Guerilla Meditation  NATURE is KEY
@marcuskaisserian9103 3 күн бұрын
The agenda is to discredit Maori's legit claim as the original land owners and carry on as if colonisation never happened.
@Sharon-yk7xm 9 күн бұрын
I do think its made by man many thousands of years ago before maori
@morb-g4q 12 күн бұрын
Lots of people do it all the time and don't even know they are doing it. Not doing it on others is difficult to do when your suffering. I've learnt to not do it cos you could be projecting onto someone who is suffering much worse. When it happens on me I let it go cos I know that person is suffering. The vibration you feel sux but raise it up and it changes. Alchemy. People tend to see from their frame of refence only and not the other person which leads to bad things like selfishness. Cool video dude. Experienced that shit a lot.
@CharlesAmoroa 17 күн бұрын
Your on a urupa m8 kia tupato
@peterchapman8753 19 күн бұрын
Same as gobekli tepe now being under the control of the wef, and they have halted all digs indefinitely, best way to control people, don't let them know where they came from, hence the 75 year standdown, because they hope their agenda bears fruit, need an archeological dig at the wall
@consciuosnesssoul 19 күн бұрын
Thanks Phar, I a heading there next week
@shaygeange6052 23 күн бұрын
The foot prints are probably from Kahui Tipua , it's what maori in the south island called dogman back in the day . They're scary as with a face like a fox and wolf combined . Waitakere Ranges , there are a few there and you will never forget the experience .Stay safe
@jeffreyspiers106 26 күн бұрын
Stay up there by urself for 1 a night other than shit your pants you will come out a different person
@Jojo-z2s6q 28 күн бұрын
Stayed there at night you can see all the orbs opposite the camp grounds watching you
@jamesmicael7904 Ай бұрын
Beautiful brother ❤ love your heart space and openness, allowing curiosity to guide your life flow. Juicy. Blessings. James
@JM-me1vh Ай бұрын
James k Baxter wrote a beautiful poem for children about the Patupaiarehi people. My children loved it
@NZZN666 Ай бұрын
Dude...I have a degree in earth science. I can guarantee you there is nothing mysterious about this "wall". Speak to an actual geologist, not your mates.
@EmpireOfPanmure 25 күн бұрын
Well I have a degree in earth science and as a geologist I say there's plenty mysterious about this wall, "dude" 😎
@NZZN666 25 күн бұрын
@@EmpireOfPanmure 🤣🤣🤣
@kevin5073 Ай бұрын
The Giant's Causeway. You're welcome.
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
Kali Yuga , the Time of lies and Deception is coming to an end NOW !
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
Tip: PDF The Fifth Kingdom of Man , by Dr. Walter Russell ( 17 pages only ) but an eye opener for those who are open to it !
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
GOD is LOVE- unexpressed.GODS CREATION is LOVE expressed! Love is the one supreme whole Idea of GOD.Desire to express Love is the supreme Power of GOD. Dr. Walter Russell a truly Cosmic Messanger! ..and yes evil exists, created by mans thoughts , words and actions! There exists a mind parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii GOD WINS !
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
Feeding the Morphogenetic Field with Divine Energy !
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
I can confirm it works , got a Cloudbuster and also created over 1000 tower busters ! There is a documentary abt. Wilhelm Reich on YT “ WHO is afraid of Wilhelm Reich “ Thanks a lot Brother!
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
8:40 because it would shatter the whole history of mankind ! Thanks a lot Brother !
@petergahlert3942 Ай бұрын
1:00 100% !
@jannbeebee Ай бұрын
extremely good point .
@keithmac7596 Ай бұрын
Don't quit your day job . its not a wall either .
@jamiefisher1393 Ай бұрын
Its obvious earth has periodic cataclysm events ,cities under cities , cities under oceans ,buried cities, the great pyramid of giza is a fine example of advanced technological engineering built in time period where there is barely any information about the civilization who built it.
@jackiepaku5996 Ай бұрын
Love your whakaaro ..❤…Ma te wa🙏
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Bless. Thank you. 💚
@jackiepaku5996 Ай бұрын
Just found you, awesome channel..keep up the great mahi..❤ I believe its all a big cover up, they don’t want us to find out that it is a megalith structure of the Annunaki who came to Earth from Nibiru 400,000 years ago.
@deborahtheredbrickchick468 Ай бұрын
I believe it to be remnants.. I too have filmed many anomalies in Australia on my channel Research meltology ✨
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
i'll be crossing the pond mid September to check out some of those sites... can't wait... love Australia, it has been kind to me and shared a secret or two with me while I circumnavigated it for two years.
@Chas-te7uz Ай бұрын
Conspiracy theorists, no evidence. Where's the bones from the people that were supposedly here before Maori??? Nothing...
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
You will have to ask the Government through the FOIA in order to discover why they have put a 75 year ban on archaeological work at the site. Or write to 'Bright Insight' (his youtube channel has some incredible research on the WEF blocking archaeological work globally that challenges their paradigms. If you felt so inclined you could see how 'global shapers' hold positions of influence within the NZ Government structure, as I can't and won't help you there. I don't have the time. Thanks and good luck. That's something for you to sink your teeth into there. Go for it!
