Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
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Philosophy of Cosmology
9 жыл бұрын
@DJfit 4 күн бұрын
God created the universe but left out any scientific details, but usually mentioned details in known subjects of the time. Semms like the real authors of the Bible were scientifically illiterate.
@wesleywashington1251 8 күн бұрын
The rational people of today shouldn't be up against the barbaric mindset, views and basic values of people who lived over two thousand years ago just because they're written down and preserved in books. It's like we're trapped in the imaginary constructs of people who lived and died long ago.
@wesleywashington1251 8 күн бұрын
If we can logically conclude the age of the universe in addition to the rate of its expansion, it seems that we could estimate the size of the universe. But we haven't yet, apparently. The rate of expansion should be figured into that conclusion. Obviously I haven't taken all relevant information into account if I've arrived at that conclusion 'before' the experts.
@filmeseverin 12 күн бұрын
I have proved God's existence by using only elementary logic. Anyone can see here a part of my demonstrations posted on many similar videos: In brief, the Creator of this world (God/Divinity) exists because this reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* Also, the perfection of mathematics is enough proof for God's perfection. Many do not want to think enough to understand *the simple fact that from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes* in spite of the fact that even schoolchildren can understand that every photon, ... atom, ... cell has intelligence into it, *not to mention their functionality together.* Even schoolchildren know that photons have intelligence into their behavior both as components of the elementary particles and independently as components of light (electromagnetic waves), also they know that atoms have intelligence into their behavior through the connections they can make both with different atoms (like the hydrogen with oxygen making water) and between the same kind (making the so called molecules of all the chemical substances, like H2, O2 etc.). Their functionality together makes possible this reality, where *everything follows/respects the perfection of mathematics,* which is the "language" used to "write" this reality (every shape in this 3D space/world having a corresponding equation that generates it). That is why *this world proves the perfect Intelligence who has created everything, called God/Divinity.* Those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact about the nature of God that our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible). Anyway, *they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.* Therefore, God has made this reality with 100% freedom intentionally (as if it had created itself from nothing - without Him) in order to see our *free* choices / deeds to reward accordingly. *_"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad."_* 2 Corinthians 5, 10 So, God is not showing intentionally direct evidences (as atheists want) because He wants to see our *free* choices, how much we love perfection (100% goodness, wisdom, justice, pure love....) and how much we detest evilness=stupidity. - If/when we will have direct evidences of God, as atheists want, then we ALL will have immediately interested love regarding our Heavenly Father, but now, the really good humans, who love God/Jesus only from the revelation of the truth, can prove their true love for Divinity, for perfection, while living here with 100% freedom. Anyway, due to the 100% freedom offered intentionally here by the Creator, it is not easy to fight continuously with what Satan has done to this world (carnivores, parasites, viruses, bad bacteria... the so called _"weeds"_ in Matthew 13:24-43) and to ourselves ... because *until our physical death we fight with the works of the fallen angels and of their tools, the evil=stupid people, the consequences of evilness = stupidity.*
@filmeseverin 12 күн бұрын
A n y w a r b e t w e e n h u m a n s is a victory of the fallen angels. _"The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist."_ Charles Baudelaire Any atheist should try to answer seriously to the following questions: - Why the bad leaders have been so evil to cause/produce the killing of so many millions of people along history, as they would have been under the control of some very evil forces with hatred for humans? (named "fallen angels" in the Bible) - How can you explain the pure evil of some people able to torture to death other innocent beings, human beings, without any reason except the sadistic pleasure of the fallen angels? *All evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus.* In particular, for mankind, if ALL people (over history and nowadays) would have followed the main commandment from Jesus Christ, *besides to love / respect our Heavenly Father, to love / respect (care for) the other humans as we love / respect (care for) ourselves,* all the crimes and the tremendous useless suffering would have never happen. Without *true belief* in God/Jesus, the following evil facts have happened, are happening and will happen, unfortunately: - so many millions of people killed in wars and not only (following the killing of billions in the Third World War); - so many trillions of dollars, euros, etc. wasted on nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons, on armies, etc. only for killing and destruction... not used for: free better education for ALL, suitable jobs for ALL (without exploitation / slavery), healthier food for ALL, renewable energy, science, eradication of all diseases, better housing (resistant to earthquakes...), financing of useful inventions, recycling, reforestation etc. - sadism, violence, dishonesty, vices, envy ... stupidity in general. We should never fight against each other but only against our lack of useful knowledge / wisdom (for decreasing our ignorance), while loving / respecting each other as we love / respect ourselves, these being the main requests of God/Jesus. Therefore, both true/useful science and proper education are very important to understand God's creation and what is better, regarding the human behavior, so that ALL of us can be not only happier in our ephemera life into this world (while we are still alive here) but also deserving, or at least allowable, for perpetual life in Heaven (after leaving this world).
