Masterclass: Sustentabilidade Humana
AI Showcase: Edição 2024
Roundtable: Wealth Management
@kairamh Күн бұрын
Que tocante, Miguel. Viva Dona Lígia!
@kairamh Күн бұрын
Cortaram o raciocínio aos 24:47? Só porque estava criticando os pseudoneurocientistas? Falha técnica? Censura?
@vinikrausz 2 күн бұрын
Mas por que os brainets querem isso?
@edianagosendo3130 2 күн бұрын
Ela não tinha sotaque . Ela mesma disse que tinha a língua presa e parecia sotaque
@47Gi 2 күн бұрын
O exemplo da nota de 20 dólares, fica clara a participação da linguagem nisso. Está em trabalhos de Linguistas
@caiokenji2979 3 күн бұрын
Demais essa conversa e as trocas de ideias, tudo muito esclarecedor, o professor Nicolelis é um grande homem! Muito inspirador mesmo! Meus agradecimentos a todos os envolvidos neste encontro, o papo todo foi muito interessante.
@rosangelacarvalho-lerparac2632 4 күн бұрын
Maravilhoso, sensível, multidisciplinar e inspirador!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@juarezsouzadossantos4682 4 күн бұрын
@celypassoss4362 5 күн бұрын
Tem Dr Nicolelis, eu me inscrevo. É o mínimo que posso fazer para agradecer o acesso a toda essa conversa.
@laerciolealluz5224 8 күн бұрын
Obrigado ⭐️💫⚡️🐺🪽👇🔆☝️
@ubirajarasantana5331 11 күн бұрын
Miguel Angelo Laporta Nicolelis (São Paulo, March 7, 1961) is a Brazilian physician and scientist, considered one of the twenty greatest scientists in his field at the beginning of the last decade by the magazine Scientific American. He was considered by Época Magazine to be one of the 100 most influential Brazilians of 2009. Nicolelis was the first scientist to receive two awards from the US National Institutes of Health in the same year and the first Brazilian to have an article published on the cover of Science magazine. He leads a group of researchers in the area of ​​Neuroscience at Duke University[6] (Durham, United States), in the field of organ and system physiology. His goal is to integrate the human brain with machines (neuroprostheses or brain-machine interfaces). His research develops neural prostheses for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from body paralysis. Nicolelis and his team were responsible for the discovery of a system that enables the creation of robotic arms controlled by brain signals. This work has had a controversial reception in academic and scientific circles; it is considered by the magazine: MIT Technology Review as one of the technological failures of 2014. The Verge, a North American online news network, a reference in science, technology, art and culture, awarded five times by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, describes it as one of the scientific highlights of 2014, with Miguel Nicolelis portrayed as one of the 50 world personalities of the year. Nicolelis is an atheist and also critical of religions. Of Greek and Italian descent, he is the son of the writer Giselda Laporta Nicolelis and Ângelo Brasil Nicolelis, a career judge. He married the doctor Laura Oliveira, now his ex-wife, and with her he had 3 children, Pedro Nicolelis, Rafael Nicolelis and Daniel Nicolelis. Nicolelis is a child of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985), as he calls himself, and his inspiration for studying medicine, influenced by Waldemar, Dema's uncle, was to give free rein to the defiant instincts against authorities and conventions, characteristic of youth. In 1989, Nicolelis left Brazil to dedicate himself to academic research in the United States. He holds a degree in Medicine from the University of São Paulo (1984), a PhD in Sciences (General Physiology) from the University of São Paulo (1989) and a post-doctorate in Physiology and Biophysics from Hahnemann University. He is a Full Professor of Neurobiology and Biomedical Engineering and co-director of the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University, where he received the title of Professor Emeritus in July 2012, after having taught at this university for 27 years. In 1993, he published his first work in Nature and PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), showing forty cells recorded simultaneously. He then published in Science the sample of an entire circuit being recorded in an awake rat, using vibrations to touch objects, the genesis of one of the physiology of neural populations. His theory is based on the description of physiological principles to explain how circuits operate. The functional unit of the brain is not the neuron, but the minimum group of neuronal cells that sustain a behavior, and that are distributed in several interconnected structures. Thus, he argues that brain cells have connectivity, and thus “the