@martinhill2583 Ай бұрын
Fantastic, well done ❤
@GeckoHiker Ай бұрын
It looks natural to me. I've explored areas in the US with similar cracked rock structures. There are indeed mysterious and unexplained phenomena in the world. This may have mystical and spiritual properties based on the earth's energies that are exposed by these geological structures.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
I'd suggest a visit and then you can discern for yourself if there are any piezeoelectric fields in play, or if you have any other sensitive scientific equipment take it along and determine whether there is any measurable fields of energy within the spectrums that reductionist science can measure. It would be a solid investment of one's time if one was curious. It's a magnificent forest to be in. My friends mystical experiences are their own. I can only vouch for mine. I could discern a field of energy there, not overwhelming, but certainly discernible.
@GeckoHiker Ай бұрын
@@Ohoakebooks I'm definitely attuned to energy fields in nature. My indigenous Cherokee ancestry originates in North Carolina where these rock structures are abundant. I wonder if humans developed civilizations around these areas because of the energies accessed by these formations.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
@@GeckoHiker Cycles within cycles. At some point according to the surviving Vedic texts (the large majority of written and oral traditions in the Americas have to thank the Spanish Conquistadors and the Roman Church to erasing that knowledge and 'milking the shamans' before murdering them) tell of more virtuous ages when people were more attuned to their natural environments and and therefore understood how to align with natural energies in order to thrive harmoniously with their environments. If you look at the work of Edgar Cayce you will find that he puts many Atlantean refugees in the Southern parts of the USA, and the Northeast too. Could be satellite colonies, or even megalithic architecture of the survivors of the fall of Atlantis or even before. Who knows?
@apreviews7536 27 күн бұрын
Could you explain what "milking the shaman " means please 👍
@rickyl9540 Ай бұрын
My spiritual teacher has often said " This world is an educational facility". You appear to be doing a great job of grasping that concept and working hard to grow and develop both spiritually, mentally and physically. This life just fly's by and once you get into your 50's and 60's your citta ( subtle body) may settle to some degree and you begin to experience some peace and contentment. That is basically the beginning of the Yoga process or even the 10 commandments. To calm the burning desires and and give up anartha's.( Bad habits and qualities). Then the process of Seva ( service) and Bhakti ( pure love) potentially can begin. It's very refreshing and inspiring to see someone sincerely absorbed on this path!
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
You're inspiring me to greater depths of awareness. Thank you for your kind words and deep knowledge sharing. It's awesome to hear from people that can help me grow, evolve and gain deeper insight into the processes I have chosen to follow. 🔥
@rickyl9540 Ай бұрын
You mentioned Rudolph Steiner. Do you know the Steiner school in Titirangi Laingholm? We are 2 minutes from there on the edge of the beautiful forest.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Yes. My Romi Romi practitioner that I see when I am in Auckland used to live on Minihaha rd. She moved due to the wairiua haunting that part of the Waitakere. There were some bloody battles fought there between hapu before the Europeans landed and the bodies are still littered throughout the forest up there she said. She's in Kingsland now. A quiet place. No wairua, dead warriors waking up her kids at night.
@rickyl9540 Ай бұрын
Is that a Canadian Thunder bird on your left arm? I just got back from Canada. And Sanskrit? We have common interests. I also have a bad back and my left shoulder is causing lots of issues. Torn Sub scapularis and torn supraspinatis. Looks like you might be a van traveller as well? We are having regular informal kirtans in West Auckland if your interested?
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Classic. I'd recommend these two ladies in Mt Albert for your body pains and aches, they are amazing and Contact C.A.R.E is off the charts. Dale Weston Speedy has jumped the shark when it comes to bodywork modalities. He's created a bodywork modality that's 100 years ahead of it's time and it's pain free. i was at this retreat on Saturday with my friends Shikaa and Mayank who were with Babaji in India for 40 years. They are the best Kirtan exponents I've come across in the world. The musicians that play with them are also incredible. Saturday nights Kirtan was around 50 people, and it was heavenly. I probably will be back in Auckland at some point, but more than likely leaving to head to Australia soon after. No, not a Thunderbird, a Haida Kingfisher. Bless.
@hinefamily7565 Ай бұрын
Could not reply to my comments. However 1 No registered archeologists have ever made a formal request, because it is of no interest. (Can you provide a NZ registered archeologist name who applied, to say that it has been refused) 2. Who pays for it, the site will need to be strictly monitored while the digs on with all the OSH and security requirements. 3. No Pacific peoples built in stone, they may have erected statues like that on easter Island, and there is very good reason why they didn't there was not the population/time and engineering skills needed. If others, it would be very unlikely there would be no trace of such building structures on the coast and then one appear slap dab in the central North Island.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
No Pacific people built in stone huh? I was on Sava'i in 2019... there was one star mound discovered there then... and now... HUNDREDS on the island. Mmm... shall I keep going? How about this?
