@itssoinrightnow 4 күн бұрын
This video has been profoundly validating to my total experience with this game. If a friend didn’t tell me to use co-op after I took 3 months off, I never would have made it out of limgrave. And now I always leave the blue cipher item on and throw down a summon sign whenever I have the time, hoping I can help people along their own version of that journey. Thanks for putting things into perspective.
@Weird_B0nes 4 күн бұрын
I'm very glad you got something meaningful out of my ramblings!
@denniscool6224 5 күн бұрын
I bought the game myself I’ll play however the f I want 🎉
@conqueror345 6 күн бұрын
If im extremely tired with a boss, i sometimes summon a player. Immediately after the victory i just go and help a few times to give it back to others. Co-op is a blessed mechanic, dont be ashamed. Just help out someone else after!
@ausi6758 9 күн бұрын
Coop summons are fun. Spirit ashes make the experience somewhat future-proofnfor offline play
@Famitrack 9 күн бұрын
I remember defending someone who likes to summon by telling this guy that. “Elden Ring isn’t darksouls it’s an open world RPG, you wouldn’t tell someone you’re supposed to play Monster Hunter just like DMC since they’re both action RPGs from the same developer team”
@Over9000Chainz 11 күн бұрын
Not a single one of the people who shame others for summoning are actually good at these games lol
@ChristionH 11 күн бұрын
Typically I don't use summons and only use spirit ashes outside of bosses, but I use guides basically constantly and cheese the hell out of bosses with glitches or whatever else like it's nobody's business. In order to avoid feeling like a gigantic loser what I usually do is only read the enemy's name that drops [item, weapon, consumable, etc] and from there try and figure out where the guy might be. When I'm learning how to murder a boss via glitches I'll only look at the end of a guide in order to "set the scene" and get a general idea of what things should look like when I'm on the right track, from which point I'll try to recreate the glitch by brute force. With my method, I've only been able to successfully recreate Grayll's, the Night's Calvary in Caelid's, and the Nox boss' in the town of sorcery.
@bombdiggaty8795 11 күн бұрын
I think it's such a cool concept to have strangers working together in a game like this super rewarding to come back and people with a boss you struggled on too
@Weird_B0nes 11 күн бұрын
It's a super unique system that others have tried to replicate to varying success. Definitely not to be discounted.
@Shilobotomized 11 күн бұрын
38 minutes to say "yeah if you want"
@Weird_B0nes 11 күн бұрын
I’m glad the point came across clearly :)
@TrTriTrippin 11 күн бұрын
@@Weird_B0nes Less is more, Bye. /stops 20 seconds in cause he just made your entire video pointless.
@Weird_B0nes 11 күн бұрын
Attention spans are different for everyone! I like to spell out the many reasons and supporting evidence behind "yeah if you want", because that's how arguments are constructed. Maybe next time consider listening to more than 20 seconds of the video before judging it's quality. Hope this helps :)
@vvvvv6574 11 күн бұрын
elden ring to me as a new player is an art piece i don't care much to prove my own skill i want to chill and enjoy the beautiful world, enemies, bosses, armors, etc. i did beat margot first try yesterday but if i get stuck on a boss you bet your ass i'm going to search up best summon and i'm going bleed build already, i know if i wasted 1k hours of my life dying 1000's of times to learn all the attack patterns i could do whatever these elitists do.. but for what? i'm a very competitive gamer i basically only play competitive games but i don't see the part in elden ring where i have to try hard at all, if a boss is coming up i'm gonna get ready yes but it's just dying till you get a grasp of the attack patterns then getting a feel for the timing then either getting lucky or just out playing the patterns to me that's not that insane mechanically. I'm an osu player so i have a decent idea of what trying hard/perfectionism/never quitting is, i've also played semi pro in cod i understand that thing people talk about or mean when ''naked with club or no skill'' but it's not impressive it's literally just dying thousands of times..
@Weird_B0nes 11 күн бұрын
I think any approaches are totally valid, as long as you don't try to instruct others on what is "intended" or "legitimate". I've done try hard runs and super casual ones. Pros and cons to each type! But I do agree that the community attitude around the topic could be much healthier and welcoming than it is.