unit is a group” of cells. Founder of the Alberto Santos Dumont Association for Research Support (AASDAP) and the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), proposing the use of science as an agent of social and economic transformation. He is a researcher at the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience (IIN-ELS) and coordinator of the Walk Again Project, developed at AASDAP in São Paulo. Nicolelis also conceived and leads the project at the International Institute of Neuroscience in Natal (IINN), in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. In one of his lines of research, Nicolelis aims to characterize the transmission of information between two animals located in different locations, work that has been developed in the laboratories of Duke University. In mid-2013, Nicolelis, in an interview with the news portal UOL, detailed the perspectives regarding the Walk Again project: "We want to do this on the opening day of the World Cup to show the world that Brazil is also a country of science and technology", he added. "We are working so that everything is ready and so that a person with a disability can stand up, walk to the center of the field and kick off the tournament." On June 12, 2014, Nicolelis and his team performed a public demonstration of the brain-controlled exoskeleton of a paraplegic patient at the opening ceremony of the World Cup held in Brazil, putting Brazilian science in the spotlight worldwide. Enviar feedback
@ubirajarasantana5331 11 күн бұрын
Brain Campus and TCU Investigation In late 2014, following a complaint filed by Sidarta Ribeiro himself, the IINN became the target of an investigation by the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU). In mid-2015, the TCU concluded its investigation, expressing great concern about the future of the project and the institutional confusion that had been created: “It is clear that the situation could become much worse, and if the subprojects planned for the construction of the Brain Campus are not completed at an accelerated pace, the entire structure could be abandoned and the assets could be lost,” says the agency’s report. In its report, the TCU also states that “this perception is corroborated by the difficulties inherent in monitoring a remote and difficult-to-access area in the Macaíba area, with dense forest all around (the buildings and access roads are the only clearings in the middle of the forest), leaving the building structures subject to vandalism and dilapidation by humans or to natural depreciation, with significant damage to the public treasury and serious potential to become a 'white elephant.'” The irregularities pointed out by the TCU are numerous: "Among the most important findings are the insufficiently detailed or imprecise object clause in the Management Contract; absence of a legal instrument for the use of public real estate (land); intellectual property clause that violates public principles in the CG; overlapping of legal terms related to the Brain Campus; weaknesses in the MEC's ​​justification for choosing the OS; unjustified disregard for recommendations from a prior legal opinion to the CG; and budget presented to the CG without prior technical study. In conclusive terms, there is a situation of a set of serious irregularities and failures that must be corrected with due urgency, since they have the potential to exacerbate an environment of legal uncertainty to the point of making it admissible to annul the Management Contract itself, with potential risks to the control and supervision of federal public resources, given the miscellany of roles between the private entities involved in conducting the process, Aasdap (Oscip) and ISD (OS), both chaired by Dr. Miguel Nicolelis." In addition to IINN, UFRN was also mentioned in the report, with its Rector being suspected of "negligence", which would result in a severe burden on public assets. Following the complaints and investigation by the TCU, the inauguration of the Brain Campus was postponed again, being scheduled for the end of 2016, increasing the distrust of its viability within what was promised by Nicolelis. According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), only in In 2014, the IINN received almost R$30 million in financial support. According to an article published in Folha de S.Paulo, in September 2016, the project was at a standstill and there was no forecast of a return, even though it had already received around R$57 million, due to the multiple problems identified by the TCU, especially regarding the lack of transparency in the project design and the lack of technical rigor in the budget.
