The Grace of Baptism
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Answering Common Pro-Choice Arguments
Did Jesus Condemn Tradition?
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Is Prayer the Same Thing as Worship?
What Does It Mean to Repent?
3 жыл бұрын
Why Do Catholics Pray the Rosary?
Baby Hussey #2 is a...
3 жыл бұрын
@builder101-x9j Күн бұрын
1 Timothy 2:5 (NIV): "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." One mediator Check mate Jesus Wins
@normmcinnis4102 2 күн бұрын
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
@DelbertDahlheimer 2 күн бұрын
Catholics need to be saved too.
@tomasleiva5587 6 күн бұрын
I thought the other guy was a Protestant. He sounds like he is in Catholic side!! Beautiful!!! I wanted the arguments to explain in class
@consumedbyfire1359 6 күн бұрын
Your zeal for Scripture is surprising. What i am perceiving is that your definition of Sola Scriptura is not completely correct. You admit that the Scriptures contain the wisdom to bring one to salvation, something that is in fact denied by the Catholic Church (as they say you need the Scriptures and the Church). The Scriptures are not all that a person needs on a general sense but only as a means of salvation. As the NT shows, the Church is the Body of Christ and has to be functioning together. This is where apostles, prophets, and teachers and new believers are to get connected with the family of God. The Holy Spirit is a key agent in God's people as well and He is our teacher, ar least to an extent.
@koresteban 7 күн бұрын
Hi! Did you take a break? Been waiting for your new upload. But, if you need a break, it's fine. :)
@CommissionedNow 9 күн бұрын
That verse on Roman’s 8 is way taken out of context read the whole chapter…
@dough3821 10 күн бұрын
Catholicism teaches a false gospel of works that leads to hell. There is only ONE way to heaven, and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross. No one can be saved by good works according to clear verses like Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 4:5, etc. Salvation is a FREE GIFT received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Christ died on the cross to pay our sin debt in FULL, was buried, and came back from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3-4). That alone is the gospel message by which we are saved.
@Cooleyofficial 12 күн бұрын
My question was answered. After this video, I now know that there is absolutely no good biblical argument that supports praying to or venerating saints. Comparing Jesus’ transfiguration to praying to pictures of icons, is quite the stretch LOL
@thaoneteam 12 күн бұрын
Get people who want to talk and not running on a time frame.
@alexrizo605 16 күн бұрын
If were taking the One Sentence approach, then here's the one sentence that convinced me Sola Scriptura is true: "Do not go beyond what is written." 1 Corinthians 4:6.
@shisur2037 16 күн бұрын
Dead people can't hear us
@Garrido-u2p 18 күн бұрын
🙄🙄🙄 do you even know how God call the Catholic Pope will be joining as the false prophet during the Anti-Christ reigns after the Rapture of the Bride to meet Jesus in the Clouds as Jesus promised his deciples ascended back to the Father sitting on the right Hand of the Father, in the Book of Revelations. Are you ever born again ? Christianity brought the Gospel to the world in (Acts Chptr 2) not the Catholic Church that spilt up twice in 1054 & 1517 … 2000 yrs after Jesus Ressurection. Get your facts together !!! 😲 your in error to believe that the Bible is not the only authority of faith from God, and are others books with the Bible to is include. You are deceived !!! And will be judge ref to (Heb 6:4-6/NIV) : It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Prophet Sadhue Sundar Selvaraj claims Pope Francis will be the false Prophet spoken in (Revelation 11&13) …
@hnguye22 18 күн бұрын
Congrat to you. Lead your spouse to the true faith. May God bless you and your family. Holy Family. Jesus, Mary, and St Joseph. Amen. Alleluia.
@ProfessorX484 19 күн бұрын
Praying FOR one another to GOD through Jesus Christ. Nothing is wrong with that. What is wrong is praying for one another to God through many entities other than Christ when John 14:6 made it very clear that nothing comes to the Father except through the Son. You don't believe in Christ enough if you still see Him as unreachable and think that you still need a channel to get to Him in order to get to GOD. Jesus's death and sacrifice is proof enough that He was, is and will be there for us for God.
@louisvega-oe2sc 23 күн бұрын
To take one verse, and throw out the rest of the scriptures, convincing you about sola scriptura, is like going on a long journey, by just taking one step, and not completing the journey?
@AndrewLane-pm2ro 24 күн бұрын
The Church (Catholic) is also a mediator between God and man, since the Church is the "fulness" of Christ (Eph 1:22-23).