@kreativeillustr8s 13 күн бұрын
Very well put assessment on why you shouldn’t care of what these “purists” think about summoning/asking for help. I appreciate the fact that you put the Miyazaki quotes in there to further prove your point. It’s always so odd to me how toxic the player base can get but that’s just crowd mentality I guess anyway I enjoyed the vid and I’m really excited for the DLC to drop on Friday so see you on the other side fellow tarnished 🫡
@burdok4138 13 күн бұрын
May lord Miyazaki give us a way to actually buy these things, alongside shit like strings. I am starting to pity those demi-humans. Nice FTL soundtack btw.
@Weird_B0nes 13 күн бұрын
It’s insane how consumables and crafting materials are the most inuriating waste of time in the whole game.
@izzydarkhart4144 14 күн бұрын
I love that he criticizes him self by saying the need for guides is a fault on his part. A level of criticism most souls fans are incapable of emotionally excepting. The blind play threw is all in someones mind, i have done both and got the same experience. The CEO has always been on the side of play your way and no gate keeping.
@Weird_B0nes 14 күн бұрын
Always good to be self aware. Not sure if I'd use the term "fault" for anyone needing a guide, since it's I don't consider it a shortcoming on the player's part. But definitely agree with your overall point!
@rev3489 14 күн бұрын
T- Bagging? Have SOME honor dude
@Weird_B0nes 14 күн бұрын
No :)
@jomornes1770 14 күн бұрын
I lost a friend over this. I didn't use a guide and aimed to 100% without guides. Until a certain point, like invisible walls or bridges, I did. Exploration was phenomenal. But my friend struggled to do the same. He got super angry at very basic "are you following the questlines?" "have you met x?" "What do you mean you haven't gotten torrent yet you're in caelid" He was a anti-guide purist. He looked down on my hard won knowledge, and said that I read guides. No mother fucker, I experienced 90% of the game through exploration, you just suck and want to cry and dismiss. My point is that these people that hate guides, are the ones that would benefit the most from reading one or two.
@Weird_B0nes 14 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear your friend reacted like that over basically nothing! Sounds like he cared more about comparing himself to you rather than actually enjoying his time with the game. Sadly not uncommon...
@themagisterian644 14 күн бұрын
My take is fairly similar, I purposefully avoided elden ring content and discourse leading up to the release because I wanted to have as blind of a first playthrough as possible, but after I finished my first game I started looking up what I missed and used guides to find all the different secrets and areas as I could.
@Weird_B0nes 14 күн бұрын
I took the same approach. I'm was lucky to have free time to go back to the game see everything I completely missed or accidentally locked off.
@staysleepy4460 14 күн бұрын
Without guides I don’t think I would have found mogh
@Weird_B0nes 14 күн бұрын
I found the gateway in the Consecrated Snowfield and walked right past it because I didn't think it would lead to a whole new area. Had to go back after I read about it.
@AgentOracle 14 күн бұрын
My last run of invasions, I have just been beating people with a pickaxe, and lightning. Like, the game is fun. Enjoy it.
@BruceKarrde 15 күн бұрын
Sometimes I use a guide when I can't find an entrance or I want to check if something is missing. In Destiny 2 I had to compare one room with mine, because I assumed a critical item didn't trigger. And I was right, after restarting the game and redoing the mission, the correct item dropped and I was able to move forward. Overall, I don't use guides to tell me how to play the game, which path to follow, or what build I need because the others are "trash" (aka, they are 5% less dps than the optimal). If you're going for an achievement, then using a guide for routing and discussion is logical. Even then, you've played the game for many hours, finished it multiple times, so what are we really talking about? :) As a final note: I don't care if another person plays a game for the first time and uses a guide for the full playthrough. It's just not for me.
@Weird_B0nes 15 күн бұрын
I think that's a good attitude to have. I am of a similar mindset generally speaking. Although as a PvPer I like to understand optimal builds likely more than most. But to each their own as long as it's enjoyable.