@alankoslowski9473 10 күн бұрын
_"I have proved God's existence by using only elementary logic."_ Logic doesn't prove or show something exists. Logic suppositional and conceptual. Logic evaluates a set of premises and their conclusion to determine if the conclusion is valid. But if the premises are false or entirely hypothetical it's fallacious to assume the conclusion is true even if it's logically valid. Logical consistency isn't the same as true. Your argument consists mostly of unsubstantiated statements so why should we assume it's true?
@filmeseverin 10 күн бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 Are you aware that you choose to be irrational on purpose only to keep your deceiving? Your denial without at least one valid counter argument has no value.
@alankoslowski9473 10 күн бұрын
@@filmeseverin I've pointed out you're making unsubstantiated statements of fact that aren't actually factual. They're just unsubstantiated statements. Here's an example. You said: _"Even schoolchildren know that photons have intelligence"_ What schoolchildren are you referring to? What age are they? Depending on their age and what they've learned they might not even know what a photon is. Most of your statements are like this. Quasi factual statements that aren't actually factual.
@filmeseverin 10 күн бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 You can continue your denial without valid counter-arguments as long as you wish, but you will not fool the serious and honest readers.
@TheCrossroads533 12 күн бұрын
I read Carroll's "The Big Picture" book, enjoyed its unrelenting thought-provoking ideas. But after all that, poetic naturalism left me utterly cold. Its utter materialism is ultimately bleak; there must be more to the cosmos. All said and done, make mine poetic (super)naturalism.
@jesuisravi 13 күн бұрын
Tukaram, a Hindu saint-poet, once wrote: I create God by the faith I have in God. Which, come to think of t, is essentially what Jesus said: "Let it be done to you according to your faith. " I confess I am rather more envious of people of strong faith than I am of those of strong intellect.
@younesselhouari9241 13 күн бұрын
Read about islam
@Dontwatch7556 21 күн бұрын
I want to see Neil Degrasse Tyson vs. Bishop TD Jakes 2025! Let's go 💪!
@Shooe-wl9eh 24 күн бұрын
One problem. The definition of God. God = Gods = Elohim, many gods and goddesses. He? Nah. Bible is Astrotheology, period. Christ definition, chrism..oil within 💥
@TatuCarreta 26 күн бұрын
For those who maybe find him to fast, put this in the background:
@ianmathwiz7 Ай бұрын
Carlo Rovelli, Max Tegmark, and Julian Barbour in the audience? That's one interesting crowd.
