Lightning at Long Beach Tonight
19 сағат бұрын
An Evening at Jones Beach As The Sun Sets
A Brief Visit To Captree State Park
21 сағат бұрын
14 күн бұрын
@Raysan81 51 минут бұрын
Talk about that Njtransit fare holiday I took the 319 to Atlantic City on Labor Day Monday I was jam packed both ways that bus is like a ghetto on wheels That's too bad you didn't come down to the NJ pines the week it was free but if you do come in the future I reccomend taking the 137 just pass up any 319 if possible
@RadioWhiz Сағат бұрын
Something similar happen at school last year
@xKineticSparks Сағат бұрын
Crowded and comes once an hour. Drivers think it's funny and slow down
@NYA1994. 4 сағат бұрын
Absolutely unacceptable!
@thiscorrosion900 6 сағат бұрын
I call them the CYBERSCHMUCKS.
@thiscorrosion900 6 сағат бұрын
Trump is a Clown and Nazi and anybody that supports him, including Blakeman, another Bozo, is a total fool and enemy of America, Period. And I'm too old or at least, mature, to give a shit about what anybody thinks about me saying it, either.
@thiscorrosion900 6 сағат бұрын
P.S. The thing is you're seeing mentally unbalanced folks all over LI now. I just saw a guy with some kind of issues, walking in the middle of Woodbury Rd., in Plainview, the other day, around 2 p.m., and looking under people's cars, all kinds of insane OCD type behavior, almost threatening. He was there for at least 30 min. So, my point though is that now you could get people like this all over the island.
@thiscorrosion900 6 сағат бұрын
At my place, I notice the minute Labor Day hits, or afterwards, I start seeing people visiting or living at the two homes or so down from me, and the parking is limited here, showing up out of nowhere, parking in front of our homes, and I have no idea who they are. Do they live here, are they transients? I dunno! Normally I don't care and it's legal to park in front of my home, but someone keeps doing this the past two weeks out of nowhere. Why can't they park in front or in their own house or driveway which they do have? Some of those homes it's like four families or more living there. This should really be ILLEGAL in Syosset and areas like this. Esp. on a street with very tight parking. During the day I wouldn't even care, but some of these idiots drop trash and stuff bottles, etc., on the street in front of my home. Not cool. Do I do this shit at YOUR house? No!
@thiscorrosion900 7 сағат бұрын
It's too bad you can't find a house in or on the edge of, the Pine Barrens, or some other nature preserve or something out east. I myself had tried to find some kind of small rental house or cottage a few years ago, on an estate, etc., or some north shore area or estate, well, it almost cannot be done anymore. It's also not necessarily terribly safe, or secure. I saw that even a small modest home in the Hamptons is like $750,000 or whatever. Renting might be available, I dunno. But again, the transportation out there is almost nonexistent.
@AnarKitty101 8 сағат бұрын
No Trump lover, but no major difference between policies of Republicants and Dopeycrats.
@gamerjohn112 12 сағат бұрын
I’m glad you made this video, I understand how you feel, apparently I’m going t be in my apartment by November 2024, but I understand you can’t get that
@ENTERTAINMENT35 12 сағат бұрын
Bring back the 7D to do the William Floyd thing to The Boulevard
@winstonsmith2902 19 сағат бұрын
The Biden Harris America and open borders.
@PinePowerLI 19 сағат бұрын
And the Republicans run Riverhead Town, and Suffolk County, too. Trumpers will blame anyone who's a Democrat and never their own party. It's a combination of Hochul being an awful Governor and the recession we've been in since 2020, even though Wall St thinks everything is doing great and only dips briefly when it hears about the reality but then it's back to pretend it's all good in our bubbles..
@winstonsmith2902 19 сағат бұрын
@@PinePowerLI recession started in 2021 with Biden economics. The Drugs come across Biden and the backhoes open border. The republican da has been pretty good at prosecuting the traffickers unlike hochul and Leticia James. Policing could be better. Romaine just started with shall see.
@PinePowerLI 18 сағат бұрын
I like Romaine a lot actually. It's not his fault. Riverhead Town could do better though and out there they have their own PD for Riverhead. There used to be a Zero Tolerance Zone downtown. Dunno what happened. Hochul is horrible and she's really messed this State up even more than Cuomo.
@RadioWhiz 21 сағат бұрын
Kathy hochul won't do 💩 she will probably bail out the damage done on Suffolk county
@RadioWhiz 21 сағат бұрын
💩 bus is EBT 2.0 or is EBT even worse I don't even like calling nice bus nice because its 💩 all the way I like Suffolk county transit better I haven't been on a 💩 bus yet but should I try it John?
@longcentralfilms4671 Күн бұрын
@PinepowerLI which station do you prefer? Penn Station or Grand Central?
@PinePowerLI Күн бұрын
Penn Station, better connections easier to get in and out of vs the trek to get out of Grand Central. GCT is better for people going to the east side or Metro North.
May be deserted but it's peaceful (except the bums)
@robertcantore330 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful!! There was some high level wildfire smoke yesterday fortunately didn't make it down to the surface
@barbaranowak-cuthel3548 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful view@
@MagicMike-rd8mz 2 күн бұрын
Goodmoring sir . Once again you just can't make this stuff up about NiceBus. The n-79 and n-19 dose'nt need a Express Bus service . They both need more Bus service. During the daytime. We all know witch two Bus routes that needed Express Bus service in NiceBus n-24 from Jamaica to Hicksville and n-15 from Long Beach to Rockville Center. But Nice Bus isn't going to add more frequent service to n-24 . Instead Nice Bus add a pointless short trip to Bellerose on the n-24 route. The n-24 dose to much as is Bus riders coming from Hicksville have to deal with split meaning they have changed at Roosevelt Field for a Bus to Jamaica sir. The n-24 Bus to Jamaica dose'nt wait for the n-24 to make the connection sir. Whe create over crowded on the n-22 and n-24. The n-24 to Bellerose is service cut for Bus rides looking to go to Jamaica. But the Bellerose n-24 are going to add more Buses to the n-1. To UBS . Why not just make the n-1 to UBS instead all day except during week day rush hours. NiceBus needs to open up another Bus Depot sir.
@PinePowerLI 2 күн бұрын
Well what's really needed is for the MTA to come back since they don't come up with these dumb ideas like Transdev. Things were much better when they were MTA Long Island Bus. They'd probably have LTD service on the n15, n20, n24, n32, n40, and all the other busy routes including the n4 and n6. And all the busy routes would run 24 hours a day
@CSXRP 2 күн бұрын
That looks like a really nice place to escape to and fish. Have you seen all of the construction in Bellmore? They are repaving the roads and neighborhoods and Bedford Avenue eventually. I had to move my car and they don't give people a two weeks notice and only a day priors notice before doing the work like what if someone is away for work or on vacation? Its nuts and I could hear someone's SUV get hit with road debris after walking back to my place after I parked my car under the Bellmore train station earlier.
@RobbyBabes 2 күн бұрын
I saw that smoke on the horizon around the same time. I thought it was regular clouds but the cloud bank it made was so clean
@kile167 3 күн бұрын
Some people shouldn't make videos.