@ubirajarasantana5331 11 күн бұрын
By Ubirajara Bittencourt Santana ((*) Published 09/12/2011 14:00 On December 10, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Sylvia (Brazilian) of Sweden will award the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize the sum of US $ 1.5 million dollars for each of the six categories: MEDICINE, Bruce Beutler (USA), Ralph Steinman (Canada), Jules Hoffmann (Luxembourg), for the discovery of dendritic cells, for the discovery related to the activation of innate immunity. PHYSICS: Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt, Adam Riess (all North Americans), jointly discovered through the observation of distant supernovae that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. CHEMISTRY: Dan Schechtman (Israeli), for the discovery of "quasi-crystals". LITERATURE: Tomas Tranströmer (Swedish), for his body of work and because through his condensed and translucent images, he provides access to reality. PEACE: Three women from the African continent were awarded prizes: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Liberia), Lexmach Growee (Liberia), Tawakkul Karman (Yemen), for their peaceful struggle in defense of women's security and human rights in the full participation of peacebuilding. ECONOMICS: Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims (both Americans), for their empirical research and effect on macroeconomics, that is: for having developed methods to answer questions about the causal relationship between economic policy and different macroeconomic variables, with gross domestic product (GDP), employment, inflation and investments. It is regrettable that in these one hundred and ten years of the Nobel Prize's existence, Brazil has still not won its own Nobel Prize. It is important to emphasize the importance of the Nobel Prize, not only because of its significant monetary value, but above all as a "thermometer" that indicates the quality of science, literature, and the struggle for peace in the world that each people carries out. The allocation of the Nobel Prizes shows that the vast majority of researchers who have won the Nobel Prize in the areas of physics, chemistry, and medicine are representatives of developed countries. The prizes established for the field of literature and the symbolism of peace are historically intended for sensitive men from poor countries, perhaps highlighting the symbolism of the division of the world between those who maintain the material progress of civilization and those who maintain the playful spirit of men. Looking back to 1901, the year in which the first Nobel Prize was awarded, it was marked by great achievements in the scientific world. In Brazil, the Butantan Institute was created on the initiative of physician Emílio Marcondes Ribas, where the first series of anti-plague serums and vaccines and the first series of anti-venom serum began to be produced. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Russian Piotr Liében experimentally tested the pressure of light; the Englishman John Ambrose Fleming and the Italian Guglielmo Marconi carried out the first radio transmission between England and Canada; the Japanese Jokichi Takamine isolated epinephrine, also called adrenaline; the mercury lamp was invented in the United States; the first edition of the Nobel Prize, "the highest prize in literature, science and peace", was awarded in Sweden on December 10, 1901. The first prize in Physics went to the German Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, for the discovery of X-rays in 1895 (two years later they were already used here in Brazil, and curiously, in Bahia in 1897); the Chemistry prize went to the Dutchman Jacobus Henricus Van'tHoff, for the discovery of the laws of dynamics and osmotic pressure; the Medicine or Physiology prize went to the German bacteriologist Emil Von Behring, for the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin in 1890; the Literature prize went to the French poet Renè François Armand Sully-Prudhomme for his body of work, especially his two books of poems, "The Experiences of 1866 and the Solitudes of 1869"; The Peace Prize went to two social reformers: Jean Henri Dunant (Swiss) for founding the International Red Cross in 1863 (which is still present in world conflicts and natural disasters), for creating the Geneva Convention (which is still very important in international conflicts today, protecting humanitarian law), and also to the Frenchman Frèdèric Passy for founding a Society for Peace in France. The Economics Prize was not awarded, because it was only established 68 years later in 1969. The Nobel Prize was created in response to a wish expressed by Alfred in his will. He specified the fields of activity he wanted to include - Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. 4.360 / 5.000 The Nobel Prize was created in response to a wish expressed by Alfred in his will. He specified the fields of activity he wanted to include - physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. The prize consists of a gold medal, a diploma and a variable sum of money, which this year will be US$1.5 million for each category. The winners are selected by the Royal Academy of Sciences (physics, chemistry, economics), the Carolingian Institute (medicine or physiology), the Swedish Academy of Letters (literature) and a committee chosen by the Norwegian parliament (Storting) for the Peace Prize. The prize can be divided among up to three winners. Among the most curious facts in the history of the Nobel Prize, at the ceremony for the awarding of the medicine prize in 1952, a little girl, held by the hand of her father, offered Selman Walkman five red carnations. It was a thank you for the five years the girl had lived since she had been saved by streptomycin, the first effective antibiotic against tuberculosis. Over the