@filmeseverin Ай бұрын
By denying God, atheists should be aware about their foolishness to think / sustain / believe that this reality and the humans (intelligent beings) from it are the result of no Intelligence. As usual, are in denial (without counter-arguments, of course) only those who are too superficial to think enough to understand *the simple fact that from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes,* the entire process until nowadays proving the existence of God because *the results of a process prove the intelligence involved into that process* (even schoolchildren can understand that every photon, ... atom, ... cell has intelligence into it, *not to mention their functionality together).* They ignore the intelligence put from the beginning. For example, the intelligence mentioned includes the exact value of the speed of light matching the manifestation of what we call "gravity", working together since the primordial conditions to form in the end this reality, which hosts intelligent life that is able to feel / understand / admire / enjoy / respect / love the Creator, especially through His human form, Jesus Christ. Those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact about the nature of God that our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible). Anyway, *they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.*
@filmeseverin Ай бұрын
For those who still cannot figure out (imagine/understand) the creation of this reality, the following comparison can help: If we would have lived only in 2 dimensions, a blank sheet represents the nothing on which "Someone" from 3 dimensions has "drawn" our world. *Because of the following two facts:* - from only nothing, nothing comes just by itself; - from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes; *the existence of the Creator of this reality is proved by the existence of this reality with intelligence into it.* On the other hand, we have to recognize our limitations. *Humans will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is, as will be proved below.* Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible to make us realize the HUGE difference between us and Divinity), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* This reality has been created intentionally so that freedom to be 100% offered. The problem is with those who have used (are using) their freedom for doing evil intentionally, Satan with the other fallen angels who, according to the "Parable of the weeds", have altered this world, the DNA... (making the carnivores, the parasites, the viruses, bad bacteria etc.... to sustain the useless suffering) and their tools, the evil=stupid humans, not with the One who has offered freedom. Let us hope that most humans are not too deceived already, to not be able to recognize the truth anymore, which in brief is that *all evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus.* There is no problem between the truth about/from God/Jesus and science. A single photon is like an infinite universe because the magnification process (like the one done with microscopes) is infinite (cannot be stopped). For example: 1/2 > 1/3 > 1/4 > ... 1/n > ... 1/infinite proves that we can go infinitely to smaller numbers greater than zero, which in physics means that we can go infinitely to smaller things, in other words science will never be able to know from what this reality is made. No matter how small a particle is, the system of reference can be decreased to its level of size and see that it is made from smaller things, and so on, this is the infinite involved. In other words, anything is made from something smaller and also it is included in something bigger. I suppose that any physicist knows this fact but most of them will not admit it publicly. In addition, all the unbelievers of the proven truths, should not ignore the facts presented into (close to) the end of the video titled: *"Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong",* which is available on KZbin, to realize that I am right in all my affirmations. Albert Einstein was smart enough to realize that: "We know nothing at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren. *The real nature of things we shall never know".* The greatest inventor of all times, Nikola Tesla, was a Christian and he said: *"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power."* God/Jesus detests our stupidity=evilness, when we use our freedom even worse than animals. All the commandments make humans less stupid=evil, make us to not be tools of the demons anymore. The sad fact is that most unbelievers are enjoying their bad addictions so much that they would rather deny the truth, God (the Creator) and Jesus (the human form of Divinity), than to renounce at them. *_"For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorance of foolish men. Live in freedom, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God."_* 1 Peter 2,15 - 16 That is why we have to be servants/lovers of perfection (not only 100% goodness, but also 100% justice). As Jesus Christ has told us: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.
@РодионЧаускин Ай бұрын
Garcia George Wilson Larry Taylor Edward
@РодионЧаускин Ай бұрын
Harris Robert Allen Nancy Hernandez Kevin
@MonticelloBlueDevil Ай бұрын
Biggest nugget of the talk: if God created the universe for us to exist, one star and its planets makes sense. Why did he create all other galaxies?
@filmeseverin Ай бұрын
Just as billions of cells are needed for us to live this earthly life, in a similar way are required billions of galaxies for the intelligent life to be hosted intentionally to have 100% freedom, like humans on Earth. *Think how wonderful the Creator is, the opposite of a dictator, to create this reality in this way, with 100% freedom. He has told us to live in freedom but to not use freedom as a cover-up for evil.* Unfortunately, Satan, the fallen angels, respectively their tools in this world - the evil=stupid humans - have used (are using) the freedom offered by God to do evil intentionally. However, all will be judged 100% correctly by God/Jesus and all will receive what they deserve.
@alankoslowski9473 13 күн бұрын
@@filmeseverin You're missing or ignoring the point. There are at least several billion galaxies. None of them are necessary for ours to exist. Since our existence isn't dependent on them why would god bother to make them at all? Our galaxy is a minute portion of all that detectably exists. Our solar system, planet, and humans are a small portion of what exists. If we humans are so important to god why did it bother making so much else that has no practical effect on us?
@filmeseverin 12 күн бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 You should think more to understand the facts (to not deny them anymore).
@alankoslowski9473 12 күн бұрын
@@filmeseverin That's nonsensical. Since we humans are a laughably small portion of what exists what makes you think the concept of 'god' is relevant?