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын O I was here too in 2011 and stood under it. The 'people's who built this used what was available to them. Wasn't stone, but... hey... I think you might be misguided in your judgement of whakapapa from my father's side, WE or someone else built megalithic architecture in the Pacific.
@salliedunford7974 Ай бұрын
Youre awesome brother, Im celebrating my 55th birthday up there in March and now see and feel more as to why Im being called there. Sending love and gratitude to you
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Epic. May you have an interesting and profound experience!
@sonjaveda9832 Ай бұрын
Yes the parasites are. Creating fears, wars, diseases etc. Trying to brainwash kids.youre so on point agsin.
@sonjaveda9832 Ай бұрын
Love your info. You bring it all together.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Thank you
@kenmilne2379 Ай бұрын
Love yr stories ! They r spellbinding ! Thnk u ❤️ 👍👍
@maxinepurdom5021 Ай бұрын
Was watching some of videos thinking i reckon hes a Scorpio then you shared your birthing date and BOOM!!!...i was right..❤.so resonating with your journey and yup im also Scorpio 19/11😂😂😂😂
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
If you wanted to contact Jason Hotton to ask/buy a triple cone/bubble you can reach him at [email protected]. I got another triple cone today. The Genie within the cone is called 'Abarella'. First time a cone Genie has given me its name. Totally out of it. Trippy as f%#k. It was a loud... and clear telepathically. Buzzy. 🥰
@kerrydavies6494 Ай бұрын
Check out The Maori Channel archives of a Maori kuia who spoke of her psychic experiences at this site .
@kenmilne2379 Ай бұрын
Love to see it excavated ! Nice story ! 👌
@maxinepurdom5021 Ай бұрын
I use to make my own pyramid orgonites
@louisemoulin4704 Ай бұрын
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
@sumo9209 Ай бұрын
sorry, it looks like a natural wall, anyone building a wall would never stack blocks like that, the would overlap them for strength , look at any brick wall you like.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
I might whack my head against it next time i'm there... could be some bricklayers shitty job done for shits and giggles in the middle of nowhere then? Go there, have a look for yourself. After which, go to Puma Punku, check out the Devil's archway... looks completely natural too... but... it ain't. No one knows for sure about the KW, so, when I tell stories about other people's experiences there, I'm only telling a story, their story. Remember when the Conquistadors got to Teotihuacan the Aztecs said they didn't build anything... just rolled up. I'd suggest a talk to Tuwharetoa kuia and koro, kaumatua and see what they think of it. It shows the hubris of academics who think because they know how to decipher geology because they read a book and regurgitated what they read rather than talk to people who lived there for potentially hundreds of generations. Arrogance in motion.
@angelafoxmusic7265 Ай бұрын
The Patupaiarehe were in the Waitakeres. The maunga across from Pirongia, Kakepuku, (a beautifully shaped cone) was the last bastion of the Patupaiarehe.
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
That's far out!
@missymojo3327 Ай бұрын
Great video. Please continue to make more videos like this. I’ve been wanting to learn more about NZ spiritual history. Have heard little stories through whānau from years ago, there must be so many more to share throughout the country. Glad I found your channel ✨🙏🏻
@missymojo3327 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for sharing
@heminuiraho8235 Ай бұрын
Tuwharetoa Territories ae my mum has shares in the block. Remnants of hatepe you say. I know it's magical...where do you think my magic comes from 😊
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
I have no idea. For me, there is a sense of deep curiosity from the beings in that forest. I've camped in there a few times and felt like I was being watched. By whom? I haven't a clue.
@heminuiraho8235 Ай бұрын
@@Ohoakebooks tbh I don't know where it comes from either...if I said what I think on the matter they would put me into the madhouse. For example one calls me moko.... But I'll let you in on a a degree, all humans are mad. 😉😂
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
@@heminuiraho8235 🤣🤣If we align with our hearts those beings (disincarnate) often are the cosmic jokers who playfully watch out for us, and keep the lights on... in my experience. 😃
@heminuiraho8235 Ай бұрын
@@Ohoakebooks 😊👍
@acerudy5815 Ай бұрын
i need your guidance brother. There is a journey that awaits us. i have information that can help us uncover some important lost knowledge. i need guidance though im reaching out to others as well . do you have a email or contact?
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
You can contact me at [email protected]. I'll be giving out Jason Hotton's email too (from the story here) in my next clip, as he is part of the Blue Diamond Crew which is a group of Kuia who travel around the island activating sacred sites, and following in the footsteps of Te Kooti.
@maxinepurdom5021 Ай бұрын
I was living in Hope nelson 2 years ago...miss that space deeply..i too have chosen to be alone for last 5 years..undoing old patterns..becoming me without the need for another...
@Ohoakebooks Ай бұрын
Godspeed you on your journey. The heart is where all is transfigured and alchemised. Kia Kaha!