some of that saved money towards health insurance.
@mildlydispleased3221 2 жыл бұрын
Alright dumb yanks, keep paying thousands for a doctor's visit.
@pyanemax4633 2 жыл бұрын
Your a Terrorist?????
@xdemgeo3581 2 жыл бұрын
You have an insurance but it doesn't cover you? So what is the point of it? Isn't insurance there to pay for your bill? America is crazy I could never understand
@alirahdarian5550 2 жыл бұрын
I have also heard that people in canada have to wait for months to see a doctor. please someone give me an advice i am planning to immigrate to canada
@sarahchan5604 3 ай бұрын
From my experience ,seeing a family doctor is easy and direct,just a phone call and made appointment,may see tomorrow sometimes,not much wait time,if going to walk in clinic,no appointment is even required.see specialist is also fast and no problem ( usually need referral). In hospital though,wait for hours to see a doctor in ER is not uncommon if not really life threatening at that moment because of the hugh line up . I personally am satisfied of the healthcare in Canada
@falmark187 2 жыл бұрын
The US healthcare system is by far the greatest system in the world, so great in fact that no other country in the world has it or even remotely thinks about changing to it
@robwhythe793 2 жыл бұрын
America is a great place if you have a job and good health. But lose either one of those, and it is hell on earth. I'm British, currently living in Canada, and grateful for "socialist" health care. I've worked in America a few times, on assignments, and have been gobsmacked at the attitudes to healthcare, and the ignorance of other countries' systems.
@jf76 2 жыл бұрын
So thankful to live in Canada.
@alicerobb5924 2 жыл бұрын
Why do so many Americans think health care in the rest of the world is so bad?
@mindman1179 2 жыл бұрын
One thing is no longer true in the video. They cannot be denied coverage in the US because of a preexisting condition, they cannot be dropped from a plan and they cannot pay more for it than others. These changes came with the ACA about 10 years ago or so
@lupeavalos9342 2 жыл бұрын
That why I am giving birth in Canada.
@carolannjohnson6314 3 жыл бұрын
The Americans would rather pay for war machines than care for their people, the riches country in the world with the worst health care in the world, you vote for crooks on elections, get your sick together and open your eyes, your country is sticking it to you like a whore in a whore and you can’t see it, because that is all you know
@carolannjohnson6314 3 жыл бұрын
The Americans think if they free health care that you are not getting the best service which is not so, everyone gets the same care regardless rich or poor.
@hervehebert8684 3 жыл бұрын
In June 2007 I was involved in a car accident and I broke my neck and had to have pins put into my neck, I suffered a TBI, I was in a coma for 17 days, I was given loads of meds, I was in the hospital for a total of 9 weeks and for the first few weeks after waking up from my coma I had to be on tube feeding and after several more weeks I was able to eat solid food while being looked after, bathed, fed and cared for by hundreds of nurses and after being released from hospital, I had to do rehab 3 days a week for 5 weeks and 6 months or so after being fully discharged, I had to go for an MRI due to pain in my neck and had to see other Doctors for an amblyopia in my left eye all caused by the accident and I never received a bill in the mail. Not one! My friends in the US were in disbelief that it was all “free” and I think healthcare should be for everyone and not just the rich or have to be indebted the rest of your life.
@TonyMontanaDS 3 жыл бұрын
Why would someone want to move from the 4th best country in the world (Canada) to the 28th best (USA)?
@issybella2056 3 жыл бұрын
First, why is this story coming out 11yrs later, and 2nd the health care system in the U.S is bullshit; then again, l can see why the United States (" the greatest country in the world") doesn't have health care - with all the damn shootings and with every lunatic having the right to carry a gun and shoot and kill someone / school shootings and so forth anytime they want, a universal health care system would fall apart. The U.S will support the right to bare arms which Americans will die for, but they won't support health care, which Americans are also dying for but too stupid to realize it. Every civilized country (except the U.S) has a form of universal health care. America might be a nice place to vist, but even that is wearing itself out.
