Pune International Centre is a Think Tank based in Pune.
Well known scientist, Dr. R A Mashelkar is President and Noted Economist Dr. Vijay Kelkar is the Vice President.
Here is a list of PIC Trustees, 300+ individuals and 20+ academic institutions that are members of PIC. www.puneinternationalcentre.org/trustees.html
PIC Publications are appreciated by many political leaders and thought leaders including Hon. PM Mr. Narendra Modi and Ms. Sonia Gandhi. Link to PIC Publications www.puneinternationalcentre.org/policy-paper.php
40+ PIC Programmes delivered since inauguration in Sept 2011 are listed at www.puneinternationalcentre.org/past-programme.html
This KZbin channel provides a link to some of the edited videos.
For more on PIC, you may write to
[email protected]