@cdnzombiefoodgaming1774 15 күн бұрын
It's the metroid music for me🔥🔥🔥
@kazookunt694 15 күн бұрын
i love Elden ring
@andreyurhi8399 15 күн бұрын
Great vid! Imo people are too simple minded with games, elden ring is rlly complex and misterious, soo its fun to run in blind, but usualy people dont really care about story telling through cenario or items, if it isnt told to them on a cutscene or dialog they wont care, that's ok but for me at least i want people to have the same fun as me. Not that i want them to suffer throught the game, i want them to enjoy 100% of what this game has to offer, thats why it scared me how in steam only arround 40%-30% of players have the achievement from finishing the game. So i don't recomend using guides but i do recomend asking people how to get through an expecific part, or ask for a certain build or whatever. These games arent truly hard, you only need motivation to make them easy thats why i believe people just need to get more explorative and curious (Btw i say this cuz i have an 100% on this game)
@Weird_B0nes 15 күн бұрын
Fair points. I think it's reasonable to have a preference for guide or no guide approaches as long as you're not trying to hold new players to your own standards! I'm kind of similar in no telling people to use a guide, but just saying it's fine if they do. I think a large part of it is the non-traditional format/presentation of the lore and narrative in ER, which a vast majority of new players have not encountered at such a large scale before. I think we need to be understanding and accepting of that context!
@dead4games586 15 күн бұрын
great video, i like you view on the topic
@Photo-Jay 16 күн бұрын
Pretty good vid. The only thing I'll say after beating this game, is I'd advise everyone who's nearing the end of the game, or feels like they're at the end, to think about the characters they interacted with and see if they're tied to any quest-lines (this game is so nonsensically cryptic, you don't even know when a quest is done or when it's even active, partly because of poor design, and partly because of unfinished content). I'd say personally, due to many fun rewards being tied to quest conclusions, that everyone explicitly go and read up on how to do every quest line possible if they find the rewards in this game satisfying. Sooner rather than later. It's actually worth spoiling some parts of where you'll travel just to know if you're done with a questline or not. Ideally, a spoiler-free guide (a friend) that tells you where you might need to go, or if you can even progress the quest line at the time. But even without someone keeping it mostly spoiler-free, I'd say the downside of potentially locking-away certain questlines and rewards until another playthough is simply worth addressing by having some parts spoiled of where to go for instance. Everything else I'd say people should try and do blind, and only when they're on the brink of shutting off the game in frustration, seek a guide perhaps. But the quests in a game like this, I'd say (especially with the poor storytelling in general, since all you do is hear an NPC talk a bit, and then just teleport to the next quest-segment), it's worth spoiling things to avoid making a mistake a locking yourself out until the next playthrough. The way quests are handled aren't satisfying at all from a gameplay perspective, and only interesting from a story perspective for characters you might care for.
@Weird_B0nes 15 күн бұрын
Totally agreed on the late-game soft/hard locking that can happen without you realizing it. Happened to me!