@filmeseverin 12 күн бұрын
The truth is only one. Those interested can sort the comments and read my demonstrations. The serious and honest people can understand the fact that the Creator (the perfect eternal Intelligence who has created everything) has offered 100% freedom here intentionally so that anyone can choose *freely* to love goodness, wisdom, justice... perfection, which means to love God/Jesus, or not, to fight against perfection, against Divinity. The unbelievers /deniers of the truth should ask themselves why they choose to fight against our perfect Heavenly Father, when they see the huge suffering caused by the fallen angels and by their tools, the evil=stupid humans, who have used (and are using) for evil intentionally the freedom offered by God.
@0004W Ай бұрын
He’s the best!
@aleksadodic5102 Ай бұрын
What a useless lecture looking at it from the 2024 perspective. Taking something that's a meta story and applying scientific principal to it. A 14 year old could do that. Same as taking Legend of King Arthur for example and trying to prove that Excalibur was real - it's a metaphor for some of the most important things in life we encounter as humans.
@fostercathead Ай бұрын
At least he is disliked from many perspectives.
@peterkerruish8136 Ай бұрын
The reason you've got 56 likes from 11,000K views is because of the garbage U are excreting!. Mr Carroll why did U allow yourself to descend to these brain-dead levels?.
@peterkerruish8136 Ай бұрын
This episode should not be included in "The Best of Sean Carroll".
@FredHosea Ай бұрын
@RoseBtrfly 2 ай бұрын
“A fool has said in his own heart, “There is no God“.
@milansvancara Ай бұрын
''You shall not pass'' Gandalf (but this is at least a quote from an actually good book, so it has more value)
@filmeseverin Ай бұрын
@@milansvancara Generally, those from such videos, exposed to my clear and undeniable demonstrations but who still want to remain atheists, are ignoring intentionally the simple fact that *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes,* hoping that this reality is the result of no intelligence, in other words that God does not exist, only to escape the responsibility for their deeds, to not be Judged by God/Jesus after the leaving of this world, but they are in error. *_"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad."_* 2 Corinthians 5, 10 My simple and undeniable demonstrations can be found quite easily after sorting the comments.
@milansvancara Ай бұрын
​@@filmeseverin Sorry to bring it to you, but your ''clear and undeniable demonstration'' is utter garbage. Argument from intelligent design is one of the stupidest and easiest to debunk standpoints of theism ever. Btw if you ever read the whole bible from cover to cover you would know that God is basically a more stupid version of Stalin. Disgusting cruel sadist. So no, I definitely would not conform to his rules even if he existed, since I for example do not think that r8p victims should be forced to marry their r8pst, and other things... luckily, his existence is as defined by Christianity is ridiculous to say the least
@alankoslowski9473 13 күн бұрын
A heart doesn't say anything. It just pumps blood. That's it.
@RoseBtrfly 2 ай бұрын
“Professing themselves to be wise; they became fools.”
@djgreyjoy1495 2 ай бұрын
Some may be mistaking the stars in the sky for their reflections in water. Real numbers, time, etc. are useful abstractions... but what exists must be constructible-like LEGO growing collections of changes...Infinities only exist conceptually, in possibility spaces...
@justinhartnell6779 2 ай бұрын
God is not a theory.
@schmetterling4477 2 ай бұрын
God is not even good fiction.
@filmeseverin Ай бұрын
@@schmetterling4477 Sort and read my demonstrations to not be in error anymore.
@dennycote6339 2 ай бұрын
1 week before i saw a UFO, i saw Nima talk about this based on the Amplituhedron video from the YT algorithm. Hes discussing things i've pondered since i could read. Its my understanding that there is a geometric mathematical substructure which underpins spacetime. The infinities we experience as Singularities which form event horizons at both ends of the size scale cause no such troubles in geometry and math. Perhaps we are experiencing a procedurally generated high defenition holographic simulation. Per Goedel we wont find a material expression of it, the large universe we experience as large creatures made of small things, is a set of inertial frames and no proof for the idea of its existence can be derived from the rules that govern the sets existence. Is this why math so effectively explains reality?!