@jesselord9504 24 күн бұрын
Run from catholics
@jesselord9504 24 күн бұрын
The bowl of prayers does not say those prayers were made to the saints. This guy is so misleading
@jesselord9504 24 күн бұрын
How can a saint hear millions of prayers?
@cabeto821005 25 күн бұрын
Bro, you described the way into purgatory not into heaven.
@RayRay-fv1iy 25 күн бұрын
In Revelation 22:9 t says, But he said, “No, don’t worship me. I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers the prophets, as well as all who obey what is written in this book. Worship only God!” We are not to worship to anyone idols, those statues of Mary, Peter, Paul, Joseph etc. When Jesus Met With Moses & Elijah, God Said Jesus Is His Fateful Son Who He Loves & Adore (He Didn't Mention Moses or Elijah). Prat about It, God answered me
@pieterpotgieter1903 27 күн бұрын
You are seriously wrong.
@HaleStorm49 27 күн бұрын
The league matters if youre planning to participate in the post season
@christophbreitenbach4112 28 күн бұрын
For more than sixty years I have been in the roman church. God opened my eyes for the many new teachings and practises of catholizism. Today I am happy and grateful to be a protestant, following the true gospel of Christ and the sound teaching of the apostles. I consider my conversion the best decision in my life. God be praised!
@jennyjohnson1930 Ай бұрын
If the napkin sentence was contained in a letter it would reveal the context in which to be understood, like a book in the Bible. Also, you just run into the same issue if you make church/tradition the only true interpreters. Fallible people trying to understand an infallible source. At what point can the recipient come to know God’s revelation?
@mapagmatyaga9174 Ай бұрын
You are very brilliant
@robinconnelly6079 Ай бұрын
In addition: The sentence you talk about is interesting. You are right. in fact, if you apply that to the great passage. "You are Peter and upon this rock...". You get 2 possible meanings. Was he literally meaning Peter? Or was the passage a bit more poetic and meant "Peter you are a stone" (as the Greek strongly suggests petros-petra) and upon this ROCK (This revelation to you that I am the son of God, ie justification by faith), I will build my church. Even Augustine, in the end, stated that the above should be left up to the opinion of the believer. Read the church fathers. Imagine that verse wasn't there... The Roman Catholic church would not exist, would it? And the insane thing is that there is only 1 instance of that story in the Bible. In Matthew. Nothing in the other Gospels. So the ENTIRE Roman Catholic church is built on ONE scripture that can be taken in different ways. Drawing board, dude, drawing board.
@robinconnelly6079 Ай бұрын
No passage stating Sola scriptura? 1 Corinthians 4:6 (LEB): 6 Now I have applied these things, brothers, to myself and Apollos for your sake, in order that in us you may learn not to go beyond what is written, lest someone be inflated with pride on behalf of one person against the other. So which is it? The tradition scripture you quoted or the above? In addition: No self-respecting Catholic would ever say that something in tradition can contradict the scriptures. But you said that's OK when you talked about protestants thinking in that regard. Back to the drawing board, dude. Research more deeply. Then make a video like this.
@mapagmatyaga9174 Ай бұрын
You are very brilliant
@feliperodriguez4187 Ай бұрын
John 14: 13-17.... I'm sticking to that. Thanks.
@4jgarner Ай бұрын
Please help me understand how inflection would correct my understand of James 2 verses 17 or 24?