@lmtsh 16 күн бұрын
🎯 Always appreciate insightful vids. Quick navi: 00:01 *🎮 The speaker introduces themselves as a hobbyist KZbinr who enjoys Souls games and video editing, focusing on Elden Ring invasions and clip compilations.* 00:41 *🗣️ There has been community discourse about using guides and co-op systems in Elden Ring, which the speaker finds frustrating.* 01:08 *📝 The speaker plans to discuss guides and co-op in two separate videos, expressing their thoughts on these topics.* 02:01 *🎮 The speaker believes it's fine to use guides and external resources in games as long as it doesn't harm others' experiences.* 02:39 *🤔 The speaker finds the debate around guide usage in games fruitless and believes it needs to end.* 03:05 *📚 Miyazaki, the developer, acknowledges the use of guides but doesn't design games with that as a prerequisite, aiming for organic discovery.* 04:14 *🎯 Miyazaki respects players who use guides but prefers players to experience the game without them, aiming for a meaningful individual experience.* 05:12 *🤷‍♂️ The speaker notes a divide in the community, with some advocating for blind playthroughs and others appreciating the developer's stance on guide usage.* 06:18 *🤝 The speaker supports providing guidance to new players, explaining the trade-offs of using guides versus playing blind.* 07:23 *🌟 The speaker acknowledges that even with online help, players can still have a deeply rewarding experience with Elden Ring.* 08:15 *📈 Elden Ring's success has led to a larger player base, many of whom may not have the context for a 100% blind playthrough.* 09:16 *🕒 Many players expect to only complete Elden Ring once due to time constraints, influencing their approach to the game.* 10:25 *📊 The speaker discusses the impact of life circumstances on gaming engagement, especially with lengthy games like Elden Ring.* 12:13 *🎙️ The speaker criticizes community figures who indirectly push their gaming standards onto others, despite claiming otherwise.* 14:29 *🎮 Miyazaki's priority is for players to have a meaningful experience, regardless of how they engage with the game.* 16:27 *🌐 The speaker believes the Souls games' robustness comes from accommodating various player approaches and intentions.* 18:05 *🆚 The speaker shares personal experiences of unconventional playthroughs that were still enjoyable and rewarding.* 20:37 *🚫 The speaker advises against letting others dictate your gaming experience, emphasizing personal victory and meaning.* 23:35 *🎮 The speaker concludes by encouraging players to find their own way to engage with games, free from external policing.* 26:46 *🗺️ The speaker mentions the obscurity of accessing certain areas in Elden Ring, highlighting the game's complex progression.* 27:26 *🎥 The speaker thanks viewers and looks forward to a more concise discussion on co-op invasions in the next video.*
@OmniNKay 3 ай бұрын
incredible 😂 though I wish there was some way to get the 23 minute anime episode version of this fight with slow motion, interstitial dialogue, and lots of build up.
@Weird_B0nes 3 ай бұрын
lol each rung of the ladder having a flashback to my training and how my mentor tragically died on a ladder
@Friendofafriend0 3 ай бұрын
That was pretty entertaining. You really committed to that fucking elevator lmao what weapon were you using?
@Weird_B0nes 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! Shamshir + Sword Dance
@zawarudo8991 3 ай бұрын
Anyone missing height based plungeattacks? Member in Ds2 ya could plunge down a whole tower and while the fall damage would kill ya, anyone hit by your plunge wouldn‘t survive either = Pancakes Meanwhile in ER you do the same jump damage no matter the height and if you die of fall-damage then your attack isn‘t even registered on other players.
@ajhicks9869 3 ай бұрын
Probably would have been too op with the butt slam
@zawarudo8991 3 ай бұрын
@@ajhicks9869 high risk = high reward
@CJaygg 3 ай бұрын
hahaha gamer moment
@Jtheodorex 3 ай бұрын
Imagine getting done by an elevator twice
@MinertaurusLPs 3 ай бұрын
*two times and then die to it
@botboss9084 3 ай бұрын
👍🏼 very clean
@TeppicTheAbysswalker 6 ай бұрын
You went to great lenghts to create a most despicable character possible, an epitome to every cheap idea ever created by fromsoft communities. I congratulate you, you cut down a tree to make a toothpick, a true American thing to do.
@Weird_B0nes 6 ай бұрын
damn that’s crazy buddy
@BaloneCGP 6 ай бұрын
@@Weird_B0nes I think the build looks cool. It's interesting how adaptative it is instead of focusing only in doing one thing. Don't listen to this dude, because for sure you know how to have fun in games.
@Weird_B0nes 6 ай бұрын
@@BaloneCGP Hey thanks I appreciate it! Katar and greatbows are two of my favorite weapons so it's never boring.
@talilover5979 7 ай бұрын
yeah, and you ran up in the middle of him fighting someone else and healed plenty of times your self while spamming the same running poke move Glad I didn't bother with elden ring pvp all that much
@Weird_B0nes 7 ай бұрын
You’re so right buddy. Two heals was more than plenty on my part. Uninstalling the game now :)
@talilover5979 7 ай бұрын
@@Weird_B0nes I count 3 but good on you
@miniclank4842 7 ай бұрын
love when the music kicks harder when you reengache in combat
@nylahjustin7218 Жыл бұрын
😄 *PromoSM*