@Fawglemynoggle 2 ай бұрын
First guy sounds like Richard Dawkins
@Fawglemynoggle 2 ай бұрын
Well if Sean Carrol believes in the multiverse hypothesis, would that mean there is an infinite amount of universe where a god or gods exist? So technically speaking god does exist
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
I think you misunderstand the implications of the multiverse. It would mean there are potentially an infinite number of realities/variations. That doesn't mean fictional characters actually exist. It just means the stories describing them might be different in different realities.
@Fawglemynoggle 2 ай бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 well a just because a god does not exist(in your opinion I’m not here to argue for that) it doesn’t mean he cannot exist all
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
@@Fawglemynoggle I didn't say god can't exist but as described religiously it seems like a fictional character. It seems like the adult version of an imaginary friend.
@Fawglemynoggle 2 ай бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 well I know but it seems like Sean Carrol is rejecting the idea of a intelligent designer entirely
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
@@Fawglemynoggle I don't know if he said it in this video but he has said it's possible but the argument is scientifically weak.
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 2 ай бұрын
Lewis Joseph Wilson Jessica Wilson Laura
@guimochet 2 ай бұрын
this is SO DUMB. I can't believe an idiot like me can immediately see all the errors this guy makes that he AS A PROFESSOR isn't able to. Lord have mercy. 😂
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
Elaboration would be helpful otherwise your statements is unsubstantive.
@maskofsorrow 2 ай бұрын
Quantum Physics verifies certain claims in the Bible.
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
Like what? An example would be helpful otherwise there's nothing to discuss.
@maskofsorrow Ай бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 Quantum Tunnelling and Jesus appearing in the Room to the disciples after being Ressurected. Quantum Entanglement: 2 Particles still interact with one another, as if in a dimension beyond our classical, physical world. A basis for understanding that God can be in Heaven as the Father and on Earth as the Son at the same time. These are just 2 examples.
@maskofsorrow 2 ай бұрын
Carroll won't be saying that on his death bed.
@alexriverson2419 2 ай бұрын
I like Sean Carroll, I always listen to him. He's an eloquent speaker and relies on persuasion which I admire. However, I don't find his idea that we shouldn't ask WHY to be convincing. We should ask all sorts of questions including the why. Science can't explain how the universe came along -- the big bang is one theory, but it's just that. I find the idea of a God creating the universe to be no less deserving as an explanation than Sean's scientific theories.
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
The big bang doesn't rely on an undetected being. That alone makes it more scientifically credible.
@lizallewellyn4145 2 ай бұрын
Just because you can imagine a universe where a god does not exist does not mean that such a universe actually exists, it just means you have imagined it :)
@JD-ev1uj 2 ай бұрын
LOL. Have fun fighting God. No one has won yet.
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
Something imaginary can't be fought in reality.
@JD-ev1uj 2 ай бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 That's right. Your faith in Naturalism is quite dependent on naturalism. Good luck with that. It takes more faith to believe in your god. Random selection isn't what I call intelligent. Biblical Truth is. Is that random too?
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
@@JD-ev1uj That randomness isn't intelligent is exactly the point. Many aspects of fundamental nature seem random which seems like a evidence against god.
@JD-ev1uj 2 ай бұрын
@@alankoslowski9473 Mathematically the time frame for evolution doesn't even come close to fitting their world view. 14.5 billion years isn't near long enough. In fact in reality it's impossible. all the intrinsic codes and cells and eyes and lungs and everything else is impossible. And you should know that.
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
@@JD-ev1uj Even if it's true (it's not) it's not evidence of god. Discreditting evolution wouldn't be evidence of anything else. Evolution might be false and there's no god. Unless they're shown to be mutually dependent there's no reason to assume they are.
@Rossell-t9b 2 ай бұрын
@jbangz2023 3 ай бұрын
@9:50 "a hypothetical 3D universe with a particle moving in space and time, the question remains the same: when, where and how it started from nothing(no time, space, matter/energy). Let's side aside metaphysical and explore the scientific side, the mathematics describing the origin is undefined at time <=0 .
