@wiljosabre 22 күн бұрын
What was your gear and DD link level at the time of this clear? I'm a new DD aiming to some clean clears like this!!
@Ernmas 21 күн бұрын
I think I had my DD Link maxed at 10 at this time. I used a Demo staff, a Fire Mastery 19 circlet, Special Elemental Harmony body and shoes, and Magic Attack reforged weaving gloves. I also used an Echostone with Ice Spear Explosion Radius 20 to maximize my Vortex size. For my puppet, I had Revenant bars and doll with an Act 6 Range 20 reforged headgear and level 10 glyph for gathering mobs while Vortex was down. The Special Elemental Harmony pieces are expensive and definitely optional. I still need to crit with my Shadow Flares most of the time to OHKO groups, unless they're zombies. The DD Links, Demolition or Ruination Staff, and Magic Attack gloves are the most important parts for magic damage. Despite being unrepairable, reforged weaving gloves are a good option until you can afford to make the Glenn ringbands. I've personally had my own pair for about three years now and they're almost at half dura left.
@wiljosabre 21 күн бұрын
@@Ernmas I see, people usually tell me that I only need to reach link 10 and finish my staff to be able to solo this but I doubt it, just ran one with slightly stronger players and it costed us several guardian/nao stones and maximum effort. My gear currently is an unenchanted Ego lvl 45 Demo staff S7, MA 17, Cast Speed 7, Erg A 10 and a Colossal Valiance Set, so basically no other gear than my weapon. I made r1 weaving gloves 26 dura but need reforges to get high MA on them, how do you keep them from deteriorating while in combat? Also if I may ask, as Special Elemental Harmony pieces are hell of expensive, I was looking through the AH and was looking some cheaper options like either full set or two pair of each of the Ultimate Geas Devastation and Ultimate Geas Edge sets for the techniques empowerment (my techniques are lvl 1-3 still, just finished G22 this week). Some have already r1 reforges. Are those viable or is there any better route you would suggest? Context my budget is 23m and will spend like 15m tomorrow to get all Arcanas to lvl 50 (currently DD 28, EK 12, HS 1 /// DD link 2)
@Ernmas 20 күн бұрын
@@wiljosabre People are partially right about only needing DD Links and a finished staff to run Feth smoothly. That just covers the gear and stat reqs. You also need to know how to exert control over the mobs and execute it well, which is much more important. No amount of gear will make a run as smooth as knowing how to group, control aggro, and kill effectively. DD makes it a cakewalk if you're willing to just wait out Vortex's cooldown between rooms, but if you want to run a bit faster, you should have a set for gathering, like my puppet set or a chain set to use Spinning Slasher. I personally find it easiest to do all this solo, since I can easily control aggro as the only target utilizing Crisis Escape and Shadow Cloak. If you want to look into further improving your gear for magic, I recommend focusing on getting things enchanted. Staff enchants are a decent MA boost, and Maddening is available from Master Plan events and can be slapped onto each armor piece and accessory for a little more MA. An Ulti Geas set is alright, but the set effects won't make a big difference. Getting a dragon or Ulti Geas circlet for the additional MA will make a bigger impact. Your staff is better than mine is actually, if you get it enchanted and level up your spirit. Mine's bricked at S6 with an equal MA reforge. Getting the spirit to 63 with all bonus and quest points done is very important for the exclusive ultimate. Between that and Link 9, you'll be able to full charge Intermediate spells with one cast. As for armor reforges, all that really matters for mage is the headgear reforge for an elemental mastery (either Lightning or Fire), and either MA reforge on weaving gloves or IS explosion on ringbands. And I avoid degrading my weaving gloves by just avoiding being hit as much as I can manage, essentially. Armor pieces degrade slowly since they only take a tiny amount of durability damage when you get hit, and that dura loss is randomized between all equipped items other than the weapon. This includes Falias treasures, accessories, and robe slot items, so filling out all your slots will help prevent degradation. Ultimately, the better you are at avoiding damage, the longer the weaving gloves will last.
@wiljosabre 20 күн бұрын
@@Ernmas Thank you a whole lot for all this precious information. You are totally right about the aggro/mob control part, I guess that's why I feel I couldn't solo all this even with tremendous amount of damage (which even that will require seound 60m+ just to unlock the links buying the smoldering directly from AH) I will try to find deals for thode regorges on gear at AH to help with mobbing and will definitely need a secondary control talent/gear for vortex cd. Ive seen people use certain pets for some rooms, ones that freeze mobs are those regularbive dragons? I think i have 1 of those, also I can try to deathmark and spam pets, though not sure if a reforge is needed for that. Puppetry seems reliable but havent checked prices for the Cbars and other reforges required and as my gold generation is not so great still, high prices scare me a little haha
@woefulstudies Ай бұрын
What set are you running?
@Ernmas Ай бұрын
I run Refined Majestic Knight Armor, Thames Helm, Imperial Knight Gloves and Imperial Knight Boots for my armor set, and Perseus two-handed sword and shield for weapons. I also have Special Draconian Wings.
@azntwin3 Ай бұрын
When you are using crisis is it just the glyph plus master title to get that range?
@Ernmas Ай бұрын
I use a reforged hat as well
@gentikvevo 4 ай бұрын
@thebrokeafdreamer5847 6 ай бұрын
Thats amazing
@gentikvevo 8 ай бұрын
Ernmas :)
@miyukinosaki2392 Жыл бұрын
giga giant!!