@lifeguard184 Ай бұрын
I find it interesting that the guy in the blue shirt, starts out with his argument quoting Roman's 8:35 thru 38. Because if you read one verse earlier it says that Jesus intersedes for us. Romans 8: 34 4 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was [a]raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
@jediv3381 Ай бұрын
*If Roman religion is really the Church of the Bible or the "one true church". Then why are 95% of RC doctrines and 95% of RC clergies not in the Bible? Mind boggling ... Lol* *nt Church of the Bible did not have Roman pontiff neither Roman priests, neither did Apostles pray to dead saints or Mary, neither did Apostles and Jesus make statues for Mary and saint .. Neither bow down to statues .. Neither Roman unholy water, neither sinless Mary, neither veneration of skulls bones tongues ... So where are all these man made doctrines of Rome in the Bible? Neither all the below man made doctrines! Wonder where they come from?* *There was never a Catholic Church in the Bible.* *There was never a R Catholic Church in the Bible.* *There was never a Catholic in the Bible.* *There was never a Roman Catholic in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church pope in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church priest in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church cardinal in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church sinless Mary in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church unholy water in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church penance in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church purgatory in the Bible.* *There was never a R Church canonised saint in the Bible.* *There was never an Nt believer who made or bow down to statues in the Bible.* *There was never an Nt believer who prays or received prayers from passed saints or Mary in the Bible.* *There was never an ecumenical council with bishops of all churches that decided the canon in history* *If you can find one example in the New Testament I will give you a lollipop.* *nt church of the Apostles did not have such practices. Answer me: did apostles make and bow down to statues? Did Apostles ask passed on saints to pray for them? Or sprinkle "holy" water on believers? Or wore fishhead hat and costumes? Or cite hocus pocus when they serve the communion? They merely broke bread and passed around the table. Did they demand believers to kneel in front of them to serve them communion? Or did Peter ask believers to kiss his hands and feet? Or did Apostles venerate statues, bones or relics?* *You do see clearly it all came from practices of believers after the Apostles - which Rcs claimed its from early writings. They had already deviated from the Apostles and Jesus. What Rcc called doctrines were merely partly traditions of errant believers + partly its own self traditions. Totally not from Jesus and Apostles at all.*
@jediv3381 Ай бұрын
*RCs could never answer .... If Roman Catholicism is truth or Church of the Bible, why was there not a single New Covenant believer saved in a Roman Catholic way in the whole Bible? Why is that so? Please explain coherently intelligently.* - submit to Roman pope to be saved - devote to Roman Mary to be saved - be in Roman Church to be saved - partake Roman sacraments to be saved - baptise in Roman baptism to be saved - do lots of works to be saved
@RollinsonMedia Ай бұрын
He will save you “if you let him” you said? Show me where in the bible, does it indicate that we let God do anything…… be careful with his sovereignty.
@michaeldulman5487 Ай бұрын
“Brethren, pray for us” (1 Thessalonians 5:25). Asking other people for prayers is Bíblical. We have a crowd of witnesses surrounding us, as Paul says. Nowhere is Paul’s example restricted to the saints on earth. The Old Testament prohibition of necromancy concerns consulting the dead for information. No law of the Old Testament ever prohibited asking the dead for their prayers. We can clearly ask others to pray for us, as Paul shows, and the dead in Christ are alive and cheering us on to finish the race.
@cesarriojas114 Ай бұрын
First of all you are a beautiful couple, and it’s wonderful seeing that what attracted you to her was her love of God! You are both blessed! 🙏🏻🥰❤ I have been married for over 37years and my wife is a gift from God, I actually prayed for her ! Our faith has kept our love strong and while looks attracted me to her, I fell in love with her beautiful spirit. I can actually say I love her more now! Remember to die of self and your faith strong and your marriage will be fruitful and happy!
@danielvargas9100 Ай бұрын
You had the gospel right UNTIL you mentioned church included in it.
@FIAT-Voluntas-Tua-333 Ай бұрын
@chriswalls5831 Ай бұрын
Praying for others friends is not bad thing but I pray to Jesus he's the only way to the father
@timphillips4357 Ай бұрын
Nowhere in Scripture does it say we go to a place called "heaven". The word "heaven" can mean several different things such as "sky", "high", "government", "the Kingdom", "the dimension where God dwells", etc. And as far as our rewards that are stored "in heaven" Christ is going to BRING them upon His return. All He has to do is say a word and it becomes physical, like here's your mansion that I have prepared for you then bamb, it appears. But anyways, over and over Scripture says that "the meek will inherit the EARTH." Here are various verses which prove this(btw, there is no literal burning hell as "Lake of Fire is a terrible translation and is merely a metaphor about the Refiner's Crucible and the system of purification of all men back to Himself is likened to a Refiner's Crucible which uses fire to purify gold and it rids it of it's impurities(our sins). But I won't go into the hellfire doctrine here, just the heaven verses the coming Kingdom using Scripture and not man's traditions. Here's some verses proving that we souls sleep then will be resurrected(as Christ did and who was the FIRST FRUITS of the Resurrection): "And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the EARTH.' "The dead know nothing." "On that very day their thoughts