@npc_citizen9276 3 ай бұрын
I gave the answer to this comment under that giant sheet of comments to a comment.
@luispellegrini987 3 ай бұрын
Well now I have a lot more questions. Thanks a lot Sean!!! 😣
@oldpossum57 3 ай бұрын
37:37. Richard Swinburne would rather posit a god or gods rather than posit physics that allows for an extraordinary number of universes. His error is in this: the astronomical number of universes is the result of a physical model that corresponds to the actual evidence. Adding a god or gods helps not at all. We still have the astronomical number of universes; but in addition we have an infinite being, an omni-god, that can break the “laws” of nature at will. If this is the case then our science theory cannot forbid anything, cannot predict anything, can no longer explain anything. Swinburne offers a false choice.
@oldpossum57 3 ай бұрын
A claim has been made by some geneticists that the Homo line of primates was very close to extinction 900 Kya. If it had gone extinct, we would not be here. The alien from outer space would not conclude that this extinction was “meant to happen”, but only that it did happen. We evolved in a hospitable cranny of the universe that is otherwise inhospitable for life. It did not have to happen. It almost didn’t. End of story.
@oldpossum57 3 ай бұрын
Carroll makes a funny, clever little dig at 32:12.It is possible to hypothesize that a god selected the parameters of the universe so that life/humans could survive. After all, what is the purpose of the universe if we do not exist? The arrogance of H. sapiens to assume that we are the reason for the universe, a universe that existed fine without us, will continue to exist once we are extinct. Someone comments on this video an adage they say is from Native American people: if dogs and horses conceive gods, then they conceive them as dogs and horses.
@pedrofigueiredo9146 3 ай бұрын
the biggest problem between religion and science is the boundary between the two. Religion should not explain how the universe works and science by explaining how the universe works can not get from its inner workings the existence of god or any other metaphysical cause. If one can deeply study the Ford Model A and profoundly understand all of its inner workings one cannot derive from it the existence of Henry Ford. we can imagine that an Henry Ford is needed to construct the Model A but no one can derive scientifically and mathematically the existence Henry Ford from it. Science deals with the inner workings of the universe and Religion deals with the moral nature of it. because we can't derive morals from its inner workings. Science can not proof that it's immoral to kill another human being.
@pedrofigueiredo9146 3 ай бұрын
One can say that morals are created by humans and not religion but, I argue that religion is an emergent property of that process. We can say that morals are given to us by god and that's ok, we should leave it at that because that assumption is in itself a moral assumption and should be dealt within the moral framework. Humans are profoundly spiritual creatures and need spirituality. If scientists aim to take that away from society and transform science in a atheist religion with the aim of creating an atheist society people will fulfill their need for spirituality in instant gratification games. (maybe some can live happily in at atheist world and have the power of fulfilling themselves alone but society at large don't)
@npc_citizen9276 3 ай бұрын
Objection. Morals are more of a human instinct. Right now studies show that moral features form more from the genes, and not the outside factors. Same with IQ and other stuff. It's mostly bottlenecked by the genes. A fat kid will most likely stay fat in a skinny family even though they eat same stuff. There are twins and even threes that were separated into different families and after growing up they found out they like the same things, wear similar clothes and such.
@jimmie8928 3 ай бұрын
For a smart man he's not very smart... I haven't taken any advanced classes and understand every bit of this and as much as he prides himself on not making assumptions and using science he makes alot of assumptions....
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
Of course science makes assumptions. The major one is that nature is not lying to us. It works pretty well, especially when we compare it to religion, which always lies. ;-)
@therick363 3 ай бұрын
So tomorrow admit you don’t know but have the gal to say he’s not smart…about things you don’t know about….wow
@jimmie8928 3 ай бұрын
@lepidoptera9337 if you misinterpret it sure I could see how it could appear as lies, I never once stated he lied just didn't understand some concepts that are beyond his understanding
@jimmie8928 3 ай бұрын
@therick363 it's been a few days, I've learned more in fact, still not as smart as he leads on.
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
@@jimmie8928 That all religions lie is a fact. They all work like the Nigerian Prince scam. ;-)
@TheUltimateSeeds 3 ай бұрын
"God is not a good theory," but an infinite number of fully formed, human occupied universes that instantly and continuously branch off of each other like bubbles exploding out of a shaken bottle of champagne, is a better theory? Seriously?