@northernprovisions5679 3 жыл бұрын
America is trash 🗑 I feel sorry for all of you Americans 😬
@pladam7198 3 жыл бұрын
The two most important social services for the success and progress of any country is FREE HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION. Without both you will definitely have a desperate society and burgeoning prison system. It is that simple.
@mittinedkitten 3 жыл бұрын
I feel so much sadness for Americans (and some Canadians) who dont realize even with higher taxes for HC.It still comes out cheaper than buying health insurance. Universal coverage just seems like a logical idea
@mademsoisellerhapsody 3 жыл бұрын
The US health care system is held hostage by the US insurance industry
@noamzacks3315 3 жыл бұрын
In Israel,our form of healthcare is(according to my impressions from articles about U.K/Cannadian health)is about in the middle between UK& Cannada.But the extreme capitalist p.m Netanyahu wants to come much closer to the U.S system and it seems there are no political will to stop him
@andrewwalsh6401 3 жыл бұрын
Propaganda this video is. And yes I’m Canadian. There is upsides and downsides to any health care system.
@andrewwalsh6401 3 жыл бұрын
@Marcos Cárdenas It’s probably more in Canada with health care. LOL In any universal system there is rationing involved. And millions of Canadians go south for selective care every year, especially for cancer treatment. Of course you can only do that if you have the money. Otherwise you have to hope rations aren’t used up. Like I said every system has its upsides and downsides.
@andrewwalsh6401 3 жыл бұрын
@Marcos Cárdenas Even it would save your life? Or your families life. Oh you have to pay but there is a reason. You will get the treatment you pay for not what your government deems you necessary for. Government is in control of your health in a universal health plan, not you. At least in America even though you have to pay you can get whatever treatment you want.
@TheKeithvidz 3 жыл бұрын
I made a point to study Canada's system - to the point of exchanging text with a Trinidadian emigrant to Canada this evening. Low and behold in recommendations tonight - said the costs mostly non existent save for dental-vision, which is covered by employers. A wonder why i want universal for all us down trinidad.
@lesliemccormick6527 3 жыл бұрын
Glad your ill son is Canadian!!
@lesliemccormick6527 3 жыл бұрын
I have never hear a single solitary Canadian EVER say they want to be in any way more like Americans, let alone their horrible "healthcare" system! Our healthcare system is not perfect- too many gaps, like dentistry- but it is way better than the bullshit system south of the border. I feel sorry for Americans when it comes to healthcare costs.❤💙
@lesliemccormick6527 3 жыл бұрын
@BlackEpyon 3 жыл бұрын
The one drawback of the Canadian system is that if you need to see a specialist for something that isn't life threatening, you'll go on a list and probably have to wait a few months. The good side of that is that you'll never see a bill. In Canada, if you need to see the doctor, you go see the doctor, and you'll never hear of a Canadian going bankrupt from a hospital visit. Now, for elective procedures, like dental or eye care, that's another story. You either gotta pay for those out of pocket, or with insurance.
@susane7221 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an american living in ontario. Id like to know how she got a dermatology appointment so quick and treated properly. I've been dealing with a skin issue for 3 months now. My whole cheek looks like a 2nd degree burn and I have a rash on my whole stomach and scabs on my back, arms and legs and now blisters. I have seen five doctors now who don't know what to do with me and I have tried twice now to see a dermatologist. I finally got 2 different referrals for a immunologist and dermatologist but I was told by the Urgent care doctor who gave me the referral that I should hear back within a week but I could be denied. Right now, the doctor I'm seeing is only rebanaging my face every 3 days. No other treatment. He could care less about my scabs and rash. He hasn't looked when I mentioned it. I am extremely grateful that I don't have to pay for any doctors but I'm at my wit's end. I'm scared of what is happening to me and I have yet to find a doctor that can help me. I'm starting to think I'll have to go to the US to see a doctor who can help me but I also can't afford it. I always heard good things about Canadian healthcare but so far, the only good thing is I'm not paying any bills but I'm also not getting any help. I don't know what to do anymore.