perish." "For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?" "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." "But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have FALLEN ASLEEP(SOULS SLEEP FOLKS). For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ the firstfruits; then AT HIS COMING, those who belong to Him." Hope this has at least gotten someone to rethink man's traditions verse the true word of God. And btw, white Christians are the true Israel people and the people today who say they are of Judah are actually the descendants of the small race of Edomites("The REDS" who CONVERTED to Phariseeism/Judaism about 120 years before Christ and other edomites who went north into the southern Russia area where according to ancient writings they mixed with Gog and Magog aka Ashkenaz and they too eventually CONVERTED to Phariseeism/Judaism under King Bulan of Khazaria in the 8th century AD(or 7th Century I forget which at the moment). But just as Christ stated they lie like their father who is the father of lies and who was a murder from the beginning=CAIN!!! And they also confirmed this as they admitted that their people aka "generation(RACE) of vipers" and "offspring of devils" were never in bondage to any man. White Christians today believe they are just "white gentiles"(gentiles actually means "TRIBES or NATIONS" and NOT non Jew which is a lie to trick the real white Israel people into staying ignorant of who they really are since they have tunrned away from God in these end times and the white race has come under an end times BLINDNESS by God Himself and He has BLINDED the white race to their true ancient identity as the actually physical descendants of Jacob Israel as a propheised punishment for the white Israel race turning away from their God in these latter days(which would happen sometime after founding end times Zion(USA). The Europeans and Pilgrims and Founding Fathers all knew whites are the Israel people. If you don't believe me you should go read their old writings and sermons. They knew America was the Zion of Bible prophecy and they called it "Joseph's Land" because they knew it belongs to Joseph and his son Manasseh who was to have one GREAT nation and his tribal symbols are= A FRUITFUL BRANCH AND 13 ARROWS!!!! That's right people, the US Great Seal is 100% Israelite symbolism mainly related to Joseph's vision where each family member(tribe) was represented by a star(13 Tribes of Israel(Joseph has 2)=13 stars. Around the 13 stars is a circular cloud which is the cloud the Israelites foloowed during the Exodus and the eagle represents God when He told Israel that He would carry them with outstretched eagles' wings. WHAT is the eagle carrying in it's talons? An olive branch with 13 olives=ISRAEL's SYMBOL!!!! The Eagle(GOD) is carry ISRAEL!!!! And it has been right under our noses on on one dollar bills for all to see this whole time!!!! And now you know why in the world that there's an ancient Egyptian pyramid on an American dollar bill!!! WAKE UP AMERICA ZION!!!!!!! REPENT and God will save us from the destruction that is overtaking our nations in the west!!!!!!
@Dsavio-iv7ev Ай бұрын
For my non-catholic brothers and sisters let me carify if it convinces them. The holy Trinity he Fathe, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is our God Supreme and we are unworthy before Him even in the state of our highest spiritual purity. Yet with humility we pray the Our father taught by Jesus and make our own prayers to God through Jesus in unity of the Holy spirit. This humility pleases God who is adored and praised by his angels and saints. Now who are the saints. They are not dead persons. The they are resurrected in Christ and are as St. Paul says are heirs of God in his Glory given by Jesus. As taught by Jesus in one parable the rich man in hell pleaded with Abraham to let Lazarus to pour a drop of water. Abraham is Living being with God. It implies that he has the approval of God to help. It helps us understand that saints can intercede and God listens both our prayer made in humity showing our unworthiness before him which pleases him as his children and the prayers of the saints which fortify them. So the church is universal consisting of church on earth with the living beings, those in the purgatory undergoing purification till the ladt talent is paid, and those resurrected in Christ and are living with God as saints. Our prayers for intercession to saints thus magnifies God's glory. Catholics make mostly make direct prayers.
@danbez7066 Ай бұрын
if a person has died in the body and is either in heaven or hell, what can your prayers do to help them? Christ alone is our intercessor and doorway to the Father
@danielmorais8745 Ай бұрын
Católicism is heretic and demonic..if you don t have the divine of Word. .you have zero ...the Word of God is everything..the Word of God is the revelation of God..and our salvation from hell..and the church is the body of Crist not the satanic catolic church
@mikeoz4803 Ай бұрын
It was proven categorically by Professor Walter Veith that the Catholic denomination is a paganistic satan worshipping cult run by the Jesuits & their 'Black Pope'. -
@derekneedham4187 Ай бұрын
It was still small voice and the search for Christ that led me to the Catholic Church one night very midnight Mass I felt him next to me like I've never felt before now I'm going to catechism I was raised Protestant but I was lied to so I'm coming home to his original church pray for me please
@dynamic9016 Ай бұрын
Really appreciate this video. 🙏
@Dirty-D Ай бұрын
This is crazy. we are not Jesus we cannot do what he does. Saints are not omnipresent ,How could they possibly hear everybody’s prayers and have the ability to address them? Catholics have so much implication. SMH
@Isaiah41.13 17 күн бұрын
100% correct! Spot on!
@MrMac6375 2 ай бұрын
Not being separated from the love of Christ is NOT proof that we are to pray to saints. Also, Paul not verbally excluding a group doesn't mean that they're included. If I am talking to family members and I ask them to go relay my message to the family, I am expecting them to relay it to those who they can actually speak to. With prayer, there is NONE that needs to be prayed to except Christ.