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, Sean Carrol has made his own little religion there. That much is true. It is simply a misinterpretation of quantum mechanics, though. The actual theory is completely rational and once you understand it it's also pretty boring.
@TheUltimateSeeds 3 ай бұрын
​@@lepidoptera9337 It is not the least bit rational if it suggests that copies of us (along with the entire universe) instantly (and literally) spring into existence (branch off of this universe) simply to accommodate all of the "possible outcomes" inherent in the superpositioned wavefunction of a singular electron as it moves between the double-slitted wall and that of the phosphorescent screen in the double slit experiment.
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
@@TheUltimateSeeds The actual theory doesn't suggest any of that. What the theory says is the following: 1) Individual quantum measurements (when and where a quantum of energy will be detected) are not predictable. 2) For suitable systems these detections are independent. 3) Systems for which these detections are independent can be described with ensembles that produce frequentist expectation values. 4) In the large numbers limit (same as for probability distributions) these frequencies can be approximated by the Born rule (describing the measurement apparatus) and a unitary dynamic (usually the Schroedinger equation) of an abstract mathematical object called "wave function" that describes the free quantum system's ensemble. That's the actual theory. There are no copies of the universe in there. There is a statistical independence assumption that may or may not be true for any one particular system. And, yeah, then there are people like Sean Carroll who will talk total nonsense about quantum mechanics because they didn't pay enough attention to the structure of the theory. Although in case of Sean Carroll I suspect that he has simply discovered that one can sell books with MWI which one can not with the real theory that is about as boring as watching paint dry. It's all about money... no different from religion. Nonsense sells.
@raymondprohs4842 3 ай бұрын
It's nearsighted, ignorant & silly how proponents of science are a) seemingly happy and willing to hypothesize on the existence of conscious beings from other solar systems and/or galaxies, while b) still having no practical idea at all regarding what consciousness itself is, yet c) still presumptuously promote that consciousness, as the source of all existence, is a non-explanation. I don't agree with most (man-made) religions' presupposition that the top god is divinely masculine. I rather think the original word/sound was/is 'aum' and that it's the first form of shakti, the divine feminine, from which all other forms arise. In any case, it's the child's perspective that appearances matter most, which is analogous to science postulating that consciousness is an extension of the brain-&-nervous system, rather than the other way around. To sum up, as the great philosopher said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
Yes, that was stupid. We have evidence of life. We have no evidence of the supernatural. :-)
@alankoslowski9473 2 ай бұрын
There's no evidence of consciousness absent a functioning brain or similar structure. We also know changes or damages to specific brain regions consistently affects consciousness and behavior. A dead brain still exists but and there's no evidence of consciousness. All evidence definitely shows consciousness depends on a functioning brain and there's no evidence a brain depends on consciousness.
@4dojo 3 ай бұрын
I feel like you use the term scientific theory more like the word hypothesis. In science a theory is not just any idea that may or may not be true. Gravitational theory, plate tectonics, and germ theory are all categorized as theories, but that does mean that we don’t know that gravity is real, or how earth quakes start, or that pathogens exist. A theory is the highest level of understanding in science, while a hypothesis is more similar to your definition of a theory. God and gods are not a theory because they cannot be tested in any consistent way.
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
A hypothesis needs to be testable, as well, so the gods are not even a hypothesis. What is a fact, though, is that all religions work like the Nigerian scam. :-)
@stuntchild 3 ай бұрын
10:30 time stamp: It is still presuppositional to simply “have” the particle in existence. You cannot get around it.
@lepidoptera9337 3 ай бұрын
The real problem comes afterwards. His description of wave functions is wrong.
@goodlight4113 3 ай бұрын
But isn't HE the god of the 1 particle universe? :p
@YK-T7909 3 ай бұрын
I just buy 5% of what this mate has said, don't use the word science in vain, this talk could be summarised in what he says in min 37:40. "This is not good science". The Great Contradiction of this man min 14:12 to 18:05 VS his closing phrase 52:45. Embarrassing