past one hundred and ten years, the Nobel Prize has accompanied the major achievements of science and technology and encouraged peace among men. A quick look at the list of prize-winning works in medicine and physiology shows us the emergence of new miracle drugs, such as insulin (1923), sulfa drugs (1939), penicillin (1945), cortisone (1950) and also the development of revolutionary techniques, from the first significant advances in "vascular suture" and surgical organ transplants (1912), to the emergence of electrocardiograms (1924) and the latest advances in computerized tomography (1979). There is also no shortage of milestones in fundamental research, such as the determination of the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which transmits the fundamental information of living beings (1962) - allowing genetic mapping to be carried out in 2003. In chemistry, history repeats itself, from the discovery of helium and rare gases in 1904 to the latest research that allows the observation and understanding of chemical reactions, in their molecular essence. In physics, in addition to the revolutionary discovery of X-rays, awards were also given to: color photography (1908), quantum theory (1918), the transistor (1956), laser technology (1975), holography (1971), superconductivity (1972 and 1987). During these one hundred and ten years there have been some rare notable forgettings, such as the Russian Dmitri Mendeleev, for the periodic table of elements; the South African surgeon Christian Barnard, for the first heart transplant; Polish physician and microbiologist Albert Sabin, creator of the oral polio vaccine; American biologist Gregory Pincus, creator of the contraceptive pill; American physician and biochemist Oswald Avery, who demonstrated that DNA is the molecule that carries genetic information; Austrian Lise Meitner, discoverer of nuclear fission; Austro-Hungarian Julius Lilienfeld, creator of the transistor; American astrophysicist Edwin Powell Hubble, who discovered that the so-called (until then) nebulae were in fact galaxies outside the Milky Way; Ukrainian physicist George Gamow, who explained the quantum physics of radioactivity, postulated the modern version of the BIG BANG, proposed that stars shine through thermonuclear reactions and discovered the concept of genetic code (a human genius); Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, with his famous book War and Peace; Indian pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, who personalized peace in its broadest conception. The Nobel Prize lost the chance to recognize him and became lesser. Leaving the exceptions aside, we have not won a Nobel Prize in science because we have never deserved it. And why have we never deserved it? Is it because Brazil has never had the economic capacity to invest massively in research, like the countries of Europe and the United States? Or was there a lack of political wisdom, like that demonstrated by the Indians and Koreans, who, despite all their difficulties, have traditionally invested in research. Another explanation for the lack of a Brazilian on the long list of Nobel Prize winners, however, is the still small number of scientists in the country. The greater the number of people developing the same activity collectively, the greater the chance of a genius emerging. It is no coincidence that Pelé was born in Brazil. (*) Independent researcher Source: Jornal da Ciência Tags
@francislousada3. 11 күн бұрын
Sempre digo, esse mestre merece um Nobel pelo conjunto da obra.
@SandraMiano 12 күн бұрын
Que bonito. Professor Nicolelis emocionado, falando da família.
@claudiaqueiros6943 12 күн бұрын
Ao querido neurocientista Miguel Nicolelis, minha eterna gratidão por sua dedicação ao Consórcio Nordeste, durante a pandemia ("que não acabou"). Você nos trouxe conforto, a bússola da esperança. Bem, a terra firme os nossos políticos nem sempre tinham interesse em alcançar, por isso "batiam na mesa"! Sua humanidade e amorosidade estão presentes na relação afetiva com o nosso país, com a ciência, com "as padarias" e com as crianças da periferia de Macaíba. Ah, dona Lígia, seu neto está estimulando jovens periféricos a voar. Essa brainnet ocorre antes mesmo deles nascerem, dá-se no pré-natal! Parabéns, Adriana Salles e Lara Silbiger, pela condução da entrevista de maneira tão fluida.
@rosebel1882 13 күн бұрын
@Miguel Nicolelis é um pesquisador e ser humano ú deleite ouvir suas histórias e abordagens humanistas
@AlineMota-w9s 13 күн бұрын
Oi pessoal, a aula e otima! Apenas um feedback, vcs esqueceram de cortar o comeco da sessao, que vcs optaram por reiniciar a gravacao. =)
@lucianofbezerrra4680 14 күн бұрын
Show que Aula ❤❤❤
@fabiobertotti8362 15 күн бұрын
Espero que o Professor Nicolelis consiga disseminar pelo mundo esse tratamento com as BCIS essa empresa.
@user-ir7qm8ep6w 17 күн бұрын
Não confundam, caras apresentadoras, multidisciplinaridade com cultura geral.
@VivianeRecycleEarth 17 күн бұрын
Uaaaau! É uma honra ouvir sobre os vôos do Dr Nicolelis! Parabéns! Sucesso no novo empreendimento do centro neurotech mundial! Saúde e Luz, Eternos!
@mariadelourdestome4667 17 күн бұрын
Já fui no Google e encontrei referências do Byung-Chul Han, citado por Nicolelis. Depois do livro Nada Mais Será Como Antes, o próximo livro do Nicolelis poderia ser: Nem Tudo Esta Perdido! rsrs
@concurseirodomba7059 17 күн бұрын
Não é preconceito, mas uma constatação. Outro nível de entrevista com entrevistadoras mulheres. A " anima" fala à alma.😅🎉🎉🎉🎉
@HelenaMortimer 17 күн бұрын
Espetacular essa entrevista! Uma das melhores que já vi de Nicolelis👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@SusieSunFB 17 күн бұрын
É sempre um enorme prazer poder ouvir o professor Nicolelis, já estou na metade de seu último livro, "Nada mais será como antes", que continuo lendo com muito entusiasmo e prazer!
