This clip is one of my favorites! Can anyone tell me what year thus was performed and who the DM was? Great musicianship as always and the dance team was SUPERB! MUCH LOVE FROM BAKERSFIEKD CA, USA!
Que genio el profesor Tanaka!!!!!!. Que presentacion que respeto que habia en Japon entonces por el trabajo bien hecho. Era un faro del mundo. Hoy desgraciadamente han entrado ya otras ideologias y los niños se parecen al resto del mundo. Poco esfuerzo y mucho TikTok
I just watched this again and noticed @8:44/8:45 someone lost a shoe, it flew off the stage. if you look towards the center/front of the stage, where the the girl playing saxophone with glasses is, you'll see the shoe flying off. I seen this happen in several videos where they play Sing Sing Sing. Observation.
🦂Dopo tanto tempo, oggi 04/03/2024 ho rivisto questo fantastico filmato del 2014. Ho letto tutti i commenti tradotti nella mia lingua (Italiano) e devo anche io confermare che questo è stato uno spettacolo straordinario, unico e ritengo fortunato il pubblico della città di Anan che ha potuto assistere a questa prestazione delle Orange. Fantastica !!!. Queste meravigliose ragazze arrivano sino al cuore, tutte coordinate mentre suonano e ballano. Se ascoltate il suono senza vedere le immagini utilizzando un impianto professionale stereofonico vi renderete conto che questa è vera musica suonata da veri professionisti. Brava D.M. Fujiwara, brava Nanaho Shima, brave tutte....avete fatto una cosa eccezionale, irripetibile. Dopo che ha lasciato il Prof. Tanaka non si sono più visti spettacoli così belli.
All of their performances are so so so beautiful, from day one when I first saw them in the Rose parade in 2018. They don’t fail to pull a heart string in me when ever I see them or hear them. Japan you are so very lucky to have them representing you all over the World. And so very professional, highly treasured in many peoples hearts all around the World. Keep them coming please. If I was younger and fitter I would make it my top priority to visit Kyoto and see Tachibana band for real and experience a true heart string pull. GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND JAPAN.
I have seen this performance many many times and I never tire of watching it each time. Tachibana High School Band is in a class by itself. Thank you very much for sharing this very special and most heartwarming video with us. 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏
As expected of Kyoto Tachibanas 111th generation members drill stage. It's a masterpiece beyond splendor. I think it's the pinnacle of entertainment. I think it's at a level where even if you perform and perform at Car Eggy Hall in the United States. It will be sold out. Everyone is together, no one makes a mistake and color guard teams tap dance is perfect. Even though she is a high school student, her acting is sexy and her level is unbelievable. There is no doubt that this is the best and strongest performance in the history of Kyoto Tachibana.
Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band siempre nos ha sorprendido con sus hermosas actuaciones, ahora, en 2022, han cambiado el estilo de música y de marcha, quieren ganar el oro en los concursos de bandas con música que no emociona... Tal vez habrá bandas que toquen mejor que Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band pero sólo esta banda te llega al corazón, toca cada una de tus emociones hasta el grado de hacerte reír o llorar de felicidad y eso ningún premio lo puede superar, ya han ganado lo más valioso que cualquier banda o agrupación musical puede ganar: el corazón millones de personas al rededor del mundo que les seguimos y les admiramos, por favor no cambien lo más valioso por un premio de simple oro... Sus actuaciones en el pasado, como ésta, nos han conmovido y llenado de felicidad, ¿de qué sirve tocar mejor si es música que no emociona?... Sr. Tanaka y Sr. Yokoyama, los extrañamos muchos...