@sarahchan5604 3 ай бұрын
Once my relative had a skin problem,she was advised by friend to use banana skin ( the white part,not the yellow part) applied directly to the rash, can only use this method if your skin is intact,no open wound, it worked for her. Later I had red circles developed on my legs,? bitten by insects outdoor, seen by doctor twice,used antibiotic ointment and steroid ointment,not effective at all but getting worse and more red,then tried this banana peel,use the white part of the banana skin applied directly to the rash,significantly improved after just one treatment,healed in about 2 to 3 weeks. Later my friend got rash on arm too, did not heal after a month,used this method and healed too
@susane7221 3 ай бұрын
@@sarahchan5604 thank you for your reply! I'll have to try that on other skin irritations. My 6th doctor was the one to finally diagnose me and I have a rare autoimmune disorder called pemphigus vulgaris. I went on steroids and then had my immune system wiped out. I've been in remission since.
@KyleRuggles 3 жыл бұрын
11 years later and it's sad the USA is still stuck. Richest country in the world and greed is keeping everyone sick.
@alfredrmajor1566 4 жыл бұрын
send home america bumbs let usa pay for them
@socalbenny4728 4 жыл бұрын
i recently found out that healthcare in canada does not cover prescription, dental and vision. are you able to buy insurance coverage for these and at what costs?
@matthewgasparin7000 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, most people buy dental and optical insurance, and pay for prescriptions up front. There are bills in the House of Commons to change that, and with the political winds as they are it seems it has a opportunity to pass.
@glennmartin6492 4 жыл бұрын
Don't worry about the cost. Canada will be well recompensed when foreigners such as yourselves are put to work in our syrup mines.
@DavidWilliams-rk1nq 4 жыл бұрын
Sssh! Please keep quiet! Don’t tell your fellow Americans about this. Please let them hold on to the notion that Canadian healthcare is terrible. Yes, there will be wait times in Canada, but you will not go bankrupt trying to stay alive.
@sgtcrab2569 4 жыл бұрын
Stuck in Canada. What bad luck! LOL!
@lalalafamille 4 жыл бұрын
From CNN and Foxnews, the problem is that American Looooooooooooooooooooooove their current paid health insurance.linked to their job and would not want a communist system proposed by Bernie Sanders... and available anywhere else is the world.. In the US the first cause of bankruptcy is health care cost... what a coincidence..
@eddriver7815 4 жыл бұрын
A TUE STORY !!!!!! WHILE i WAS IN MEXICO I got into a discussion ABOUT HEALTH CARE with am american woman from Seattle ... A TRUMP F SUPPORTER . S he told me that she was against Canada's SOCIALIZED MEDICINE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE . SHe explained that by this ..... she was told by a friend , who was told by another friend ,who heard it from another friend THAT : SOCIALZED MEDICINE allowed the following : a woman that was scheduled fro surgery at 8:00 on a Monday morning had her surgery postponed at 7:00 that morning because >>> her surgeon called in at 7"00 to tell the woman ( and the hospital ) that he has just snared a fabulous trip to Hawaii and that she could postpone it till later . I stuttered and stammered and finnaly came up with a response ... that that is lke the story is like the american horror stories that Canadians hear about the Anerican car accident person that gets shuffled from 4 or 5 hospitals because he has no health care ... and at the 6 ;th hospital that accident person dies from >> NO HEALTH CARE " sHE GOT RIGHT INDIGNANT AND CALLED THAT A LIE !!!!!!!! WELL ... I SAID ..... LADY ... THREE PEOPLE TOLD YOU A CANADIAN LIE AND THAT YOU JUST MADE AN ASS OUT OF YOUSELF BY REPEATING THAT TO A CANADIAN . WE never spoke to each other again and the other Canadians just ignored hr when I told them what she said . Uh = mer - Uh Kuh .... if you want to knpw how atupid americans are >> just look at their president
@eddriver7815 4 жыл бұрын
America was founded in VIOLENCE ... HAS BEEN IN MORE WARS THAT ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH ... IT HAS trillions to spend on weapons that it already has .. while it lets it's children " DIE " in the gutter . god damn fucking america