@fragmentospodcast 17 күн бұрын
@fragmentospodcast 17 күн бұрын
Ele tem certeza que e deus
@rogeriobbrsp 17 күн бұрын
Muito bom, excelente 👏👏👏
@velhologan1 17 күн бұрын
E palmeirense!
@antonioteixeiradossantos1844 17 күн бұрын
Bonita a história de você com a sua avó, gostei muito.
@rodrigoplacido9614 17 күн бұрын
A relação entre Biologia e Economia está em sentido oposto. Na verdade, a Economia que influenciou a Biologia. "Tal como a natureza, regida pelas leis da seleção natural, a sociedade seria uma disputa de todos contra todos. A semelhança da teoria de Malthus com a de Darwin é tanta que o próprio Darwin dizque a seleção natural não é nada mais do que uma extensão da teoria de Malthus ao mundo natural (1859, p. 63): “À medida que são produzidos mais indivíduos do que aqueles que podem sobreviver, deve haver em todos os casos uma luta pela existência, seja de um indivíduo com outro da mesma espécie, ou com os indivíduos de espécies distintas, ou com as condições físicas de vida. É a doutrina de Malthus aplicada com múltiplas forças a todos os reinos animal e vegetal.”" Fora isso, muito boa a entrevista!
@joaocosta5131 18 күн бұрын
Que bom poder ouvir o professor Miguel falar livremente sem ser interrompido. Parabéns por convidá-lo e parabéns pela competência na condução da entrevista!!
@arqueaudiovisual 18 күн бұрын
é ótimo, como pode seria as mesmas indicações que eu daria de filme no fim. Estranhamente pretos estão alinhados mesmo que a distância em gostos e saberes.
@jovepyauth 18 күн бұрын
por mais conteúdos com significância nas redes sociais. Esses vídeos tem um valor imensurável
@gutrevisan 18 күн бұрын
Que entrevista maravilhosa!
@celsomartinezrodrigues2042 18 күн бұрын
Não importa o tempo que dure a palestra e o número de palestras que eu assista deste sábio, eu acompanho até o fim e sempre aprendo coisas novas e surpreendentes. Ele é extraordinario.
18 күн бұрын
Grande cientista e grande ser humano
@taniarodrigues2619 18 күн бұрын
Essa teoria de brain nets não seria a teoria descrita no livro do Harari? Ißo ele descreve no livro Homosapiens
@DuqueEstrada1 18 күн бұрын
E quando o livro do harari foi publicado? rs. O professor Miguel Nicolelis é a fonte, não o plagiador :)
@BettyMarsunshine 19 күн бұрын
Ficaria + 4 horas ouvindo o Dr. NICOLELIS . É um deleite!❤ O meu sonho é conhecê-lo pessoalmente. ❤
@finaestampas5872 19 күн бұрын
Adoro este cara...$uce$$o
@zaira4portela 19 күн бұрын
❤🎉😮nosso Nobel Brasil ❤. Gênio do Brasil ❤e do mundo. Ai que alívio politica publica de ciência 🧬resgatada
@MariaTerezaAmaralAmaral 19 күн бұрын
Grande ser!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@BettyMarsunshine 19 күн бұрын
Dr. Nicolelis é nosso!! É do Brasiiilll!☺😁😘
@mraviclazarevic2415 20 күн бұрын
Muito inspirador!!!!!! Por mais videos assim!!!
@marciam7516 20 күн бұрын
Parabéns pela entrevista.
@marciam7516 20 күн бұрын
Quando haverá entrevista com a Dra Mayana Zartz? Imagino, um debate com o dr Nicolelis e a Dra Mayana
@marciam7516 20 күн бұрын
Professor Nicolelis exemplo de vivência e ética. Só tem trazido benefícios à humanidade.
@pydoisdxx 16 күн бұрын
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@pydoisdxx 16 күн бұрын
@juscimaraable 28 күн бұрын
Que conversa incrível!
@lucianofbezerrra4680 Ай бұрын